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Cambodian youths offer to fight IS in exchange for US help to expel Vietnamese out of Phu Quoc

viet men don´t care of, but women try to avoid sun at all cost :D they want light skinned.

Is this my sister-in-law(嫂子), aka your wife, my friend?
I think u r misunderstanding. Vienam members r trying to.prove that Thai do not belong to SE.Asia by saying we migrated from the north and have lighter skin than native S.E.A , yet they are the most northen people, the most light skin, and the latest immigrant to mainland S.E.A.

Therefore it is not about Superior race, but about who came first.
I o
I think u r misunderstanding. Vienam members r trying to.prove that Thai do not belong to SE.Asia by saying we migrated from the north and have lighter skin than native S.E.A , yet they are the most northen people, the most light skin, and the latest immigrant to mainland S.E.A.

Therefore it is not about Superior race, but about who came first.
i often heard same from Cambodians and burmanese too
I think u r misunderstanding. Vienam members r trying to.prove that Thai do not belong to SE.Asia by saying we migrated from the north and have lighter skin than native S.E.A , yet they are the most northen people, the most light skin, and the latest immigrant to mainland S.E.A.

Therefore it is not about Superior race, but about who came first.

If one follows that kind of thinking, its nothing different than "Who came first the chicken or the egg" debates. The point im trying to say is that the inhabitants of Southeast Asia migrated from Southern China, or had mixed with austronesians, dravidians through the early human migration patterns. There is no one static group. If genetic (mitochondrial and chromosomal) analysis proves anything is that humans share similar homeobox, codons, despite variance in phenotype.


I think you need to change your flag :o:8-)

Turkey is a member of NATO
Member states of NATO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkey's membership in the EU is under review due to the criteria on many economic factors. If they are not considered as Europeans, their application will not be considered at all
Accession of Turkey to the European Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russia had a war with Georgia
Ukraine is now having a civil war
NATO and Russia are having vigorous military drills in the black sea

In the case of China with neighbours, I can name 2 cases of border conflicts which are caused by UK and USA respectively.

The first one with India in which your country (UK ) has carved out a chunk of 90 sq Km area of land to India through the infamous "McMahon line"; and the second with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands whereby our sovereigny rights were clearly enshrined in 2 post world war declarations but US gifted the Japanese with " administration rights" over the area which is the one of the major causes of all the conflicts between us :o:8-)

You need to stop drivelling nonsense without knowing what is going on in the world :tdown::angry::disagree:

nope, We welcomed Turkey into NATO just because of U.S.S.R/Russia, without Russia turkey will have never be allowed to join NATO in the face place. It was done just to counter Russia influence, since Turkey served as a very important buffer against Moscow.
To be honest with you, i dont think we will ever allow Turkey to join the E.U . if we wanted them in, we would have long allowed them to join, if not why do you think we havent since then? and what makes you think we will anytime soon?lol
Our leaders are just making excuses looking for reasons not to allow them in. The 'negotiations' will go on for a longggg time to come, without anything coming out of it.;) Coupled with the fact that Turkey human rights record are not really up to par with what the E.U considers satisfactory(they have the largest number of journalists behind bars, more than even authoritarian China.lol), plus the rise of ISIS might cause instability in Turkey as well in the long run. So there just so many excuses/faults we can give for not letting them in(apart from them being part of the middle east not Europe). IMO Turkey is a middle eastern Country not European.:bounce:

