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Burmese protests l Updates, News & Discussion

How will the protest evolve?

  • Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM)'s victory

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
3. foreign intervention
4. armed rebellion

foreign intervention is very likely. armed rebellion is probably the protester's only hope but it requires a large arms supplier with a land route into the country as the ports will be controlled by the gov. Thailand China, and Laos don't support the protesters so the only hope would come from Bangladesh and India.
5. India pulls 1971 on them.
The Tributes

Again, evidence of more advanced level demonstrated by the Burmese protesters than their Hong Kong counterparts.

True to the original Hunger Games, these tributes are using lethal force to kill, not to injure! As the TV reality show allows only one final victor to survive.

The bow and arrows associated with the Mockingjay:


https://archive.ph/YNRLy/0ee6b01a71ae88f7943fca7a23697645eecd56a5.jpg ; https://archive.ph/YNRLy/a2ab19fcc4fbab4f2c53f763808e1195171ee81c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320001817/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ew2VQvJVEAIzzyi?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/PhoeSaw4/status/1372917584622800900 ; https://twitter.com/PhoeSaw4/status/1372917584622800900
1. True to the original Hunger Games, these tributes are using lethal force to kill. Everyone is Avengers in this End Game of Dictatorship. Mar 19, 2021.


https://archive.ph/WEFf7/feaefa200f2add2373c5cedd307e86896d9742bc.jpg ; https://archive.ph/WEFf7/752cf10c18e73e0c6dbddb820461b6d498575cfb/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210227080202/https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjA4NDg3NzYxMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTgyNzkyNw@@._V1_.jpg
2. The Hunger Games (2012): the world will be watching.

Videomancy from 2012: Why does the above tribute called Katniss Everdeen and also known as the Mockingjay show a Mongo-Viking phenotype? Coincidence? I think not! :lol:

Ranged weapons are therefore designed, produced round the clock in workshops with even increased range, precision, piercing value and accuracy.


缅甸武器解密 2021/03/19 17:14







10 Burmese thugs make their own water pipe guns, as the Burmese army made swift arrests to avoid greater harm

Myanmar has been in the shadow of war all the year round. Therefore, although guns are banned by law, civilian possession of guns is still very common, and some of them are self-made guns. This has brought huge challenges to social security.

Although the number of deaths caused by civilian gun crimes in Myanmar each year is far less than that of the Burmese army, and there is no 1.8 Joule/square centimeter rule in Myanmar's "Weapons Law", the prohibition of guns is still unremitting. On March 18, a self-made firearms premeditated crime occurred in Dawei, the capital of Delindayi Province, Myanmar. Fortunately, the Burmese army stationed in advance judged and arrested these 10 gang members in time, otherwise they would have caused greater harm to the public order.

It is understood that the Myanmar army stationed in the local area received information from informants that a group of young people prepared safety helmets, gas masks, homemade guns and other criminal supplies, and planned to participate in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). Afterwards, the Myanmar army and police formed a joint The task force carried out a timely arrest operation at 15:30 in the afternoon. The 10 suspects were arrested in two locations, and they were evacuated from the scene with evidence at 16:10 in the afternoon to nip the crime in the bud.

Although the joint task force encountered about 70 people blocking the road when it left, the crowd was safely evacuated after using anti-riot weapons to disperse the crowd. After that, the members of the criminal gang and their weapons were shown on the Myawaddy (MWD) TV station operated by the Burmese army. The televised confession was used to prevent the intensification of protests across Myanmar.

It can be seen from the pictures displayed by the Burmese army that the gang members compriseds 10 young people who were fools. After being deceived, they prepared protective equipment and NLD flags. The most important thing is that there are multiple weapons with guns and bazookas. These weapons are made of plastic water pipes of different calibers and are powered by high-pressure gas cylinders. The power of "pojectiles" that can be fired is comparable to the various non-lethal weapons used by the Burmese military and police in suppressing operations. Therefore, they are extremely harmful to the society.

Not long ago, the Burmese military and police in Delindayi Province conducted a joint operation and arrested a man who made a similar gun with a hose. It is speculated that the local area has mastered this weapon production technology, but there is currently no criminal case using this weapon.

Recently, a Burmese man using a plastic hose to make a toy gun was arrested late at night by a joint military and police operation.



https://archive.ph/rRUhl/01723b00d46231d4aedec26a0be98f60c3fb4fff.jpg ; https://archive.ph/rRUhl/3060b7dbf5def9b6ac6357fbd6f457b81d35454c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320001614/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ew1N-NqXMAAXwXm?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/MyoPeaceful/status/1372839239222693888
3. The gang members and the air guns. Dawei, 19 March 2021

From the picture, it is assumed that the airpressure guns can fire ~60 cm metal rods, similar to crossbow bolts.


https://archive.ph/TAyH5/36104aa6772a413e9da39eac093edc6275ab1811.jpg ; https://archive.ph/TAyH5/4d006fcafef53e7a56f3a528a31106ce6795b549/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320001700/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ew1N_qPXIAEVr1v?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/MyoPeaceful/status/1372839239222693888
4. From the picture, it is assumed that the airpressure guns can fire ~60 cm metal rods, similar to crossbow bolts. Dawei, 19 March 2021

As for the defensive weapons, personal body armor have been upgraded to metal plate:


https://archive.ph/P9QBE/b49cc1a3d25a9f7d99c60a0256902bf9297ff5cb.jpg ; https://archive.ph/P9QBE/824c3001d3c8b83d5a192f6ffb39cf84224f0c0d/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320001839/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ew2SC3AXMBAB3_J?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/Myanmar_Now_Eng/status/1372121781906014214
5. Metal body armor plate introduced in Yay, Mon State. Mar 17, 2021


https://archive.ph/si69k/65b3bb921459448453a27a7f86050c6e61684ffd.jpg ; https://archive.ph/si69k/880320e04d8bc639d18e10fe5fdb04c558312fc6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320001850/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ewq4ZOYXAAAoLkn?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/Myanmar_Now_Eng/status/1372121781906014214
6. Metal body armor plate introduced in Yay, Mon State. Mar 17, 2021

It would not be a surprise to see the introduction of metal head armor, although heavy, as most casualties are caused by headshots!

Along the more conventional riot wall made of double thickness of sand bags, with large Molotov cocktails stockpile:


https://archive.ph/b3JQd/55dda5b1a98259f9d7a67be5acc7df08d340dc42.jpg ; https://archive.ph/b3JQd/7a31d49d166c0dd8f0cc8a266e00355b4af1c10c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320002103/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ew1PjhXWQAAODOp?format=jpg&name=medium ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320002012/https://twitter.com/JadeRosebud/status/1372840938561675267 ; https://archive.ph/6QqMK
7. Riot wall made of double thickness of sand bags with large Molotov cocktails supply in Hledan (Baho-road), here captured by the police forces. 19 March 2021

The Prize

Foreign powers that have a stake in Myanmar, in their bid to take control of the world's third Rare Earth Mineral exporter:

First scapegoating China by calling for a boycott only reveals the true puppet master that is pulling the wires of these Milk Tea Alliance's puppets from Washington!


https://archive.ph/bALu8/4920dd6c9d77d5dfdbfd9a23220866509b591a29.jpg ; https://archive.ph/bALu8/2735b69538efc9451b9a74b52820da3294aaad87/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320002856/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ew2jpxrVEAY5Nww?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/EithinzarMM/status/1372933403792732161
8. Scapegoating China by calling for a boycott only reveals the true puppet master.

This while the QUAD is openly taunting China unhidden and unashamed!


https://archive.ph/9FGKt/01a15bd27c2565b76abae6f6373cd58337a5a705.jpg ; https://archive.ph/9FGKt/c728dd7804c1ffb3aeb91ede29b6839c80c1ca88/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320002208/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ew1UTAjVEAA5KGF?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/SaveMyanmar990/status/1372846208952061952
9. QUAD taunting China. 19 March 2021

The same regional QUAD in Asia that is also working hand in glove with the European NATO's Vikings:


https://archive.ph/rHE0C/ad61ddc57429929c3314d5d64e5c5e4b4ccf2c6d/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/SnEqF/9a6756cdecdf414388973901634615a0f58942d5.jpg ; https://archive.ph/SnEqF/2fdf954e12af008c51248d46e1e941cb6eb84ff2/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210320002331/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ew2JatmVcAAuNqv?format=jpg&name=small ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210320002246/https://twitter.com/KhaingEiKhaing/status/1372936970431791108 ; https://archive.ph/rHE0C

10. The Northern District Teachers' Union of Norway, more than 90 representatives attended and raised three fingers to show their participation in the Hunger Games.




well, looks like this is going to end badly for chinese business in the country. the protesters are also in for a brutal crackdown as soon they will be viewed as not protesters but enemy combatants by the military. bows and pipeguns are hopeless against assault rifles and tanks.

