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Can Pakistan become another Asian tiger

Can Pakistan become another Asian Tiger

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Oct 8, 2005
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WB director sees fantastic performance of Pakistan economy
Pakistan Times Business & Commerce Desk

ISLAMABAD: Country Director World Bank, John Wall has said that Pakistan's economy has made fantastic performance over the years and if this pace of progress is sustained the country would become another Asian tiger.

"If Pakistan can maintain this over a period of 10-15 years, it would become another Asian tiger", the WB Director said on Monday.

He said Pakistan's economy is growing across the board at a high rate and the exports sector has marked the growth rate of above 20 percent per annum.

This is what made Korea and Japan the rich countries he said adding the future of Pakistan's economy is also bright.

To a question he said, it is true that earthquake reconstruction activities would help boot the economic activities in Pakistan adding but focusing too much on the economic activity from the earthquake itself is underestimating immensely the power of the growth of countries economy.

He said the credit goes to bold and liberal economic policies of the government which is the real force behind the excellent growth rate which the country has maintained over the years.

All thanxs to Mushy and his smart foreign policy.I think that as long as the Extremeist MMA doesnt take over (which hopefully will never happen) we will stay on the right track, especially cause of Shaukat. :PakistanFlag:

LINK: Pakistan Times
I have also heard this interview on the national channel he said that there has been trumandous growth in the motorcycle production and sale this is only a small factor in the whole economy but he said that if the exports would grow with the same rate then Pakistan can become an Asian Tiger and now Pakistan dosent need heavy loans banks can provide soft loans this all happened because of the consistant policies of this regime now Pakistan can pay all of its Debths easily and Pakistan is paying off its heavy debths early so they can save money :)
We Can We Will :PakistanFlag: .

hey which 2 people didnot post in its favour? let me make a guess

1) abhishek
no hard feelings though :p:
Originally posted by VisionHawk@Nov 24 2005, 11:19 AM
We Can We Will :PakistanFlag: .
hey which 2 people didnot post in its favour? let me make a guess

1) abhishek
no hard feelings though :p:
[post=3582]Quoted post[/post]​
i should have voted no..because with a growth rate only second to that of chinas...we ARE a asian tiger lol..
Originally posted by Yahya@Nov 24 2005, 05:33 PM
i should have voted no..because with a growth rate only second to that of chinas...we ARE a asian tiger lol..
[post=3583]Quoted post[/post]​

How we are asian tiger lol :LOLANI:
We can become Asian tiger after 10-15 years if the growth will reamin the same people will get employed and the economy will boom and there would be 100+billion$ reserves lol
Asian tigers are i think singapore malaysia and other i dont know the other names the AASIAN countries are developing at a very large scale
Originally posted by kashifshahzad@Nov 24 2005, 01:20 PM
How we are asian tiger lol :LOLANI:
We can become Asian tiger after 10-15 years if the growth will reamin the same people will get employed and the economy will boom and there would be 100+billion$ reserves lol
Asian tigers are i think singapore malaysia and other i dont know the other names the AASIAN countries are developing at a very large scale
[post=3589]Quoted post[/post]​
china, south koria, china (taiwan), malasia, indonasia and some others.

yeh..but we are as good as asian tigers...in 10 years time Gwader will be fully online so will another few things such as Pakistan as the oil and gas hub for india and china.

Pakistan as export and import hub for china, central asia

Pakistans in computer technology field

pakistan in steel...(BIG demand in asia for steel...Steel in asia is like OIL int he west lol)

pakistan with oil (may be...there are some explorations going on at the moment) (if pak gets oil i say make it a seperate state governed by OIC..thus OIC gets BIG funding:D)
ur forgetting out textile sports industries and agricultural products


well lets hope 4 the best guys i dont know whether we will get a president like this in future too or not or else do we have to face politicians like baenzir bhutto who bankcrupted us :cry: :ranting:
I think if political stablity should be maintained then we can beat India to become Asian Tiger after 10 to 15 years atleast! :PakistanFlag:
For you who dont know the current Asian Tigers are South Korea, China, Japan, India, Malaysia, and singapore. Right know the top Asian tigers are China and India.
Pakistan will hopefully be a asian dragon :LOLANI: if we keep up the good work..

