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Can the UAE emerge as a leading global defense supplier?

When I think of UAE i think of this.

29 Dec 2020 — Since the Israel-United Arab Emirates peace deal was announced, it has scrambled to accommodate a rush of Jewish visitors.

Relax. You gulfi Arabs treat non-Arabs and non-White people worst than animals and have opinions regarding us that would make Adolf Hitler blush. You know it's true so please don't take the moral high-ground.
Not true..Arabs including most Gulfies are among the most humble people on earth.. maybe it is all in your brain.. inferiority complex, hatred, ignorance and so on.. Just get rid of that..and you will see the truth clearly..
UAE is also running defense projects with USSR and i don't think UAE shall abandon USA for that, however i see no US co-operation under Biden /Kamla administration.

Dear Brother, one thing is for sure, if there would be any anti-Muslim interest for western and American lords. the US or the West can use the UAE in any way. And you believe me , these Arabs are the best guardians of American and European interests.
It is not only against Drones but an entire magnetic shield wall against pretty much everything it can down even a commercial plane if it cross the magnetic shield. That is the definition of ground breaking technology. It is only something we see in star wars or cinematic sci-fi movies. UAE truly deserves repsect in the tech industry world and someone to be reckoned with

Thanks for informing us on this
Stop licking UAE boots. That is all I am going to say to you. Pakistan matters more than allegiance to Arabs.

sending millions of fighters to Syria /Iraq, smuggling Iranian oil in and sending busses full of $ across Taftan, foreign borrowing, recent offer of Imran Khan to modi on making Kashmir independent state etc. are hurting Pakistan more than any thing, so who on this forum is talking about any of those topic??

Again, All the best to UAE in their projects.
@The SC

As much as I would like UAE and entire Muslim world to develop scientifically together, it is not that easy and possible. Especially when we are all at each other's throat and wasting energy and resources against each other.

I would love to see Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Turkeye, Pakistan and entire Middle East coming together and opening borders like European union. Developing together scientifically and militarily. But at current times, is that possible?
sending millions of fighters to Iran, smuggling Iranian oil in and sending busses full of $ across Taftan, foreign borrowing, recent offer of Imran Khan to modi on making Kashmir independent state etc. are hurting Pakistan more than any thing, so who on this forum is talking about any of those topic??

Again, All the best to UAE in their projects.

LOL did Sheikh Khalifa inform you about these mythical facts?

Very bad combination. Noora and UAE. I have seen this combination before somewhere. Usually when the two are combined bad things happen to Pakistan.
Dear Brother, one thing is for sure, if there would be any anti-Muslim interest for western and American lords. the US or the West can use the UAE in any way. And you believe me , these Arabs are the best guardians of American and European interests.

Don't say that too loud. He will attack you.
Dear Brother, one thing is for sure, if there would be any anti-Muslim interest for western and American lords. the US or the West can use the UAE in any way. And you believe me , these Arabs are the best guardians of American and European interests.

I heard that a lot on this forum and on Pakistan's social media lead by ruling clergy, but please educate me with details. simply accusations is not enough... but open a separate thread, inserting off topic remarks here would be difficult to follow.
I heard that a lot on this forum and on Pakistan's social media lead by ruling clergy, but please educate me with details. simply accusations is not enough... but open a separate thread, inserting off topic remarks here would be difficult to follow.

Aren't you accusing Imran Khan, PTI and Iran all day long?
Here is real attack, let's see who is more convincing... now DO NOT run away.

You think I will deny any of it? Perhaps it is true. Perhaps it is not.

Now you answer this:

Aren't you accusing Imran Khan, PTI and Iran all day long?

Does this mean you will accuse me on this thread, and abuse me and get personal... all day long !!
You think I will deny any of it? Perhaps it is true. Perhaps it is not.

Now you answer this:

as well, ask Imran Khan to explain release of ABhinadan and this ...

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UAE is good at repackaging and re-export. If they can relabel one countries weapons and label it with their own and sell it to a third country, then they have a business model.

Israeli weapons to Muslim countries
Chinese weapons to western nations
Russian weapons to the Americans
American weapons to the Russians or the Chinese

This is where they can have a niche in the arms market.

The other route is to become a niche supplier of key technologies its heavy investment buying defaulting companies and moving production to the UAE. Tank armor, sonar systems, air defense missiles, unmanned systems, secure high bandwidth satellite communications
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