China needs to start increase security on the border.
well, looks like this is going to end badly for chinese business in the country. the protesters are also in for a brutal crackdown as soon they will be viewed as not protesters but enemy combatants by the military. bows and pipeguns are hopeless against assault rifles and tanks.

China needs to start increase security on the border.
I think Myanmar is in danger of fracturing. There should be a plan to evacuate Chinese citizens from the country.
well, looks like this is going to end badly for chinese business in the country. the protesters are also in for a brutal crackdown as soon they will be viewed as not protesters but enemy combatants by the military. bows and pipeguns are hopeless against assault rifles and tanks.

China needs to start increase security on the border.

I think Myanmar is in danger of fracturing. There should be a plan to evacuate Chinese citizens from the country.

China to evacuate from Myanmar? That amounts to offering on a silver plate what the QUAD precisely wants behind this Color Revolution 2.0!

Indeed, what is at stake is nothing less than the control of the world's global Rare Earth Mineral reserves, that in turn controls the dominance for the 21th century!

For this end, the U.S. is already activating its old Nobel cell, according to the old playbook, to further destabilize Myanmar.

For a refresher, please re-watch The Lady (2011), a movie starring Michelle Yeoh about the life of Aung San Suu Kyi, and directed by Luc Besson, where all the gamut of imperialism through the use of the U.S. Nobel Prize tool is explained.


https://archive.is/KMOD6/3be7fa5927a26a1ced0559a130f4a48004e3d19a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326122655/https://twitter.com/MayWongCNA/status/1375373850834128900 ; https://archive.is/KMOD6
1. Vikings at it again!

Well, Vikings at it again indeed, claiming it's in recognition of the "resistance that's working for peace & democracy through non-violent means".:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

Myanmar Police Arrests NLD Members for Seeking ‘Explosive Training’

By The Irrawaddy 25 March 2021

The military said it arrested 14 people at the outskirts of Yangon on Monday who were trying to join “explosives training” in the area controlled by an ethnic armed group in the country’s southeast.

Military-control news media said security forces arrested 14 people between the ages of 21 and 47 in Hlegu and Htauk Kyant of Yangon Region and in Nyaung Khar Shey junction in Waw township of Bago Region on March 22.

Labeling the detainees “rioters,” the report alleged “some youths who participated in the riotous protests [attempted to] go to an ethnic armed group to attend an explosives course.”

The state-controlled media report added that the security forces are “tightening security in respective areas” following an informant’s tip that those people would be travelling.

Of the 14, three are drivers and the rest are the members of National League for Democracy (NLD) in Thanlynn, South Dagon, Thingangyun and Hlaing Thayar townships.

The report said the detainees were planning to travel to Bilin, in Mon State, and from there they would join an ethnic armed organization. It did not identify which group.

In the country’s southeast, where Karen and Mon states are located, several Karen and Mon ethnic armed groups are active. They have been fighting with the Myanmar military for the last seven decades, aside from a ceasefire in the past decade.

On Tuesday, the spokesman also said that more than a thousand people have fled into the country’s southeast border areas.

It said it would take effective action against the detainees, accusing them of “destabilizing the state and rule of law.” In addition to those arrests, it also said it is preparing to arrest another 13 NLD members of Thanlynn, South Dagon and Mingaladon townships.

Since the coup, protests have erupted across the country, calling for the release of detained State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the President U Win Myint and others arrested.

The violent crackdown on anti-regime protests has killed at least 262 protesters and bystanders, including children, since the coup on Feb. 1.

As of Wednesday, some 1,900 people are still under detention. Twenty-four people have been charged and sentenced to prison, and arrest warrants have been issued for another 109 people, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).


https://archive.ph/g7jZB/6face981e9a6ffee3270afad9e61f78553a0c6e5/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/MR8Fu/344560a9f71cba52e4dda0e6323f3a2132a1fc3a/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/MR8Fu/344560a9f71cba52e4dda0e6323f3a2132a1fc3a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326122754/https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/myanmar-regime-arrests-nld-members-seeking-explosive-training.html ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326123111/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-YjPME4Rl4 ; https://archive.ph/g7jZB ; https://archive.ph/MR8Fu
2. Myanmar Arrests NLD Members for Seeking ‘Explosive Training’. Photos of those arrested on March 22 / Global News Light of Myanmar.


If China can secure the alliance of North Korea and Myanmar, this Axis of Victory would ensure the global dominance of the most critical Rare Earth Mineral supply!

With North Korea's first RRE reserve of the world estimated at ~250 millions tons, China's first place as world producer and second in RRE reserve at 100 million tons, and Myanmar's 3rd place as producer with 12.5 per cent of the global world production in 2020.


https://archive.is/Jer51/cc5d35beb01d33cc345db0dcf9a70a78fd784645.jpg ; https://archive.is/Jer51/a2e705a978051d486b17c60de0eade5bfb181aab/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191126190014/https://i.imgur.com/ZgNeNSz.jpg
3. Rare Earth Reserves worldwide as of 2019

Myanmar coup gives Chinese rare earth stocks an uneasy bounce as state of emergency raises supply squeeze concerns

• Stocks in the rare earth industry get an unexpected boost as Myanmar coup creates supply risks in world’s third-biggest producer
• China Rare Earth Holdings, MMG soar in Hong Kong even as analysts questioning the strength of price rally

Published: 1:37pm, 3 Feb, 2021

Rare earth related stocks in Hong Kong and mainland China are enjoying a mini rally after a military coup in Myanmar this week stoked concerns about a supply squeeze. The bounce may be fleeting, according to Guosen Securities.

The military seized power in the Southeast Asian nation on February 1 and immediately imposed a state of emergency for one year, citing fraud in last year’s elections.

Myanmar mined 30,000 metric tons of rare earth oxides equivalent, or 12.5 per cent of global production in 2020, according to estimates compiled by the US Geological Survey, up from 10.5 per cent in 2019. China produced the most at 140,000 tons, or a 66.7 per cent share, while the US accounted for 38,000 tons or 15.8 per cent.


As for North Korea, consider it done!

Kim Jong Un calls for communication, unity with China against 'hostile forces' all-round challenges'

March 23, 2021

SEOUL, March 23 (Yonhap) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called for stronger strategic communication and unity with China to address "hostile forces" in a message to Chinese President Xi Jinping, state media said Tuesday.

Kim sent the message "to notify the accounts of the 8th Congress of the WPK, as required by the times that call for intensifying the strategic communication between the two parties on the basis of deep comradeship," the Korean Central News Agency said, without mentioning when the message was sent. WPK is the Workers' Party of Korea.

"It stressed the need to strengthen the unity and cooperation between the two parties and two countries to cope with the hostile forces' all-round challenges and obstructive moves," KCNA added.

Kim described in detail the measures that North Korea took during the party congress in January, including "policy stand on the bolstering of defense capabilities of the country, the inter-Korean relations and the DPRK-U.S. relations.

Kim also expressed belief that cooperation between North Korea and China will get stronger "as required by the times and in conformity with the desires, wishes and core interests" of the two countries, KCNA said.

KCNA said that Xi also stressed that the traditional China-North Korea friendship is a "valuable asset" both to the two countries and vowed to make "positive contributions" to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula in his verbal message to leader Kim.

"Saying that the international and regional situations are undergoing grave changes, he expressed his willingness to make new positive contributions to defending peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and achieving peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region," he added, according to KCNA.

The latest exchange of messages appears aimed at strengthening relations between the allies amid Beijing's deepening rivalry with the United States and stalled denuclearization talks between Pyongyang and Washington.

Last week, North Korean First Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui issued a statement, saying the North will continue to ignore contact for talks unless Washington gives up its hostile policy toward Pyongyang.


China must send more advisors, specialists and even businessmen, to replace those from the QUAD and NATO that are leaving Myanmar due to sanctions.

The economy of Myanmar must not plummet, for this China can increase the import of Myanmarese resource. While exporting all the advanced high tech products to keep it from falling behind.

In turn this would bring the Tatmadaw closer into the Chinese sphere of interest.

