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Cambodian youths offer to fight IS in exchange for US help to expel Vietnamese out of Phu Quoc

Lol ..Heated asian superior race debate for sure.....interesting:pop::D
I think u r misunderstanding. Vienam members r trying to.prove that Thai do not belong to SE.Asia by saying we migrated from the north and have lighter skin than native S.E.A , yet they are the most northen people, the most light skin, and the latest immigrant to mainland S.E.A.

Therefore it is not about Superior race, but about who came first.
I think u r misunderstanding. Vienam members r trying to.prove that Thai do not belong to SE.Asia by saying we migrated from the north and have lighter skin than native S.E.A , yet they are the most northen people, the most light skin, and the latest immigrant to mainland S.E.A.

Therefore it is not about Superior race, but about who came first.
well, there are more prejudices about your people: in the western white eyes (and many other in East Asia), the Thai are good in adult entertainment, a good place for vacation. Nothing else. what the viet people think of your country, I believe I keep to myself.
Nothing remotely close to the hate you have for each other. As i said we are the ones even begging Germany to rearm and be more active in international politics like every normal western power. 8-):p: You will never see that in asia ,instead you people are all trying to counter each other with our help.Lool :lol:

At least one honest/sane chinese member. I agree with you conpletely bro. But first tell that to your fellow nationalistic brothers on here who insist asia has nothing to learn from us and that everything is ok. :lol::meeting:

Nope bro. According to your chinese brothers on here, the east is the most advance region and we dont control or dominate the region at all. In fact to them we have more divisions/hatred among ourselves than they do. :omghaha:
Im tired of arguing with them on this(even more so when its something that is obvious for everybody). I was just trying to say Asians have to be realist , forget the past and move on like we in europe have done, for that i get all types of bad comments. :cry:

I would like to dispute hor argument that Europe is peaceful with no hate among each others. As i know Greece and Turkey hate each others. Just 20 years ago I don't know who hate who but there was Serbia vs Bosnia and there was report about masarce ethnic cleansing large scale rape as well.Chiese embassy at belgrade. That prove ur argument that there is no such hatr among European wrong.
For the thread,Phu Quac island was annexed to Vietnam just 30 years ago. I don't think it in your definition of the word history.

well, there are more prejudices about your people: in the western white eyes (and many other in East Asia), the Thai are good in adult entertainment, a good place for vacation. Nothing else. what the viet people think of your country, I believe I keep to myself.
I know. Average Vietnamese love Thailand.
I would like to dispute hor argument that Europe is peaceful with no hate among each others. As i know Greece and Turkey hate each others. Just 20 years ago I don't know who hate who but there was Serbia vs Bosnia and there was report about masarce ethnic cleansing large scale rape as well.Chiese embassy at belgrade. That prove ur argument that there is no such hatr among European wrong.
For the thread,Phu Quac island was annexed to Vietnam just 30 years ago. I don't think it in your definition of the word history.

Just 1 correction Turkey is not part of europe per say :D:bunny:
Later, Myanmar won Ayuthaya Khmer and enthrone the Dai king from a Dai princedom on Ayuthaya throne.

Can you explain this, please? Who are you talking about? Naruesan?

Tai/Catay people went to south around 14th centery. Thailand/Myanma is native land of Mon/Khmer people. Laos is native land of Khmu/Muong people.

That is bullshit. The Tai have been around in SEAsia as long as the Bamar.

wake up from your delusion, we had dominated Cambodia for centuries...and until today.
as for commnent of malnourishment: is it true, during the great famine in China, peasants were not allowed to eat rice, only privileged communists? those who were captured eating rice were beaten to dead.

Who is primitive?

Fill me in. When did Vietnam rule Cambodia?
For the thread,Phu Quac island was annexed to Vietnam just 30 years ago. I don't think it in your definition of the word history.
you are wrong. the French officially gave the island to Vietnam in 1949. that is 65 years. but we controlled the island much longer as part of the Nguyen dynasty.
I know. Average Vietnamese love Thailand.
Thai rice is good, and we share the love for fish sause. I don´t remember of other things else.
Can you explain this, please? Who are you talking about? Naruesan?

That is bullshit. The Tai have been around in SEAsia as long as the Bamar.

Fill me in. When did Vietnam rule Cambodia?
Vietnam married a princess to Cambodia king The queen ordered Khmer people to dress like Vietnam (I wanna see that too) man! Kmer ladies in Ao yai. Ok cont. And replace all Khmer officials to be pro Vietnam.

