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Can the PLA Navy Make the Indian Ocean Chinese?

Effortlessly. All they need to do is pull the rabbit from their hat. and TaDaaa!!
The Indian Ocean doesn't belong to the India so I'm not sure what is the big concern is. As far as conflict, we don't anticipated any and we have been very careful not to violate their territorial water like you do. We also never intimidated the Indian like you do.
Then by all means China should have a dominant presence in the Indian Ocean. I urge China to do so.
If the SSBN 096 and Wu14 program are done, the question of dominant over Indian Ocean over IAF should not be a question to debate.

Source: Can the PLA Navy Make the Indian Ocean Chinese? | Page 4
lol, please stop masturbating to China superpower ****. Name the country which leases SSNs, that too Akulas.
The Indians maybe spending less, but they are getting the proper equipment, enough to make America think twice let alone the PLA.
Too bad the Russians don't trust CCP or America, if that were the case, PLA would have some hardcore equipment to boast and training. Right now they are behind or equal to India as a PLA colonial admitted during his trip to Indian barracks.
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