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Burmese protests l Updates, News & Discussion

How will the protest evolve?

  • Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM)'s victory

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look at all that equipment the "protestors" have. Somebody is funding those people. Soros? Israelis? US R1b German Canaanites? Use the greedy people to loot the nation for the benefit of Europe, Japan, Israelis and ABCANz nations.
I am not a big fan of myanmar military junta. I think they deserve to go, this time.

Myanmar has rich natural resources and a decent big population of more than 50million people and yet their economy is only less than USD 100 billion. Clearly somebody is looting the people richness.

Even much smaller Cambodia economy is bigger than myanmar. Pathetic.
Too many events in the last few days, but pictures would be banned as per forum rules (gore).

In short, Milk Tea Alliance escalating the level of violence, and getting ever tougher as the more casualties, the more likely the foreign Europeans intervention: plastic shields being upgraded to metal ones!


https://archive.vn/VBsq5/af1141b3ff4a171b8781a097c466f8825d05a019.jpg ; https://archive.vn/VBsq5/824b70eb2522372f2255400d0356a31434c2d9d3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210305120411/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EuUmDjzVEAA_KAP?format=jpg&name=900x900
1. In their own words: nothing short of an U.S. military occupation!

Soon we will see these traitors wave U.S. and E.U. flags and chant the "Ode to Joy", "The Star-Spangled Banner" along "Ein Heller und ein Batzen"!

Also walls of rubber tire that can stop all advance by the police when set on fire!

Free distribution of gears before the demonstration (riots): google, mask, etc

Clearly Burmese protestors have surpassed Hong Kong: proof video showing Burmese police retreating when trying the march on baricades under the combined shower of molotov cocktails, bricks, fire extinguisher smoke and batons!


https://archive.is/fPOA0/b80a28fba1cd23c47def771b56a8f1bbb6eec1dc.jpg ; https://archive.is/fPOA0/a13376a8d3487cb2d4dbfd77fa0b8aabcbd03a08/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210305111803/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvtGwQjXcAE0NCC?format=jpg&name=large
2. Plastic shields being upgraded to metal ones!


https://archive.vn/ZhIdx/1d1e9b5a598c20685df2112f9594ed08f94c9b56.jpg ; https://archive.vn/ZhIdx/4f8de5fc050a3923c67947274f9cb9d21e6823c4/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210305112044/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvsMPuGVcAAyPA5?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
3. Plastic shields being upgraded to metal ones!


https://archive.vn/mwZw9/84e18776f006716ff63f33fd7e52943085b0d3f3.jpg ; https://archive.vn/mwZw9/38652c4a3d82e1f6ea92df47c08b62ebc04c6866/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210305112134/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvpSadBXUAkxz1A?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
3. Plastic shields being upgraded to metal ones!


https://archive.vn/KOVRs/07fbdf326332d82dcf5de8bfd57906c161ced4e3.jpg ; https://archive.vn/KOVRs/a13635d3476264522aa861862333f0d44ba9d970/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210305112323/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Evh8UdkXAAAQK9o?format=jpg&name=large
4. Baricade made of rubber tyres, ready to be set on fire.


https://archive.vn/ojAub/87599048c438988c9e95fcafb90f7f656da4ca2a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/ojAub/dd0eb989ae6b84cb4efd2d99a2a94508bbad5595/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210305112406/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Evtbqa0XEAAoScP?format=jpg&name=900x900
5. New technique developed to treat tear gas reported: unknown result.

Meanwhile Israeli Uzi submachine guns reported to be used lately and even paratroopers.


https://archive.vn/0sQ1R/1904e3b53bb8e668972db4812f7e205076385328.jpg ; https://archive.vn/0sQ1R/add38dfeb93c83d23a863ba95410ac48480abebe/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210305112547/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvtkjZ5VcAsBrZn?format=jpg&name=medium
6. Paratroopers from army were seen above the sky of Yangon on March 5 at noon. Still haven't heard any other news concerning with these paratroopers.



Somewhat useful against police, useless against military. No one will send intervention troops. We are already seeing greatly reduced number of protesters.
Someone must have bankroll their shield and requested it to be printed with "people" rather than some Myanmese word.

I've seen some pretty graphic footage of the myanmmar forces' actions. On the other hand, people say all protestors are CIA agents. Someone fill me in.
I've seen some pretty graphic footage of the myanmmar forces' actions. On the other hand, people say all protestors are CIA agents. Someone fill me in.

