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Cambodian youths offer to fight IS in exchange for US help to expel Vietnamese out of Phu Quoc

are there any chronicles where history of SE is written? what are the sources of history in SE?
@alaungphaya , @somsak, @Viet

BTW if you mean primary sources of history, for the Burmese, there was a chronicle written around 200 years ago called the 'Glass Palace Chronicles' by the Royal Court of Ava that wrote the official version of Burmese history. But many documents were lost when the British and their idiot Sikh soldiers ransacked the Royal Palace.
are there any chronicles where history of SE is written? what are the sources of history in SE?
@alaungphaya , @somsak, @Viet
supposed to be written by your scholars and others?
vietnamese history is complied by vietnamese/chinese scholars as well as westerners (portuguese, french, etc...).

It's interesting that Japan, Tibet and as well as VN share higher ratio of D-haplotype, that belongs to "the previous asians" = short dark people, before the modern day people. Is Annu belonging to D-haplotype?

It seemed that the D and O2b types jumped from VN to Korea and Japan. Chinese Han blood (O1a, O2a and O3a)is at least 20+% in VN and Japan, and 30+% in Koreas.
unlikely and utter nonsense. should that mean the civilization came from cambodia/malysia? No, the recent genetic research of Harvard Medical School has showed that migration starts from north to west to south to west and is as follows:

in short, the Taiwanese are our forefathers that came to Vietnam 5,000 years ago.

Reconstructing Austronesian population history in Island Southeast Asia : Nature Communications : Nature Publishing Group
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Well it doesnt matter whether Vietnamese kids are deformed by agent orange or malnourished, this doesnt means Vietnam shouldn't/wouldnt try and protect its interests or try and have influence/dominion over cambodia. Every country should always try and further their interests by all means possible, doesnt matter whether the method they use is morally right or wrong, only results matter at the end. Though its true Chinas influence over cambodia is growing with each passing year(exemplified by the recent ASEAN/cambodia refusal to issue a binding code of conduct in SCS), this doesnt means Vietnam will readily give up on Cambodia, nope they will just redouble their effort. So if China cant stop Vietnam, they shouldnt cry foul.:lol: Vietnam will do what is good for Vietnam and thats it.:cheers:
exactly my friend. here some images of the island. the khmers can try to take it. the chinese can dream their dirty dream of supporting their plan.





There is another Thai hero who I find inspirational. It was Queen Suriyothai ! ;)
The Thai warriors impressed me with their uniform :o:. It similars to Japanese warriors uniform.
Look at the way they tie their hat.

The Thai warriors impressed me with their uniform :o:. It similars to Japanese warriors uniform.
Look at the way they tie their hat.


Some similarities, indeed. Tho I think they were also influenced by the Portuguese and Spaniards in the design of their breast plates. Given the fact that Spaniards and Portuguese had commercial and mercenary activity in Siam as well as Burma during this time period.

Queen Suriyothai in armor (European design, style inspired)

Spanish Conquistadore Armor

I was just trying to say Asians have to be realist , forget the past and move on like we in europe have done, for that i get all types of bad comments. :cry:

It's funny you mentioned "realist", Asians are well known for pragmaticism, unlike the sectarians in the ME.
exactly my friend. here some images of the island. the khmers can try to take it. the chinese can dream their dirty dream of supporting their plan.






Wow....Beautiful island indeed. So Vietnam took it from Cambodia in the past. As I said in geo politics, it doesn't matter whether the method you use is wrong or right, moral or not, what matters is of you achieved your aims, The end justifies the means. Just like we seized and still control the malvinas islands from Argentina (which is oceans away from us), the U.S control of Hawaii, French overseas territories in the Caribbean islands, Japans control of senkakus, Chinese control of paracel islands seized from Vietnam, Vietnam's control of islands seized from Cambodia and phillipnes, Russian control/seizure of Crimea from Ukraine etc.
At the end, what matters is who controls what, everything else is secondary/cheap politically correct talk. Todays world is for the strong, no place for the weak. So expect to see territories/islands change hand in the coking decades as well, as geo political power changes/moves/shifts etc.
Wow....Beautiful island indeed. So Vietnam took it from Cambodia in the past. As I said in geo politics, it doesn't matter whether the method you use is wrong or right, moral or not, what matters is of you achieved your aims, The end justifies the means. Just like we seized and still control the malvinas islands from Argentina (which is oceans away from us), the U.S control of Hawaii, French overseas territories in the Caribbean islands, Japans control of senkakus, Chinese control of paracel islands seized from Vietnam, Vietnam's control of islands seized from Cambodia and phillipnes, Russian control/seizure of Crimea from Ukraine etc.

At the end, what matters is who controls what, everything else is secondary/cheap politically correct talk. Todays world is for the strong, no place for the weak. So expect to see territories/islands change hand in the coking decades as well, as geo political power changes/moves/shifts etc.
yes, only the fittest survive.

I admire your country. despite being a small island country, not long ago, you controlled half of the world. too bad, the evil germans destroyed your empire.
yes, only the fittest survive.

I admire your country. despite being a small island country, not long ago, you controlled half of the world. too bad, the evil germans destroyed your empire.

Shows size is not always everything bro. Its brain/knowledge that matters.8-);)
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