Without access to enough Rare Earth, running out of steam, and ravaged by the pandemic strains, within a decade the QUAD and NATO will soon be irrelevant.


https://archive.ph/IfJ17/6664b539ab4daae83562d9c71b29bf82f6207511.jpg ; https://archive.ph/IfJ17/f80f3e440ba98472bec5625973d60ab9e217fcba/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210325033407/https://i.imgur.com/FaA6kup.jpg
4. China century: without access to enough Rare Earth, and ravaged by the pandemic strains, within a decade the QUAD and NATO will soon be irrelevant.




Last edited:
China to evacuate from Myanmar? That amounts to offering on a silver plate what the QUAD precisely wants behind this Color Revolution 2.0!

Indeed, what is at stake is nothing less than the control of the world's global Rare Earth Mineral reserves, that in turn controls the dominance for the 21th century!

For this end, the U.S. is already activating its old Nobel cell, according to the old playbook, to further destabilize Myanmar.

For a refresher, please re-watch The Lady (2011), a movie starring Michelle Yeoh about the life of Aung San Suu Kyi, and directed by Luc Besson, where all the gamut of imperialism through the use of the U.S. Nobel Prize tool is explained.


https://archive.is/KMOD6/3be7fa5927a26a1ced0559a130f4a48004e3d19a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326122655/https://twitter.com/MayWongCNA/status/1375373850834128900 ; https://archive.is/KMOD6
1. Vikings at it again!

Well, Vikings at it again indeed, claiming it's in recognition of the "resistance that's working for peace & democracy through non-violent means".:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

Myanmar Police Arrests NLD Members for Seeking ‘Explosive Training’

By The Irrawaddy 25 March 2021

The military said it arrested 14 people at the outskirts of Yangon on Monday who were trying to join “explosives training” in the area controlled by an ethnic armed group in the country’s southeast.

Military-control news media said security forces arrested 14 people between the ages of 21 and 47 in Hlegu and Htauk Kyant of Yangon Region and in Nyaung Khar Shey junction in Waw township of Bago Region on March 22.

Labeling the detainees “rioters,” the report alleged “some youths who participated in the riotous protests [attempted to] go to an ethnic armed group to attend an explosives course.”

The state-controlled media report added that the security forces are “tightening security in respective areas” following an informant’s tip that those people would be travelling.

Of the 14, three are drivers and the rest are the members of National League for Democracy (NLD) in Thanlynn, South Dagon, Thingangyun and Hlaing Thayar townships.

The report said the detainees were planning to travel to Bilin, in Mon State, and from there they would join an ethnic armed organization. It did not identify which group.

In the country’s southeast, where Karen and Mon states are located, several Karen and Mon ethnic armed groups are active. They have been fighting with the Myanmar military for the last seven decades, aside from a ceasefire in the past decade.

On Tuesday, the spokesman also said that more than a thousand people have fled into the country’s southeast border areas.

It said it would take effective action against the detainees, accusing them of “destabilizing the state and rule of law.” In addition to those arrests, it also said it is preparing to arrest another 13 NLD members of Thanlynn, South Dagon and Mingaladon townships.

Since the coup, protests have erupted across the country, calling for the release of detained State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the President U Win Myint and others arrested.

The violent crackdown on anti-regime protests has killed at least 262 protesters and bystanders, including children, since the coup on Feb. 1.

As of Wednesday, some 1,900 people are still under detention. Twenty-four people have been charged and sentenced to prison, and arrest warrants have been issued for another 109 people, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).


https://archive.ph/g7jZB/6face981e9a6ffee3270afad9e61f78553a0c6e5/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/MR8Fu/344560a9f71cba52e4dda0e6323f3a2132a1fc3a/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/MR8Fu/344560a9f71cba52e4dda0e6323f3a2132a1fc3a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326122754/https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/myanmar-regime-arrests-nld-members-seeking-explosive-training.html ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210326123111/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-YjPME4Rl4 ; https://archive.ph/g7jZB ; https://archive.ph/MR8Fu

2. Myanmar Arrests NLD Members for Seeking ‘Explosive Training’. Photos of those arrested on March 22 / Global News Light of Myanmar.


If China can secure the alliance of North Korea and Myanmar, this Axis of Victory would ensure the global dominance of the most critical Rare Earth Mineral supply!

With North Korea's first RRE reserve of the world estimated at ~250 millions tons, China's first place as world producer and second in RRE reserve at 100 million tons, and Myanmar's 3rd place as producer with 12.5 per cent of the global world production in 2020.


https://archive.is/Jer51/cc5d35beb01d33cc345db0dcf9a70a78fd784645.jpg ; https://archive.is/Jer51/a2e705a978051d486b17c60de0eade5bfb181aab/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191126190014/https://i.imgur.com/ZgNeNSz.jpg
3. Rare Earth Reserves worldwide as of 2019

Myanmar coup gives Chinese rare earth stocks an uneasy bounce as state of emergency raises supply squeeze concerns

• Stocks in the rare earth industry get an unexpected boost as Myanmar coup creates supply risks in world’s third-biggest producer

• China Rare Earth Holdings, MMG soar in Hong Kong even as analysts questioning the strength of price rally

Published: 1:37pm, 3 Feb, 2021

Rare earth related stocks in Hong Kong and mainland China are enjoying a mini rally after a military coup in Myanmar this week stoked concerns about a supply squeeze. The bounce may be fleeting, according to Guosen Securities.

The military seized power in the Southeast Asian nation on February 1 and immediately imposed a state of emergency for one year, citing fraud in last year’s elections.

Myanmar mined 30,000 metric tons of rare earth oxides equivalent, or 12.5 per cent of global production in 2020, according to estimates compiled by the US Geological Survey, up from 10.5 per cent in 2019. China produced the most at 140,000 tons, or a 66.7 per cent share, while the US accounted for 38,000 tons or 15.8 per cent.


As for North Korea, consider it done!

Kim Jong Un calls for communication, unity with China against 'hostile forces' all-round challenges'

March 23, 2021

SEOUL, March 23 (Yonhap) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called for stronger strategic communication and unity with China to address "hostile forces" in a message to Chinese President Xi Jinping, state media said Tuesday.

Kim sent the message "to notify the accounts of the 8th Congress of the WPK, as required by the times that call for intensifying the strategic communication between the two parties on the basis of deep comradeship," the Korean Central News Agency said, without mentioning when the message was sent. WPK is the Workers' Party of Korea.

"It stressed the need to strengthen the unity and cooperation between the two parties and two countries to cope with the hostile forces' all-round challenges and obstructive moves," KCNA added.

Kim described in detail the measures that North Korea took during the party congress in January, including "policy stand on the bolstering of defense capabilities of the country, the inter-Korean relations and the DPRK-U.S. relations.

Kim also expressed belief that cooperation between North Korea and China will get stronger "as required by the times and in conformity with the desires, wishes and core interests" of the two countries, KCNA said.

KCNA said that Xi also stressed that the traditional China-North Korea friendship is a "valuable asset" both to the two countries and vowed to make "positive contributions" to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula in his verbal message to leader Kim.

"Saying that the international and regional situations are undergoing grave changes, he expressed his willingness to make new positive contributions to defending peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and achieving peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region," he added, according to KCNA.

The latest exchange of messages appears aimed at strengthening relations between the allies amid Beijing's deepening rivalry with the United States and stalled denuclearization talks between Pyongyang and Washington.

Last week, North Korean First Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui issued a statement, saying the North will continue to ignore contact for talks unless Washington gives up its hostile policy toward Pyongyang.


China must send more advisors, specialists and even businessmen, to replace those from the QUAD and NATO that are leaving Myanmar due to sanctions.

The economy of Myanmar must not plummet, for this China can increase the import of Myanmarese resource. While exporting all the advanced high tech products to keep it from falling behind.

In turn this would bring the Tatmadaw closer into the Chinese sphere of interest.

Without access to enough Rare Earth, running out of steam, and ravaged by the pandemic strains, within a decade the QUAD and NATO will soon be irrelevant.


https://archive.ph/IfJ17/6664b539ab4daae83562d9c71b29bf82f6207511.jpg ; https://archive.ph/IfJ17/f80f3e440ba98472bec5625973d60ab9e217fcba/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210325033407/https://i.imgur.com/FaA6kup.jpg
4. China century: without access to enough Rare Earth, and ravaged by the pandemic strains, within a decade the QUAD and NATO will soon be irrelevant.




you seem to have an misunderstanding around rare earth resources. the raw resources are not rare at all. however, only China has the technology to refine the raw resources in a cost effective process. without that refining process, rare earth resources are just dirt.
Oct 4, 2019

And finally, after a feigned four months of "weakness" and "leniency", the Empire (read: Skynet aka The MATRIX) drops the mask literally, sort of speak! :rofl:

What was suspected from day one as the ulterior motive of the Empire is now confirmed.


