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Cambodian and Vietnamese Soldiers Fight Over Border Dispute

Vietnam never got current Lao and Khmer land before frensh rule.

Show me Vietnam governer's name to that province, date time.
Show me order document sent from Vietnamese King to those governers.
Show me architecture built by Vietnamese governmer
Cambodia has been , and still there, Lao has been there

now you sounds like Koreans and Rohingya lol
why not read history?
A Brief History of Cambodia

Ang Mey, the queen of Cambodia. in reality, she was a puppet installed by Vietnam.
Ang Mey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Without France Both Cambodia and Laos were gone by Vietnam and Thai. While many Vietnamese were brain washed to hate the colonial French though they were in IndoChina to exploit but they did favor by separate identity of Laos, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Chinese otherwise Vietnamese would still thought they are Hans under Nguyen dynasty reign. The French also did expand territory for 3 indoChina states. They helped Laos and cambodia not only revived from annexing also widen territory by taken from Thai.

They also did help Vietnam expand territory from expense of China (though northern Vietnam lost some back to Chinese after unifications) they also brought European civilization into Southern Vietnam thus We have Saigon as economic center till this day. If I have to choose I would let the French stay, with greater protection and resource from France, China would not be able to bully like what they are doing to little poor Vietnam rule by backward minds from northern Viet.
Without France Both Cambodia and Laos were gone by Vietnam and Thai. While many Vietnamese were brain washed to hate the colonial French though they were in IndoChina to exploit but they did favor by separate identity of Laos, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Chinese otherwise Vietnamese would still thought they are Hans under Nguyen dynasty reign. The French also did expand territory for 3 indoChina states. They helped Laos and cambodia not only revived from annexing also widen territory by taken from Thai.

They also did help Vietnam expand territory from expense of China (though northern Vietnam lost some back to Chinese after unifications) they also brought European civilization into Southern Vietnam thus We have Saigon as economic center till this day. If I have to choose I would let the French stay, with greater protection and resource from France, China would not be able to bully like what they are doing to little poor Vietnam rule by backward minds from northern Viet.

In Nguyen Dynasty, Vietnamese Kinh people is called "Han" by Confucius scholars in kingdom court in Hue, with the concept of Han/Man in Chinese, to make different between majority people and babarian people. The concept Kinh-Thuong is still exist. Why Gia Long didn't like to use the word "Kinh" for Vietnamese ? because he is afraid that the word "Kinh" is related to Tonkin (Hanoi) and warlords Trinh in North Vietnam. Trinh warlords is enemy of Nguyễn warlords, It is a reason why Vietnamese Kinh people is called Hạn by confucian scholars in Nguyễn Dynasty court in Hue. even though both Trinh/Nguyen came from same family of Nguyen Kim from Thanh Hoa province.

Pls dont forget that Ho Chi Minh has proposed to France govt in 1945 that Vietnam, Lao Cambodia stay as independent states in France Federation. But France has denied it. There is reason for Vietnam war (1945-1990) with interventions of US, Russia and China.

I agree with you that Western Civilization is not so "fully" bad as propaganda in Vietnam is talking about in the past.
Without France Both Cambodia and Laos were gone by Vietnam and Thai. While many Vietnamese were brain washed to hate the colonial French though they were in IndoChina to exploit but they did favor by separate identity of Laos, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Chinese otherwise Vietnamese would still thought they are Hans under Nguyen dynasty reign. The French also did expand territory for 3 indoChina states. They helped Laos and cambodia not only revived from annexing also widen territory by taken from Thai.

They also did help Vietnam expand territory from expense of China (though northern Vietnam lost some back to Chinese after unifications) they also brought European civilization into Southern Vietnam thus We have Saigon as economic center till this day. If I have to choose I would let the French stay, with greater protection and resource from France, China would not be able to bully like what they are doing to little poor Vietnam rule by backward minds from northern Viet.
Raise your indo china colonial flag ! You may invite France to colonize you again if you see fit.
In Nguyen Dynasty, Vietnamese Kinh people is called "Han" by Confucius scholars in kingdom court in Hue, with the concept of Han/Man in Chinese, to make different between majority people and babarian people. The concept Kinh-Thuong is still exist. Why Gia Long didn't like to use the word "Kinh" for Vietnamese ? because he is afraid that the word "Kinh" is related to Tonkin (Hanoi) and warlords Trinh in North Vietnam. Trinh warlords is enemy of Nguyễn warlords, It is a reason why Vietnamese Kinh people is called Hạn by confucian scholars in Nguyễn Dynasty court in Hue. even though both Trinh/Nguyen came from same family of Nguyen Kim from Thanh Hoa province.

Pls dont forget that Ho Chi Minh has proposed to France govt in 1945 that Vietnam, Lao Cambodia stay as independent states in France Federation. But France has denied it. There is reason for Vietnam war (1945-1990) with interventions of US, Russia and China.