Millions are in the streets from every strata of the society, including the police!

How can they all be C.I.A.?

Remember Syria and Ukraine. The 1% minority of professional C.I.A. operative will try to infiltrate and highjack -as in internet forums- the whole movement at the expense of the unsuspecting larger masses.

It often pays off on the lower IQs as demonstrated on the Euromaidans, and even back in 1917 during the Bolshevik take over!

Just curious, what if US protesters one day use those metal shield .

Will the US police keep patience as HongKong police do?

Haha, European people are too backward to be organized like East Asians. Even the lowlife rioters of Myanmar and Hong Kong have demonstrated far more ingenuity than what their European counterparts Gilets Jaunes and U.S. Proud Boys could ever achieve!


Somewhat useful against police, useless against military. No one will send intervention troops. We are already seeing greatly reduced number of protesters.

Protests not reducing in intensity! On the contrary!:flame:

Casualties on the rise!

Continuous disturbing gory images. Browse twitter yourself.

But beware of disinformation from the Milk Tea Alliance! Remember Galactic Penguin's debunking made 2 years ago on the use of laser pen?

Here exposed the same professional internet operatives of the Milk Tea Alliance at it again!:hitwall:

Not stars, but drones
11:07 PM (7.3.21)


https://archive.vn/Tvnam/13e63b6019d79c48a15f38b1e75d9244940df158.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Tvnam/52df060520cb68f4708492f8abad69814c913dc5/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210307211911/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ev5FlQwVgAQgdaL?format=jpg&name=medium ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210307211746/https://twitter.com/ThaeThaeFebrero/status/1368607859055808518 ; https://archive.is/rMIJC

1. The alleged drones.


Galactic Penguin's OSINT debunking

Calibration of the picture via online astrometry.net website:

Identified as stars in the Orion constellation, and no drones!


https://archive.vn/BaFPR/821d5988da841bf69f5046525b47e15bffad5f97.jpg ; https://archive.vn/BaFPR/da7fd2276fe101387235c5e2058442728ad3e60c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210307211938/https://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4994696 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210307212036/https://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/4428309#annotated ; https://archive.vn/1xWby
2. Identified as stars in the Orion constellation, and no drones!

Meanwhile, in Yangon, unlike the Chinese, Singapore Embassy deploys barbed wire to repel both its guilt and the protesters:


https://archive.vn/FwY4B/1f8c77a8d8b9c2d316b05ba41497dd76797fa3e8.jpg ; https://archive.vn/FwY4B/faec9c5ccdbc5a0570f94cc7171a63085a916451/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210307220215/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EupP9vpVcAQsSTW?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210220045756/https://twitter.com/zuriluwiz/status/1362989769400086532 ; https://archive.vn/LMW8L

3. In Yangon, Singapore Embassy deploys barbed wire to repel both its guilt and the protesters.



Protests not reducing in intensity! On the contrary!:flame:

Casualties on the rise!

Continuous disturbing gory images. Browse twitter yourself.

But beware of disinformation from the Milk Tea Alliance! Remember Galactic Penguin's debunking made 2 years ago on the use of laser pen?

Here exposed the same professional internet operatives of the Milk Tea Alliance at it again!:hitwall:
yes, increased intensity but the number of people showing up to protest has decreased. Short of a foreign intervention, I don't see the protests continuing much longer. Also can't think of any country willing to intervene either.
yes, increased intensity but the number of people showing up to protest has decreased. Short of a foreign intervention, I don't see the protests continuing much longer. Also can't think of any country willing to intervene either.

Foreign intervention? This is the fantasm of a few deluded from the Milk Tea Alliance, of the caliber of Joshua Wong. See the result 2 years later in Hong Kong. :omghaha:

After the Vietnam war harsh defeat, it is unlikely that the eternal puny European warmongers would dare another Dien Bien Phu. This is not desertic Iraq, but subtropical jungle environment! For REAL MEN only, not armies of LGBTQ!:rofl:

Situation getting worse. Check twitter, as the violence depicted in the pictures are not allowed in this forum.

Myanmar protesters gather after general strike call

published : 8 Mar 2021 at 11:45

YANGON: Anti-coup protesters gathered across Myanmar on Monday, answering a trade union call for a general strike following a weekend of night raids and arrests.

The country has been in turmoil since a Feb 1 coup ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi from power and triggered mass protests against the new military junta.

The police and military have responded with an increasingly brutal crackdown on demonstrators, with more than 50 people killed and nearly 1,800 arrested.