As for the the current tigers,

twain (china)
and a few more i can't remember propely

The future tigers

pakistan (if it keeps the good work)

india ( if it too keeps the good work) :reading1:
Originally posted by Kaiser@Nov 24 2005, 05:10 PM
For you who dont know the current Asian Tigers are South Korea,China,Japan,India,Malaysia, and singapore.Right know the top Asian tigers are China and India.
[post=3613]Quoted post[/post]​
actualy india is not yet an asian tiger...also you forgot south korea and china2 (Taiwan)
Originally posted by Yahya@Nov 25 2005, 09:26 AM
actualy india is not yet an asian tiger...also you forgot south korea and china2 (Taiwan)
[post=3642]Quoted post[/post]​
Indian ecomy is improving soo fast....their foreign exchange reserves are 10times bigger than pakistan.and that happend in last 10-13 years!
we too have a fast growing economy but lets hope we dont drop its pace and emerge as an asian tiger soon

guys i think the following r the asian tigers in my view

saudi arabia

i dont see india as an asian tiger cause a country cannot be called a tiger when it cannot feed its own children :)
Originally posted by Owais@Nov 25 2005, 09:14 AM
Indian ecomy is improving soo fast....their foreign exchange reserves are 10times bigger than pakistan.and that happend in last 10-13 years!
[post=3656]Quoted post[/post]​
Pakistans economy is also growing fast and faster then indias!
Any country that can maintain growth of over 6% annually can be considered a tiger economy.

Pakistan has recently broken this barrier and it should be maintained.

What the asian tigers of Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and now China have one common economic policy, Export Oriented Growth.

India follows the Import substitution trade Model. What does this mean??

Ok India decides that it will block imports of Cars, trucks, machinery, Chemicals and parts. Why? So that it can be manufactured in India. Now while India is a big country, it still is not big enough to give economies of scale to many industries to compete effectively against foreigners who have access to global market of 6billion against india's one billion.

China, japan, malaysia try to develop a select few number of industries to actively seek export markets and try to supply the world and gain economies of scale. In most other sectors they allow free imports (mostly) from other nations.

Secondly these nations have invested in productivity, that is education, roads, hospitals, ports, airports, electrification and so on with microeconomic reforms in the areas of taxation. That is the tax system has been simplified to prevent corruption and encourage people to earn more. Also labour reforms making hiring and more importantly firing easier is reducing unemployment. By increasing managers of factories powers to increase productivity without excessive legislation and union bullying has had positive effects.

Thirdly these nations have stable macroeconomic conditions, that is inflation is fought brutally and kept low. Adequate Foreign reserves are maintained, and the Central Bank is independant and allowed to set interest rates independantly without government interference.

Pakistan is also surging ahead of India in relation to Foreign Direct Investment. This has been done by Privatising inefficient state entities and allowing foreigners to purchase stakes in them.

Pakistan is a poor capital nation and policies which encourage foreigners to put their capital in Pakistan is very beneficial to Pakistan. When foreigners take stakes in Pakistani entities they not only bring capital but the very latest technology and managment techniques. China's is surging ahead because of thousands of factories being built by foreigners and the consequent massive transfer of technology. This has positive impacts on employment and income levels.

lastly people are hesitant to allow foreigners stakes in pakistani entities and building factories. If a person asked you to use your land to build a factory and in future there is a dispute, you can kick him out. Same thing with FDI, its in the country and people cant run away with their factiores when a dispute arises.

Therefore FDI has to be encouraged in all industries and sectors. All ownership restrictions on Factories, telecoms, airlines, ports, utilities should be immediately lifted.
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