As for your point about we and the U.S being responsible for the issues/problems , i agree with you, its indeed true we were the ones who collected/seize land from Tibet to make it part of India(though Indians seem to still think it was part of their country for Ages.lol ), In fact India should be grateful to us for making their country bigger and United, for without us , India today will be made of smaller countries fromt heir north east to Kashmir etc. However, I dont see why you blame us, we were a colonial power, and were simply trying to protect our interests(just like every country does, or should do). So i dont find anything wrong in that. Divide and rule was the policy we created to further our interests(which the U.S still uses sucessfully against you asians till today by the way.lol), so if China and India cant grow up and act like adults to solve their problems whicb we created IMO, then they have only themselves to blame, not us. As for the U.S , i find even less reason they would have given back the senkakus to Communist China who is their adversary. Had the Nationalsit KMT won, then yes the U.S will have rightfully returned those islands back to Chins for sure. Howver that wasnt to eb the case. So the U.S did it for their own inetrests as well(just like every country should do.):partay: Divide and rule. thats geo politics for you bro, not hard feelings.:cheers:
nope, We welcomed Turkey into NATO just because of U.S.S.R/Russia, without Russia turkey will have never be allowed to join NATO in the face place. It was done just to counter Russia influence, since Turkey served as a very important buffer against Moscow.
To be honest with you, i dont think we will ever allow Turkey to join the E.U . if we wanted them in, we would have long allowed them to join, if not why do you think we havent since then? and what makes you think we will anytime soon?lol
Our leaders are just making excuses looking for reasons not to allow them in. The 'negotiations' will go on for a longggg time to come, without anything coming out of it.;) Coupled with the fact that Turkey human rights record are not really up to par with what the E.U considers satisfactory(they have the largest number of journalists behind bars, more than even authoritarian China.lol), plus the rise of ISIS might cause instability in Turkey as well in the long run. So there just so many excuses/faults we can give for not letting them in(apart from them being part of the middle east not Europe). IMO Turkey is a middle eastern Country not European.:bounce:

Ridiculous! That is just your own uneducated opinion
Turkey is widely accepted as a European country:

1. A NATO member

2. Turkey is a member of all major sports organizations representating Europe
- UEFA Turkey is ranked: The FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking - Ranking Table - FIFA.com
- FIBA Europe:
FIBA Europe
Teams | EuroChallenge
- Swimming
LEN European Aquatics Championships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Athletics
Member Federations - European Athletics
- European Olympics Committee
European Olympic Committees - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3. Science, culture and academics
- European Science Foundation
Member Organisations : European Science Foundation
- European cultural Foundation
ABOUT US - European Cultural Foundation
- European for Education Exhange
EEE YFU - Members
- European Festivals Association
EFA - by-country - members - European Festivals Association
- European Universities Association
EUA members directory

So Turkey is widely regarded as a European country whether you personally like it or not
and with the above supporting facts, your argument of Eu people are more peaceful inter se is defeated :dirol:

As for your point about we and the U.S being responsible for the issues/problems , i agree with you, its indeed true we were the ones who collected/seize land from Tibet to make it part of India(though Indians seem to still think it was part of their country for Ages.lol ), In fact India should be grateful to us for making their country bigger and United, for without us , India today will be made of smaller countries fromt heir north east to Kashmir etc. However, I dont see why you blame us, we were a colonial power, and were simply trying to protect our interests(just like every country does, or should do). So i dont find anything wrong in that. Divide and rule was the policy we created to further our interests(which the U.S still uses sucessfully against you asians till today by the way.lol), so if China and India cant grow up and act like adults to solve their problems whicb we created IMO, then they have only themselves to blame, not us. As for the U.S , i find even less reason they would have given back the senkakus to Communist China who is their adversary. Had the Nationalsit KMT won, then yes the U.S will have rightfully returned those islands back to Chins for sure. Howver that wasnt to eb the case. So the U.S did it for their own inetrests as well(just like every country should do.):partay: Divide and rule. thats geo politics for you bro, not hard feelings.:cheers:

Again you have supported my arguments that some of our conflicts were created by Europeans.
EU people - Brits, Americans, French ... are trouble makers all around the world :o:8-):coffee::angry:
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I didn't know Naresuan's dad was installed by the Burmese :o:
I only now know that Taksin was removed. I thought he started the current dynasty.
Oh, didn't you watch the Thai movie King Naresuan? :o: After watching it, I have to try to watch a lot of Thai war movies. But all of them are Thai wars with Burmese :coffee:
The fight scenes are so great! Especially the elephant war :yahoo:
Do you know about the elephant battle between Thai King Naresuan and Burmese Crown Prince? There are two chronicle versions of it.:nhl_checking:
Cambodia stands firms in relations with Vietnam
VietNamNet Bridge – With its fraternity, Vietnam is not a threat to security of Cambodia, said spokesperson for the Royal Government of Cambodia Phay Siphan.
Last update 16:45 | 24/10/2014


Spokesperson for the Royal Government of Cambodia Phay Siphan. – File photo

"The Government and people of Cambodia has always advocated the protection and development of relations with Vietnam as a result of great efforts in their long struggle for national independence through many historical periods. Cambodia resolutely prevents any hostile force from undermining the special solidarity ", Phay Siphan confirmed in a recent interview with a Phnom Penh-based Radio Voice of Vietnam correspondent.

