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Cambodian youths offer to fight IS in exchange for US help to expel Vietnamese out of Phu Quoc

China should nurture this hate that Cambodians have towards Viets. Cambodia is China's friend and China would never allow Viets to dominate Cambodia. It just won't happen.

Furthermore, It's intolerable for a primitive country like Vietnam to attempt to dominate its neighbors when half its kids are stunted and malnourished - the most underfed in all of SE Asia.
wake up from your delusion, we had dominated Cambodia for centuries...and until today.
as for commnent of malnourishment: is it true, during the great famine in China, peasants were not allowed to eat rice, only privileged communists? those who were captured eating rice were beaten to dead.

Who is primitive?
Majority of Thai has some Oversea Chinese blood. We are the majority.

the mainland of South East Asia belong to Mon/Khmer/Khmu/Muong(Viets). Thai (Tai/Catay) and oversea Chinese invaded recently from China.

Native Thai is mixed and has a dark skin as pic I posted. You have to go back to China, there is your native land.
the mainland of South East Asia belong to Mon/Khmer/Khmu/Muong(Viets). Thai (Tai/Catay) and oversea Chinese invaded recently from China.

Native Thai is mixed and has a dark skin as pic I posted. You have to go back to China, there is your native land.
Oh man! Viet is the lightest skin, the heaviest N.E Asian.
Oh man! Viet is the lightest skin, the heaviest N.E Asian.

you can visit some website Vietnamese chat in English, many netizen said that Vietnamese has his darker skin than others in North Asia people. :toast_sign:
Lol ..Heated asian superior race debate for sure.....interesting:pop::D

Southeast Asia mainland has a very unique and dynamic history.

Oh man! Viet is the lightest skin, the heaviest N.E Asian.

You have to also remember the rise of King Ramhamhaeng the Great, the first Tai King in Southeast Asia. It was under his reign that Tai people from Yunnan China usurped and conquered lands that were owned by the much weaker Khmers. You have to admit, buddy, Tai Race is very powerful and warrior embedded culture. There are two Tai nation states in Southeast Asia: 1) Thailand and 1) Laos.


Ramkhamhaeng the Great, founder of the Sukkothai Kingdom

the mainland of South East Asia belong to Mon/Khmer/Khmu/Muong(Viets). Thai (Tai/Catay) and oversea Chinese invaded recently from China.

Native Thai is mixed and has a dark skin as pic I posted. You have to go back to China, there is your native land.

The united and greatest extent of Tai domination was during the full height of the Ayudhaya (Ayuthaya) Empire. This was the successor state of Sukkothai Kingdom:

Southeast Asia mainland has a very unique and dynamic history.

You have to also remember the rise of King Ramhamhaeng the Great, the first Tai King in Southeast Asia. It was under his reign that Tai people from Yunnan China usurped and conquered lands that were owned by the much weaker Khmers. You have to admit, buddy, Tai Race is very powerful and warrior embedded culture. There are two Tai nation states in Southeast Asia: 1) Thailand and 1) Laos.


Ramkhamhaeng the Great, founder of the Sukkothai Kingdom

The united and greatest extent of Tai domination was during the full height of the Ayudhaya (Ayuthaya) Empire. This was the successor state of Sukkothai Kingdom:


Tai/Catay people went to south around 14th centery. Thailand/Myanma is native land of Mon/Khmer people. Laos is native land of Khmu/Muong people.
Loool funny indeed. :lol:
However, i dont understand why cambodians hate vietnam sooo much. Even though i know vietnam took some of their lands/islands in the past. But still thats history/long time ago. It still doesnt explain the passionate hate they have for vietnam, it is indeed quite troubling. :disagree:

Well its similar to the hate the vietnamese have for china i guess. :lol:. Asia is indeed an interesting place(geopoliticallly speaking).:cheesy::police:

So you think deep down the Germans don't hate you lot?:D:smokin:
Yh bro. Same with china-japan-south korea duo as well.
Thats without mentioning india-pakistan-bengladesh case.lool and many others in the region. :lol:

Yes.as you said it iis very interesting.
But you still could see a mysterious strong man behind those complicated relationship histrocially and currently.
Tai/Catay people went to south around 14th centery. Thailand/Myanma is native land of Mon/Khmer people. Laos is native land of Khmu/Muong people.

