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It did not materialize. Keep in mind that things change over time. We have flown the UAE Mirages quite a bit, but not the F-16s (aside from familiarization maybe). To have an impact, you need to have a constant stream of pilots visiting these countries and flying the type/s and then in times of war, having these aircraft available. PAF has a healthy ratio of pilots to fighters. Simply throwing more fighters at the PAF won't help. For attrition, some new aircraft would help, but the reality is that regardless of any country's help, these would be very limited. If anything, it would be token assistance as nothing beyond that can materialize in the short wars that have typically gone on between Pakistan and India.

Countries close to Pakistan would be more inclined to put pressure on both sides or on India to bring the war to a quick end instead of sending tactical help in the form of aircraft etc. They may do this as well, but it will be very limited.

I am quite aware of what has been given to Pakistan in the past, and in all honesty, it was very limited. Pakistan fought all of the past wars on her own and the only time our performance was worse than expected was when we expected outside help in the actual fight.

The way you ensure yourself of victory or bloodying the other side badly is by relying on your own capabilities. Currently, no one in the Pakistani high command believes anything of real substance or tangible would come from anywhere in times of war.

Agree & i share the same opinion but as far as this thread goes --Arabs would provide us Jets no matter just 12 of them but it still would be a help and ONLY IF we needed it !

When Arabs can let PAK pilots fly & fight for them in 1973 & 1967 wars,,, why won't they let Pak pilots use their machines,,, if needed,,,


& there's history of sharing machines among muslim countries...

30,000 Iraqi troops were also there in Arab war of 1973. i dont see anybody helping them when they were attacked.
WOW, I am simply astonished about the mentality of Pakistanis. Remember you said you are front runners in WOT, let me expand :: western Zionist WOT. But when push comes to shove, Pakistanis don't fail to remind Arab world regarding concept of Ummah to piggyback their agenda against Indians as one on one match is going to be unrealistic for Pakistanis. While at the same time, they are earning billions by aiding Muslim nation invading forces and acting like mercenaries.

Is that your argument, Pakistan is like pendulum. Swing to Ummah in case of war with India or swing to west for massacring same Muslims and earning quick bucks.
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What is use of the Islamic bomb if it can't save iraq, afghan. Pakistan was forced to join WOT with just one phone call.

It is not an Islamic bomb. Its a Pakistani bomb to cater to the Indian theat. Pakistan joined the WOT because the benefits of joining the US outweighed those of supporting the Taliban.

I should also add, the same bomb ensures that when similar calls are made by India, they are dealt with appropriately.
Wrong question, it should be like “CAN SAUDI AND UAE USE PAKISTANI PILOT IN CASE OF WAR…...?”

And the answer is very simple, yes they can……about “it is not 70s”………fellows has the word “brother” been removed/replaced from dictionaries…….no, it was in 70s and believe me it still exits………!!!!
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WOW, I am simply astonished about the mentality of Pakistanis. Remember you said you are front runners in WOT, let me expand :: western Zionist WOT. But when push comes to shove, Pakistanis don't fail to remind Arab world regarding concept of Ummah to piggyback their agenda against Indians as one on one match is going to be unrealistic for Pakistanis. While at the same time, they are earning billions by aiding Muslim nation invading forces and acting like mercenaries.

Is that your argument, Pakistan is like pendulum. Swing to Ummah in case of war with India or swing to west for massacring same Muslims and earning quick bucks.

I hope camel jockeys got enough brain in them to fall for this delusion again.

Please open a new thread to show your stupid views , do not derail this thread.
ohhhohhh poor little Indian,how sweetly u raise ur comment.
listen buddy Muslims are not like Buddhist and Hindus,they believe in one Allah n faithful to each other.no netter we all got separate countries but we r united.
n this dream of urs "SOME HOW CHINA LEAVE PAKISTAN" Inshallah not going to complete.:lol:

It's funny to see how pakistanis expect islamic brotherhood to help them
in when their national interests are threatened like in case of war.Dear danger zone,where was this brotherhood shown by pakistan when america started war on iraq,was pakistan supposed to help iraq because they are brothers and you guys are muslims and unlike hindus and buddists,bound to help each other.Where was pakistan's islamic brotherhood feeling when afghan war started?Whom did you guys side with?You joined with usa and even now begging for more money in return for that help(wasn't that betrayel as according to you,muslim countries are bound to help each other)What about upcoming iran war?Do pakistan side with muslim brothers of iran?
But lol look at this scenario,when in case of war india,pakistanis expect islamic brotherhood to help them.But when many islamic countries got attacked,pakistan didn't care a rats a$$ or even sided with the attackers...Isn't it plain hypocracy?So please stop using the religion "only when it suits your needs".It's offtopic but since you boasted of the superior unity of muslims when compared to hindus and buddhists,i must ask,Ever seen hindus or buddhists suicide bombing their own co-religionists?Ever seen hindus or buddhists bombing the religious functions of other sects within hinduism and buddhism?Ever seen hindus and buddhists indulged in this much sectarian violence as we see in pakistan for decades?Because iranians are shias,turkey and saudi will help usa to attack them.Right?You can still believe muslims are united but please for god's sake dont compare it to other religions
30,000 Iraqi troops were also there in Arab war of 1973. i dont see anybody helping them when they were attacked.

Pakistan has its own Limitations in terms of Conventional war capabilities & not to mention we are always busy on Eastern Border with one of our neibours so we cannot post a full scale support to any other country.

Though we will support a legitimate action but with in our limited powers ie sending out Pilots to Beat the Crap out of Enemies of our Friends;)
It's funny to see how pakistanis expect islamic brotherhood to help them
in when their national interests are threatened like in case of war.Dear danger zone,where was this brotherhood shown by pakistan when america started war on iraq,was pakistan supposed to help iraq because they are brothers and you guys are muslims and unlike hindus and buddists,bound to help each other.Where was pakistan's islamic brotherhood feeling when afghan war started?Whom did you guys side with?You joined with usa and even now begging for more money in return for that help(wasn't that betrayel as according to you,muslim countries are bound to help each other)What about upcoming iran war?Do pakistan side with muslim brothers of iran?
But lol look at this scenario,when in case of war india,pakistanis expect islamic brotherhood to help them.But when many islamic countries got attacked,pakistan didn't care a rats a$$ or even sided with the attackers...Isn't it plain hypocracy?So please stop using the religion "only when it suits your needs".It's offtopic but since you boasted of the superior unity of muslims when compared to hindus and buddhists,i must ask,Ever seen hindus or buddhists suicide bombing their own co-religionists?Ever seen hindus or buddhists bombing the religious functions of other sects within hinduism and buddhism?Ever seen hindus and buddhists indulged in this much sectarian violence as we see in pakistan for decades?Because iranians are shias,turkey and saudi will help usa to attack them.Right?You can still believe muslims are united but please for god's sake dont compare it to other religions

What happened in Iraq was because of Saddam Hussein whom we never were allies with neither friends as he supported India not Pakistan !

maybe you should have asked Uncle sam to stop attacking your allies !
Everything is not in our limits -we are self sufficient but not a super power.

If we Became a super power one day than we can take up a respnsibility of all Islamic Nations .
WOW, I am simply astonished about the mentality of Pakistanis. Remember you said you are front runners in WOT, let me expand :: western Zionist WOT. But when push comes to shove, Pakistanis don't fail to remind Arab world regarding concept of Ummah to piggyback their agenda against Indians as one on one match is going to be unrealistic for Pakistanis. While at the same time, they are earning billions by aiding Muslim nation invading forces and acting like mercenaries.

Is that your argument, Pakistan is like pendulum. Swing to Ummah in case of war with India or swing to west for massacring same Muslims and earning quick bucks.

Ummah is threatened by both the extremists and those who tend to exploit the resources of the Muslim countries.

What Pakistan does is no different than India. India uses her financial clout as and when it suites her needs to stop others from engaging with Pakistan. Pakistan does the same using the comity of Muslim nations.

Since you are so quick to blame Pakistan, when was the last time you Indian Muslims (although I am not even sure if you are one) condemned the invasion of a Muslim land by outsiders? As if this responsibility only rests with the Muslims of Pakistan. A wrong is a wrong, where in the hell are you and your brethren hiding???

Pakistan was always and has always been against US invasion of Afghanistan, but since the US is already there, and Pakistan does not want to see a repeat of the 90's warlord era return, we are working with the Americans.
swing to west for massacring same Muslims and earning quick bucks.

What is Pakistan's hand in the massacre of Muslims? Get your facts straight. The Afghans themselves are assisting the US in their own lands. The Northern Alliance, an entity to which India is so close to, facilitated the US take over. So please don't come here and preach to us under the garb of a Muslim name.

