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CAA and Ghar Wapsi


Aug 18, 2019
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United States
There is a loop hole in CAA.

All illegal Muslims can convert to one of the religions exempted by CAA to attain Indian citizenship.

I wish Muslims convert to Christianity but I have a feeling most would convert into Hinduism.

Which religion do you think most Muslims will convert to?
There is a loop hole in CAA.

All illegal Muslims can convert to one of the religions exempted by CAA to attain Indian citizenship.

I wish Muslims convert to Christianity but I have a feeling most would convert into Hinduism.

Which religion do you think most Muslims will convert to?
Good question.. Ask Indian Muslims.. I don't think you will find any on PDF.

Most of the protesters are Hindus. These are political protests.

Good question.. Ask Indian Muslims.. I don't think you will find any on PDF.

Indian Muslims do not need to convert as they are already citizens of India.

This is only applicable to illegal Muslims in India. Predominantly they are from Bangladesh.
There is a loop hole in CAA.

All illegal Muslims can convert to one of the religions exempted by CAA to attain Indian citizenship.

I wish Muslims convert to Christianity but I have a feeling most would convert into Hinduism.

Which religion do you think most Muslims will convert to?
Most of the Indian population is living in poverty, they don't have access to washrooms, what benefit would one get converting to hinduism or anyother religion?
There is a loop hole in CAA.

All illegal Muslims can convert to one of the religions exempted by CAA to attain Indian citizenship.

I wish Muslims convert to Christianity but I have a feeling most would convert into Hinduism.

Which religion do you think most Muslims will convert to?
@HRK btaeyga sir zara inhain...
Most of the Indian population is living in poverty, they don't have access to washrooms, what benefit would one get converting to hinduism or anyother religion?

Illegal Muslims in India can covert as either Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Parsis and Buddhists to attain Indian citizenship.

Once they attain citizenship they would be eligible to get government jobs and vote/contest in elections.
Illegal Muslims in India can covert as either Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Parsis and Buddhists to attain Indian citizenship.

Once they attain citizenship they would be eligible to get government jobs and vote/contest in elections.
Yes they would get jobs only if there were jobs, Indian economy is not growing as expected and recent protests are not helping....
Illegal Muslims in India can covert as either Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Parsis and Buddhists to attain Indian citizenship.

Once they attain citizenship they would be eligible to get government jobs and vote/contest in elections.

Even if they do attain citizenship what good is it?
Will it break the cycle of poverty for them?

But most importantly
Why does a Muslim nees to convert to another religion to gain citizenship, isnt India a secular state discriminating on the basis of region.
I mean a secular state is supposed to have governance and religion as separate things.
How will going against your nations fundamental principal effect its future.
There is a loop hole in CAA.

All illegal Muslims can convert to one of the religions exempted by CAA to attain Indian citizenship.

I wish Muslims convert to Christianity but I have a feeling most would convert into Hinduism.

Which religion do you think most Muslims will convert to?
oh that should be the least of your worries...what you REALLY should be worried about is ISI agents like Yaqoob Daud showing up in india as a christian Jacob David in india, taking citizenship and then expanding his intelligence network all over india. ;) you think the ISI has roots deep inside india's bunghole now, wait till we Agent David 007 et al get done with ya! 8-)
Yes they would get jobs only if there were jobs, Indian economy is not growing as expected and recent protests are not helping....

Even if they do attain citizenship what good is it?
Will it break the cycle of poverty for them?

But most importantly
Why does a Muslim nees to convert to another religion to gain citizenship, isnt India a secular state discriminating on the basis of region.
I mean a secular state is supposed to have governance and religion as separate things.
How will going against your nations fundamental principal effect its future.

Are you saying they are better of being illegal immigrants than being legal citizens?

Whatever you mentioned above would still remain the same.
Indian Muslims do not need to convert as they are already citizens of India.
I haven't created this image...

But most importantly
Why does a Muslim nees to convert to another religion to gain citizenship, isnt India a secular state discriminating on the basis of region.
I mean a secular state is supposed to have governance and religion as separate things.
How will going against your nations fundamental principal effect its future.

Because these people are illegal immigrants. They cannot claim same rights as citizens.

Constitution of India is applicable for Indian citizens only.
Illegal Muslims in India can covert as either Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Parsis and Buddhists to attain Indian citizenship.

Once they attain citizenship they would be eligible to get government jobs and vote/contest in elections.
Changing of religions for Muslim is strictly prohibited, and that's show how BJP govt is anti Muslim is
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