Despite the risk, protesters rallied in parts of the commercial capital Rangoon, the second-largest city Mandalay and other towns around the country.


C.I.A. never short of clumsy tricks, and according to the old Roman imperialist playbook, resorting to the whole medieval gamut, including the weaponization of religious symbols to further their ulterior motives!

Crusaders' portable shrine, known as the Great Cross, that should weaken the enemy's will to fight if of same religion, are now being deployed in the battle field!

This is no longer of the Hong Kong Protest level.

The Great Cross sits on a wagon and acts as a beacon of inspiration to the army and a reminder that they are on God's mission. The cross is guarded by an elite unit of infantry, who would rather die than let it fall into enemy hands. This unit can only be used by crusading armies.



https://archive.vn/DejBC/494fc3c32fda6af2619c01931daa0219dc6d2f78.jpg ; https://archive.vn/DejBC/05ada7022f61c8dab9c6a7ca740df28d279012ed/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210209125218/https://www.mobygames.com/images/promo/l/30681-medieval-ii-total-war-kingdoms-screenshot.jpg
3. The Great Cross sits on a wagon and acts as a beacon of inspiration to the army and a reminder that they are on God's mission. Weakens the enemy's will to fight, if of same religion.


https://archive.vn/lKgxZ/dc106f8ef4fb6762326e85318219170f7f3a2cbf.jpg ; https://archive.vn/lKgxZ/e6054f50fd9c61b390f298a73c7501293cdf3d34/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210308130347/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ev8VoO_XAAIEWvc?format=jpg&name=small
2. Religious warfare unit deployed! Myitkyina, Kachin State, 8th March 2021.


https://archive.vn/XjQp3/fed748e116d5275ea031f9572d152666d5be9843.jpg ; https://archive.vn/XjQp3/ac451128566bf2cbcec246f98425af87fcedfe8c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210308125829/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ev8TNIBVgAUaaL6?format=jpg&name=medium ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210308125441/https://twitter.com/PurplewingsMm/status/1368833932553113600 ; https://archive.vn/ExWdz
3. Successful use of the religious special weapon against 2 enemy units! Myitkyina, Kachin State, 8th March 2021.

Elsewhere, the Karen National Union's Brigade 4 peaceful unarmed protestors. :omghaha::rofl::lol:


https://archive.vn/C81ck/8a921388ccbb4c2c351db681cc7258be0e47b1fb.jpg ; https://archive.vn/C81ck/1c3c43a1ae04f10491b7a9c70cd472e8439a2dea/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210308131834/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ev7iFqSVcAEoyep?format=jpg&name=large ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210308131855/https://twitter.com/Myanmar_Now_Eng/status/1368779984987320322 ; https://archive.vn/ImkfN
4. Dawei-based Brigade 4 of the Karen National Union.

Black hand of C.I.A. exposed with threats made specifically against China, but not Woodside (Australia), Total S.A, Chevron, Shell or Essar Group (India)!


https://archive.vn/STEHg/ce0f1531a717a2d3dec2324711ebba1cd880c4a1/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210308133628/https://twitter.com/IrrawaddyNews/status/1368909840748220421 ; https://archive.vn/STEHg
5. Myanmar Protesters Say an Attack on China’s Pipelines Would Be ‘Internal Affair’. 8th March 2021.

Ultimate fatal miscalculation from the Milk Tea Alliance, as this would only backfire and force China to take measures to protect its interests in Myanmar and help pacify the region in crushing the terrorists!



Last edited:
I am not a big fan of myanmar military junta. I think they deserve to go, this time.

Myanmar has rich natural resources and a decent big population of more than 50million people and yet their economy is only less than USD 100 billion. Clearly somebody is looting the people richness.

Even much smaller Cambodia economy is bigger than myanmar. Pathetic.
The junta is corrupt and incompetent. They’ve held Myanmar back for a long time, they need to go.
The junta is corrupt and incompetent. They’ve held Myanmar back for a long time, they need to go.

I beg to differ. Yes the junta is corrupt but at the very least, they are patriots. And is Aung San su kyi gang not corrupt? Su Kyi is every bit more corrupt than Junta and her gang takes the dirtest money from Soros from NED.

They are out to destroy Myanmar.