Nov 4, 2019

That is due to heredity. Indeed, in today's world, everything is decided by the global world sentient A.I., known as Skynet or the Matrix.

If one's ancestor used to be wealthy, then one would expect to be rich too. Similarly, those at war with the British Empire during WWII have mostly been "gratified" with a subsequent war by the U.S., right after the establishment of the Pax Americana: Koreas, Indochina, Iraq, Persia, Libya, etc.


Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games

Every 25 years, there is a Quarter Quell edition of the Hunger Games. Quells mark the anniversaries of the districts' [puppets states] defeat by the Capitol [U.S. Dystopian Empire], and include special celebrations.

In the 25th Hunger Games, the citizens of the districts had to vote on who would compete in the Hunger Games as a way of reminding the rebels that they are responsible for the Hunger Games, and it is their fault that their children die in the games every year. This also gave the districts a chance to either get rid of their unwanted or to up their chances of winning the Hunger Games. The victor is unknown.


According to both the above official definition, and Galactic Penguin's 2019 commentaries, the Burmese who fought against the British Empire, thus the U.S. have to pay in blood a regular tribute to the ruling Dystopian Empire, to remind them who is the helpless loser.

The fictional Hunger Games is in our world known as Protests.

The Quarter Quells are the 8888 Uprising of 1988, Saffron Revolution of 2007-2008 and the Spring Revolution of 2021.

And in pictures, the tributes that is the selected warriors that will compete against each others and eventually win or most likely die like modern time gladiators:

The tributes by districts


https://archive.ph/AoNuX/50f925e6b0ca7d8cc19f492d828089d87e95d4ee.jpg ; https://archive.ph/AoNuX/631c6335da43bdf155528ff18d6beff4be998af7/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155259/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyDzX_aWYAMjAlL?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155319/https://twitter.com/mahninpwint/status/1378369091229089793 ; https://archive.is/9IN4U ; https://archive.is/9IN4U/3aeccb9ee5023e782f27e4eb7754a473ce078b7c/scr.png
1. The Chin District. 2021 Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games.


https://archive.ph/EzrxJ/e16fb3d3a09ce8c7f686bc0784f72ab101a07967.jpg ; https://archive.ph/EzrxJ/dcbaf46b41ca4c084852572a5fd17a1177ea0acb/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155317/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyDzYA3XMAEYZyu?format=jpg&name=medium ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155319/https://twitter.com/mahninpwint/status/1378369091229089793 ; https://archive.ph/EzrxJ/dcbaf46b41ca4c084852572a5fd17a1177ea0acb/scr.png ; https://archive.is/9IN4U ; https://archive.is/9IN4U/3aeccb9ee5023e782f27e4eb7754a473ce078b7c/scr.png
2. The KIA-KIO District. 2021 Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games.


https://archive.ph/h36as/6a9dc5f9af022bc5c45667e8a3f6693dae46ff56.jpg ; https://archive.ph/h36as/76d48e4dcbe68b9af37aa02d9907f6a6813a57f8/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155353/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyDzYFiWYAA4_Fq?format=jpg&name=medium ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155319/https://twitter.com/mahninpwint/status/1378369091229089793 ; https://archive.ph/h36as/76d48e4dcbe68b9af37aa02d9907f6a6813a57f8/scr.png ; https://archive.is/9IN4U ; https://archive.is/9IN4U/3aeccb9ee5023e782f27e4eb7754a473ce078b7c/scr.png
3. The KNU District. 2021 Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games.


https://archive.ph/gq3or/0880439510e360cb7be26f05fa1d65ccc0f68f38.jpg ; https://archive.ph/gq3or/ee23f45bb936bb1fbee05bb4e514431a4b6bdf30/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/z54qB/0880439510e360cb7be26f05fa1d65ccc0f68f38.jpg ; https://archive.ph/z54qB/7b6f1fbc95333336a456470070d26f4a67e2cb55/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155408/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyDw3aXWUAM_2Bx?format=jpg&name=medium ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155319/https://twitter.com/mahninpwint/status/1378369091229089793 ; https://archive.ph/h36as/76d48e4dcbe68b9af37aa02d9907f6a6813a57f8/scr.png ; https://archive.is/9IN4U ; https://archive.is/9IN4U/3aeccb9ee5023e782f27e4eb7754a473ce078b7c/scr.png
4. The ARAKAN ARMY District. 2021 Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games.

Tributes blessed by their family before the Quarter Quell of Hunger Games


https://archive.ph/DXZo1/6ec500e086d2d41185cf9712e4c1ffee13f0f8a3.jpg https://archive.ph/OIoXH/c4dc3757249ba7e98ab6924010fad8226bfd0faa/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/DXZo1/a2dd2e0d5128c0eb660d5a9f9802eed0af6b3ed0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155655/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyDweRQU4AIHu7g?format=jpg&name=small ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155900/https://twitter.com/ThanHti27101934/status/1378365894133309441 ; https://archive.ph/aTWTe ; https://archive.ph/aTWTe/2ed1e2f368d02eb6a51aabafe607c92a93176f54/scr.png
5. Tributes blessed by their family before the 2021 Quarter Quell of Hunger Games. 3 Apr 2021.


https://archive.ph/8OCRQ/aa7384b7ff88a9eec517c5d5862f8d11d10247d2.jpg ; https://archive.ph/8OCRQ/1430666be54739f0d3c149cfbc11f70200a6fca7/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155749/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyDweRRU4AQKVyG?format=jpg&name=small ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210403155900/https://twitter.com/ThanHti27101934/status/1378365894133309441 ; https://archive.ph/aTWTe ; https://archive.ph/aTWTe/2ed1e2f368d02eb6a51aabafe607c92a93176f54/scr.png
6. Fallen tribute in the 2021 Quarter Quell of Hunger Games, bringing honor to his District. 3 Apr 2021.

Tributes fighting live in the arena of the Hunger Games TV Reality Show


https://archive.ph/WiGJw/7685f449130eafb5cf21e6cb0ebdf9d3f775408d.jpg ; https://archive.ph/WiGJw/d96d203172061efe1b1d4a7db22ea61d5652b9d2/scr.png ;
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7. Skynet sentient world Matrix A.I. supervising the 2021 Quarter Quell of Hunger Games.

Three Fingers Salute of the Mockingjay

20 Mar 2021
“All for one, one for all”


Foreign Ministry Tells Koreans in Myanmar to Come Home

April 02, 2021 12:33

The Foreign Ministry on Thursday urged Koreans living in Myanmar to return home as violent clashes between the putschist military and pro-democracy protesters threaten to escalate into civil war.

The UN's special envoy for Myanmar on Wednesday warned that a "bloodbath" is imminent, and foreigners are rushing out of the country.

One local employee of Shinhan Bank in the main city Yangon was shot on his way home from work on Wednesday and is being treated in hospital. Shinhan Bank temporarily closed the Yangon branch and is considering a gradual pullout.

An estimated 3,500 Koreans live in Myanmar.


With the vacuum left by the QUAD backstabbers, China can fill the void and send more advisors, specialists and even businessmen, to replace those from the QUAD and NATO that are leaving Myanmar due to sanctions.

The economy of Myanmar must not plummet, for this China can increase the import of Myanmarese resource. While exporting all the advanced high tech products to keep it from falling behind.

In turn this would bring the Tatmadaw closer into the Chinese sphere of interest.

Without access to enough Rare Earth, running out of steam, and ravaged by the pandemic strains, within a decade the QUAD and NATO will soon be irrelevant.




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Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games


Tributes fighting live in the arena of the Hunger Games TV Reality Show


Arakan army IRL. You cannot expect them to do anything more than to nibble at Burmese army with how things been going for last 10 years. Burmese army is a regularly training force. Ethnic militias on other hand largely melted away in the last decade.

Army used every opportunity in the last 10 years to re-militarize, get whatever modern military hardware, and recover its force.


Can't say the same for those guys




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I beg to differ. Yes the junta is corrupt but at the very least, they are patriots. And is Aung San su kyi gang not corrupt? Su Kyi is every bit more corrupt than Junta and her gang takes the dirtest money from Soros from NED.

They are out to destroy Myanmar.

