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Can’t I be both an Indian and a Muslim?

Well the author states that she was wearing a Burqa so it is very well possible that she was from one of the most backward deobandi/tableeghi types muslim groups as these are the only one's who are sticking with burqa in modern India and are despised by many.

That's wrong, I know some Deobandi who's women never wore Burqa.
5000-7500 years ago Pakistan was separate country with a different name(& may be religion) & bharat was a different land, history proves.

Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one..

Yours is but an opinion not grounded in reality....

But no one give right to Hindu exteremist groups to demolish(Shaheed) the Mosque & then the court also favored them.

This is the only statement I agree with in your long list of diatribes....

Whether built by a ruthless conquerer or humanitarian....History is to be preserved regardless of religion...
No hindu...extremist or otherwise has the right to destroy history...same goes for muslims...especially at the cost of others religious sensitivities...

As far as the courts decision is concerned...one has to respect those....just as we have to respect the decision of your courts to let extremists and "non-state" elements run wild in your country....
ok kid you made your point.. now go play ( with bombs ) ;)

ok.. indian... enough time out of your slump... now go play with filthh.


Senior idiot... read the title before, showing your dumbness...
OP asked a question... and i simply gave my opinion on the subject matter.... precise.. to the point.. and on topic.
ok.. indian... enough time out of your slump... now go play with filthh.

Senior idiot... read the title before, showing your dumbness...
OP asked a question... and i simply gave my opinion on the subject matter.... precise.. to the point.. and on topic.

well your opinion sucks..you troll.
This question is primarily for the Muslims to answer. Not the non-Muslims.

As to what is their primary identity, whether their religion comes before the nation or vice versa, whether they are willing to come out of the (in most cases) self imposed ghettos and merge into the mainstream etc.
This question is primarily for the Muslims to answer. Not the non-Muslims.

As to what is their primary identity, whether their religion comes before the nation or vice versa, whether they are willing to come out of the (in most cases) self imposed ghettos and merge into the mainstream etc.

This is important point.

All non muslims(almost) put their country before than religion but muslims dont(There are enough patriotic muslims who put their country like kalam etc so i m not talking about every body).

Non muslims or govt dont ask them to stay away from mainstream media or country but they self choose it.
I have been through 4-5 barbers through out my stay in india,and all of them were muslims or young guys who should be in school or colleges rather than doing this job.
so, by your logic, all the indian Muslims are ghosts and india is still the second fastest growing economy despite having 160 million ghosts around us.

mate, he thinks of indian Muslims as ghosts.

Now you are talking... I think you can't be a Muslim if you adopt Islam to suit hinduism.
Any dumb will also understand, after British takeover subcontinent they declare whole country as one, naming it as British india. It was British colonial territory & ruled by indians as the name also suggest. Pakistan gained independence from it.

Aah...now I understand why it is so clear for you & your types.
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