This game of yours is old and if you happen to be what your name represents, then own up to your responsibility and accept that you represent a bigger body of Muslims than Pakistan and BD combined, yet there is not even a peep from the likes of you to condemn what is happening against Muslims. Talk is cheap my friend! :disagree:
Ok blain2 and black blood, I was being sarcastic not racist. I apologize if anyone is hurt. Thanks

Alright, all trolling aside, answer to thread starter is YES. Pakistan CAN field UAE or other Islamic nations AF. And don't even restrict to AF, Land and sea battle groups can also come to aid of Pakistan but...

There is a time limit for how much Islamic and Arab nations are going to leverage Pakistan against India. 10 / 15 years down the road, India will become so huge militarily, economically and politically that no one would invite trouble by going against India.

That's my unbiased views.
ppl all said and done in the end we have to keep in mind that all Arab countries know that Israeli nukes are on the bay because of the presence of Pakistani nuclear program and they dont want to be seen weak even in times of peace ...also times might have changed but deep within pakistan have huge ties with military and intelligence of arab countries and pakistan is seen as a huge deterrence against enemys so will they provide their aircrafts ?yes and even then some more equipment because u dont want to see ur own protector destroyed...

ps. pakistani pilots are trained in multiple platforms and can handle any type of ac in combat...also i wont be surprised to see paf pilots on turkish f 35 when they get them cus as said by a relative of mine who is in PAF"turky have agreed to give us a tap in the entire tactics an technology of nato for training..."
Ok blain2 and black blood, I was being sarcastic not racist. I apologize if anyone is hurt. Thanks

Alright, all trolling aside, answer to thread starter is YES. Pakistan CAN field UAE or other Islamic nations AF. And don't even restrict to AF, Land and sea battle groups can also come to aid of Pakistan but...

There is a time limit for how much Islamic and Arab nations are going to leverage Pakistan against India. 10 / 15 years down the road, India will become so huge militarily, economically and politically that no one would invite trouble by going against India.

That's my unbiased views.
If India has an ongoing territorial issue with Pakistan that involves subjugation of the Kashmiris, then Islamic countries will have a problem with India. Islamic countries may also not remain so passive down the road given that economically and militarily, most of the Muslim countries in the Middle East are growing and they still hold on to valuable assets which would make them all the more important.

In 10-15 years, the world will be multi-polar again and in that sort of a scenario, you never know who will be doing what for and against anyone. The countries in the ME will gain more influence and would be able to play one country against the other to achieve their goals. Pakistan can and will certainly try to use this influence to resolve the on-going problems between us and India.

For as long as the Kashmir issue remains, India will not be able to attain her maximum potential. The same goes for Pakistan.
Ok blain2 and black blood, I was being sarcastic not racist. I apologize if anyone is hurt. Thanks

Alright, all trolling aside, answer to thread starter is YES. Pakistan CAN field UAE or other Islamic nations AF. And don't even restrict to AF, Land and sea battle groups can also come to aid of Pakistan but...

There is a time limit for how much Islamic and Arab nations are going to leverage Pakistan against India. 10 / 15 years down the road, India will become so huge militarily, economically and politically that no one would invite trouble by going against India.

That's my unbiased views.

Now thats batter:)

Imran actually you are not aware of the Nature of PAK SAUDI relations.

I have no reason not to disclose to you that they (saudis) are under our Nuclear umbrella.
We Train their pilots , we Train their Special Services units , we train their High command , We have provided UAE with Battlefield systems and Expertise.

They come and study from Cadet College hassan Abdal to National Defense University also Including Turks.

We are NOT relying on them but we do expect some help to fulfill any technological Disadvantages PAF might face in a war with India.

We have no shortage of Pilots & we can get Turkish Pilots too as Pakistan is a MNNA and is entitled to get Nato Help and training.

Chinese are aside in this thread because the Thread title suggests only Middle easten help but let me count on our Chinese Friends who Provided us F-7PG on emegency basis back in 2000 escalations.

This question is as irrelevant as we have

Ample supply of our own fighter planes to fly

First deal with our own 400-600 fighters and then worry about any other nation's planes in our Airforce

Lol this guy is just too much!! Which does the PAF have... 400 or 600 fighters?? Answer - Neither!!
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