If Su Kyi have her ways, Myanmar will be worst than Ukraine.
The junta is corrupt and incompetent. They’ve held Myanmar back for a long time, they need to go.
Yes. But the reality is they are not going anywhere. The military and controls the hard power in the country. Unless the military starts splintering off, the protesters have no chance.
Myanmar protesters definitively taking the lead of the Milk Tea Alliance, in term of reactivity and innovations!

Century-old nationalistic inter-buddhist hate-wall torn down, new brick wall erected, flak vest introduced, etc.

New brick wall erected without cement though:


https://archive.is/lYbr1/0f247f074c0bc24b1ab3c444ae7f5838f5611fbf.jpg ; https://archive.is/lYbr1/610db10dad046cfff7f32a5fa17ec26761ad7c92/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210309132431/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwCa7LIVIAIEJtd?format=jpg&name=medium ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210309132513/https://twitter.com/Minthantmtk/status/1369264639490420742 ; https://archive.vn/0vu5r ; https://archive.vn/0vu5r/e069558ce0e2664084f1876721900e4dcd4bdff5/scr.png

1. Brick wall built near East Yangon University this morning. 9 Mar 2021.

Flak vest introduced:


https://archive.vn/4EnE7/efebd6aee75541f9c428ae3a15d2e2e59dd66ce6.jpg ; https://archive.vn/4EnE7/8fb3ce7ac421ca4c12297ce1a1d0889da39abfe6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210309133546/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwCTieOUUAA0VrH?format=jpg&name=large ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210309133606/https://twitter.com/kk36980591/status/1369256517417975815 ; https://archive.vn/aUlJh ; https://archive.vn/aUlJh/58926cb14c88ecf55bac1f96743c07bff0d5108e/scr.png
2. First flak vest sighted during the Mandalay Union of Monks Strike. 9th March 2021.

Improved shields with added rubber tire bolted layer:


https://archive.vn/wrYXi/ca6bf0bc949764d2140425742a857b6623283175.jpg ; https://archive.vn/wrYXi/072281860fab2a343024047cda7a47e86a246de1/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210309135643/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwCkp6wWgAQBJPc?format=jpg&name=medium ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210309135922/https://twitter.com/AyeChan52019231/status/1369275365877747712; https://archive.vn/qDdK7 ; https://archive.vn/qDdK7/04da5023637c843eb7d910e6e707d000096d31d1/scr.png
3. Improved shields with added rubber tire bolted layer introduced in Thamine. 9th March 2021.

Failed: A front-liner of the protester posted on his social media that his hands were burned as he threw a tear gas grenade back.


https://archive.vn/U0SSR/f2f333da99c3607be36ff52fdc0babcf5f18476e.jpg ; https://archive.vn/U0SSR/524ad29fdc7f63ba25f407d46f86f5eafc510926/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210309140717/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwCtqdaVcAIsu9d?format=jpg&name=large ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210309140836/https://twitter.com/tslmyanmar/status/1369285297591095296 ; https://archive.vn/jiPda ; https://archive.vn/jiPda/d435ce9c9f21e001593de5c5337c871a0950a6c9/scr.png
4. Failed: A front-liner of the protester posted on his social media that his hands were burned as he threw tear gas grenade back. 9th March 2021.

Can Milk Tea Alliance help Thais change their mind about Myanmar after years of bad blood?

• Most Thais were taught that Myanmar people were responsible for the sacking of the ancient Siamese capital of Ayutthaya; a new video is challenging this account

• Young Thais are seeking to understand their history and forge closer links with others opposing authoritarian government

Published: 5:00pm, 9 Mar, 2021

Thailand might share a border and enjoy stable relations with Myanmar despite the current political turmoil there, but in Thai school textbooks the Buddhist-majority neighbour to the west is cast as the birthplace of villains and looters who invaded the ancient Siamese kingdom’s capital of Ayutthaya, took away all of its gold and used it to build one of Myanmar’s holiest grounds – Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon.

The sacking of the city in 1767, which included the invaders’ burning temples and images of the Buddha – unimaginable and offensive acts to Buddhists – led to the demise of Ayutthaya and resulted in the capital being moved to Bangkok, about 80km to the south.

Although the historical narrative has been taken as an article of faith in Thailand, a video clip posted last week on the Facebook page of a content creation company called Pud Production turned that narrative on its head. The eight-minute-long video counters the claim that it was only Burmese troops that were responsible for the pillaging of Ayutthaya, saying city residents also looted temples and palaces in search of valuables after the city was abandoned.

