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Can Musharraf win back Pakistan?

Yes power rest in our military,s hand end of story? Lolzzz

Bro I am from a military family. There is more politics and power struggle in the military than in normal civilian life. Musharraf surely cannot be popular across the rank and file of the military, especially not every generation. Once you retire, you retire. If Musharraf comes back, then what happens to the political futures of today and tomorrow's Generals?

Believe me the Army knows how to play politics as the best of the Laloos and Mulayams of the world.
Bro I am from a military family. There is more politics and power struggle in the military than in normal civilian life. Musharraf surely cannot be popular across the rank and file of the military, especially not every generation. Once you retire, you retire. If Musharraf comes back, then what happens to the political futures of today and tomorrow's Generals?

Believe me the Army knows how to play politics as the best of the Laloos and Mulayams of the world.
Well He is still most popular military leader within military.
& you are talking to a kargill veteran here.
Our army has it's own way of doing things & it's too different then of yours.
A survey was conducted and up to 85% Pakistanis were in favor of operation against terrorist. If majority Pakistanis were pro -whatever, they would have not approved of the operation. It is not the commoners but the bastards sitting in the government who are not serious in doing anything.
Dont rely on Survey buddy because Perceptions change in Pakistan very Quickly. Once upon a time Lal Masjid was Considered "Saneha" and Media use to say "Saneha Lal Masjid" even Sheikh Rasheed lost his Seat in 2009 when PMLN used Lal Masjid for Political Gains and that happened 24 hours before Elections. These events confirms that Pakistani people are Easily Influenced by Stronger Politicians. For years Imran Khan tried to ignite Taliban Sympathies but when Military itself came out with ENOUGH IS ENOUGH now we are observing this 85% pro operation Pakistan because Military is Powerful compare to Politicians in Pakistan otherwise only fewer Parties were openly supporting Military against Taliban in the past against PTI and JI pro Taliban Stances.

Bro I am from a military family. There is more politics and power struggle in the military than in normal civilian life. Musharraf surely cannot be popular across the rank and file of the military, especially not every generation. Once you retire, you retire. If Musharraf comes back, then what happens to the political futures of today and tomorrow's Generals?

Believe me the Army knows how to play politics as the best of the Laloos and Mulayams of the world.
I second you regarding Politics in Military but since Military is like a Large Scale Bureaucratic Organization so their Politics are very much Similar to Corporate Politics where Opinions are mostly about Organizations's Decision and people involved in those are Highly Technical and have lot of Expertise instead of Electoral types where Issues and Point Scoring from Lots of Illiterate and non Technical people comes to picture and that Favors Musharraf dearly because whole Pakistan either hate him or love him would agree that his period was Best in Pakistan so that is why would definitely have Large Support among Military people around him.


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wouA survey was conducted and up to 85% Pakistanis were in favor of operation against terrorist. If majority Pakistanis were pro -whatever, they would have not approved of the operation. It is not the commoners but the bastards sitting in the government who are not serious in doing anything.

Lets hope you are right for the sake of Pakistan.

You never know the man behind the mask in Gotham city,

Are you that retired Lt General who acts as Musharaf's spokes person? :lol:
No they aren't, but they are used by our croupt political leadership for dirty rule?
It was MUSHARRAF who gave them, complete rule in the face of MMA, but they FAILED miserably?

Mullah wields true street power in many parts of Pakistan.

No political leader in Pakistan has the vision like MUSHARRAF, LISTEN TO HIM & LOOK AROUND YOUR SELF SOME ONE LIKE HIM?
Do we really have?
This power hungry sharabi enjoyed a lot during his tenure as pak president.. Molding things as he saw fit including the very constitution that some true democrats hold so dear.. Being in bed with mqm all the time.... He has no chance of return in Pak. Politics in Pakistan.. He's a used guy...
This power hungry sharabi enjoyed a lot during his tenure as pak president.. Molding things as he saw fit including the very constitution that some true democrats hold so dear.. Being in bed with mqm all the time.... He has no chance of return in Pak. Politics in Pakistan.. He's a used guy...
Personal attacks looks a real desperate try to, dismantle his experience which He, used to make Pakistan as heavens for poor public Instead to those who still are toasting wines in royal ball rooms in.England.
& been failed in Pakistani politics, even after huge public support Pakistani nation gave them.
Not only beseech with MQM but half of everyone, PMLn, PTI ,QLEAGUE, mullna dise, JI,
been given the full authority by Pakistan's supreme judiciary to. Change the outdated constitution which is still unable to give any punishment to the terrorists.
Used ' & abused politicians & thirty supporters often look at him as the worst night mare, coming back & changing Pakistan once again, He is been there & done that, while others are still in a try?
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I wish he could . He is the coolest dictator Pakistan have./ I wish he could be made MQM chief and replace altaf hussian
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