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In the case of a war Pakistan should not have to rely on anyone but itself, Pakistan needs to be self-dependant if it is to become a sucessful state. In this day and age everyone looks after their own interest and we as Pakistani shouldn't be looking to borrow aircrafts from Arabs. Its about time Pakistani back home developed their nation so instead of borrowing them, they can purchase them through their own hard earned wealth.

Mere bhai we are talking about reinforcements IF we NEEDED !
Since you are so quick to blame Pakistan, when was the last time you Indian Muslims (although I am not even sure if you are one) condemned the invasion of a Muslim land by outsiders? As if this responsibility only rests with the Muslims of Pakistan. A wrong is a wrong, where in the hell are you and your brethren hiding???

The Indian Muslims were not hiding anywhere but protesting against America and Bush.


This pictures clearly shows the large scale protests by Indian Muslims against America in Mumbai.

Thousands in India Protest Bush's Visit ANAND GIRIDHARADAS and HARI KUMAR / New York Times 2mar2006


Some 100,000 people rallied in Delhi against the Bush visit

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Bush arrives to Indian protests


Also, why ur not sure "imran iqbal" is Muslim? why doubt one's patriotism or religion?
blain2, I will not answer your previous post because that will lead us to tangential diatribe not intended for this thread but i will answer this..

You need not, just regard me an an Indian. Doesn't matter if i am muslim/hindu/sikh/christian. I hope you are acquainted with lot of Indian Muslims before, on this or other forums. Keep the faith aside and i will be more comfortable.

I personally don't care what or who you are when it comes to religion and you needn't recite the "secular India - where the religion does not matter" mantra to me. I have seen my share of non-Muslims including many, many hindus to understand where things stand. Its some good and some bad as is the case everywhere. My point is/was a simple one. Us Pakistanis are not the only Muslims around to be condemning the wrongs of others. You are more than free to do so and I'd suggest you do more of that instead of blaming Pakistan and calling us hypocrites.

Only future holds the key, my prediction was based on most informed current events and decisions. ME countries, leave Turkey, don't have much technological edge and manpower to become what it takes to be self reliant and non aligned superpower. Most ME citizens are living luxurious life out of cash earned from exporting Oil.

Oil becomes a more prized commodity by each passing day and along the way, the ME countries become more and more educated and literate. Things are bound to change globally. India is not the only country moving in this direction. Most of the other countries do not have a billion plus people to get registered, however there are changes happening in a big way. Look up connected-cities in ME to get an idea as to where things are going there. As people become more educated, they will also realize their importance and ensure that the interests of their countries are watched over ever more closer.

Indians, on the other hand, have very less god gifted valuables. Instead we suffer from Hunger, overpopulation and other epidemic diseases. So we will work day night to improve ourselves. Kashmir ,or not, if India can hold 170 million Muslims, it doesn't take Einstein to figure out that India can hold another 10 million. And that's where ME nations has to make a choice.

You are not the only ones burning the mid-night oil. Get this thought out of your mind that India or Indians are a special breed and only they work hard to improve their lot. Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, BDs, Iranians, Turks, Syrians etc. etc. are no different.

The issue is not about population density. Whereas 170 million Muslims may live in India, the 10 million Kashmiris do not consider themselves Indians. It is a problem when the case of 170 million Muslims of Indian origin is shoved in the faces of 10 million Kashmiris who are from a separate region.

Multi polar world is good for India because Indians have aggressive foreign policy and clever diplomacy. We know how to cultivate friendship and make everyone happy. Ex Russia and US, recent Manmohan singh trip to saudi etc.
Its good for everyone when there are more power centers as it dilutes the powers of all.

Its in India's best interest not to go to war with Pakistan for next 15 years and try to improve internal security and intelligence gathering.

And then go to war with Pakistan? :lol:

Make up your mind. What is not good for 15 years will certainly not be better after that either.

The reality is that war is not an option for you or us. Certainly even less of an option for us. Talk about the Kashmir problem, work through it, resolve it and then live your lives in a great country!
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