The video also said that the gold taken from Ayutthaya was unlikely to have been brought to Yangon to build the Shwedagon Pagoda since the Burmese capital in those days was Inwa, a city in the Mandalay region, about 600km north of Yangon.

Tens of thousands of users have left comments expressing surprise at the alternative account.

“I remember growing up hating the Burmese [after] being taught these stories in school,” said one user, commenting on the nationalistic tenor of some textbooks. “When I got older I realised education taught us a certain way.”

Another comment read: “The Shwedagon Pagoda was built before Ayutthaya fell, and it was built by the Mon people, not the Burmese.”

The 26-year-old producer of the video, Chatchai Pumpuang, said he had made the video because he felt it was “time for us to no longer hate our neighbours” and because he wanted to encourage young Thais to support their counterparts in Myanmar as part of the cross-border #MilkTeaAlliance against authoritarian governments.

“I want to help create a new understanding among Thailand’s younger generation,” he said. “If this thinking is changed, it can lead to social or political change.”

Indeed, young people across Asia have rallied online to support the Myanmar protests amid an increasingly brutal crackdown by the military that has left more than 50 people dead – some shot directly in the head by security forces.

The hashtag #MilkTeaAlliance, which originated as an online protest movement against nationalistic internet users defending Beijing’s “One China” policy amid the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests and Taiwan’s independence drive, is a reference to the shared enjoyment of the sweet, milky drink popular in Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Thai youth have since last year rallied for political reform and an overhaul of the monarchy, holding up the three-fingered salute from The Hunger Games during their marches as a symbol of resistance. Myanmar’s pro-democracy supporters have adopted the same tactic.

Today, Ayutthaya, a small and sleepy province about an hour’s drive north of Bangkok, is filled with the ruins of centuries-old palaces and temples – a reminder of both its past glory and definitive end.

Several years ago, Reuters reported that the most expensive Thai movie ever made was King Naresuan, a swashbuckling 2007 epic about the 16th-century Siamese monarch who liberated Ayutthaya from the evil clutches of the Burmese, single-handedly killing his opposite number in a duel aboard elephants.

But Pipad Krajaejun, a lecturer in history at Thammasat University in Bangkok, said the movie, like many accounts of Ayutthaya’s history, needed to be re-examined.

He said one of the most widely accepted written accounts of the fall of Ayutthaya came from the 20th-century Royal Ayutthaya Chronicle, a purported eyewitness account of the city being burned to the ground. Pipad said recent archaeological excavations, though, had found no traces of ash, meaning there was no evidence of a great fire. In addition, he said, the story of the gold at the Shwedagon Pagoda coming from Ayutthaya has been disputed by academics for years.

Pipad said that the traditional narrative painting Burmese troops in a negative light was wrought of Thailand’s nationalist agenda dating back to the early 20th century, which has periodically risen anew.

“The narrative was revived after the 1997 Asian financial crisis when Thailand needed to promote national unity,” Pipad said. “Creating a shared and imagined enemy, in this case, the Burmese, was deployed as a tool to achieve that unity.”


At least we should agree with the Milk Tea Alliance on the core issue: only a regional union can make the East Asian region independent again!🇲🇲🇹🇭🇱🇦🇰🇭


https://archive.vn/dYY8u/9298aa05da6e06e95ae895db2ec89abcbdf75adc.jpg ; https://archive.vn/dYY8u/7a30a256352aeea8506fdc2ed8cf95f325579fe4/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210213172613/https://i.imgur.com/QZOGeUh.jpg
5. Three generals, one East Asian Union.


https://archive.vn/PxwE7/6b7c2cb8f7897d6bd1acfba4587b3d45cd9f37e4.jpg ; https://archive.vn/PxwE7/e28dc533a292f1e4df1321b8404de14a163a6375/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210205105051/https://i.imgur.com/LtolFsc.jpg
6. East Asian Union: A regional economical, academic, and political alliance is necessary.

The Fermi Paradox of Myanmar: “Where is everybody?”

Well, look no further, not UFO, but FUGOs responsible for the latest abnormal and unprecedented inactivity in this subforum!


https://archive.vn/LuPQV/2f88636c67c23852d77a361acda0de7b2cdfba7a.jpg ; https://archive.vn/LuPQV/6ebef91b2b35bec1a74dcf08203daf0b842e77a7/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210220213206/https://i.imgur.com/fwdo1Hq.jpg
7. FUGOs and the Fermi Paradox of Myanmar.