There are conflicting theories where the Tais came from, but according to anthropologic journals they are associated with Nanyue and were forced from their original home areas in present day Yunnan and Guangxi due to the arrival and colonization of more Han people. The Tais settled the Northern areas of Southeast Asia, and eventually made their way, over the centuries, to settle the Chao Praya areas and had assimilated with the local Mon/Khmer culture. It was around the 10th century that the Tais created their first kingdom, the Sukkothai Kingdom, after defeating the Khmers. Eventually, the Tais grew in size and in number, thanks in part to the arrival of more Tais from China. Eventually, the Tais sacked the Khmer capital in Angkor and forever put to an end Khmer supremacy.

But the Tais were open to cultural assimilation. They were never really sinified and were outside the sphere of Confucian culture, and thus the opened to Dharmic culture of the Khmers , who were originally Hindus and then in eventuality converted to Thervada Buddhism.
Hmmm....i see. Never knew that. So its kind of similar to what china did when they ruled vietnam for centuries as well. So Reason vietnnam resents/hates china to this day,just like cambodia resent vietnam till today.
I think you asians should reallly forget history and move on....jeez...you people have too much historical greviances which still holds you back. You people can indeed learn from us in europe. Look how united,peaceful and strong we are today. :-):cheers::bunny::yahoo:

Yes,Asian really should learn from the west on this point.
But tragedically it is hard to be seen in the near future.
The east is still easily controlled in terms of territory and ideaology by the west historcially and currently..No matter if you believe it.
Tai/Catay people went to south around 14th centery. Thailand/Myanma is native land of Mon/Khmer people. Laos is native land of Khmu/Muong people.

You can see, how expansive Tai speakers/ Tai people are spread throughout Southeast Asia. And yes, originally, Tai people (Nanyue) were from Southern China.


Native Thai is mixed and has a dark skin as pic I posted. You have to go back to China, there is your native land.

That picture is not a native Tai. People in Thailand are mixture of the pure Tai and the Mon/Khmer (who are substantially darker in skin tone). A representative Tai beauty and appearance of unadulterated Tai phenotype would be Northern Thailand say in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai.

A local girl from Chiang Mai (Northern Thailand); this is pure Tai beauty,



Chiang Rai women dancers,


You can see, how expansive Tai speakers/ Tai people are spread throughout Southeast Asia. And yes, originally, Tai people (Nanyue) were from Southern China.


That picture is not a native Tai. People in Thailand are mixture of the pure Tai and the Mon/Khmer (who are substantially darker in skin tone). A representative Tai beauty and appearance of unadulterated Tai phenotype would be Northern Thailand say in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai.

A local girl from Chiang Mai (Northern Thailand); this is pure Tai beauty,



Chiang Rai women dancers,



I said native mixed Thai (Mon +Khmer) looks like this people, not Katay people from Yunnan (Nan Chao Guo) or Nan Yue (native Cantonese).

(Thailand woman football team)
Lool you want to compare the hate and resentment you people have against each other with us in the E.U? lool funny indeed.

