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Can India lead Asia?

What is the requirement for India to lead Asia?

In so far as the neighbours are concerned, they have enough on their hands.

So, what is the requirement to lead a chaotic lot?

The requirements are simple. Be the most powerful and influential.
Not just Asia, but the entire world.

The requirements are simple. Be the most powerful and influential.

To be honest both China and India have followed the strategy of economic domination followed by military one. The one who can influence the global economy will be the one to dominate. If WTO and IMF incidents are something to go on, both India and China seem to be working together to shift power towards Asia. Neither one can do so currently without the support of the other.
If WTO and IMF incidents are something to go on, both India and China seem to be working together to shift power towards Asia. Neither one can do so currently without the support of the other.

I don't think it is necessary for us to seek power on a global scale.

Being powerful on the world stage, is just a side effect. The main goal is to raise the standards of living for the average citizen.
I don't think it is necessary for us to seek power on a global scale.

Being powerful on the world stage, is just a side effect. The main goal is to raise the standards of living for the average citizen.

Well said. But the Problem is, as per Maslow's Heirarchy, everytime you improve the standard of living and fulfil a need of average citizens, the aspirations move up a notch. The attitude of citizens of so called developed nations as compared to Indians or Chinese is proof.
Buy F-18s and then in return US will help India to get permanent seat in UN , rule Asia with veto power. :azn:
China is already leading it .. and will keep on leading it simply ...
印度?怎么可能呢、?印度这么落后,印度等级分化严重,绝大部分的人都处于贫穷 挨饿 的状态。 医疗卫生极差,贪污腐败严重,国内动乱不堪,几个分裂 武装帮派不是的袭击军队警察,恐怖袭击更是时有发生,你们说这样的一个国家内患都还没能解决好还能领到亚洲?第一个不服的就是日本 然后越南“越南70年代打完了法国,很嚣张,忘恩负义的越南忘了中国以前的帮助,军事主义急速膨胀,自称亚洲军事强国世界第三开始以恩报怨,侵略中国,当时还是七天拿下广西一个月打到北京,笑话的是中国差点拿下了越南的首都河内。所以第二个不服的就是越南 第三个 韩国 第四个 中国也不会同意的。 在印度举行的2 010年英联邦运动会,建了几年都弄不好,贪污腐败严重,场馆建了一半就倒了下来,环境卫生差 弄的有些国家的运动员都自主放弃去印度参加比赛。你说这样的国家能领导亚洲?
印度?怎么可能呢、?印度这么落后,印度等级分化严重,绝大部分的人都处于贫穷 挨饿 的状态。 医疗卫生极差,贪污腐败严重,国内动乱不堪,几个分裂 武装帮派不是的袭击军队警察,恐怖袭击更是时有发生,你们说这样的一个国家内患都还没能解决好还能领到亚洲?第一个不服的就是日本 然后越南“越南70年代打完了法国,很嚣张,忘恩负义的越南忘了中国以前的帮助,军事主义急速膨胀,自称亚洲军事强国世界第三开始以恩报怨,侵略中国,当时还是七天拿下广西一个月打到北京,笑话的是中国差点拿下了越南的首都河内。所以第二个不服的就是越南 第三个 韩国 第四个 中国也不会同意的。 在印度举行的2 010年英联邦运动会,建了几年都弄不好,贪污腐败严重,场馆建了一半就倒了下来,环境卫生差 弄的有些国家的运动员都自主放弃去印度参加比赛。你说这样的国家能领导亚洲?

Can someone translate please?
India? How could it,? India a backwater, the Hindu caste differentiation serious, most people are in poverty, starvation state. Poor health, serious corruption, civil unrest bear, several separatist armed gangs attacked the military police is not, even when the terrorist attacks have occurred, you say such a country have not been able to solve the suffering can receive Asia? The first is against Japan and Vietnam, \u0026quot;Vietnam, so after 70 years in France, very arrogant, ungrateful Vietnamese forget the help of China before, the rapid expansion of military doctrine, claiming to be the world\u0026#39;s third military power in Asia began to complain about grace,
India? How could it,? India a backwater, the Hindu caste differentiation serious, most people are in poverty, starvation state. Poor health, serious corruption, civil unrest bear, several separatist armed gangs attacked the military police is not, even when the terrorist attacks have occurred, you say such a country have not been able to solve the suffering can receive Asia? The first is against Japan and Vietnam, \u0026quot;Vietnam, so after 70 years in France, very arrogant, ungrateful Vietnamese forget the help of China before, the rapid expansion of military doctrine, claiming to be the world\u0026#39;s third military power in Asia began to complain about grace,

Indeed, an excellent analysis.

Prompted by a fear of Indian competition?

Not to worry, just go ahead and feel happy.

Happiness is a warm gun.

As long as you're green, you're growing. As soon as you're ripe, you start to rot.

Got the deeper meaning?
India? How could it,? India a backwater, the Hindu caste differentiation serious, most people are in poverty, starvation state. Poor health, serious corruption, civil unrest bear, several separatist armed gangs attacked the military police is not, even when the terrorist attacks have occurred, you say such a country have not been able to solve the suffering can receive Asia? The first is against Japan and Vietnam, \u0026quot;Vietnam, so after 70 years in France, very arrogant, ungrateful Vietnamese forget the help of China before, the rapid expansion of military doctrine, claiming to be the world\u0026#39;s third military power in Asia began to complain about grace,

That does not really make sense except for in parts. It starts off with the usual BS about India but the rest seriously does not make sense.

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