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Can Pakistan Remain Neutral in the Saudi-Iran Rivalry?

Yes Pakistan should keep its neutrality in this conflict/rivalry, unless it comes to war, then Pakistan should side with the non-aggressor as it is stated in the Qoran for war between brothers in Islam.. the best would be to help avoided any war between them, 'cause rivalry as such pushes both to better themselves if it is limited to some kind of scientific and social competition and avoiding any political competition by meddling in each other's internal affairs, instead the Shi'a/Sunni misunderstanding should be discussed, debated and remedied to by both side's religious clerics and the solutions should be disseminated to people at large on both sides..
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Oh I'm being reasonable here. Iran is a neighbour and a nation with which Pakistan shares ties going back thousands of years, in the form of various empires. They share cultural and religious ties with Pakistan. This should take president over anything else.
Well Sir or Dear moderator,

Iran is the enemy of the world's superpower. Just because Iran is our neighbor doesn't mean they are our ally.
Not trying to make this a sectarian issue, but the Iranians are in a proxy war against Saudi Arabia, which we have better relations with. Just because we may have some cultural similarities with Iran doesn't make Iran an ally.

Even Tajikistan speaks Farsi but don't get a long with Iran very well due to sectarian issues.

(I have bad feeling this will turn into a sectarian troll fest.)
In the long run Iran with its human resources will develop much faster than the gulf countries. We should keep a balance and no zero sum game. Friendship with all.

They've been saying the same thing about Argentina for a century now. Potential =/= realization.

Iran is the enemy of the world's superpower.

Yes but iran is allies with that Superpower's boss. iran and israel are two countries that beat with the same heart, interconnected and interdependent.
So why is Iran not part of coalition if you call this coalition 'Islamic'?

Question is not what sect you belong and ideologically which country you favor. The problem is Iran Saudi rivlary is sectarian in nature and Islam is being used for geopolitics by both countries. Should Pakistan have any part to play in this regional geopolitics? The answer should be 'no'.

If Iran is bad and has abused religion, which it has, Saudi Arabia is no angel. Saudi Arabia's contribution to Islamic extremism is very visible and clear. If promotion of their unique ideology hasnt created terrorists, it has definitely created right wingers and extremists. Actually both Iran and Saudi Arabia are to blame for current extremism in Muslim world. Not solely them but in a large part they are responsible.

I remember how Pakistan became an open battle field of sectarianism in 80s and 90s. Then Iran along with Saudi Arabia were promoting their sectarian terrorists in Pakistan. Sectarian terrorism peaked then and only subsided when couple of high profile Sunni terrorists were killed in Musharraf era.

I m fearing return of those days in Pakistan and I hope I m proved wrong.

We need to tread carefully here. Too many booby traps. Just because the Saudi royals call this an Islamic coalition doesn't make it so. A true coalition of Muslim nations (not merely military's) would deploy to free J&K, Arakan, S Thailand, Mindanao-Philipines and elsewhere enslaved Muslims requiring help. Yemen - South and North are Muslims. Need here is not of a military coalition but of a peace coalition.
Pak is a natual and strategic balancer in South West Asia, Central Asia and ME.

It is a good thing that Pak is acting out this role.

Would require great wisdom and foresight to navigate shark infested waters...however, Pak will be able to do that nevertheless!

At this stage Pak is the natural firewall between conteding forces...the art has to be to remain the firewall without being burnt.

ME peace, stability and prosperity is in Pak's strategic interest. Also that of China's. So, Pak is not that alone in the threatre.

There is more than meets the eye. Sino-Pak Axis is trying to bring Peace in the ME.

Let us wish Pak a resounding success to be the Balanced Firewall!
Just because Iran is our neighbor doesn't mean they are our ally.

No one mentioned the word 'ally' except for you. An ally is someone you have a mutual defense agreement with. Do you really think the obese Saudi army will assist Pakistan if India wages war on Pakistan? Of course not, the Saudis are not that stupid and they will remain neutral. As will Iran. Similarly, if the Saudi regime is under threat, but the holy cities are not under threat, then Pakistan has no good reason to get involved. Same if Iran is attacked, Pakistan should not get involved.

Yes but iran is allies with that Superpower's boss. iran and israel are two countries that beat with the same heart, interconnected and interdependent.

Superpower (USA)'s elites serve two masters like good obedient dogs: Saudi and Israel and they only do so for profiteering purposes. Second statement has no basis in geopolitical reality.
No one mentioned the word 'ally' except for you. An ally is someone you have a mutual defense agreement with. Do you really think the obese Saudi army will assist Pakistan if India wages war on Pakistan? Of course not, the Saudis are not that stupid and they will remain neutral. As will Iran. Similarly, if the Saudi regime is under threat, but the holy cities are not under threat, then Pakistan has no good reason to get involved. Same if Iran is attacked, Pakistan should not get involved.

Superpower (USA)'s elites serve two masters like good obedient dogs: Saudi and Israel and they only do so for profiteering purposes. Second statement has no basis in geopolitical reality.
Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan once I think in an Indo-Pak war.

Saudi Arabia helped finance Pakistan's nuclear program.
Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan once I think in an Indo-Pak war.

Saudi Arabia helped finance Pakistan's nuclear program.

Do you have any details as to their 'help' and whether or not it was of any significance? China also financed Pakistan's nuclear program at a much more significant level than Saudi ever did, from what I have read. I could be wrong on that though. But if Saudi did, then good. Like I said, Pakistan needs to milk the head-choppers for all they are worth.
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