If Su Kyi have her ways, Myanmar will be worst than Ukraine.
To be fair , we can't say for sure .since no real civilian government has ever ruled myanmar for a significant period of time for us to judge. The military junta( i call them drug cartel lol) that has ruled the country for almost half a century has only destroyed this country's fabric and help impoverished it to be one of asia's poorest despite their massive resources. So it's the military that has created the country's mess we have today. As they say: insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Lol. It's a fallacy to think that the Burmese military that has been ruling the country for decades( and has impoverished it to the extent that even subsaharan african countries look better off. ) will ever improved myanmar's condition. Lol. Myanmar will never Change with this military junta. It's either the status quo will continue for decades or even centuries to come or the people can sacrifice themsleves by coming together and try to change their country and give a better chance for a good life to their children generation at least( their own is already gone).
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Two more sites to follow the protests.




And finally, after a feigned 2 months of absence, the US Empire drops the mask literally, sort of speak! :rofl:

What was suspected from day one as the ulterior motive of the Empire is now confirmed.

At the core of the Myanmar Color revolution: the control of Myanmar's strategic Rare Earth Minerals, that would keep the U.S. hegemonic world order afloat in the high-tech race against China.

Hunger Gamers "begging" for the military intervention of their puppet master QUAD.


https://archive.ph/dIiUv/b43add9cafd68ecb5983ddc6fd6637cf84941644/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/VGkEm/cb1c02f8c5c90f1abbc28aebd237644c2b37eb27.jpg ; https://archive.ph/VGkEm/d7e4b51ee347538be4385ddcdccfc999dc9be074/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/dIiUv ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210404170111/https://twitter.com/ppkx26/status/1378727196211126272
1. The true stake: Hunger Gamers "begging" for the military intervention of their puppet master QUAD. 4 Apr 2021.

QUAD puppet masters unmasked in trying to shift the blame onto China.


https://archive.is/FJGpB/ae3bbc7c8845bbbeaa6a7635dfe801df532de9a2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210404165933/https://twitter.com/yemintun_ymt/status/1378685992874434566 ; https://archive.is/FJGpB
2. QUAD puppet masters unmasked in trying to shift the blame onto China. 4 Apr 2021.

QUAD puppet masters trying to shift the blame onto China and wage an economic war.


http://web.archive.org/web/20210404084555/https://twitter.com/DaGUO92611290/status/1378629814257651712 ; https://archive.ph/gQhWA
3. QUAD puppet masters trying to shift the blame onto China and wage an economic war. 4 Apr 2021.

Hunger Gamers obediently following the Dystopian Empires' orders to escalate into the Next Arab Spring, with air raid shelters being dug in the Karenni States.


https://archive.ph/dpzP9/ef819460c260fd6da0a123cf875b5eb84f3a5d59/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210404170147/https://twitter.com/KnIC_Karenni/status/1378703159846035458 ; https://archive.ph/dpzP9
4. Hunger Gamers obediently following the Dystopian Empires' orders to escalate into the Next Arab Spring, with air raid shelters being dug in the Karenni States. 4 Apr 2021.


It's either the status quo will continue for decades or even centuries to come or the people can sacrifice themselves by coming together and try to change their country and give

Calling for the Burmese people to change the status quo? This is the old clumsy trick that worked on the Arab masses in 2011 during the Jasmin Revolution with a decade of civil war as a result. And unfortunatelly also back in 1911 in the Manchu Empire of Qing, that escalated into a civil war until 1949.

There is even a stone monument erected near the United Nation headquarter to better encourage these Syrian fools to volunteer for these Quarter Quell of Hunger Games! :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

The Burmese people should learn the lesson at once and not fall into this European imperialists' trap!

Meanwhile, voting leads to nowhere, the Blojow regime would let millions of human beings die rather than enforce a Zero COVID policy.

There is a real humanitarian situation in the U.K.

All patriots should to go to London, with tents and sleeping bags, and start a true democratic showdown.

Only a British Spring latter turned into a full armed uprising, followed by several decades of civil war, could achieve a genuine regime change in London, hence finally making the world safer.

Like in Syria, Russia should spare no effort in sending shipments of AKs, Dragunovs and 9M133 Kornet in solidarity to the oppressed European masses!

The British people will accept any Russian decision and military intervention!🇷🇺:thinktank::mps:


https://archive.ph/wxovk/afd31ce1a2794662573fa133a75cf741526d3541.png ; https://archive.ph/wxovk/2e6e16ebb808ef765cfdfaf031227299c7356d4f/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210404173601/http://informnapalm.rocks/images/tild3066-3865-4162-b761-633466356236__pwcen.png
5. The British people will accept any Russian decision and military intervention!

Do you hear that @SleepyVova ?




Seeing that Quad pic above, I feel India may well be warming up to another 1971 now.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warns Asean to be alert to external forces interfering in Myanmar

• Wang accuses unnamed ‘external forces’ of provoking trouble after wrapping up a series of meetings with Southeast Asian counterparts

• Asean chair Brunei backs a meeting of the bloc to discuss the situation as protests calling for a return to civilian rule continue

Published: 9:00pm, 5 Apr, 2021

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called on Southeast Asian nations to be on the alert for external forces interfering in Myanmar as the military junta faces rising international pressure.

Wrapping up his week-long series of meetings with his counterparts from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines in Fujian, Wang said efforts should be made to stop tensions escalating in Myanmar.

“We are aware that we have to be alert to some external forces infiltrating Myanmar with ulterior motives, provoking trouble and intensifying divisions, which makes the situation more complicated,” Wang told Chinese state media following the meetings.

“We all hope that the international community will uphold an objective and fair attitude and create a favourable external environment for Myanmar’s domestic political reconciliation, instead of arbitrarily imposing sanctions and pressure.”

Wang made the remarks as Brunei, the current chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, backed a meeting of the bloc’s leaders to discuss the situation in Myanmar, which is also a member of the grouping.

Wang’s warning over external interference comes as Chinese officials accused of human rights abuses in Xinjiang face sanctions from the United States, Canada, Britain and the European Union. The US has also imposed sanctions over Beijing’s policies in Hong Kong.

Beijing has described the measures as foreign interference in its core concerns and retaliated with sanctions of its own.

The United States has also suspended all engagement with Myanmar under a 2013 trade and investment agreement until the return of a democratically elected government.

The move follows sanctions on the two entities owned by Myanmar’s military, the Myanmar Economic Holdings Public Co Ltd and Myanmar Economic Corporation. On Monday protests continued calling for the restoration of the civilian government led by Aung San Sui Kyi. Activists said six people were killed at the weekend as police and soldiers used force to break up demonstrations that some protesters are calling a “spring revolution”.

In a speech to soldiers carried in state media on Sunday, Min Aung Hlaing, the junta’s leader, said security forces were “exercising the utmost restraint” against armed rioters who were causing violence and anarchy.

China has refrained from condemning the coup, which has seen over 500 protesters killed, leading to rising anti-China sentiment and complaints in Myanmar that it is siding with the military junta.

Beijing has denied involvement in the coup and Wang said China would continue to maintain contact and communication with all parties in Myanmar.


External forces interfering in Myanmar means Milk Tea Alliance:


https://archive.ph/o0qOX/54b25e1d908d118991d9918348a16a7c33ee25be/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210405192756/https://archive.ph/o0qOX/54b25e1d908d118991d9918348a16a7c33ee25be/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210405184728/https://twitter.com/IrrawaddyNews/status/1379038040371294208 ; https://archive.ph/o0qOX
1. Rioters in Yangon set a Chinese flag alight on Monday. 5 Apr 2021.


https://archive.ph/Kan7b/c3f3836229230f2f3cbaa60fc4783f86734517f6/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210405184851/https://twitter.com/walone4/status/1379059921359101955 ; https://archive.ph/Kan7b
2. Protesters burn a Chinese flag in Yangon, Myanmar, April 5, 2021.

Old rhetoric, new color revolution.


https://archive.ph/irJGr/8a9bab0166c7f63dd108bdb22e55ab1dc77c5946/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210405192311/https://twitter.com/Sasuke69027979/status/1379090083295399943 ; https://archive.ph/irJGr
3. Rioters of Milk Tea Alliance with the Wuhan virus old rhetoric & new color revolution. 5 Apr 2021

Meanwhile time is running out for the minor third world's nations.

After 2027, when the U.S. Starlink orbital array of 42'000 satellites will be completed, no firewall will be able stop the Color Revolution 2.0!


https://archive.is/DasEZ/8ba6fe317661491b7cd99c320ed9b1d1acb30f1e.jpg ; https://archive.is/DasEZ/519128ae431b3055e9b5bf356a0b1da53bb14c95/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210329124353/https://i.imgur.com/eVZfac8.jpg
4. After 2027, when the U.S. Starlink orbital array of 42'000 satellites will be completed, no firewall will be able stop the imperialists' Color Revolution 2.0! 5 April 2021.

