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Can Someone Manage to put atleast one Arab member as a Mod

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We don’t have very many Arab members here, as most don’t last very long.

When they start spouting Pakistanis are Hindus, Pakistanis smell bad, or have low IQs on a Pakistani forum, they won’t last long.

You think Indian trolls are bad? Some of these Arab and Afghan trolls are a 1000x times worse.

I would rather Iranian and Turkish members be here than open up Pandora’s gates to Arab trolls. Literally every thread will be derailed into Sunni-Shia, Iran-Arab fitna.

Worse than any Chinese-Turk threads here.

We interact with Arabs on a daily basis, as most masajid in the US are run by Arabs and most Islamic organizations have been taken over by them.

Not all are bad, but many have been corrupted by Arab supremacy and Arab nationalism.

Some very obviously have an agenda, that is the problem with most of the posters here.

Pakistanis who don’t interact with Arabs on a daily basis won’t understand. Pakistanis are naive and gullible, they don’t quite realize how much hate exists in the Arab world against us (most of it unfounded.)

Not suitable to be mods due to various reasons.

I had dozens of arab friends who were studying with me in germany that came directly from their countries like me, in fact most of my best friends have always been arabs in germany, I had friends from jordan, palestine, algeria, moroco, egypt, libiya, syria, tunisia, iraq etc. I never found anything wrong with any of them. In fact I found them very very comptabile to myself. Most of my other pakistani class mates also had arab class mates as their best international friends. On the other hand I found iranians most of the time very arrogant and incompatible to us paksitanis at least from punjab, they were mostly avoiding us and wanted to have friendship only with european white skinned people. I remember one Iranian girl in our university was rumored to have been f******* every second european origin guy in her class as if it was an achievement for her "aryan ness" :omghaha: as one of my pakistani classmate from Lahore used to joke in punjabi language "farsi aryai chudai europai".
I had few good memories with kurds and turks during part time works in factories, though once I had a little quarrel with a kurdish guy from iraq who was a kind of a** hole. But my best friends in germany have always been arabs from jordan or palestine.
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I had dozens of arab friends who were studying with me in germany that came directly from their countries like me, in fact most of my best friends have always been arabs in germany, I had friends from jordan, palestine, algeria, moroco, egypt, libiya, syria, tunisia, iraq etc. I never found anything wrong with any of them. In fact I found them very very comptabile to myself. Most of my other pakistani class mates also had arab class mates as their best international friends. On the other hand I found iranians most of the time very arrogant and incompatible to us paksitanis at least from punjab, they were mostly avoiding us and wanted to have friendship only with european white skinned people. I remember one Iranian girl in our university was rumored to have been f******* every second european origin guy in her class as if it was an achievement for her "aryan ness" :omghaha: as one of my pakistani classmate from Lahore used to joke in punjabi language "farsi aryai chudai europai".
I had few good memories with kurds and turks during part time works in factories, though once I had a little quarrel with a kurdish guy from iraq who was a kind of a** hole. But my best friends in germany have always been arabs from jordan or palestine.

Most of my friends here in the US are Arabs too. My old roommate in med school was from Yemen, and he is still one of my best friends. Childhood neighbors, best friends, and masjid friends were Syrians and Egyptians.

I grew up with Syrians, Egyptians, Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis, Sudanese, Libyans, Moroccans, Algerians, etc.

I also speak Arabic too. Practically have been adopted into Egyptian and Syrian community where I live as we have very little Pakistanis here in my locality.

So I know a lot about their internal squabbles, divisions, and their eccentricities.

Most of the Arab members here on PDF have agendas here to prove Arabs are better than Pakistanis. There are exceptions ofcourse.

Not necessarily reflective of all Arabs.

It requires a certain mindset for a non-Pakistani to join this forum, usually it is someone who has a love for Pakistan/Pakistanis or someone who has an unhealthy hateful obsession.

I fully support a mod from Arab country.

We will need a mod who can be fair to Shias and Iran/Turk members.

Arab section will have to be controlled to stop it from becoming a battleground.

I always assumed @Khafee was a Pakistani, so perhaps he would make a good mod.
Most of the Arab members here on PDF have agendas here to prove Arabs are better than Pakistanis. There are exceptions ofcourse.

Why does it matter to you whether people of other nationalities consider themselves better than pakistanis, even within pakistan every ethnicity has their own biases against other ethnicites and there are slurs for rival ethnicities. I for example don't give a damn if a french or italian considers himself better than pakistan, well it is his life he can think whatever he wants, why should it hurt me what is going on in "others" minds. I mean no one gives a damn about whether your neighbor thinks himself better than you or worse than you, we pakistanis who are born and raised in pakistan don't have fragile egos and insecurities about ourselves.

We will need a mod who can be fair to Shias and Iran/Turk members..........

