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Cambodian youths offer to fight IS in exchange for US help to expel Vietnamese out of Phu Quoc

Seems we have the makings of an anti-Vietnam coalition. Thailand, Cambodia, and China together is overkill for dirty little Vietnam. :cheers:
Can't we just drink together some where private? Vienamese will get angry to see such picture. Well if u don't mind being in private 1-1 .
Cambodian friends don't worry. We Siamese, your ancient subordinate, will protect you from Vietnam land grabbing. You just need to get Hun Sen out, and strngthen military partnership with Thai. Koh Tral(Phu Quac) island was part of Khmer.
Settle your dispute over a certain temple first. Also wasn't Khmer Empire got sandwiched by Dai Viet and Siam empire in the past?
Cambodian friends don't worry. We Siamese, your ancient subordinate, will protect you from Vietnam land grabbing. You just need to get Hun Sen out, and strngthen military partnership with Thai. Koh Tral(Phu Quac) island was part of Khmer.

Cambodian friends fight with you for Preah Vihear first.
Cambodian friends don't worry. We Siamese, your ancient subordinate, will protect you from Vietnam land grabbing. You just need to get Hun Sen out, and strngthen military partnership with Thai. Koh Tral(Phu Quac) island was part of Khmer.

Thai native people should kicked all Chinese matiso back to Chima.

Simplistic analysis as usual.

Let me address some of your points:

- China will commemorate WW2 jointly with Japan when Japan faces up to history the way Germany did. Nazism is outlawed in Germany and German aversion to all things military is because they've so thoroughly examined and learned from their past. Japan is in no way comparable (when you have Japanese equivalents of Holocaust deniers in high level government positions) and only a simpleton would think otherwise. The day Japan stops its historical revisionism is the day China and Japan can move past WW2.

- Also, the reason you see German, France, and the UK coming together is because they fear a rising Russia. Prior to the Ukraine crisis, the EU was on the verge of falling apart as infighting between the members threatened its unified vision. And European hatred of one another has been all but bled out after 2 world wars and the subsequent threat of WW3 during the Cold War. Certainly, it wasn't solved through talking or anything remotely civilized.

-The UK and France want Germany to re-arm because they want to fight Russia to the last German. It's typical Euro behavior to leave the fighting to others (i.e. the US). We even see it with the "sanctions" against Russia where Euro countries only participate when they see fit. Some Euro countries were outright against the sanctions (i.e. the same Germany that refuses to rearm)

-By the way, you manage to contradict your own point in one statement: Smaller Asian nations who want to see the US play a bigger role in the Asian Pacific region *are* uniting. They're united in the acceptance of continued US involvement in the area as Chinese power grows. Hence the US pivot to try to retain its dominance in the face of a resurgent China. Do you even read what you write or do you just spam comments, throw in a bunch of irrelevant emoticons, and hit "post reply"?

I guess @AgentOrange has trashed your drivel for good, @mike2000 .

I share it and highlight so you may re-read it.
You might be progressing faster or not, but your region is still dominated by a 'foreign power', and despite this dominance, the countries in your region are all still asking for more U.S involvement/dominance not less. So you people have to deeply reflect why this is so. Just look at how even your people in Hong Kong still resent your rule, even though under us they had far less freedom(in fact they had no say at all) in how ruled them. Thats just one example of how asians still largely prefer a foreign power/western country to their neighbours/'Asian brothers'.:D:P

Those naive, spoiled, vandalising youngsters are largely misguided by some American proxies in Hongkong

When you are able to read more about the political environments of the world and use you head just a bit more, many so called traditional democracies are in more or less turmoil if not in larger:
India - endless fights and carnages in the NE, Kashmir, the Sikhs, the Red Corridor
UK - OMG :o: you seem to have an instant absence of mind of what is going on at home
US - OWS has just ended. The Fergusson clashes will not be the last of conflicts there ; then the coming fillibusters in Capitol Hill
Spain - Caledonia and under-achieving economy, high unemployment rates etc are inviting people to protest on the streets
Canada - Quebec
France - union strikes and unstable presidential leadership
Germany - showing weakness in economic performance. Who are the Bavarians?
Italy - What are the Sardinians asking for?
Need to say anything about places like the Philippines, Greece ... etc and the Merry-go-Round PM rotation in Japan before Abe whose popularity poll is plummeting

The HK Government and the Central Government are still very much in control of everything in HK
The students/thugs/criminals are wearing themselves down and out for the 4th week now burying their own studies and future with their hugely unpopular, anti-social and ciminal activities on the streets of HK
They are the minorities afterall if you know what democracy is all about! :dirol:
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Naive virgins

Zionist ISIS is part of the JEW USA war machine

Really Fukuoka ?

Settle your dispute over a certain temple first. Also wasn't Khmer Empire got sandwiched by Dai Viet and Siam empire in the past?

If i remember my readings correctly, Lovek (Khmer) were vassals of the Ayudhaya Empire, then, later, it was also a vassal of Kingdom of Siam.
Really Fukuoka ?

If i remember my readings correctly, Lovek (Khmer) were vassals of the Ayudhaya Empire, then, later, it was also a vassal of Kingdom of Siam.
Sorry if I was wrong. I never really did research on history of Cambodia and Thailand.
Sorry if I was wrong. I never really did research on history of Cambodia and Thailand.

The story I heard was something like this. (Not student Thai history book, its my research. Student history book full of fake).

Khmer was so successful that they have 2 captial cities.
Ayuthaya was the west and Preah Nakor was the east. Even today you can call Preah Nakor to mean Bangkok. Then the east empire where current Khmer is located at, was rebelled by ordinary Khmer. Ayuthaya Khmer, and Dai princedoms' vassal states launch invasion to reconquer the east Khmer. Later, Ayuthaya Khmer married one of the Dai princedom. That was the start for the change of major language of west Khmer from within. Later, Myanmar won Ayuthaya Khmer and enthrone the Dai king from a Dai princedom on Ayuthaya throne. Now that! change the major language of Siam forever.
Therefore, Thailand is a grand mix of everything. Nothing is original.
Cambodian friends don't worry. We Siamese, your ancient subordinate, will protect you from Vietnam land grabbing. You just need to get Hun Sen out, and strngthen military partnership with Thai. Koh Tral(Phu Quac) island was part of Khmer.
don´t bullshit, otherwise we will spank you at home in Bangkok. Thailand as a national state did not exist until recently. it is you who grabbed lands from Burma and Cambodia. you built the country on the ruins of others. you friend China helped you many times in the past, thus you are friendly to them.

But wait, we will come and visit you again. the Chinese can´t help you in the future.
The story I heard was something like this. (Not student Thai history book, its my research. Student history book full of fake).

Khmer was so successful that they have 2 captial cities.
Ayuthaya was the west and Preah Nakor was the east. Even today you can call Preah Nakor to mean Bangkok. Then the east empire where current Khmer is located at, was rebelled by ordinary Khmer. Ayuthaya Khmer, and Dai princedoms' vassal states launch invasion to reconquer the east Khmer. Later, Ayuthaya Khmer married one of the Dai princedom. That was the start for the change of major language of west Khmer from within. Later, Myanmar won Ayuthaya Khmer and enthrone the Dai king from a Dai princedom on Ayuthaya throne. Now that! change the major language of Siam forever.
Therefore, Thailand is a grand mix of everything. Nothing is original.
I did read a Cambodian document of how the Khmer Empire was the largest on earth during a certain period (around 800 AD I think). I have no problem with that, however some Cambodian extremists used that to demand the return of their "traditional terriroties occupied by foreign force". Sound familiar?

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