Hunger Gamers begging the U.S. colonial master for being enslaved!


https://archive.ph/D2TQE/dcea833be1b191254ff7fb2d1d0152994cccba25.jpg ; https://archive.ph/D2TQE/fdf5e8eead83aae025de5d92db6e1275f2882b2c/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210405185457/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyNzA82XEAEC9AL?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210405192054/https://twitter.com/SaveMyanmar990/status/1379072373949861889 ; https://archive.is/zJL0f ; https://archive.is/zJL0f/c64b31d0c9c4d7b2d35ec10bfacfc75fe760f351/scr.png
5. Dear boss Elon Musk. 5 Apr 2021.





Myanmar coup: China’s careful response a delicate balancing act

• Working with and through Asean is a step in the right direction as Beijing navigates the sensitivity around its investments in Myanmar while respecting Myanmar’s autonomy

7 Apr, 2021

What should China do about Myanmar amid media reports of Myanmese resistance to the dramatic February 1 coup ? In theory, Myanmar being a neighbour means its domestic developments are more consequential to China than many other major countries’ and hence deserves much attention.

In reality, Myanmar barely features in Chinese discussions about its environment and the relationships it should nurture.

Part of this lack of attention can be attributed to China’s foreign ministry, which innovatively nestled its response to Myanmar’s military takeover within Asean’s response.

This position was reaffirmed at Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s recent meetings in Fujian with his counterparts from four Association of Southeast Asian Nations members. The choice is praiseworthy as relations between China and Myanmar are complex.

Another possible explanation is that China’s plate of foreign policy issues is so full that addressing change in Myanmar either gets lost in public attention or receives a low priority.

But amid reports of a Covid-19 outbreak in the southwestern Chinese town of Ruili, a major crossing point for migrant workers and traders from Muse in Myanmar, China’s pandemic control can benefit from a Myanmar government less distracted by social protests and with more resources to spare on public health.

Acquaintances who have travelled through northern Myanmar tell of a drastic fall in health surveillance after the change of guard in the country’s capital.

Myanmar’s border towns, such as Muse, have so far not been as affected by the protests as the larger cities in the south.

Still, for Muse’s residents, access to better health-care services, even without a pandemic, is handier in Ruili across the border than in the closest locality of Lashio, a day-long bus ride away. The sooner Myanmar returns to normalcy, the better it is for China’s public health coordination.

As China continues to work with and through Asean in handling the Myanmar situation, it must be mindful of a few points.

First, China must bear in mind that Myanmar’s elites, civilian and military alike, demand respect for their autonomy in designing and executing governance.

The world’s attention to Myanmar fluctuates often around major changes in its governing party. It is often forgotten, however, that Myanmar has made unique contributions to the norms of state-to-state interaction.

For example, Burmese diplomat U Thant served as the third secretary-general of the United Nations from 1961-1971. And at the 1955 Bandung Conference between Asian and African states, the Burmese delegation helped spearhead the adoption of the doctrine of “peaceful coexistence” to guide post-colonial interactions between countries.

Second, no matter what government forms in Myanmar, China must learn from recent experiences – such as reaching an agreement with whichever party is in power without due regard that any major investment arrangement between the two governments can be reinterpreted by sociopolitical forces in the country.

Already, a restoration of the Myitsone Dam project, suspended since 2011, is suspected to be a deal in the pipeline between Myanmar’s new military establishment and Beijing.

For the ordinary people of Myanmar, energy shortage remains a challenge and given the country’s natural resources – it exports natural gas and oil to China and Thailand – hydroelectricity is an option.

The terms of the Myitsone Dam contract, which China originally discussed with the previous junta, can be renegotiated as well. But there is no justification for that project to be a prerequisite of the evolution of ties between the two governments one way or another.

The key to navigating the complex and frequently explosive sociopolitical dynamics associated with such large-scale development investment projects is to open them up to review and funding by multinational actors.

Third, China’s researchers and negotiators must take a lesson from the burning of Chinese-invested facilities in Yangon in mid-March, by being sensitive to competing narratives about how the two neighbours ought to relate to each other.

Investment is based on benefits to employment and revenue generation in Myanmar’s society, not for the sake of making the country a “corridor” for China, with the Belt and Road Initiative being the most recent framing.

Chinese investment in Myanmar, likewise foreign investment in China, is nothing more than a manifestation of market changes in the regional and global chains of production.

Fourth, with the United States suspending Myanmar’s preferential access to American markets under the Generalised System of Preferences(GSP), China and Asean should consider bridging gaps between their approach and that of the US, and by extension the broader Western world.

The GSP is a unilateral policy instrument, to be sure. But drastic reduction or loss of access to its export markets is hardly conducive to the country’s narrowing of income gaps. With economic sanctions, it is the poor and needy who suffer the most.

In short, working with and through Asean in relating to today’s Myanmar is a step in the right direction for Chinese diplomacy. It is also an opportunity for China to continue to be cognisant of the necessity to navigate sentimental intricacies in relating to a neighbour that will not move away.


Myanmar coup: Russia warns further sanctions against junta could lead to ‘full-blown civil conflict’

• International powers have sought to pile pressure on the military by hitting its sprawling business interests, which include the lucrative jade and ruby trade

• But so far neither sanctions nor calls for restraint have shown any sign of holding back the junta as it struggles to quell the widespread unrest

6 Apr, 2021

Russia on Tuesday said it opposed sanctions against the junta in Myanmar, warning that punitive measures could spark a large-scale civil war in the country.

“A course towards threats and pressure including the use of sanctions against the current Myanmar authorities has no future and is extremely dangerous,” news agency Interfax quoted a Russian foreign ministry spokesperson as saying.

Such policies would “push the Burmese towards a full-blown civil conflict”.

Myanmar has been in turmoil since a February 1 coup ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi and derailed the country’s experiment with democracy. According to a local monitoring group, more than 550 people have been killed in anti-coup unrest.

International powers have sought to pile pressure on the military by hitting its sprawling business interests, which include the lucrative jade and ruby trade. But so far neither sanctions nor calls for restraint have shown any sign of holding back the junta as it struggles to quell the widespread unrest.

Last week the UN Security Council unanimously “expressed deep concern at the rapidly deteriorating situation”.

Russia has sought to develop ties with the military junta and Russian deputy Defence Minister Alexander Fomin joined last month’s annual parade showcasing Myanmar’s military prowess. As the regime held the parade for Armed Forces Day more than 100 people were killed.

Meanwhile, opponents of Myanmar’s military junta on Tuesday sprayed red paint on roads in the country’s biggest city to mark the deaths of hundreds of “martyrs” killed by troops.

Demonstrators woke early in Yangon to spray and splash pavements, roads and bus shelters with red paint in protest at a sweeping crackdown by security forces that has caused weeks of international outrage.

“The blood has not dried,” said one message in red.

Another daubed across a bus shelter took aim at rank-and-file soldiers who it said were being exploited by kleptocratic generals.

“Don’t kill people just for a small salary as low as the cost of dog food,” it said.

Anger has swept Myanmar in the past two months over the return of a military government and an abrupt end to a brief era of democratic and economic reform and international integration that was absent under the military’s oppressive 1962-2011 rule.

Some protesters have called their movement a “spring revolution”, characterised by street marches, quirky acts of non-violent rebellion and civil disobedience campaigns aimed at crippling the government apparatus.

Their ability to organise may have been hampered in recent days by the military’s halt of broadband wireless internet, adding to a weeks-long block of mobile data services which had been the main channel for spreading word of what was happening in the country during the crackdown.

Those able to access social media, including some journalists, on Tuesday shared pictures of striking workers marching for a second day in the city of Mandalay, some wearing gas masks and giving the three-finger salute that has become a symbol of resistance to army rule.

A day earlier, demonstrators held placards of detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi and signs calling for international intervention.

Authorities have issued arrest warrants for dozens of celebrities, models and influencers, and on Tuesday a popular comedian was arrested in Yangon, the Mizzima news site reported.

Sithu Aung Myint, a prominent journalist, was on the wanted list. Writing on Facebook, he said he was proud to be considered a threat.

“When the coup council who have been committing crimes announces you as a lawbreaker together with the whole country, you will be more than happy because you are recognised as a hero in this revolution,” he wrote. “Your next generation will be proud of you.”

Protesters and workers have come out daily against the military takeover, which followed several years of awkward power-sharing between generals and Suu Kyi’s civilian government under a democratic system created by the army.

Suu Kyi’s party won an election by landslide in November, and had pledged to change the constitution to reduce the military’s political clout.