I agree with you that Western Civilization is not so "fully" bad as propaganda in Vietnam is talking about in the past.
That because people finally realized that living under current regime aint any better or even worst under French adminstration; Plague corruption from bottom to top, injustice is every where, living conditions tougher due to mis managment of backward officials. The country itself subject to be bully by Chinese, the people being enslvave, exploit by western enterprises, led to labors exports, brides exports...etc. only a small percent of Vietnamese enjoyed privilleges of luxury, the corrupt officials a d their families.

. See Hong Kong after goes back to China and under Britnish adminstration, living in HongKong there is tougher now. Some Chinese tries to brainwash peopel and boasting how superior they are under Chinese leadership but im sure that is lie. Life in China tough overthere, tougher than in Vietnam, see how the kid were ran over twic and bystander look indifferent.
Raise your indo china colonial flag ! You may invite France to colonize you again if you see fit.
French colony wanted to create the sub-Mekong empire , too, thats why they helped Cambodia take some lands from Thailand :pop:

Did great Han ever help you guys to conqurer Champa?


Chinese dynasties backed Champa to attack Viet. same what CPC did recently with Khmer Rouge after 1975.

This is old lesson from our history, so why we have been reacted very quickly in 1978 after Khmer Rouge invaded in to Tay Ninh province of Vietnam and killed brutally our people there.

Chinese dynasties backed Champa to attack Viet. same what CPC did recently with Khmer Rouge after 1975.

This is old lesson from our history, so why we have been reacted very quickly in 1978 after Khmer Rouge invaded in to Tay Ninh province of Vietnam and killed brutally our people there.

You mess everything together. I refer to the history around 1680's, not Khmer Rouge 75, 78.
You mess everything together. I refer to the history around 1680's, not Khmer Rouge 75, 78.
He already answered your question, why not do some research? The Chinese has always been pain in the azz and opportunist whenever in time Vietnam in civil war or unstable political. In 981, they back up the Cham to provoke Dai Viet, twhile Dai Viet political unstable, and sent invading force shortly after. Le Hoan out smart them by defeat them and turn to sack Cham kingdom.

During Later Le, they back up Tai and the Cham again to weaken Dai Viet. Le Thanh Tong thus sent massive army to put an end to Cham threat and pushed his Army west ward to destroy the Tai and reach to Myanmar only to turn his Army back to guard the capital from Chinese.

History repeat itself in 79 when the new unified Vietnam faced to front war with Chinese in the north and Khmer in the South West.

Thats why Chinese cannot be trust among Viet. How China big? Because they cunning take advantage when near by nation weak to sieze territories. Speaking of bravery they are not any to compare with Japanese. That s why during Japanese invasion despite massive population they still lose for Japanese.

Le Duan north Vietnam when visit China he commented, I dont see a single guerilla fighter here, during Japanese occupation , this is not like us we grow up in wars, every person can fight.
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He already answered your question, why not do some research? The Chinese has always been pain in the azz and opportunist whenever in time Vietnam in civil war or unstable political. In 981, they back up the Cham to provoke Dai Viet, twhile Dai Viet political unstable, and sent invading force shortly after. Le Hoan out smart them by defeat them and turn to sack Cham kingdom.

During Later Le, they back up Tai and the Cham again to weaken Dai Viet. Le Thanh Tong thus sent massive army to put an end to Cham threat and pushed his Army west ward to destroy the Tai and reach to Myanmar only to turn his Army back to guard the capital from Chinese.

History repeat itself in 79 when the new unified Vietnam faced to front war with Chinese in the north and Khmer in the South West.

Thats why Chinese cannot be trust among Viet. How China big? Because they cunning take advantage when near by nation weak to sieze territories. Speaking of bravery they are not any to compare with Japanese. That s why during Japanese invasion despite massive population they still lose for Japanese.

Le Duan north Vietnam when visit China he commented, I dont see a single guerilla fighter here, during Japanese occupation , this is not like us we grow up in wars, every person can fight.

If you just focus on war, the history is not complete. It's just one side of history. Even the so-called peaceful Switzrland had dozens of wars in history with neighbors. I am really very sad, due to today's disputes, you consider the all long history as Vietnam-China conflicts. China didn't invade Laos, Thailand, why just pay attention to Vietnam? The one-side history would make your expression incredity.

"The Chinese has always been pain in the azz and opportunist whenever in time Vietnam in civil war or unstable political."

This is really complicated. The legal Vietnam govt asked China to help to fight riot or rebellion, should we help or not? Take another example, in 1590's China by Korean requests help to defeat the Japanese invasion. Yes, China failed to protect Korea in 1894, but at least Korean admit we helped them in 1590's.

I know it's a great regret China lost the ability to protect Vietnamese from European colony. This incident almost broke all ties between an ancient Vietnam and today's Vietnam. But it's just Vietnamese themself who can mend the history and rebuild confidence.
"How China big? Because they cunning take advantage when near by nation weak to sieze territories. Speaking of bravery they are not any to compare with Japanese. That s why during Japanese invasion despite massive population they still lose for Japanese."
How China big? This is power of culure. In a region( where ever), in the beginning of human society, when you firstly created writing language, culture system, govt system, education system, values and army, it will firstly effectly absorb around groups. I don't say cultures have better or worse order, I mean early and later on stage. If Vietnam in the region firstly created everything, maybe I am Vietnamese nowadays.