Why should it matter to you as a pakistani origin person if an arab mod is not fair to an iranian or turk on this forum.

Most of the Arab .....................

It requires a certain mindset for a non-Pakistani to join this forum, usually it is someone who has a love for Pakistan/Pakistanis or someone who has an unhealthy hateful obsession.

I have been following this forum as avid reader since last 8 to 10 years, this forum has always been an international forum with members from many nationalities, that is another thing that this forum has some pakistan specific additional sub-forums. This forum has never ever projected itself as a forum exclusively for pakistanis only, if you think that it is paksitanis only forum then you are mistaken.
Why does it matter to you whether people of other nationalities consider themselves better than pakistanis, even within pakistan every ethnicity has their own biases against other ethnicites and there are slurs for rival ethnicities. I for example don't give a damn if a french or italian considers himself better than pakistan, well it is his life he can think whatever he wants, why should it hurt me what is going on in "others" minds. I mean no one gives a damn about whether your neighbor thinks himself better than you or worse than you, we pakistanis who are born and raised in pakistan don't have fragile egos and insecurities about ourselves.

It is not about holding those opinions, but trying to preach them by force down our throats which some members of other nationalities and some of their supporters do on a regular basis.

Now I don’t want to see every thread derailed into a Sunni-Shia, Arab-Persian, Turk-Chinese, Indian-Pakistani, BD-Pakistani back and forth arguments and trolling.

The time when this forum really shines is when Pakistanis are able to freely voice their opinions, without fear of offending anyone.

This forum was pure gold after Balakot strikes as almost all Indian trolls had left, but now they are slowly coming back.

Ofcourse, this is my opinion, I wouldn’t expect everyone else to agree.

This forum has never ever projected itself as a forum exclusively for pakistanis only, if you think that it is paksitanis only forum then you are mistaken.

There are plenty of places on the web for trolls to project their own insecurities against Pakistanis. Quora, Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, take your pick.

There should be a place where Pakistanis should be able to debate and exchange ideas freely on the web.

I greatly respected our moderators strict stance in rubbishing any F-16 allegations by Indians during the Balakot incident.

We should be encouraging more foreign nationals who bring something positive to discussions rather than the same single agenda trolling which has plagued this forum.

These are just my personal thoughts. You are free to agree or disagree.
It is not about holding those opinions, but trying to preach them by force down our throats which some members of other nationalities and some of their supporters do on a regular basis...............

I don't know why but you don't sound like a pakistani to me, that is just not the thought process of a pakistani.
I put you up for it.:enjoy:

I have brought this issue up multiple times, there is a clear Arab bias - Not going to happen.
No the problem i think is as @waz brought it up last year, there are little to no unbiased Arab members here. Hint: Current Mess in ME.

I think @waz @Dubious are doing a great job for ME and Africa sections. That section can get really heated and is unique in some ways. Also there are numerous Arab nations unlike one Iranian or Turkish nation. So that could complicate effort to choose a mod.
That is a problem. Mod cant choose sides and here can you name a single Arab member that wont or hasn't post 2011?

Okay let's vote for Arab mod:

1. Khafeee
2. Philip the Arab
3. Swordbreaker12
4. Camel Guy
5. The SC
6. Wilhelm
7. Falcon29


Quote my post with number for member chosen.

I voted for myself , so I'm winning as of now 1-0. :lol:
@Khafee ------1
Also i would also add @Gomig-21 to the list.
@Gomig-21 is a great candidate as well, I wonder if he is still active? Also there are more Arab members obviously but only post in the defense sections or military photo threads of their respective nations.
I think he is active. Saw him on few weeks past.
There are plenty of Nationalist who are Mods put atleast one Arab as a Mod is that so hard i bet everyone knows how that works but since so many arab hating obssesed nationalist who are sitting on the banning Button Controlling all of these forums

I support the idea in principle, but not the way you are coming about it. First and foremost you are the exact kind of person I do not want to be anywhere near a position of MOD. For the most part you spew viscous anti-turk views, time and time again.
There is no mass arab hating going on at PDF, most of the criticism here is limited to Arab Political setup and actions. If any member here indulges in open hatred against Arabs, mods take action against them. Dont think that our criticism of something Arabs are doing, means Arabs are hated. No they are not for the most part.

P.S: This rule does not apply to Indians, almost all of them are Aholes.

I have brought this issue up multiple times, there is a clear Arab bias - Not going to happen.

Again, challenging your views on a particular issue does not mean what you are implying. I have personally witnessed Arab members starting Anti-Turk or Anti-Shia threads, sorry but such behavior is unacceptable. If anyone indulges in anti-arab behavior, I am sure they are dealt in the same manner.

I think an international mod for Arab section is needed for the fair play like Turkish, Iranians, Chinese and other sections have so I totally volunteer for that :partay:

Do you know how many are Arab members and what is the criteria for making a mod in general especially the international mods for particular sections? I totally support this idea of an Arab mod for Arab section.

