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Can Bangladesh be East Pakistan again?

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You should see the names they come out with at the call centers when they want to sell you stuff :enjoy:

I had one calling himself "Rupert" recently


The call centre must be rankling your nerves since India has cornered the market.

Such names are assigned by the outsourcing agencies to make the western chaps comfortable with familiar names rather than have what, in their opinion, are difficult to pronounce or remember.

But then, giving a twist to what is an innocuous thing is but your forte!

In school, the English boys called me Sam. It is OK for them, but it didn't change my actual identity or my physical form!

Be more all encompassing and spread happiness and love and not shrivel up with hatred and ambiguity of existence!

Instead of hedging and hawing and huming, try answering Post # 81.

Just to help you along the way, here it is:

While I understand the anguish of the Pakistanis for losing out Bangladesh and ruining all the concept of ummah and the two nation theory and more so,having lost out to the arch rival, India, and I think they have reasons to feel so, I have a few questions for you.

Let us take it that 1000 miles separation was indeed a great obstacle.

1. How is it that this 1000 miles separation did not create Bangaldesh earlier and it suddenly became such a material instrument?

2. No matter who or which country wants to break another, is it feasible to do so, unless a large majority of the country being broken desire so? If that were feasible, then shouldn't Pakistan be broken by now given that there are many posts on this forum which suggests that the US is trying its best to do so?

3. Indeed, if let us say some external force managed to 'create' Bangladesh, which the population was so dead against, then how come there has no attempt by the govt of Bangladesh and the people of Bangladesh to reunite, even though they have been independent from 1971 i.e. more than 30 years?

Just a few questions to prove you are clueless and either a razaakar or a collaborator and not representative of the majority opinion of Bangladesh!

And one more question:

If Islam was the binding factor which you have now started harping on to garner Pakistan members support (there being no other common rallying cry for a pathetic situation that you find yourself here with them going hammer and tongs, directly and indirectly), then why did you have to have your Bangladesh?

Instead of hedging and hawing and huming, try answering Post # 81.

Just to help you along the way, here it is:

And one more question:

If Islam was the binding factor which you have now started harping on to garner Pakistan members support (there being no other common rallying cry for a pathetic situation that you find yourself here with them going hammer and tongs, directly and indirectly), then why did you have to have your Bangladesh?

salim stop lying. if you're not a hindu why do you use terms such as "moslem". why do you say one must be a razaakar etc when islamic brotherhood's notion is bandied about by good intentioned forumers?
why do you doubt that islamic brotherhood IS the very concept that got pakistan and bangladesh separated from india?
admit it you're just a pathetic nonmuslim hindu indian who is comfortable with getting rolled over by whichever british or european person comes to conquer india.

who doesn't mind using sam as his name. and feels it retains his identity too.

but who appears to be a windup merchant to all but the most deluded kind. one can't help but wonder what is this mental 'hangover' afflicting you that you cant reveal your identity in short . instead revert to a kneejerk reaction of hurling insults tirades and rigmaroles that befuddle all and sundry.
and for the benefit of all those who joined late, if not for islamic brotherhood, why did bangladesh not join india OR
why did bangladesh not ask for whole of bengal (west bengal in india is also ethnically bengali but nonmuslim).
mr "hindu" salim do you have an inkling?
IF and ONLY IF a contiguous stretch of land is entirely muslim majority that can join land for muslims of subcontinent IN BRIEF.
very succinctly put.
Salim, you are neither Bengali nor Pakistani. You must know of the atrocities committed by the Indians as well. Don't turn them into such saints. Most Pakistanis and Bengalis didn't want that splitting though I'm sure bd_wonder is a better authority on that than me. But at that time there were two people-Mujibur Rehman and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who both wanted the splitting of Pakistan. Bhutto was the worse of these two and the greatest traitor to Pakistan. And as to Nawaz Sharif, he was born in Lahore but is of Kashmiri origin.
smustafamoiz bro, you have some good points. but whether you blame bhutto or somebody else, i am certain such a union could not last forever for simple reason that it was divided by not neutral but HOSTILE territory of thousand miles. it was ALWAYS easy to use political incompetence of leaders from anywhere to ratchet up support for dividing the country and independence of bangladesh.

interesting point that nobody in india like salim seems to point to is why west bengal state (where ganguly the cricketer hails from) isn't part of bangladesh despite being ethnically bengali?
I think the people of Bangladesh wanted to get freedom from Pakistan so why should they again become a part of Pakistan. We also dont want them back with Pakistan.
and for the benefit of all those who joined late, if not for islamic brotherhood, why did bangladesh not join india OR
why did bangladesh not ask for whole of bengal (west bengal in india is also ethnically bengali but nonmuslim).
mr "hindu" salim do you have an inkling?

You are a troubled soul.

You have no clue of reality!

You are making yourself a laughing stock with such ridiculous sentences that BD will ask West Bengal to be a part of BD!

It was thought of after partition and dropped for the simple reason that it is not feasible.

Why don't you ask for it now?

And by the way, old boy, I am a Bengali!

Bokar moto kotha bolo na. Is that an adequate indication to prove that I am a Bengali. For those who do not know Bengali, it means - don't talk like a silly chap.

