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Cambodian and Vietnamese Soldiers Fight Over Border Dispute

origin land of Tai/Katay people is Yun Nan in China. Origin country of Thai/KaTay, Nung... is Nan Chao 南詔 and Dian Kuo 滇國 in Yun Nan China. After collapsing of Nan Chao 南詔, Thai/Katay people has began to move to south East Asia.

It is reported that in 13th century, Thái people moved to Điện Biên Phủ in Vietnam, they have paid tributes and obeyed the rule of our Kingdom Ly Dynasty of Dai Viet.

The Khmer Surin people are living in Thailand, there is native people of the country today is called as Thailand. Thai people is mixed with Khmer Surin people, so that Thai language is borrowed many Khmer words in to your language, it is nothing special. Vietnamese speak Mon/Khmer language, there is our origin language, but we borrowed many words from Cantonese too and our language became tonal language, like Cantonese.

As I said before that Vietnamese could join with our Cambodian friends to regain the Independence of Khmer Empire, so you Thai people could join in too. We are citizen of Khmer Empire. It is great.:-)

Don't kiss chinese like that way, my Cambodian friend. You are traitor of Mon/Khmer people here.
Now opening : Vassal State to Thailand position!

Vietnam can start applying a position of vassal state to Thailand now. Join now and get two tanks battellions for free.
Prerequisite you just need to disband your army. That's it. Remember call now before the promotion ended.!
Now opening : Vassal State to Thailand position!

Vietnam can start applying a position of vassal state to Thailand now. Join now and get two tanks battellions for free.
Prerequisite you just need to disband your army. That's it. Remember call now before the promotion ended.!

are you joker ? very funny indeed.:omghaha:
How many tanks thai have? 100 or 200 o_Oo_O
Untill you guys have over 5000 tanks, i see no reason why should we fear you thai gay.
What wrong with you, my Cambodian friend ?

Vietnamese, Cambodian both we speak Mon/Khmer languages, we are brothers. We Viets are ready to join with you to regain independence of Khmer Empire.:-)


Well it's ironic that the Cambodians (those I met during my stay there) are so anti Vietnamese to the core, much like the Vietnamese towards the Chinese. Asia indeed has lots of rivalries. Lol
Well it's ironic that the Cambodians (those I met during my stay there) are so anti Vietnamese to the core, much like the Vietnamese towards the Chinese. Asia indeed has lots of rivalries. Lol
In southeast asia there are two countries that heavily cannot face the fact that they are little countries,one is the Vietnam,the other is Indonesia.
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What wrong with you, my Cambodian friend ?

Vietnamese, Cambodian both we speak Mon/Khmer languages, we are brothers. We Viets are ready to join with you to regain independence of Khmer Empire.:-)

Vietnamese language was first classified as Sino Tibetan then Tai Kadai and lastly Austro-Asiatic. The language is very complicated due to borrowed vocabulary of Middle Chinese & Proto Viet Muong. The grammer is similar to austro asiatic like the Muong dialect and the phonetic tones are similiar to Cantonese & Thai. Modern vietnamese is tonal where as mon khmer language is non tonal.

Proto Viet-Muong was thought to be either Tai Kadai or isloate language before the morphology of Middle Chinese vocabulary & Austro-Asiatic grammer.



Just because Vietnamese is classified in Austro-Asiatic language doesn't mean their gentically related to Mon Khmers. Therefore Kinh are not related to Khmers.

Now opening : Vassal State to Thailand position!

Vietnam can start applying a position of vassal state to Thailand now. Join now and get two tanks battellions for free.
Prerequisite you just need to disband your army. That's it. Remember call now before the promotion ended.!

In the past, Thailand and the rest of South East Asia was afraid of Vietnamese expansion. ASEAN was created to counter Vietnam and the spread of Communism.

Vietnamese border raids in Thailand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you know the popular Thai dish call Pad Thai Or Hu Tieu Xao a stir-fried rice noodles was introduced during the time of the Ayutthaya Kingdom by Vietnamese traders and was changed to adapt to Thai flavors.

How many tanks thai have? 100 or 200 o_Oo_O
Untill you guys have over 5000 tanks, i see no reason why should we fear you thai gay.

Vietnam has the most MBT's in SEA. However most of its outdated and obselete junk. VN invested heavily in air and naval support while largely ignoring infantry & artillery support. Where as Thailand has a modernized force in naval, air and infantry. It's difficult to say who would win in battle : Home land vs Foreign Land & Quality vs Quantity.

According to global firepower

Thailand is rank at 20, Vietnam is at 21. But that will change soon as VN is purchasing more US & EU weapons and investing more in MBT's & infantry support. I imagine VN will be at the top 15 soon.

Global Firepower Military Ranks - 2015
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Vietnamese language was first classified as Sino Tibetan then Tai Kadai and lastly Austro-Asiatic. The language is very complicated due to borrowed vocabulary of Middle Chinese & Proto Viet Muong. The grammer is similar to austro asiatic like the Muong dialect and the phonetic tones are similiar to Cantonese & Thai. Modern vietnamese is tonal where as mon khmer language is non tonal.

Proto Viet-Muong was thought to be either Tai Kadai or isloate language before the morphology of Middle Chinese vocabulary & Austro-Asiatic grammer.