May b u may correct me. I beleive that the Siam before Burmeses 1st conquere was 1/2 Dai 1/2Khmer. I beleive that Ayuthaya was Khmer kingdom and tbe Dai kingdoms were vassal sgates who later gain the throne of Ayuthaya through marriage.
Just 1 correction Turkey is not part of europe per say :D:bunny:

I think you need to change your flag :o:8-)

Turkey is a member of NATO
Member states of NATO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkey's membership in the EU is under review due to the criteria on many economic factors. If they are not considered as Europeans, their application will not be considered at all
Accession of Turkey to the European Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russia had a war with Georgia
Ukraine is now having a civil war
NATO and Russia are having vigorous military drills in the black sea

In the case of China with neighbours, I can name 2 cases of border conflicts which are caused by UK and USA respectively.

The first one with India in which your country (UK ) has carved out a chunk of 90 sq Km area of land to India through the infamous "McMahon line"; and the second with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands whereby our sovereigny rights were clearly enshrined in 2 post world war declarations but US gifted the Japanese with " administration rights" over the area which is the one of the major causes of all the conflicts between us :o:8-)

You need to stop drivelling nonsense without knowing what is going on in the world :tdown::angry::disagree:
Vietnam married a princess to Cambodia king The queen ordered Khmer people to dress like Vietnam (I wanna see that too) man! Kmer ladies in Ao yai. Ok cont. And replace all Khmer officials to be pro Vietnam.

May b u may correct me. I beleive that the Siam before Burmeses 1st conquere was 1/2 Dai 1/2Khmer. I beleive that Ayuthaya was Khmer kingdom and tbe Dai kingdoms were vassal sgates who later gain the throne of Ayuthaya through marriage.

I'm afraid my knowledge of Thailand is quite limited. :(

I know that the Shan were one of the 3 'Tai' peoples and they were conquered about a 1000 years ago. l know that what is now Thailand was part of the very old Khmer empire that stretched to southern Myanmar. So I guess modern Thais are a mix of Mon Khmer and Tai?

The period between the decline of the Khmer Empire and the rise of the Siam Kingdom in Ayutthaya is a bit of a mystery to me.

Ayutthaya was conquered for the first time in the 16th century and Min Bayinnaung wanted to unite the Burmese and Thai thrones so took the Thai crown prince (Naresuan) to live in Myanmar but he decided to lead his kingdom independently and rebelled (Is this the guy you're talking about?) I'm afraid I don't know whether Naresuan was Khmer or Tai.

Ayutthaya was conquered for the second time in the 18th century and the guy who led the fightback (Thaksin) was a Tai-Chinese? And this is the dynasty that still rules today. Am I right?
Fill me in. When did Vietnam rule Cambodia?
in the first half 19 century, Vietnam and Siam fought for dominance in Laos and Cambodia. in short, we messed in 3 wars, and at the end of the day, we kicked the Thai out of these countries. the vietnamese influence even remained during french colonial period because the french employed vietnamese officials. we were considered as smart, educated unlike the dark skin khmers.

here is a good site (in german). use google to translate.
Chronik Thailand
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I'm afraid my knowledge of Thailand is quite limited. :(

I know that the Shan were one of the 3 'Tai' peoples and they were conquered about a 1000 years ago. l know that what is now Thailand was part of the very old Khmer empire that stretched to southern Myanmar. So I guess modern Thais are a mix of Mon Khmer and Tai?

The period between the decline of the Khmer Empire and the rise of the Siam Kingdom in Ayutthaya is a bit of a mystery to me.

Ayutthaya was conquered for the first time in the 16th century and Min Bayinnaung wanted to unite the Burmese and Thai thrones so took the Thai crown prince (Naresuan) to live in Myanmar but he decided to lead his kingdom independently and rebelled (Is this the guy you're talking about?) I'm afraid I don't know whether Naresuan was Khmer or Tai.

Ayutthaya was conquered for the second time in the 18th century and the guy who led the fightback (Thaksin) was a Tai-Chinese? And this is the dynasty that still rules today. Am I right?
Naresuan's family was from Pitsanulok, near Sukothai. His father was enthrone by Burmese king. The Burmese conquere also took many Ayuthaya 's initial.inhabitant back to Burma as it was common practice back then. My hypothsis is that this event must had changed the racial mixture and common language of Ayuthaya from Khmer to Thai. The current Thai language has too.many Khmer words, even the simple words like walk is Khmer. Yet it is tonal and share large vocab with Dai. Bangkok is the least Dai. Lao, Shan ,and Lanna shares much more similarity on spesking language. This shows that Thailand is half breed of Dai and Khmer. So Myanmar victory over Ayuthaya on the 1st war was that Dai vassals betrayed half Dai half Khmer Ayuthaya.