I second the idea of having an Arab mod, but not you being made one..:partay::partay: hahahahaha
When did you turned into an Arab??

Ahlan wa Sahlan Marhaba... ya khabibi ... anta kulo bukheelun wahid fi duniya

Yeah you remind me of my Egyptian friend who memorized an italian song and started to speak it out telling people that he was a Italian just to troll with them.

For me the most worrying thing is that many people with mysterious "expat" pakistani origins have strange kind of hatred for gulf arabs which doesn't make any sense to me at all because back home in pakistan 90% of pakistani people have no ill feeling towards gulf arabs at all. I often feel if these expat pakistanis have any connection with pakistan at all or they have just doubtful identities. I can understand some iranian having some kind of ill feeling towards gulf arabs and vice versa but where the hell pakistan comes into picture. It is a mystery that I haven't been able to solve. Some people even on this thread have an id name on third caliph of islam yet they have strange bias towards iran which is absurd because no person with names of second or third caliph of islam would have any kind of inclination towards iranian regime.

I have no clue what you are talking about, but I have no blinding love for anyone be it Arab or not.
On a personal level, I have traveled all over the globe and my worst experiences are reserved for Arab countries, they do look down on us and that is a fact. That does not mean I hate all Arabs everywhere, but it also does not mean that I dont hold a grudge.

There's no such thing as nuetral members, everyone in the forum takes up a position. As it long as bias does not influence mod behavior when sending out warning strikes /bans and the specific member is level headed that is enough for a regional mod.

Fully agree with you

Arab spring on PDF?
lets hope not, because we all know how that one ended!!

No one in the Expat Pakistani community hate Arabs its their arrogance and their bloody sectarian wars that annoys me more as for Pakistanis in Pakistan like I said most have not been abroad so they dont have certain idea about them thats why

So true.
Okay let's vote for Arab mod:

1. Khafeee
2. Philip the Arab
3. Swordbreaker12
4. Camel Guy
5. The SC
6. Wilhelm
7. Falcon29


Quote my post with number for member chosen.

I voted for myself , so I'm winning as of now 1-0. :lol:

No idea about any of them, but I am sure there are members here in a good position to comment on them.

We don’t have very many Arab members here, as most don’t last very long.

When they start spouting Pakistanis are Hindus, Pakistanis smell bad, or have low IQs on a Pakistani forum, they won’t last long.

You think Indian trolls are bad? Some of these Arab and Afghan trolls are a 1000x times worse.

I would rather Iranian and Turkish members be here than open up Pandora’s gates to Arab trolls. Literally every thread will be derailed into Sunni-Shia, Iran-Arab fitna.

Worse than any Chinese-Turk threads here.

We interact with Arabs on a daily basis, as most masajid in the US are run by Arabs and most Islamic organizations have been taken over by them.

Not all are bad, but many have been corrupted by Arab supremacy and Arab nationalism.

Some very obviously have an agenda, that is the problem with most of the posters here.

Pakistanis who don’t interact with Arabs on a daily basis won’t understand. Pakistanis are naive and gullible, they don’t quite realize how much hate exists in the Arab world against us (most of it unfounded.)

Not suitable to be mods due to various reasons.

Come to think of it, you are right. Most posts I read from Arab members do devolve into this, may be they just expect us to tow their line regardless of what they are doing.
As for Pakistanis where should I start from, we not just naive but downright fools who put our country and lives at stake for people who dont even consider us humans at times.

This does not mean I hate Arabs, I love Arabs from all parts of Arab world, I love Arabic food, I had some heck of a time with my Arab friends. But of course I am talking about Arabs living out side Arab majority countries, my experience with Arabs is mostly negative in the Arab countries I been to. But still I dont hold it against them, I just thought their Aqqal Choos had robbed them of all common sense. LOL

If we add more we have many *** kissers from Pakistan so we could see endless battles and derailing of threads if more Arabs members join but I want to see more members at the same time to gauge their perspectives on things part of the reason why I joined PDF was for that reason the Araba can be too high headed and they tend to go backward politically here in the US via garbage groups like CAIR and MPAC unlike Pakistanis hence the dislike among Woke Expat Pakistanis like myself and others inculded

That is 100% correct, we have an ample supply of these kinds of idiots. Just yesterday I was called Jew Lover because I said there is no issue in Pakistan normalizing relations with Israel. Come to think of if I did date Jewish women during Uni time, so they are not wrong there. hahaha

I don't know why but you don't sound like a pakistani to me, that is just not the thought process of a pakistani.

And just because the other person had a difference of opinion to you or does not hold the same world view as you, you quickly declare him to be not a Paksitani. How typical Pakistani of you.
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