Just because Vietnamese is classified in Austro-Asiatic language doesn't mean their gentically related to Mon Khmers. Therefore Kinh are not related to Khmers.

In the past, Thailand and the rest of South East Asia was afraid of Vietnamese expansion. ASEAN was created to counter Vietnam and the spread of Communism.

Vietnamese border raids in Thailand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you know the popular Thai dish call Pad Thai Or Hu Tieu Xao a stir-fried rice noodles was introduced during the time of the Ayutthaya Kingdom by Vietnamese traders and was changed to adapt to Thai flavors.

Vietnam has the most MBT's in SEA. Hoever most of its outdated and obselete junk. VN invested heavily in air and naval support while largely ignoring infantry & artillery support. Where as Thailand has a modernized force in naval, air and infantry. It's difficult to say who would win in battle : Home land vs Foreign Land & Quality vs Quantity.

According to global firepower

Thailand is rank at 20, Vietnam is at 21. But that will change soon as VN is purchasing more US & EU weapon and investing more in MBT's & infantry support. I imagine VN will be at the top 15 soon.

Global Firepower Military Ranks - 2015
Great analysis.!! Padthai I have some controversial, adiption of Padthai is well documented, I wont go into the issue because it is too minor for military and historical discussion.

Thanks for great analysis and input especially language part.
Well it's ironic that the Cambodians (those I met during my stay there) are so anti Vietnamese to the core, much like the Vietnamese towards the Chinese. Asia indeed has lots of rivalries. Lol
I have no idea that there are tensions between Cambodians and Vietnamese. Many Vietnamese I met never mentioned them when it comes to the situation surrounding Vietnam. Instead they talk about China doing this and that.
Now opening : Vassal State to Thailand position!

Vietnam can start applying a position of vassal state to Thailand now. Join now and get two tanks battellions for free.
Prerequisite you just need to disband your army. That's it. Remember call now before the promotion ended.!
you are too bad for a comedian role.
have you seen it? our victory monument over Siam, the Tay Son force was smashing the siamese 300 warships fleet at Mekong river in year 1785.

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Cambodian special force is like a branch of our special force (kopassus). We trained them since long time ago thats why the beret color is similar.

Indonesian special force (Kopassus)


Cambodian Special Force (new recruits),


Cambodian special force is like a branch of our special force (kopassus). We trained them since long time ago thats why the beret color is similar.

Indonesian special force (Kopassus)


Cambodian Special Force (new recruits),


Which would you say have a stronger army right now? Vietnam or Cambodia?
Vietnamese language was first classified as Sino Tibetan then Tai Kadai and lastly Austro-Asiatic. The language is very complicated due to borrowed vocabulary of Middle Chinese & Proto Viet Muong. The grammer is similar to austro asiatic like the Muong dialect and the phonetic tones are similiar to Cantonese & Thai. Modern vietnamese is tonal where as mon khmer language is non tonal.

Proto Viet-Muong was thought to be either Tai Kadai or isloate language before the morphology of Middle Chinese vocabulary & Austro-Asiatic grammer.

No, bro.

Vietnamese is firstly classificated to the Austri-Asiatic language faminily, not Sino-Tibetan languages. I would like to copy here the statement from Text book printed in Vietnam for students. It is stated:

"Có thể noi cho đến nay ý kiến chung đã hầu như nhất trí: Tiếng Viêt là một ngôn ngữ họ Nam Á, thuộc ngành Môn - Khmer, tiểu chi Việt - Chứt. Quan hệ với phía Thai - Kadai dẫu khá xa xưa, quan hệ với Tiếng Hán dẫu khá sâu đậm, nhưng đó chỉ là quan hệ tiếp xúc chứ không phải quan hệ họ hàng gần."

with the google translation, it said:

" There would be far common opinion was almost agreed that : Vietnamese is a South Asian language , belonging to Mon - Khmer language group , to Viet - Chut branch . Relations with the Thai - Kadai albeit quite ancient , although relations with Chinese (Sino - Tibetan) albeit quite in profound , but it is only a contact relation, not close relatives . "

Pls to read: Giáo trình lịch sử ngữ âm tiếng Viêt. <Nguyenx Tài Cẩn, sách xuất bản năm 1997, NXB Giáo dục>

Just because Vietnamese is classified in Austro-Asiatic language doesn't mean their gentically related to Mon Khmers. Therefore Kinh are not related to Khmers.

when our language Vietnamese is existed base on Mon/Khmer language, based study of 100 word for daily speaking of Cambodian and Vietnamese. It does mean that from ancient time Vietnamese and Cambodian shared common ancestors.

I quoted here below from wiki>

First Vietnamese
Historians believe that the earliest Vietnamese people gradually moved from the Indonesian archipelago through the Malay Peninsula and Thailand until they settled on the edges of the Red River in the Tonkin Delta.

Vietnamese people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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In southeast asia there are two countries that heavily cannot face the fact that they are little countries,one is the Vietnam,the other is Indonesia.

The fact is Indonesia is close to western country that bring us new technology over time ( during cold war we were even with them ( East Timor invasion and helping Afghans in Afghan war was part of the old game) ) and we are also close as well with all Muslim countries that has huge energy

Which would you say have a stronger army right now? Vietnam or Cambodia?

Vietnam of course.
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