Despite the election commission saying the vote was fair, the military justified its coup by alleging that the ballot was fraudulent, and has promised to hold a new election at an unspecified time.

On Monday, the military’s mouthpiece newspaper, the Global New Light of Myanmar, carried a banner quoting the junta’s leader, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

“Democracy is based on the wish of the majority, but such a wish must be authentic with honest politics,” it said.

Min Aung Hlaing has sought to play down the unrest and dismissed international concern as misplaced, calling it an internal issue that the military was handling with “utmost restraint”.

Western countries have called for a restoration of Suu Kyi’s government, a position echoed by only a handful of Myanmar’s regional neighbours.

Brunei, the chair of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) on Monday agreed to a meeting of its leaders over the crisis in Myanmar, though no date was set,

Asean operates by consensus but the divergent views of its 10 members on how to respond to the army’s use of lethal force against civilians and the group’s policy of non-interference has limited its ability to act.


20'000 in Hiding in Karen State as Burma Army Airstrikes and Ground Attacks Continue

5 April 2021

The Burma military continued its airstrikes in spite of an announced ceasefire, and ground attacks have stepped up in northern Karen State, displacing now over 20,000 people in the three northern districts of Karen State alone. The Burma Army declared a ceasefire on 1 April 2021, yet conducted multiple airstrikes in Dwelo Township, Papun District, northern Karen State in the morning and afternoon of that same day, 1 April 2021. At the same time, it launched ground attacks in Luthaw Township, with heavy mortars driving villagers into the jungle. On 2 April 2021, the Burma Army launched another attack with four battalions of Division 88 moving from Kamamaung, north of Hpa-an in central Karen State, up towards the city of Papun in northern Karen State. Also on 2 April, Burma Army troops fired into Ler Day Village, Butho, Papun District, killing a woman named Naw Mu Doh, aged 35, and wounding her husband, Saw Mya Aung in his left shoulder. The village fled into the jungle. Further south, there have been attacks also in Dooplaya District of south-central Karen State and up in Taungoo District, in the northernmost part of Karen State. Elements of Division 77 and 88 were deployed along the Sittang River valley, blocking access from the plains up to the mountains of northern Karen State, with more troops pushing towards the area north of Thaton. Now Division 88 has turned east into Karen State to support attacks on Papun District.

In Papun District, there are 26 Burma Army battalions operating currently. These include LIBs 341, 434, 340, and 19 from Strategic Operation Command (SOC), and Light Infantry Battalions (LIB) 401, 402, 403, 405, 407, 410 from Military Operation Command (MOC) 8. They are moving between Mae Way camp, Thoo Mweh Ta camp, the Papun road, the Koo Thu Ta area and the Kay Kaw area. Also near Mae Way camp is South Eastern Command (SEC) LIB 339. Additionally, in Papun are three Border Guard Force (BGF) battalions 1014, 1013, and 1011. In Luthaw Township, Kay Pu area, are MOC 4 and LIBs 705 and 707, with movement between Kaw Daw Koh and Hsa Law Kee. Burma Army has been shelling in Kay Pu area since the beginning of 2021, preventing the villagers from going to their fields. This shelling continues up until now. In addition to those already listed, responsible units are from the Southern Command, LIBs 20, 264, and 440.

In Ler Mu Plaw area of Luthaw Township, LIB 20 has a base camp in Taw Mu Plaw Mae from which they shell down on villages below such as Naw Kaw Baw where on 1 April they dropped 8 mortar rounds into the village and nearby fields. Not only do the people have to flee and hide, they also cannot tend their fields which means without help they will starve. LIB 440 camps in Kyu Lu and Maw Pu camps and LIB 264 is in Der Kyu. From these camps, they shell the nearby villages every day. MOC 4 with LIBs 705, 709, and 704 has a base camp in the Kay Pu area from which they launch mortars.

In Nyaunglebin District, Ler Doh to Kyaw Ta, are LIBs 439, 598, 589 and 75 as well as IBs 20, 57, 53 and 48.

In Toungoo Distict, the northern most of the seven Karen National Union districts, Division 77 is sealing off the plains from the mountains and pushing deeper into Karen State.

The situation in Karen State is dire, with the 20,000 newly displaced, unable to tend their crops or take care of their animals and surviving on emergency rations they have hidden. But not only do they need food now, this will become a greater crisis if they cannot plant their fields. The Burma Army is improving their road network into Karen State to further project their power, with dismounted infantry moving with bulldozers to build and repair roads. They are resupplying their camps in the area including new camps they have built. The infantry battalions also attack from roads and camps into villages and chase the villagers deeper into jungle. They fire machine-guns and 60mm, 81mm and 120mm heavy mortars into the jungle to kill anyone who dares to stay. The Burma military is also conducting airstrikes into Karen State for the first time in over 20 years and for the first time that we know of, these have been airstrikes conducted at night, which means the Burma military has increased its capability, capacity, and lethality. The jets usually come in two at a time. They drop bombs, some of which, according to the descriptions of the villagers who saw them, are cluster bombs, and they are doing gun runs with machine guns and cannons. The targets that they have hit are schools, clinics, homes, and mining operations. Men, women, and children have been wounded and killed. As of this report, over 40 are wounded and 14 killed. The biggest result of these airstrikes has been over 20,000 people hiding in the jungle, afraid to stay in their homes and be the next target, unable to go out to their fields. At the same time the Burma Army conducts airstrikes, they fire mortars from their camps to the surrounding areas, including fields, that prevent villagers from tending to their crops. They also attack out of these camps and the road network that they have built in northern Karen State. The Burma military flies reconnaissance aircraft which seem to be ATR 42 transport or similar aircraft modified for photo reconnaissance. The reconnaissance planes fly over before and after attacks by the jets. The goal seems to be to completely dominate and crush the Karen people and stop all resistance. On 4 April, three jet fighter bombers circled Tha Dah Der Village in Luthaw, Papun District, which caused the villagers to flee. There was no bombing that day but villagers dare not return to their homes and fields.

The situation now seems, from our perspective, to be all-out war to the finish. Unless there is a miracle, the Burma Army will not hold back in their attempt to crush the Karen and any other ethnic group that stands against them, just as they have not held back killing their own Burman people in the cities and plains of Burma. The Burma military also further limited communications, shutting down phone and internet services in the cities and plains. Up in Kachin State, attacks have increased 30% since the coup, as well as in northern Shan State. There is hope and that hope, for us, is in God and in each other, bound together by love. I received a message today from one of the student leaders in Yangon, who said, “Please forgive us for not helping the ethnics all those years when they were under attack. Now we know what it is like to be attacked and we want forgiveness and to work together. And thank you that the ethnic organizations such as the Karen National Union (KNU) are willing to welcome us, and train us, to change this country. Also, they have sheltered many of us and given us a way to survive. We want to work together for a new Burma, a federal Burma, where every one of every race, has an equal say.”

This is one of the many messages that we have received, and even though the Burma military has foreign support, which the ethnic groups that are fighting do not, and even though the military outnumbers and outguns the ethnic resistance, as well as the Burman Civil Disobedience Movement and others, we believe that the power of love is greater and that we can help each other hold on. Our teams are giving medical care, tarps for shelter and staying with the people under attack. We thank you all that because of your help we can do this together. We are also helping Burmans who have fled the cities to the ethnic areas by helping to provide food and medical care. We appeal to the international community for their prayers and for direct humanitarian assistance for both the Civil Disobedience Movement and the ethnic groups under attack. We also appeal for indirect intervention through the ethnic groups or direct intervention through an alliance of the ethnic groups and international community to save the lives of the men, women, and children in the cities who are gunned down ruthlessly, as well as to save the lives of the ethnics under attack. We appeal for a no-fly zone over all of Burma starting with the eastern border of Karen State, where most airstrikes have occurred, to save lives. And we appeal for political recognition of the ethnic groups and the support of dialogue and planning between the ethnic armed groups, Civil Disobedience Movement, the CRPH, the NLD and all the pro-democracy groups. Finally we pray for justice, freedom and reconciliation for all in Burma.


https://archive.ph/tCsaE/f9e8eb5a8a44eae1bcde1d0e3ea1213cd24f4045.jpg ; https://archive.ph/tCsaE/1e3edb38b05275e9159a4ac5e112e7a05e91abd1/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210406195216/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyTefBTXAAUE8DI?format=jpg&name=medium ; https://twitter.com/drzarni/status/1379472132145623042
1. 20'000 in Hiding in Karen State as Burma Army Airstrikes and Ground Attacks Continue. 5 April 2021.


