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Cambodian and Vietnamese Soldiers Fight Over Border Dispute

Oh man. Independence is earned, and definitely not a wild fruit that grow by itself.

Read Below. When Thai won French Indo China 3 provinces.
Addition: Navy battle
while Vietnamese are colonized, we have this

Battle of Ko Chang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I wonder why you are bragging?

  • first, the french won the said battle with nearly total annihilation of your small naval force. the pic of the warship you posted, the Thonburi was heavily damaged and grounded on a sand bar, with 20 dead.
  • second, not all Vietnam was colonized, but just a part of it: Cocinchine. actually just the southern part of Vietnam today. Central Vietnam (Annam) was self governed by the Nguyen emperor. the Nortthern part (Tonking) was French protectorat.
  • last, ok, you stole 3 provinces of cambodia. you admit it. how about this? you compare the map of Siam of 1809 to the one of Thailand today. do you see any differences?
Thai Army during Battle of Ko Chang (part of Franco Thai War above)


(below in Thai)bombers






I wonder why you are bragging?

  • first, the french won the said battle with nearly total annihilation of your small naval force. the pic of the warship you posted, the Thonburi was heavily damaged and grounded on a sand bar, with 20 dead.
  • second, not all Vietnam was colonized, but just a part of it: Cocinchine. actually just the southern part of Vietnam today. Central Vietnam (Annam) was self governed by the Nguyen emperor. the Nortthern part (Tonking) was French protectorat.
  • last, ok, you stole 3 provinces of cambodia. you admit it. how about this? you compare the map of Siam of 1809 to the one of Thailand today. do you see any differences?

1st the Goal of the war is to get those 3 provinces back. And it was achieved.
2. VN was colonized, while Thailand was independent. This is historical reality.
3. Thailand vs Cambodia is a long going civil war within Khmer empire. Siam was just a province of Cambodia who happened to have large land mass than the capital. Now Siam was fragmented. So whatever war between Thailand and Cambodia is just sibling war dude. Unlike you Chinese fragmented Vietnam who try so hard to bend its root.


above 2 small images: Thai water plane , below 1 large image: France Loire 130


Thai Fighter plane


Thai Navy ship. built by Kawasaki Co., Japan



1st the Goal of the war is to get those 3 provinces back. And it was achieved.
2. VN was colonized, while Thailand was independent. This is historical reality.
3. Thailand vs Cambodia is a long going civil war within Khmer empire. Siam was just a province of Cambodia who happened to have large land mass than the capital. Now Siam was fragmented. So whatever war between Thailand and Cambodia is just sibling war dude. Unlike you Chinese fragmented Vietnam who try so hard to bend its root.


above 2 small images: Thai water plane , below 1 large image: France Loire 130


Thai Fighter plane


Thai Navy ship. built by Kawasaki Co., Japan
first, nice to see all Japanese weapons.
second, it was Japan that forced the condition of ending of the hostility.
third, YES, you are a big TRAITOR. the Japanese got as price they supported you: the invasion of Malaya and Burma.
first, nice to see all Japanese weapons.
second, it was Japan that forced the condition of ending of the hostility.
third, YES, you are a big TRAITOR. the Japanese got as price they supported you: the invasion of Malaya and Burma.
We didn't betray Japan. We fought against China together with Japan at Shan state. We did our part.
We didn't betray Japan. We fought against China together with Japan at Shan state. We did our part.
I never say you betray japan. no, you betray Cambodia.
worse, you supported japan to invade your neighbors Burma and Malaya.
all your self reclaimed good neighborhood is just bullshit.
Last edited:
first, nice to see all Japanese weapons.
second, it was Japan that forced the condition of ending of the hostility.
third, YES, you are a big TRAITOR. the Japanese got as price they supported you: the invasion of Malaya and Burma.
So Japan had proxies during WW II?
So Japan had proxies during WW II?
I answered this question already. let assume, China and Thailand join a military alliance today. If tomorrow, Japan offers more money, the Thai won´t hesitate taking the offer. many times they helped our enemies to harm Vietnam. so are the siamese. they are shameless people, without moral compass. I want to give them a kick in the a.s.
I never say you betray japan. no, you betray Cambodia.
worse, you supported japan to invade your neighbors Burma and Malaya.
all your self reclaimed good neighborhood is just bullshit.
We were trying to liberate the indegineous people from colonial rule! Under the banner of Greater East Asia Co prosperity sphere together with empire of Japan. Do you know we even arm you Viet against France's wills after ww2?
We were trying to liberate the indegineous people from colonial rule! Under the banner of Greater East Asia Co prosperity sphere together with empire of Japan. Do you know we even arm you Viet against France's wills after ww2?