Not enough free speech in Myanmar?


https://archive.is/oz4ek/8d346c1595a18847a883dc0c3cab6c61399658e5.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20210309221134/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwDeTyLXAAU4j6w?format=png&name=small ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210309221301/https://twitter.com/FreeExpressMm/status/1369339714256441353 ; https://archive.vn/dQI22 ; https://archive.vn/dQI22/413ccfdaf25b158061af61477f71de5db5abd1c7/scr.png

1. Free speech in Myanmar.

Reminds one of some déjà vu but what?






Seems protonmail users in Asia are experiencing issues.

Myanmar Protesters Say an Attack on China’s Pipelines Would Be ‘Internal Affair’

By The Irrawaddy 8 March 2021

YANGON—Myanmar people have issued a sharp response on social media after Beijing voiced serious concern over the security of its ambitious twin pipelines project in the country, saying whether or not the pipelines are blown up is an “internal affair”.

As the military regime’s security forces intensified their deadly crackdown on anti-coup protesters in Myanmar in late February, Beijing held an emergency meeting with Myanmar officials from the Home Affairs and Foreign ministries, according to the leaked document.

The document revealed that Bai Tian, the director-general of the department of external security affairs under the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asked the military regime to assure the security of the oil and natural gas pipelines, following the emergence of anti-Chinese sentiment across the country due to its stand on the coup.


https://archive.ph/HlDWN/de04d0afaed7a4ab24582c34029c2a6b0889d3f3.webp ; https://archive.ph/HlDWN/663d662081428c8b15843c6d7b34f5e09aff66b0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210311120100/https://www.irrawaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/C1.png
1. Milk Tea Alliance's 3 days ultimatum sent to China.

The project spans nearly 800 kilometers, comprising twin pipelines running in parallel from the port of Kyaukphyu in Rakhine State on the Bay of Bengal through Magwe and Mandalay regions and northern Shan State before entering China.

Beijing is expecting Myanmar to impose better security measures for the pipelines project, saying it is a crucial part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Myanmar, according to the leaked document.

Any damage to the oil and gas pipeline would cause huge losses for both countries and also undermine confidence in foreign investment, Bai warned.


https://archive.ph/q6gDG/e95599b9504ec2c6991e7ae85eb054ddcf8a1de0.webp ; https://archive.ph/q6gDG/efa6afcd523d7a514aa2fe025f383a80aa107861/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210311120102/https://www.irrawaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/C2.png
2. Milk Tea Alliance saying whether or not the pipelines are blown up is an “internal affair”.

Developed by he state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) – which is the main shareholder in the pipelines project – the project has been controversial since 2013, provoking opposition among communities and environmental organizations. The agreement for the project was signed under the military regime in 2008. The company said the crude oil pipeline is designed to transport 22 million tons annually, while the natural gas pipeline is designed to carry 12 billion cubic meters of gas.

The document revealed that the permanent secretary of Myanmar’s Foreign Ministry was not able to attend the meeting, as it received a notification just four hours ahead of time. It showed how China is desperately concerned about its project security.


https://archive.ph/juUut/983866b802cd5821abd9204baaf282dff4e577a2.webp ; https://archive.ph/juUut/dc4eef2931028d84f4f9a9d0e24698191a4cee8c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210311120104/https://www.irrawaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/C3-2.png
3. Milk Tea Alliance told China, “If you are still concerned that what’s currently happening in Myanmar is an internal affair, to blow up the natural gas pipeline that passes through Myanmar is also an internal affair.

The document also revealed that China hopes that the military regime will put pressure on the Myanmar media, to reduce its skepticism of China. Bai said the regime should rein in the media to only write about China in a positive way.

Additionally, the director-general said, “Criticism about the gas pipeline should not be allowed, as it is important for the socio-economic development of Myanmar. Relevant organizations should control fake news relating to project.”

China’s apparent pursuit of its own interests has strengthened Myanmar people’s opposition to Beijing’s interests in the country. In response to China’s failure to condemn the coup, more than 50,000 people on social media shared a status notice encouraging movements to boycott Chinese products in the country.

Moreover, nearly 1 million people shared on Facebook and Twitter in Burmese, Chinese and English a message saying that Beijing’s pursuit of its own interest showed that China officially consider the deaths and injuries of Myanmar people are a domestic matter, and that its own interests are paramount.


https://archive.ph/oIdxW/5127baccddec580a95a9c0af26c30176ec7b9eb2.webp ; https://archive.ph/oIdxW/890b67f1f72d622efa7eeeec0a53cf5d472815a2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210311120107/https://www.irrawaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/C4.png
4. Chinese businesses to be destroyed by Milk Tea Alliance.