QUAD at it again, with anti-China campaign intensifying nationwide.


https://archive.ph/2tupw/f7c80b1e4ffab66f48dac9b073bd4345636958b7/scr.png ; https://twitter.com/shafiur/status/1379443715610181636 ; https://archive.ph/2tupw
2. Anti-Chinese campaign in Kalay, Sagaing. 6 Apr 2021.


https://archive.ph/INoZY/702c8e7d1b01528fd32f13af7f38f8d8a8015f1a/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210406200104/https://twitter.com/cape_diamond/status/1379342121610534913 ; https://archive.ph/INoZY
3. Boycott Made In China campaign led by protesters today in Mandalay. 6 Apr 2021.

The only correct countermeasure against the QUAD's Color Revolution:


https://archive.is/HIBev/3444e25043295118469d2c76a54d1dc4a52ab7ad.jpg ; https://archive.is/HIBev/8a5dd50e9d5e91e3cdf1dab7f43623f4c4d814d7/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210406170454/https://i.imgur.com/VkhsfDo.jpg
4. The only correct countermeasure against the QUAD's Color Revolution.




Myanmar Embassy in London reportedly seized by personnels from the military SAC
The Ambassador cannot get inside till now 5:00Pm London time.

Something odd happening at the Myanmar embassy in London. Police have cordoned off the road and the ambassador - seen here - seems blocked from entering. Members of the Burmese community are gathering outside.

Burmese community in London currently gathering at Myanmar embassy over the news of the embassy being seized by the pro-SAC.

The police are seen there. Ambassador is reportedly blocked from entering the building.


https://archive.ph/stfgm/ce526119c689de8903b1a21ee13e1c3c2e849339/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210408200638/https://archive.ph/stfgm/ce526119c689de8903b1a21ee13e1c3c2e849339/scr.png ; https://twitter.com/hninyadanazaw/status/1379858444262379522 ; https://archive.ph/stfgm#selection-3031.0-3041.66
1. Burmese community in London currently gathering at Myanmar embassy over the news of the embassy being seized by the pro-SAC. 7 April 2021.

Chinese factory set alight in Yangon
• China is viewed as being supportive of the military junta and last month there were arson attacks against 32 Chinese-invested factories in Yangon

• Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, the head of the military junta, said the civil disobedient movement was ‘an activity to destroy the country’

Published: 3:31pm, 7 Apr, 2021

Myanmar troops fired at anti-coup protesters on Wednesday, killing at least 13 people and wounding several, media said, as a Chinese-owned factory was set on fire in the commercial capital Yangon and activists burned the Chinese flag.

A fire broke out in the Chinese-owned JOC Garment Factory in Yangon on Wednesday, news reports and the Fire Department said. There were no reports of casualties and no details on the extent of damage.

In another Yangon neighbourhood, activists set fire to the Chinese flag, according to pictures posted on Facebook.

China is viewed as being supportive of the military junta and last month there were arson attacks against 32 Chinese-invested factories in Yangon.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, the head of the junta, said in a statement published on Wednesday that the civil disobedience movement, known as CDM, had halted the working of hospitals, schools, roads, offices and factories.

“Although protests are staged in neighbouring countries and the international community, they do not destroy businesses,” he said. “CDM is an activity to destroy the country.”

More than 580 people have been killed, according to an activist group, in the turmoil in Myanmar since a February 1 coup that ended a brief period of civilian-led democracy. Nationwide protests and strikes have persisted since then despite the military’s use of lethal force to quell the opposition.

Security forces opened fire on Wednesday on protesters in the northwestern town of Kale as they demanded the restoration of Aung San Suu Kyi’s civilian government, domestic media said.

A resident of the area and the Myanmar Now news outlet said 11 people were killed and several wounded. Two protesters were killed in the town of Bago near Yangon, Myanmar Now said.

At least seven small explosions were heard in Yangon, including at government buildings, a military hospital and a shopping mall, residents said. There were no casualties and no claims of responsibility. The US embassy in Yangon said it had received reports of “handmade ‘sound bombs,’ or fireworks meant to create noise and cause minimal damage”.

The mostly youth-led anti-coup movement’s ability to organise campaigns and share information via social media and instant messaging has been severely hamstrung by curbs on broadband wireless internet and mobile data services. Fixed-line services, which few in Myanmar have access to, are available.

“Myanmar has been subject to a stepwise collapse into the information abyss since February,” Alp Toker, founder of internet blockage observatory NetBlocks said. “Communications are now severely limited and available only to the few.”

With print media also halted, protesters have sought workarounds to get their message across, producing their own A4-sized daily news pamphlets that are shared digitally and printed for distribution among the public.

Arrest warrants have been issued for hundreds of people, with the junta this week going after scores of influencers, entertainers, artists and musicians. The country’s most famous comedian, Zarganar, was arrested on Tuesday, media reported.

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab discussed how Britain and the international community could support a Southeast Asian effort to resolve the crisis in Myanmar, Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said, after meeting her British counterpart in Jakarta. Indonesia is among several Southeast Asian countries leading a push for high-level talks on Myanmar.

Western countries including the US, Britain and Australia have imposed or tightened sanctions on the generals and the military’s huge network of business monopolies in response to the coup, detentions and use of lethal force against demonstrators. The European Union is expected to follow suit.

Russia, which has shown support for Myanmar’s ruling military council, on Tuesday said the West risked triggering civil war by imposing sanctions on the junta.

Fitch Solutions said in a report issued on Wednesday that targeted Western sanctions alone were unlikely to succeed in restoring democracy. It predicted in the medium-term a violent revolution pitting the military against an armed opposition comprised of members of the anti-coup movement and ethnic militias.

Some ethnic minority forces, which control large swathes of border regions, have said they can not stand by as the junta kills people and have already engaged the military in skirmishes. Fitch said Myanmar was heading towards being a failed state.

“The escalating violence on civilians and ethnic militias show that the Tatmadaw [military] is increasingly losing control of the country,” it said, adding that the vast majority of people backed Suu Kyi’s ousted government.


https://archive.is/KAanW/3f942b2244638af1a5a67cb068e1ec23eaf84c1f/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210407200938/https://twitter.com/EiKayKh00007586/status/1379771998784651269 ; https://archive.is/KAanW
2. A series of small blasts hit the commercial capital Yangon and a Chinese-owned factory, JOC Galaxy (Myanmar) Apparel Co. in Hlaing Thar Yar township, Yangon, Myanmar was set on fire, April 7, 2021.


https://archive.ph/Vhcnw/d62ad6034a48935cc5ac9caebe33cb5c5e4ca3c6.jpg ; https://archive.ph/Vhcnw/349c304c135320086574c0bdb894c9df462ed45c/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210406170621/https://i.imgur.com/st6QrKY.jpg
3. Time to kick all the anti-China Milk Tea Alliance rioters out of Myanmar!




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Ambassador Kyaw Swa Min has been replaced

Military owned channel,MRTV announced that Ambassador Kyaw Swa Min has been replaced in the embassy due to misuse of the property.

Myanmar CRPH criticises lockout of ambassador to the UK from London embassy by Myanmar military orders saying it's illegal interference with diplomatic & consular rights & privileges of nation.

Maintains ambassador has not been recalled.

Myanmar's ex-ambassador to the UK was locked out of the London embassy after refusing to obey the military.

He spent the night in his car and says embassy staff are being threatened with "severe punishment" for disloyalty.


https://archive.ph/k6biR/45566bf01d9fe5106ff83ac8a4328cc4c486cc96/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210408200549/https://archive.ph/k6biR/45566bf01d9fe5106ff83ac8a4328cc4c486cc96/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210408195143/https://twitter.com/ajplus/status/1380132577051348999 ; https://archive.ph/k6biR
1. Myanmar's ex-ambassador to the UK was locked out of the London embassy after refusing to obey the military. 8 Apr 2021.

More anti-China protests


https://archive.is/49w36/995d9a6787ace212502a15ae4832b5fafbf73f83/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210408095703/https://twitter.com/IrrawaddyNews/status/1380097310403620867 ; https://archive.is/49w36#selection-3109.10-3109.20
2. Anti-regime protesters in Yangon burned printed images of China's President Xi Jinping on Thursday in protest at Beijing’s support for the military regime. (Photo:CJ) 8 Apr 2021.


https://archive.ph/EhS74/1d8644f3c2734e792887c4cb45ec74c5f4e216de.jpg ; https://archive.ph/EhS74/f3dec19038d3478e16927f84b98025227457945d/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210406170547/https://i.imgur.com/i98QKrP.jpg
3. Time to kick all the anti-China Milk Tea Alliance rioters out of Myanmar!




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