During the Invasion of Malaya, the 25th Imperial Japanese Army was actually supported by some 20,000 (2 divisions) of the Royal Siamese Army. The Siamese had coordinated in the occupation of Singapore as well as the transferring of the British POWs to camps in Siam and Burma.


I never say you betray japan. no, you betray Cambodia.
worse, you supported japan to invade your neighbors Burma and Malaya.
all your self reclaimed good neighborhood is just bullshit.


The Siamese didn't really have a choice at the time. If their prime minister, Phibulsongkram, had denied the Imperial Japanese Army's request to cross through Thailand, then Japan would have simply invaded and taken Siam by force and quite frankly we could have done it easily. The Siamese , are diplomatic people, they side with whoever is the dominant power. Remember, buddy, that is the reason why they remained 'independent' and were not colonized by European powers. They sacrifice pawns (cambodia, laos, shan) when they have to, in order to save and protect the queen or king (yes i'm using chess terminology here, lol).

In the end, the Siamese cooperated with Japan out of necessity. They did not have the means to resist us. Had they resisted, their entire country would have been pulverized into submission. Luckily that it was not the case.




1st the Goal of the war is to get those 3 provinces back. And it was achieved.
2. VN was colonized, while Thailand was independent. This is historical reality.
3. Thailand vs Cambodia is a long going civil war within Khmer empire. Siam was just a province of Cambodia who happened to have large land mass than the capital. Now Siam was fragmented. So whatever war between Thailand and Cambodia is just sibling war dude. Unlike you Chinese fragmented Vietnam who try so hard to bend its root.


above 2 small images: Thai water plane , below 1 large image: France Loire 130


Thai Fighter plane


Thai Navy ship. built by Kawasaki Co., Japan

Impressive. Japan had really armed up Siam during that time. Good to see this. :)
In 1852, James Logan a ethno-linguistic thought the modern Vietnamese language was Austroasiatic he called it Môn Anam. In 1905, another linguist named W. Schmidt thought it was Môn Khmer, but then changed his mind and said it had to be Tai-Kadai. In 1912, Henri Maspéro also agreed and placed it with Tai-Kadai. But in 1952, Andre Haudricourt placed the Vietnamese language back into the Austro-Asiatic group again. It was not until 1975 a linguist name Paul Benedict decided that the old groupings didn’t work, so he proposed to combine the Tai-Kadai and Austro-Asiatic into one grouping called Proto-Austro-Tai. This is because Vietnamese didn’t fit in either one, having features found in both. But that still left the other two groupings Austronesian and Sino-Tibetan. They proposed a new name, "Austric" to combine all four language groups into one so that the single language would have a placement. This single language came out of the Hòa Bình culture, which eventually evolved into the Việt culture and encompasses the written Văn Khoa Đẩu script known as the Proto-Việt Muong language.

Today, Vietnamese is a monosyllabic tonal language like Cantonese and has lost many Proto-Austroasiatic phonological and morphological features. Vietnamese also has large stocks of borrowed Chinese and Tai vocabulary. However, there continues to be resistance to the idea that Vietnamese could be more closely related to Khmer than to Chinese or the Tai languages. Nevertheless, the vast majority of Western & Vietnamese scholars consider these typological similarities to be due to language contact rather than common genetic inheritance.

Its already genetically proven that Kinh Vietnamese are admixture of Tai Kadai & Austro-Asiatic tribes & Han


03= Han
C3c= Mongolian
02b= Some argue its a distinct NEA trait / SEA trait migrated into the north
C1& D2 = Jomon and Ainu
02a= Native gene from South East Asia


I'm not sure what the Y-DNA Haplogroup is for Cambodians and Thais. I imagine both would have very high 02a but with Thai being a subgroup of Tai ethnic and overtime mix with Han Chinese & Mon Khmer ethnics it would have 03 dna but still much less than the Vietnamese.@somsak


(L) Cambodian (R) Vietnamese

Sat, 6 September 2014
Emily Wight

'Out of 20 of my friends, 17 people hate the Vietnamese,” says Tep Afril, a 22-year-old IT student at the University of Cambodia.

In the group of young people gathered around him, another admits to once believing that the Vietnamese had a “secret agenda”.

Many also mention the widespread belief that the Vietnamese who work in Cambodia are here to “invade”, as their military did in 1979, pushing out the Khmer Rouge and staying for 10 years.

Afril describes the perception – which he does not share – with a candour unusual for such a sensitive subject. “In Cambodia, we have a bad stereotype of Vietnamese people.”

His tolerant attitude is what Sarus Exchange Programme, which organised the bridge-building project between Cambodians and ethnic Vietnamese, is striving for.

In July, the program, run by international peace-building organisation Sarus, welcomed 10 Vietnamese students to Cambodia for the fourth year running.