Could you please tell us about the Cambodian Government’s view on pertubative protests before the Vietnam Embassy in Cambodia, and provocative acts cooking up Vietnamese history and relations between Vietnam and Cambodia?

We are resolved not to let a small group of extremists who have no or little understanding of history incite divisive relations between the two nations. We hold the historical legacy that nothing can be separated.

For example, in the Declaration on the Cambodia-Vietnam border, Cambodian leaders, including Prime Minister Hun Sen, National Assembly Chairman Heng and Senate President CheaSim expressed their desire to resolve all issues between the two countries by peaceful solutions on the basis of mutual respect.

Security, peace and fine cooperation is lofty goals of both peoples. It is impossible to let a small group of extremists sabotage our sound relations. The Cambodian Government and its people do not support such wrongful acts.

What is your opinion about public opinion that is very interested in what hostile forces are backing the provocative acts?

Who is behind? Most are run by non-governmental organizations and most disruptive forces involved receive money from outside organizations.

Let the people feel free to make a choice, not by any force or any country outside. We still hope that we can maintain security, peace and stability in Cambodia and Vietnam for our common interests.

How will the Cambodian government solve this problem in the future?

Mr. Phay Siphan: We will help those extremists and opportunists get a better understanding of the history of Vietnam and Cambodia and international law alike. The Royal Government of Cambodia is determined to comply with international law as well as the laws of their country.

Thank you very much.

Source: VOV
Where ? Mon states and, Red: Khmer Empire Light Green: Haripunjaya Yellow: Champa

THe Tais were subjugated by the Khmer but they were there.

Oh, didn't you watch the Thai movie King Naresuan? :o: After watching it, I have to try to watch a lot of Thai war movies. But all of them are Thai wars with Burmese :coffee:
The fight scenes are so great! Especially the elephant war :yahoo:
Do you know about the elephant battle between Thai King Naresuan and Burmese Crown Prince? There are two chronicle versions of it.:nhl_checking:

We don't talk about the elephant duel between Naresuan and Mingyi Swar :laugh:

I did try to watch Naresuan once but in Thai only so I gave up. Anyway, I only like films where the Burmese win so Bang Rajan gets a few turns in the DVD player :laugh:
If one follows that kind of thinking, its nothing different than "Who came first the chicken or the egg" debates. The point im trying to say is that the inhabitants of Southeast Asia migrated from Southern China, or had mixed with austronesians, dravidians through the early human migration patterns. There is no one static group. If genetic (mitochondrial and chromosomal) analysis proves anything is that humans share similar homeobox, codons, despite variance in phenotype.



It's interesting that Japan, Tibet and as well as VN share higher ratio of D-haplotype, that belongs to "the previous asians" = short dark people, before the modern day people. Is Annu belonging to D-haplotype?

It seemed that the D and O2b types jumped from VN to Korea and Japan. Chinese Han blood (O1a, O2a and O3a)is at least 20+% in VN and Japan, and 30+% in Koreas.
Oh, didn't you watch the Thai movie King Naresuan? :o: After watching it, I have to try to watch a lot of Thai war movies. But all of them are Thai wars with Burmese :coffee:
The fight scenes are so great! Especially the elephant war :yahoo:
Do you know about the elephant battle between Thai King Naresuan and Burmese Crown Prince? There are two chronicle versions of it.:nhl_checking:

There is another Thai hero who I find inspirational. It was Queen Suriyothai ! ;)
are there any chronicles where history of SE is written? what are the sources of history in SE?
@alaungphaya , @somsak, @Viet

Well, the best book about that Burmese-Thai wars is a book called 'Our Wars With the Burmese' by Prince Damrong. I've just started it but I've been told it's definitive. Quite rare to find, though.

I warn you though - SEAsian history is so confusing, it will give you a headache. :sick:
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