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Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

But that is under Indian rule..which they clearly don't want to be under...you can't have it both ways....you want Pakistan to stop terrorism...fair enough...however you want Kashmir to stay under your rule....even by keeping them hostage...when clearly the population is unhappy.

This scenrio is only benifical towards India not Pakistan......let me tell you Pashwa even if Pakistan curbs these groups such as JUD or LET....the People of Pakistan espically Pakistani Kashmir's will still take up arms..as long as India is running Kashmir with an Iron fist....further you are holding the Kashmiri's under hostage.....when they don't want Indian rule....so what should Pakistani Kashmiri's do...smile and skip along...and that nothing is happening on the other side of the border.....where there relatives are getting killed.

I'm not saying that taking arm's is the best thing......however you need to understand Pashwa that until your goverment changes its stance on how it handles Kashmir.....and comes to the conclusion that Kashmir's are unhappy under Indian rule...then maybe this issue will be solved.

Dude I have read ur posts..only thing that comes to my mind is "it is a bit rich coming from a briton(as u claim to be one) talking abt human rights wen they r one of the biggest offenders of the same in human history"

remember the Aborigines in Aussie,Red-Indians in US,Bengal Famine in my country,then Africa,then IRA,then Afghanistan,then Iraq,Abu Gharaib etc.

Ok dude..just remember these before posting another reply on how gentlemanly Indian forces should be with the Kashmiris.

And as for the Human rights BS read Patriot's post # 104 and understand South Asian politics
David Cameron is a total half-wit. Not to worry the collation won't last for long. Conservatives are running on empty as in DC himself.
Long Live David. The daring Truth speaker. :tup:

LOL at you. Just because he made one statement that appeased you, that makes him darling truth speaker... LOL at your logic. You probably didn't even know the man before he came to India.

I voted for an independent party and am very active in UK politics, let me tell you that "regardless of the Pakistan statement" DC is a big fat lair:

I suggest you read this to know just what sort of man DC really is:
David Cameron reveals himself to be a liar and no gentleman

But the same step as most of the members here believe has resulted in some major contracts for the British firms providing an economic boost (however small)

economic boost of few helicopters that UK would eat for peanuts. Nice logic. :hitwall:
economic boost of few helicopters that UK would eat for peanuts. Nice logic. :hitwall:
sir, i guess u didnt get u into the details of deals that we have signed.. we have signed in almost every sector like education, enery(nuclear cooperation), millitary alliances, finances etc. we wil reap the benefits in future. this type of decision cannot take place in few days.. first needs to do due digilence. as far as ur main concern of terrorism, he categorically addressed that.

No I was asking you the question in why he is not arrested....there has to be a reason. Is there proof that he is providing hate speeches...if so then Pakistan should contain him...

I don't think 'hate speech' is a punishable crime.

I would love to have some of the idiots like Geert Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and some of those opposing the Ground Zero mosque to be arrested and thrown in jail then if 'hate speech' is to be made a punishable offense.

So on that basis at least one cannot argue for action by the GoP against HS. His movements are restricted in accordance with the UNSC sanctions upon him.
Radicalization of Pakistan began when Zia govt and CIA arm in arm used the Madrasas of NWFP to turn Afghans and Pakistanis into militants and extremists in their fight against soviets.....
Both govt provided arms to these folks and ingrained the idea of freedom through violence.....

So the process had its roots well before the WOT even began....

Now the point is, the tactics used to make an Afghan refugee Mujhideen were also used by Zia in Pakistan itself......
So a person studying in an A-level school probably had enough space to be liberal, but same cannot be said of the Govt. educated.....or those that attended Madrasas....
Yes, but 'Zia's radicalization and Pakistan's school system' do not factor into the equation of British born and raised citizens. These individuals are being raised in the British school system and in British society, and are being radicalized by extremists in Britain. Islamic radicalization was also occurring earlier than the Afghan Jihad in the Middle East, around the Palestinian occupation and perceived Western support for that occupation. In fact the radicalization during the Afghan Jihad owes itself to the ideology exported from some parts of the Arab world to the region, so it is unfair to point to Pakistan as the source of problems, especially when it comes to homegrown terrorists in Western nations.
Fast forward to post-9/11.....had the US not attacked, Afghanistan, the largely lawless region of NWFP which largely remained a hotbed for such fundamentalism would have continued to simmer in such volatile teachings.....Inevitably, this would have blown over to the rest of Pak as well....luckily Pakistan did get involved in the fight curbing the spread to a WOT as opposed to an Islamic Revolution similar to Iran.....