The dialogue occurred in the wake of widespread anti-Vietnamese sentiment and even violence.

In February, 30 year-old Tran Van Chien, a Vietnamese-Cambodian man, was beaten to death by a Phnom Penh mob in a confrontation that one witness, using a term for Vietnamese seen by many as an epithet, described as “yuon . . . fighting Khmer”.

Last month, the government launched a census that many see as targeting the Vietnamese. At least a dozen have already been deported.

The exchange program, which organisers stress has no political agenda, has been conducted differently this year, said coordinator Heng Sokchannaroath, or Naroath.

For the past three years, Sarus staff have organised the events; this year, however, they brought the participants and interns into the decision-making process. After two weeks, 10 Cambodian students went back to Vietnam for the first time with them to work on service projects – including redecorating school classrooms – in poor villages.

The program attempts to combat prejudice by shaping the attitudes of the new generation, Naroath explained.

“Young students are the future leaders for the country, so they have a powerful voice,” she said in a coffee shop in Phnom Penh before this year’s exchange began. “They talk with their friends and share their experiences.”

The Vietnamese contingent spent two weeks in the country, working on community development projects in a Kandal province village that is home to many ethnic Vietnamese and Vietnamese immigrants. Their Cambodian counterparts joined them.

For many ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia, life is a daily struggle to navigate a society that doesn’t accept them. Lack of citizenship means children can’t go to school. Their parents can’t buy land. Many families live on floating boat homes, where a lack of sanitation and heavy flooding during the rainy season bring disease.

“Many of them don’t have a birth certificate even if they were born in Cambodia; they don’t go to school; they’re not taken care of by the government; and even the public doesn’t pay much attention to them,” said Naroath, who hopes that Sarus will introduce a similar exchange program between Burmese and Bangladeshi people in the future.

Part of the tension stems from the recent history of occupation, Naroath explained. The Vietnamese presence from 1979 to 1989 still haunts the older generation, she said.

“They think Vietnamese people come to take over businesses. It’s because of history – they see it as an invasion of Cambodia by Vietnam,” she said.

But the root of the ethnic tension reaches back much further, all the way to the 17th century, when the Vietnamese began to push into Khmer territories in the Mekong Delta. In the 19th century, Vietnam invaded Cambodia and even occupied Phnom Penh under Emperor Minh Mang, who believed that the Khmer people were backward, Joel Brinkley writes in Cambodia’s Curse.

Only when King Norodom signed a treaty with the French Empire was Cambodia free of Vietnamese control – though even under the French Protectorate, many labourers and civil servants were Vietnamese, stoking embittered feelings.

When the Vietnamese came in 1979, they kicked out the Khmer Rouge, a regime whose polices had killed nearly 1.7 million people. But they weren’t welcomed as liberators for long.

“During this period, Vietnam attempted to introduce Vietnamese culture in the country, which Cambodians resisted,” said Kok-Thay Eng, director of research at the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam), adding that the loss of Kampuchea Krom decades earlier had already raised tensions.

Today, he said, many Cambodians feel that their jobs are under threat from Vietnamese immigrants. Others hold them responsible for illegal logging and overfishing. “Cambodian people also think that large Vietnamese companies collude with local businessmen and politicians to mine, overfish and to steal tourist money from Cambodia,” he explained.

A core part of Sarus’s attempt to counter these attitudes is the production of a body of research on Vietnamese people in Cambodia.

For the past three years, these have been presented in the form of research papers.

The research this year will result in a short documentary film, that will be screened later this month. Most of the documentary was filmed in the Kandal village and focuses on how Vietnamese and ethnic Vietnamese people go about their daily lives.

The director, Porchhay Seng, 23, a student of International Studies at the Institute for Foreign Languages, said he applied for the exchange because of his passion for short films and working in the community.

He admitted that before he began the exchange, he shared the view that Vietnamese people came to Cambodia with an ulterior motive. “Sometimes I thought maybe there was some kind of secret agenda with them coming, because we have a lot of experience of losing our territory,” he said. “But now I know that’s not true.”

The stereotypes move in both directions.

Phantran Hong Tram, 20, lives and studies at a university in Ho Chi Minh City. July’s visit was her first to Cambodia, and on the first day of the exchange, she explained that some Vietnamese people think
of Cambodians as practitioners of magic – and suppliers of love potions.

“For example if you love someone, you can come to Cambodia and ask for some leaves for that person to drink, and then they will love you too,” she said.

“Because of this belief, Vietnamese people feel scared and are afraid of communicating with Cambodians. People are afraid of difference. But it’s wrong: we have to be friendly and feel free to make friends.”