Heroic 1/2 Thai Chiese Taksin who liberated Siam fromBurma was couped.

in the first half 19 century, Vietnam and Siam fought for dominance in Laos and Cambodia. in short, we messed in 3 wars, and at the end of the day, we kicked the Thai out of these countries. the vietnamese influence even remained during french colonial period because the french employed vietnamese officials.

here is a good site (in german). use google to translate.
Chronik Thailand
The war ended in evade. though battels we can say Siam lost in general, but it was not yet decisive, and we still have man power to do reinforcement. At the end, it was the King that Siam chosen who ruled Cambodia. So we acheive our goal. Finally peace treaty was signed that Cambodia be vassals of both countries.
Vietnam married a princess to Cambodia king The queen ordered Khmer people to dress like Vietnam (I wanna see that too) man! Kmer ladies in Ao yai. Ok cont. And replace all Khmer officials to be pro Vietnam.

May b u may correct me. I beleive that the Siam before Burmeses 1st conquere was 1/2 Dai 1/2Khmer. I beleive that Ayuthaya was Khmer kingdom and tbe Dai kingdoms were vassal sgates who later gain the throne of Ayuthaya through marriage.
No, ao dai did not exist at that time. the Nguyen forbade cambodian women/men wearing skirts, but trousers (chinese model).
even the dress colors were ruled: yellow/gold only for emperors, red for officials, black/gray for peasants, etc...

The war ended in evade. though battels we can say Siam lost in general, but it was not yet decisive, and we still have man power to do reinforcement. At the end, it was the King that Siam chosen who ruled Cambodia. So we acheive our goal. Finally peace treaty was signed that Cambodia be vassals of both countries.
we won the first two wars. the third vietnam-siam war ended in stalemate. cambodia was put under joint vietnam-siam control.
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No, ao dai did not exist at that time. the Nguyen forbade cambodian women/men wearing skirts, but trousers (chinese model).
even the dress colors were ruled: yellow/gold only for emperors, red for officials, black/gray for peasants, etc...

we won the first two wars. the third vietnam-siam war ended in stalemate. cambodia was put under joint vietnam-siam control.
1st war was Taksin King's victory. Coz vietnam was in civil war. 2nd war Siam withdraw, coz Taksin King was couped. 3rd one We lost Phnomphen but we gain 2 Cambodia 's provices. 4th one stalemate. if mg memory correct.
in the first half 19 century, Vietnam and Siam fought for dominance in Laos and Cambodia. in short, we messed in 3 wars, and at the end of the day, we kicked the Thai out of these countries. the vietnamese influence even remained during french colonial period because the french employed vietnamese officials. we were considered as smart, educated unlike the dark skin khmers.

here is a good site (in german). use google to translate.
Chronik Thailand

OK thanks. I didn't know about that.

Do you strive to be light skinned?

Naresuan's family was from Pitsanulok, near Sukothai. His father was enthrone by Burmese king. The Burmese conquere also took many Ayuthaya 's initial.inhabitant back to Burma as it was common practice back then. My hypothsis is that this event must had changed the racial mixture and common language of Ayuthaya from Khmer to Thai. The current Thai language has too.many Khmer words, even the simple words like walk is Khmer. Yet it is tonal and share large vocab with Dai. Bangkok is the least Dai. Lao, Shan ,and Lanna shares much more similarity on spesking language. This shows that Thailand is half breed of Dai and Khmer. So Myanmar victory over Ayuthaya on the 1st war was that Dai vassals betrayed half Dai half Khmer Ayuthaya.

Heroic 1/2 Thai Chiese Taksin who liberated Siam fromBurma was couped.

I didn't know Naresuan's dad was installed by the Burmese :o:

I only now know that Taksin was removed. I thought he started the current dynasty.

So you consider yourself a mix of Dai, Khmer and Chinese?
OK thanks. I didn't know about that.

Do you strive to be light skinned?
viet men don´t care of, but women try to avoid sun at all cost :D they want light skinned.
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