We in the E.U have more or less solved all our conflicts we had with each other . today its britain and france(once arch ennemies with germany) who now beg germany to rearm, forget about the past and get more involve in world affairs/conflicts , unfortunately germany still refuses though.:( When are we going to see china beg japan to forget about the past and rearm, get more involved in world affairs/conflicts? today france, germany and we all commomerate the end of world war II together as partners/allies , when are we going to see china and japan commomerate the end of the war together? Lol

Today we in europe/U.S are still united when faced with a foreign power/non western country who tries and undermine our interests and we are prepared to place sanctions against them to achieve our objectives. When have you seen asian countries uniting together to face a foreign power(even more so when its not an asian country)?lool Truth be told many/almost all asian countries will rather have the U.S or any western country for that matter as the dominant power in Asia than their own Asian neighbour(much less rival) :agree:. This not bring a white supremacists or whatever. This is just stating facts. :bunny: if a survey is conducted today to choose which country between say china and the U.S will asians rather have as the dominnant power in their region, guess the answer: :usflag: with an overwhelming majority.

Reason U.S military bases are spread over the region and most countries there are even still asking for more U.S involvement not less. Lool :p:

So keep up your fights/conflicts and divisions/hatred among china, india, bengladesh, vietnam. Cambodia, laos, pakistan, japan,, phillippines, korea etc. All you people have hatred conflicts among yourselves and are trying to contain one another with our help. :omghaha:
So much for ASIANS FOR ASIANS like one member here said on another thread.:lol:

Sir ,why our hatred is still going on not only because of historical war but also because of the territorial dispute right now.
It is unlike EU now.EU members has no conflict on the territory.But the Asian countries still have dispute on territory.
China-Vietnam,India,Japan,Philippine(we still have strong confrontment with those four nations),South Korea.Indonesia and Brunei
Japan-South Korea,China,Russia.(all is in a bad situation)
India-China and Pakistan..( still in a bad situation)
Cambodia-Vietnam and Thailand
Vietman-China,Camboida,Thailand,Malaysia and Indonesia...(mainly on the ocean bound and now mainly for China and Cambodia now)
Philippine-Malaysia and Indonesia.
Tailand-Laos and Cambodia
Actually a lot of ASEAN members has internal ocean dispute and some is very severe now and some is laid aside.I don't point them out one by one.Singapore still have such kind of dispute.

So those interactive disputes is still under way.How to deal with those??
So you think deep down the Germans don't hate you lot?:D:smokin:

Nothing remotely close to the hate you have for each other. As i said we are the ones even begging Germany to rearm and be more active in international politics like every normal western power. 8-):p: You will never see that in asia ,instead you people are all trying to counter each other with our help.Lool :lol:

Sir ,why our hatred is still going on not only because of historical war but also because of the territorial dispute right now.
It is unlike EU now.EU members has no conflict on the territory.But the Asian countries still have dispute on territory.
China-Vietnam,India,Japan,Philippine(we still have strong confrontment with those four nations),South Korea.Indonesia and Brunei
Japan-South Korea,China,Russia.(all is in a bad situation)
India-China and Pakistan..( still in a bad situation)
Cambodia-Vietnam and Thailand
Vietman-China,Camboida,Thailand,Malaysia and Indonesia...(mainly on the ocean bound and now mainly for China and Cambodia now)
Philippine-Malaysia and Indonesia.
Tailand-Laos and Cambodia
Actually a lot of ASEAN members has internal ocean dispute and some is very severe now and some is laid aside.I don't point them out one by one.Singapore still have such kind of dispute.

So those interactive disputes is still under way.How to deal with those??

At least one honest/sane chinese member. I agree with you conpletely bro. But first tell that to your fellow nationalistic brothers on here who insist asia has nothing to learn from us and that everything is ok. :lol::meeting:

Yes,Asian really should learn from the west on this point.
But tragedically it is hard to be seen in the near future.
The east is still easily controlled in terms of territory and ideaology by the west historcially and currently..No matter if you believe it.

Nope bro. According to your chinese brothers on here, the east is the most advance region and we dont control or dominate the region at all. In fact to them we have more divisions/hatred among ourselves than they do. :omghaha:
Im tired of arguing with them on this(even more so when its something that is obvious for everybody). I was just trying to say Asians have to be realist , forget the past and move on like we in europe have done, for that i get all types of bad comments. :cry:
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