'Out of 20 of my friends, 17 hate the Vietnamese', Post Weekend, Phnom Penh Post

What I said here is related to Origin, Root of our language. At beginning Vietnamese has been spoken Mon/Khmer language, when Vietnamese moved from Indonesia Islands to mainland of Indo-China peninsula. In this time the Thai/Katay and Han chinese were in mainland of China.

Our ancestor didn't know who is Thai or who is Han in this time.

Not deny that our language is heavily effected by Thai/Katay and Sino-Tibetan languages. It is result of 1,000 year domination of Han Chinese in Vietnam and Vietnamese has a contacts with Cantonese and Zhuang people who were living in nearby of us.

Oh man. Independence is earned, and definitely not a wild fruit that grow by itself.

While Vietnamese are colonized, Thai have navy compose of surface ship like below, and submarines.
While Vietnamese are colonized, Thai have Air force with air planes.
While Vietnamese are colonized, Thai have Artiilery.
While Vietnamese are colonized, Thai have rifles.


Read Below. When Thai won French Indo China 3 provinces.
Addition: Navy battle
while Vietnamese are colonized, we have this

Battle of Ko Chang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

show Thai Submarine force

any case, congrat to Thai people for your independence.

Thailand has survived in Asia, was not colonized by Braitan nor France in Colonial time, when Vietnam and Myanmar has lost it. Thai King has a reasonable policy in 19th -29th century. In Vietnam we say that Thailand has a " policy of bamboo tree.". It is changed very quickly. Like that in WW II,1941 Thailand joined to ally with Japan Imperial, but in 1945, Thailand decrared war with Japan and changed to ally with US, Braitain...until now

Vietnam lost independence when we fought counter France Army with war from 1858 to 1893, after 35 year of fighting.

Note that in The Battle of Ko Chang took place on 17 January 1941 .At the end of the conflict, Thailand lost two ships sunk and one heavily damaged and grounded. Within a month of the engagement, the Vichy French and the Thais negotiated a peace which ended the war.
The Nguyen dynasty lost for the France empire is not much a choice the Europe was at peak of expansion. The Nguyen at that time plague corruption, refused to reform, copied isolated bureaucracy model from China. In Asia only Japan did reform.

The French colonized was not that all bad. They brought alot of changes and European industrializtion to Vietnam. The French do have Vietnamese in military and admintrative tasks in IndoChina and even sent Vietnamese police to China to maintain order there.

The Thai though they were not colonized but they were not treated equal as european power. They have to give up alot territories and play one european power to another to avoid being colonized.
What I said here is related to Origin, Root of our language. At beginning Vietnamese has been spoken Mon/Khmer language, when Vietnamese moved from Indonesia Islands to mainland of Indo-China peninsula. In this time the Thai/Katay and Han chinese were in mainland of China.

Our ancestor didn't know who is Thai or who is Han in this time.

Not deny that our language is heavily effected by Thai/Katay and Sino-Tibetan languages. It is result of 1,000 year domination of Han Chinese in Vietnam and Vietnamese has a contacts with Cantonese and Zhuang people who were living in nearby of us.

any case, congrat to Thai people for your independence.

Thailand has survived in Asia, was not colonized by Braitan nor France in Colonial time, when Vietnam and Myanmar has lost it. Thai King has a reasonable policy in 19th -29th century. In Vietnam we say that Thailand has a " policy of bamboo tree.". It is changed very quickly. Like that in WW II,1941 Thailand joined to ally with Japan Imperial, but in 1945, Thailand decrared war with Japan and changed to ally with US, Braitain...until now

Vietnam lost independence when we fought counter France Army with war from 1858 to 1893, after 35 year of fighting.

Note that in The Battle of Ko Chang took place on 17 January 1941 .At the end of the conflict, Thailand lost two ships sunk and one heavily damaged and grounded. Within a month of the engagement, the Vichy French and the Thais negotiated a peace which ended the war.

If we really look back. It was because Japan was strong that we could survive. We also help Ho Ji Min during his initial stage for his war for liberation by hosting him, and giving him arms. I guess you know Pridi. He was the prime-minister who was born from poor family. So he helped indigenous people like Lao and Viet to fight colonial overlord. According to my reading, US provided to him weapons for fighting with Japan at the end of WW2. Because Japanese surrender, these weapons were not used. These are weapons that were transferred to Ho Ji Min.

That's why today I hope for friendship with Vietnam. We are not alone in S.E.A mainland anymore, bro. Now the game involve great power rivalries. I hope Thailand and Vietnam make a smart move in this complex world,bro. One thing Vietnam has over Thailand is that you lack of allied. One thing Thailand has edge over VN is we are allied with the US. This different potential plays balance of power like Yin and Yang. VN has many things, which can surpass Thailand on long term development.
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