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I am afraid there is hardly any Brahmin at the top.

The top chaps are Roman Catholic, Syrian Orthodox Christian, Sikh, Chettiyar, Dalit, Baniah, Khattri and so on. Pranab Mukherjee is the only Brahmin.

Yes they various offshoots are clubbed under Hindus for legal issues, but they have their individual religious rights protected.

I reckon, Shia, Sunnis, Sufis, Wahabis, Ahmediyas and so on are not different,.or are they? They are not Muslims as a group?

1.Man behind the gun, Catholic Italian Sonia is carefully orchestrating affairs so that Raul Khan can take over. Although Raul was christened a Catholic at birth, and though he carries Muslim and Italian Catholic blood in his vein, he represents the Nehru Brahmonic Royalty which started with the head of this Kashmiri family becoming one of the collaborating.compliant Kotwals of Delhi under the British. And Sonia has the support of the Vatican, Berluscony and the IMF.

2. Your media relishes in calling your PM: Woman Mohan Singh, Man Without Singh, IMF ka Dalal, etc.

3. Poor Pranab Babu cannot become PM, just like Jyoti could not - because he happens to be a Bengalee who are not accepted in the high rung of Brahmonic aristocracy. Patriot CR Das and super patriot Netaji Subash also learnt the same bitter lesson.

4. Yes, all these guys talk to me. Your answer before you ask that inevitable silly question.
1.Man behind the gun, Catholic Italian Sonia is carefully orchestrating affairs so that Raul Khan can take over. Although Raul was christened a Catholic at birth, and though he carries Muslim and Italian Catholic blood in his vein, he represents the Nehru Brahmonic Royalty which started with the head of this Kashmiri family becoming one of the collaborating.compliant Kotwals of Delhi under the British. And Sonia has the support of the Vatican, Berluscony and the IMF.

2. Your media relishes in calling your PM: Woman Mohan Singh, Man Without Singh, IMF ka Dalal, etc.

3. Poor Pranab Babu cannot become PM, just like Jyoti could not - because he happens to be a Bengalee who are not accepted in the high rung of Brahmonic aristocracy. Patriot CR Das and super patriot Netaji Subash also learnt the same bitter lesson.

4. Yes, all these guys talk to me. Your answer before you ask that inevitable silly question.

Brahmonic aristocracy? Take a seat kiddo.You need a lesson in history.
1.There is no such thing as a brahmonic aristocracy! The aristocrats if any,by traditional definition were the kshatriyas. The Bramhins were the priests, teachers, scientists and doctors. BTW it does not exist anymore. Money, power and politics control the govt. not caste.
2.Nehru Brahmonic Royalty???? What are you smoking? The family has been Hindu, Parsi, Muslim, Catholic etc at some point or the other. By your definition of Brahmonic royalty they should never have been allowed to be in politics. The PM is selected by the politicians themselves and not the population. It's traditionally the leader of the party who gets elected as PM.
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