So to blame it solely on WOT is not accurate....especially in light of past faulty policies of the GOP and its dictators.....
I think the root of the problem was education....

Let me ask you something.....
What are the prospects for a Madrasa educated person in Pakistan?
What would or would not have happened in FATA (not Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - formerly NWFP - which is governed under the constitution unlike FATA) had the US not invaded is irrelevant and hypothetical to this discussion. What is very real and very emotional for many people are the civilian casualties, the invasion and the spike in terrorism. That cannot be brushed under the table, and one cannot just blame 'education' alone since many extremists are educated, and many of the homegrown extremists in the West (like the London attackers) are educated in the West, so blaming Pakistan's education system is only relevant in a discussion on Pakistan's social ills and extremism, not the West's.

As far as Madrassa education goes, depends on the Madrassa - some Madrassa's have reformed their curriculum and teach the sciences and mathematics, computer literacy etc. but a lot more needs to be done to bring them ALL on board to provide a modern education and to regulate what they do teach in terms of religious tolerance.
I never said it was a purely Pakistani phenomenon in the UK....though Pakistani youth in the UK are more susceptible to it......
They are not 'Pakistani' youth - they are British youth of Pakistani origin, educated and raised in Britain. Also, statements like 'Pakistani youth are more susceptible to extremism' is a generalization. Only a handful have actually taken that step out of a very large British population of Pakistani origin, and I would repeat my argument on that count that it is because of the perceived illegitimate invasion and war the West is waging next to Pakistan, and in some cases in Pakistan, that is the likely driving force behind those handful of cases.
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Dude I have read ur posts..only thing that comes to my mind is "it is a bit rich coming from a briton(as u claim to be one) talking abt human rights wen they r one of the biggest offenders of the same in human history"

Stick to the topic.....and as it is a public forum I can say what I like...if you have a problem....speak to the Moderator.

And about human riots....my goverment did not rape 882 women bewteen 1990 to 1996...plus we did not kill thousands of Kashmiri's......I can at least admit my goverment has done wrong...can you say the same for your self...i think not.

When my goverement went to Iraq....I was against it.....I protested in a number of rally's held in London...what have you done so far....to protest against the actions conducted by your goverment.....let me guess squat. Currently you are doing the killing.....and that too under your own border....what a disgusting fact.....the truth hurts doesn't it....when you know your goverment is a killing machine.....murdering innocent people. I may not have supported Iraq.....but at least we had an objective and we have completed it.....can the same be said about you.
remember the Aborigines in Aussie,Red-Indians in US,Bengal Famine in my country,then Africa,then IRA,then Afghanistan,then Iraq,Abu Gharaib etc.

I was not born when the Aborigines, Red Indians, Africa, IRA were killed...so your point is invadlid. That's like me getting 1000 years of Indian history and pointing out every human right's violation's. Futhermore at least we have solved the IRA problem....have you solved Kashmir yet.

When you criticize Britain about going into Iraq and Afghanistan....does that mean you support the Taliban......you contradict your self quite a lot....in other thread I have seen you supporting what the allies are doing in Afghanistan.....however in this thread..you seem to think that we are violating human rights over there......so which one is it......or did you lose the plot and decided to attack Britain just because my opinion does not support your's...tsk tsk...what a shame.
Stick to the topic.....and as it is a public forum I can say what I like...if you have a problem....speak to the Moderator.

And about human riots....my goverment did not rape 882 women bewteen 1990 to 1996...plus we did not kill thousands of Kashmiri's......I can at least admit my goverment has done wrong...can you say the same for your self...i think not.