"Le Duan north Vietnam when visit China he commented, I dont see a single guerilla fighter here, during Japanese occupation , this is not like us we grow up in wars, every person can fight."
I know Vietnamese are heros, tough guy, as well as friendly, the world all know that. We know how you defeat French in Dienbien Phu and fulfil unification in 1975. But I really don't know what Vietnamese really want to show to Chinese. Make us admit Vietnam is more strong than China? Make us admit Vietnamese harmed by Chinese? Laugh at us which we were weak in 19th century or once occupied by Mongolian? Or just have to consider China as enemy? I don't know what you guys want. I always have positive opinions on Viet guys, but it really make me embarrassed when you consider me as enemy.

"History repeat itself in 79 when the new unified Vietnam faced to front war with Chinese in the north and Khmer in the South West."
About this thing, I ever talked with an Viet poster. Khmer, China-Vietnam 79 were two things. After Vienam unified, China and Vietnam govt had made agreement, we both treat Vietnamese (living in China), Chinese(living in Vietnam) peacefully and equally, giving them nationality if they want. China till today keep the promise, we treat Vietnamese minority well; while Vietnam in 1977 expelled Chinese there because of nationalization of economy. China govt warnned 2 times, Vietnam ignored all warning. Chinese living in Vietnam were not your enemy, they help Viets to defeat French, support Vietnam unification.

I just hope you could calm down. The disputes will be finished oneday peacefully,like done on land border. You make a conclusion that Chinese are your enemy in all history, you just always fell in dilemma. I respect Vietnamese, and
Tet Doan ngo is coming, have fun during the festival.
We also call Ha Tian Bantaimas. Does that mean we own, control, or govern Ha Tian?

really ? interesting. Do you have any evidence to proof for that ?

Phủ Trấn Tây, or Trấn Tây Thành is officially annexed to Đại Nam by our King Minh Mạng. The rest Cambodia territory is ruled by their own King under protection of Viet.

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really ? interesting. Do you have any evidence to proof for that ?

Phủ Trấn Tây, or Trấn Tây Thành is officially annexed to Đại Nam by our King Minh Mạng. The rest Cambodia territory is ruled by their own King under protection of Viet.


You seems to know not much about Khmer before Vietnam came.
Khmer was an empire. Later fragmented into many parts: Lao (Lan Chang), Thai (Sukhotai, Supanburee, Ayuthaya**controversial) and Khmer.
Khmer empire kingdom was located at Yasothonbura, now is known as Ankor wat, a wel known tourist visit place.
Siamese (Ayuthaya) kings sack Cambodian capitals at Ankor Wat, again and again. Each time Siam army won over Cambodia, new pro-siam King is installed as vessel state, then Siamese army moved back. Too many lost, Khmer decided to move their capital to Lovek, still Capital city was sacked by Siamese army. Khmer relocate capital even farrer away to Udong (very near current day Phnom Penh) and finally Phnom Penh. All capital relocations are because they lost to Siamese army and hope to stay away.
Ha Tian, or Ban Tai Mas, as Siamese and Cambodian known as, had been vessel states to Ayuthaya since long time before Vietnam came. Later when Siamese was recovered from Burma army, which sacked Ayuthaya, forcing Siam to relocate capital city to Bangkok, reinsert power onto Khmer again and regain Ha Tian back.
ในปี พ.ศ. 2314 นักองตนซึ่งครองเขมรอยู่ได้ข่าวพม่ายกมาตีไทย จึงถือโอกาสยกทัพมาตีเมืองจันทบุรีและตราด จึงทรงพระกรุณาโปรดเกล้าฯ ให้เจ้าพระยาจักรียกทัพไปตีเขมร ทัพไทยตีได้เมืองโพธิสัตว์ เมืองพระตะบอง เมืองบริบูรณ์ เมืองกำพงโสม และเมืองบันทายมาศ นักองตนพ่ายแพ้หนีไปอยู่กับญวณ จึงทรงพระกรุณาโปรดเกล้าฯ ให้นักองนนท์ครองเขมรสืบไป
สมเด็จพระเจ้ากรุงธนบุรี - วิกิพีเดีย

Later Vietnam came in, and fight and won this Ha Tian vassal states (itself- not yet with Siam army) sent ambassedor to Siamese King Rama 2 asking for the Ha Tian to be vassal to Vietnam. Siam King Rama2 decided to secede this vassal state. At the time Vietnam and Siam was not yet enemy, because Siamese King Rama 1 had good personal relation with Gia Long as he helped Gia Long to ascend to Vietnamese throne. (Though the campaign by Siamese troops was not successful, hosting him inside our land still helped him a lot.)

That was the story of Ha Tian. It had been vassal to Siam for long time until Vietnam came.
So, bro. big brother around here mainland S.E.A was us and Burma.
VIetnam met with weak Khmer, it was because Siam had weaken Khmer again and again through out history.
Raise your indo china colonial flag ! You may invite France to colonize you again if you see fit.
no, if any, indochine comes back. as cinema film. with Catherine Deneuve. and the viet girl Linh Dan Pham

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