My name may be Zorro, how does it matter unless your intention is to avoid addressing the issues of the posts.

And as I see it out here, quite a few Pakistanis don't want you back, lest you do a repeat!
Salim, you are neither Bengali nor Pakistani. You must know of the atrocities committed by the Indians as well. Don't turn them into such saints. Most Pakistanis and Bengalis didn't want that splitting though I'm sure bd_wonder is a better authority on that than me. But at that time there were two people-Mujibur Rehman and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who both wanted the splitting of Pakistan. Bhutto was the worse of these two and the greatest traitor to Pakistan. And as to Nawaz Sharif, he was born in Lahore but is of Kashmiri origin.

I am a Bengali but not a Pakistani.

You are making the same mistake as the BD Wonder. Assuming my religion and my ethnicity as if God has spoken to you!

My biodata is of no concern to you. The contents of my posts are! Focus yourself to that!

Stop finding excuses for the events of history.

It is well documented.

It is time you educated yourself and read instead of dreaming.
Though this is off topic, I thought its is worthwhile to post it to show that Bangladeshis are not of the genre that BD_Wonder wants people to believe.
Muslim helps Jews attacked on New York subway

From Nkechi Nneji
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NEW YORK (CNN) -- A Muslim man jumped to the aid of three Jewish subway riders after they were attacked by a group of young people who objected to one of the Jews saying "Happy Hanukkah," a spokeswoman for the three said Wednesday.

Friday's altercation on the Q train began when somebody yelled out "Merry Christmas," to which rider Walter Adler responded, "Happy Hanukkah," said Toba Hellerstein.

"Almost immediately, you see the look in this guy's face like I've called his mother something," Adler told CNN affiliate WABC.

Two women who were with a group of 10 rowdy people then began to verbally assault Adler's companions with anti-Semitic language, Hellerstein said.

One member of the group allegedly yelled, "Oh, Hanukkah. That's the day that the Jews killed Jesus," she said.

When Adler tried to intercede, a male member of the group punched him, she said.

Another passenger, Hassan Askari -- a Muslim student from Bangladesh -- came to Adler's aid, and the group began physically and verbally assaulting him, Hellerstein said.

"A Muslim-American saved us when our own people were on the train and didn't do anything," Adler said. Video Watch Adler describe the altercation »

Adler pulled the emergency brake and the train stopped at DeKalb Avenue station, where police came on board.

The 10 suspects, ages 19 to 20, were taken into custody, said Brooklyn district attorney spokesman Sandy Silverstein.

Askari was first handcuffed alongside them, but he was released when Adler told police he was not an attacker, Hellerstein said.

Alder was treated at Long Island College Hospital for injuries that included a fractured nose and a cut lip that required several stitches, while Askari suffered a black eye, Hellerstein said.

The suspects are to appear in Brooklyn District Court on February 7 on charges that include assault, attempted assault, menacing, harassment, unlawful assembly, riot and disorderly conduct, Silverstein said.

The New York Police Department's Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating the incident, and will determine whether the suspects will be charged with hate crimes, Officer Philip Hauser told CNN.

Muslim helps Jews attacked on New York subway - CNN.com
Just as saying bd-wonder is one example, quoting another example, doesn't show anything Salim. It's like the pictures Aryan has been sticking up of one or two lighter Indians. You have to look at societies as a whole. I have no opinion on whether Bangladeshis are one way or the other towards Jews by the way. I don't see what you're trying to prove though.

As for the call centers. They are free to choose whichever name they want. I know for a fact they mix their names up. Some Indians even try and put on a western accent (as if everyone is too sily to notice) when phoning. But this is off topic.
It was posted to indicate that stereotyping people is ridiculous a manner to form opinions!
I think we need to differentiate between forming a union and rejoining the 2 parts. We can form a union like European Union with joint defence, no visa/passport barriers etc .just to show the enemies who thinks that they sank the “2 Nation Theory” in the bay of Bengal that Islam binds us.

To me this is the matter of National pride I hate Indian movies in which they use to make fun of us regarding that tragedy. RR is not happy because Bengalis supported India in 1971 and since Bangladeshis are now realizing that who is their true friend I like to see Quaid-e-azam’s Pakistan .
I think we need to differentiate between forming a union and rejoining the 2 parts. We can form a union like European Union with joint defence, no visa/passport barriers etc .just to show the enemies who thinks that they sank the “2 Nation Theory” in the bay of Bengal that Islam binds us.

To me this is the matter of National pride I hate Indian movies in which they use to make fun of us regarding that tragedy. RR is not happy because Bengalis supported India in 1971 and since Bangladeshis are now realizing that who is their true friend I like to see Quaid-e-azam’s Pakistan .

Who doesn't want to see Quaid's Pakistan ...my friend.

But the truth is that in our hearts all what have been put against all the others, within Pakistan we are Punjabis, Pathan, Baloch, Mahajir, Sindhi etc..

Bengalis have the same mentality and its hard to disintegrate in farest future.

Lets hope that what Pakistan we are left with among our selves we can create a mutual respect and love that was the dream of Pakistan.

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