When my goverement went to Iraq....I was against it.....I protested in a number of rally's held in London...what have you done so far....to protest against the actions conducted by your goverment.....let me guess squat. Currently you are doing the killing.....and that too under your own border....what a disgusting fact.....the truth hurts doesn't it....when you know your goverment is a killing machine.....murdering innocent people. I may not have supported Iraq.....but at least we had an objective and we have completed it.....can the same be said about you.

And this makes u feel better??

Hell for four hundred years you government fucked raped and destroyed 36 % of this world and would have continued well till now if it wasn't for the two world wars and a begging bowl in hand.

Well we have a saying in Telugu that every old woman is virtuous if truly translated into English. Its true a person who does all the things wrong his whole life can sit and lecture others at a old age about right and wrong. The only reason is that he cannot do it any more.

So cut the moral crap out, just because u took a protest march u don't become absolved of ur governments crimes. And particularly ur Country is very famous for its gentleman behaviour towards my country till it became the "old and virtuous" old lady.

You can talk with all the sugar coated respect as much u like which obviously is a trait of the britishers, but we in India don't trust the west blindly and at the same time will never compromise on our Integrity. It was only ur foolish PM who made all the unnecessary remarks, our side held its cool.
I don't think 'hate speech' is a punishable crime.

Agnostic Muslim you are indeed correct...hate speeches is not a crime...the BNP of England....the BJP of India.....and the Klu Klux clan of America are an example..where hate speeches have been used, but they have not been punished. But the question arises does Hafiz Saeed step over the line...in his hate speeches.

But like I said to Pashwa Pakistan can detain him....but it won't solve the issue..because Pakistani Kashmir's will still take up arms....when they know that there relatives are getting killed on the other side. By silencing one man....will not stop the problem..it will actually increase it in my opinion.
I was not born when the Aborigines, Red Indians, Africa, IRA were killed...so your point is invadlid. That's like me getting 1000 years of Indian history and pointing out every human right's violation's. Futhermore at least we have solved the IRA problem....have you solved Kashmir yet.

When you criticize Britain about going into Iraq and Afghanistan....does that mean you support the Taliban......you contradict your self quite a lot....in other thread I have seen you supporting what the allies are doing in Afghanistan.....however in this thread..you seem to think that we are violating human rights over there......so which one is it......or did you lose the plot and decided to attack Britain just because my opinion does not support your's...tsk tsk...what a shame.

Oh so u mean to say that just because u were not born at a particular time of your country's history u disown it. Or should i read it that u own all that is glorious like holding 36% of the world as colonies and being the world's former superpower etc and disown that is obviously not in good in taste. What a hypocrite u are.

You also are contradicting yourself. Yeah its true if u didn't realise or just acting so, let me refresh you. In ur previous posts as much as u tried to sound casual and aloof of it u were supporting Pakistan, and whenever Peshwa or others were talking of Pakistan's responsibility toward's terrorism u were speaking like it is a poor country how can it handle if we ourselve's are unable to. All the while u were stressing the point that pakistan was doing something and we should be happy about it and suddenly now u become all british and hail the queen :cheesy:

There is nothing wrong in saying that my roots are there so i love it along with my present country. U were accusing my countryman of losing the plot but u too are in the same quagmire though trying to prove otherwise. Please don't think cleverness is only one man's wealth my friend. :devil::pop:
Hell for four hundred years you government fucked raped and destroyed 36 % of this world and would have continued well till now if it wasn't for the two world wars and a begging bowl in hand.

That was four hundred years ago.....the present is important...and your goverment is doing all the killing..it's the truth....It hurts....but take a chill pill. Now if you want to talk about the past..look at how uncivilised your people were..you have a caste system....you did Sati.....and your many kings were known to be murderers.....do you remember Ashoka.
Well we have a saying in Telugu that every old woman is virtuous if truly translated into English. Its true a person who does all the things wrong his whole life can sit and lecture others at a old age about right and wrong. The only reason is that he cannot do it any more.

That means that you can't lecture the Pakistanis on what they do in there country....and personally I don't give a damn what your Talugu culture says....its unimportant.
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