Social media users told China, “If you are still concerned that what’s currently happening in Myanmar is an internal affair, to blow up the natural gas pipeline that passes through Myanmar is also an internal affair. Let’s see what you say.”

They added, “We, the Myanmar people, have nothing more to lose. If a veto is used again at the UN meeting, the people of Myanmar will do the same to CHINA!” they said.

Moreover, thousands of Twitter users also warned Beijing, mentioning @MFA_China that “if you care about the safety of your gas pipeline, don’t cover the Myanmar junta with a veto. We Myanmar people are very united.”


https://archive.ph/2cSaF/640f250f7495afd16d4cd864821247318635c931.webp ; https://archive.ph/2cSaF/8c45ba3dcbd9acd5540bdb81ce382778fd65162a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210311120109/https://www.irrawaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/C5.png
5. Milk Tea Alliance has nothing to lose.

Many Twitter users also wrote that if China continues to support the unofficial illegitimate junta, Myanmar-based Chinese businesses must be brought down soon, including the pipelines project. They said they would target mining projects and every business across the country for destruction.

Social media users said that if China continues to block strong UNSC action, there will be more and more anti-China activities in Myanmar, which will have serious consequences for the gas pipeline, the BRI and other Chinese projects in Myanmar.

Since the military takeover, China has repeatedly insisted that the armed forces’ seizure of power from the democratically-elected government is Myanmar’s internal affair, including at UNSC and Human Rights Council meetings. The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar has faced daily protests, demanding Beijing stop its support for the Myanmar military. Moreover, anti-Chinese sentiment has emerged among the people of Myanmar in the form of boycotts of Chinese products.


Empty threats? Only those who downplay the Milk Tea Alliance nefariousness could ignore how desperate these stooges are!

Handmade mines confiscated in North Okkalapa and Insein townships

Thu, 03/11/2021 - 13:57

WHILE clearing roadblocks in North Okkalapa and Insein townships, handmade mines were confiscated, according to the statement of Myanmar Police Force. The statement said security forces have accelerated activities for the rule of law and peace in the country by patrolling day and night, maintaining riots and clearing roadblocks set by rioters. While the security forces were removing roadblocks put by rioters at the intersection of Thudamar road and Nweni road in North Okkalapa road in the afternoon of 9 March, two handmade mines made of plastic pipes were confiscated. Similarly, during the riot control in Insein Township, 4 men including Aeik Pan, 35, were arrested and confiscated 13 Redbull containers filled with gunpowder and investigation are underway to take action against those, who devised handmade mines, in accordance with the law. As rioters have transformed the peaceful protests into violent ones by using explosive devices in various places, people should avoid protests to prevent unwanted injury and report to the relevant departments when suspected items were found in the neighbourhood, according to the state of Myanmar Police Force. MNA #The_ Global_ New_ Light_ Of_ Myanmar


https://archive.ph/ACHxy/44d72bceee5bebe3ed5479b3233761030c6b373e/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/mkasc/ca31d5400379cdf75a95f7986ed0e91b6943b3d4.jpg ; https://archive.ph/mkasc/51fdf85d7022c3d432c8f547bdbcea12108e6e21/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210312170031/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwLyKemUUAQA1-f?format=jpg&name=small ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210312170335/https://twitter.com/myanmar_moi/status/1369923600350781440 ; https://archive.ph/ACHxy
6. Handmade mines confiscated in North Okkalapa and Insein townships. 11 Mar 2021.


Rioters arrested with handmade mine in Mayangon

Thu, 03/11/2021 - 14:45

SECURITY forces in Mayangon Township arrested obstructers with a handmade mine while conducting law enforcement and community peacekeeping operations, according to a statement from the Myanmar Police Force. The statement said Khine Zaw Oo, 31, Aung Ko Oo, 41 and Hein Zaw Aung, 19, residents of the ward (Ga) in Mayangon Township attacked the security forces around 10:55 pm on 9 March with slingshots and rocks. Despite the warning from the security forces, Khine Zaw Oo threw a handmade mine to them and hurt his right hand. They were arrested with slingshots, rocks, handmade mines, a bag with NLD party flag and a hand phone and will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. MNA #The_ Global_ New_ Light_ Of_ Myanmar


https://archive.ph/3n0YZ/77e9e1662db4800c39bb2a8bdab16efbd427b0a1/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/bJi4x/325d68063b1806c0f67d2bba949558e0b3e40df7.jpg ; https://archive.ph/bJi4x/9bd0da1b970f839ca055a075d7aa1175f0006db2/scr.png ;
https://archive.ph/3n0YZ ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210312170546/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwL4t_ZUUAQkhFV?format=jpg&name=small ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210312170426/https://twitter.com/myanmar_moi/status/1369930763802611714

7. Rioters arrested with handmade mine in Mayangon. 11 March 2021.


What is at stake is more than oil, gas or an economic market. It is nothing less than the control of the 3rd exporter of rare earth elements mineral, the Holy Grail at the core of the 21th century high tech industry, from laser, particle accelerators, satellites, radars, stealth and supercomputers!

Myanmar coup gives Chinese rare earth stocks an uneasy bounce as state of emergency raises supply squeeze concerns

• Stocks in the rare earth industry get an unexpected boost as Myanmar coup creates supply risks in world’s third-biggest producer
• China Rare Earth Holdings, MMG soar in Hong Kong even as analysts questioning the strength of price rally

Published: 1:37pm, 3 Feb, 2021

Rare earth related stocks in Hong Kong and mainland China are enjoying a mini rally after a military coup in Myanmar this week stoked concerns about a supply squeeze. The bounce may be fleeting, according to Guosen Securities.

The military seized power in the Southeast Asian nation on February 1 and immediately imposed a state of emergency for one year, citing fraud in last year’s elections.

Myanmar mined 30,000 metric tons of rare earth oxides equivalent, or 12.5 per cent of global production in 2020, according to estimates compiled by the US Geological Survey, up from 10.5 per cent in 2019. China produced the most at 140,000 tons, or a 66.7 per cent share, while the US accounted for 38,000 tons or 15.8 per cent.


China can never let the U.S. QUAD take advantage of the Myanmar current (engineered) turmoil!



Seems protonmail users in Asia are experiencing issues.

Myanmar Protesters Say an Attack on China’s Pipelines Would Be ‘Internal Affair’

By The Irrawaddy 8 March 2021

YANGON—Myanmar people have issued a sharp response on social media after Beijing voiced serious concern over the security of its ambitious twin pipelines project in the country, saying whether or not the pipelines are blown up is an “internal affair”.

As the military regime’s security forces intensified their deadly crackdown on anti-coup protesters in Myanmar in late February, Beijing held an emergency meeting with Myanmar officials from the Home Affairs and Foreign ministries, according to the leaked document.

The document revealed that Bai Tian, the director-general of the department of external security affairs under the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asked the military regime to assure the security of the oil and natural gas pipelines, following the emergence of anti-Chinese sentiment across the country due to its stand on the coup.


https://archive.ph/HlDWN/de04d0afaed7a4ab24582c34029c2a6b0889d3f3.webp ; https://archive.ph/HlDWN/663d662081428c8b15843c6d7b34f5e09aff66b0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210311120100/https://www.irrawaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/C1.png

1. Milk Tea Alliance's 3 days ultimatum sent to China.

The project spans nearly 800 kilometers, comprising twin pipelines running in parallel from the port of Kyaukphyu in Rakhine State on the Bay of Bengal through Magwe and Mandalay regions and northern Shan State before entering China.

Beijing is expecting Myanmar to impose better security measures for the pipelines project, saying it is a crucial part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Myanmar, according to the leaked document.

Any damage to the oil and gas pipeline would cause huge losses for both countries and also undermine confidence in foreign investment, Bai warned.


https://archive.ph/q6gDG/e95599b9504ec2c6991e7ae85eb054ddcf8a1de0.webp ; https://archive.ph/q6gDG/efa6afcd523d7a514aa2fe025f383a80aa107861/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210311120102/https://www.irrawaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/C2.png

2. Milk Tea Alliance saying whether or not the pipelines are blown up is an “internal affair”.

Developed by he state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) – which is the main shareholder in the pipelines project – the project has been controversial since 2013, provoking opposition among communities and environmental organizations. The agreement for the project was signed under the military regime in 2008. The company said the crude oil pipeline is designed to transport 22 million tons annually, while the natural gas pipeline is designed to carry 12 billion cubic meters of gas.

The document revealed that the permanent secretary of Myanmar’s Foreign Ministry was not able to attend the meeting, as it received a notification just four hours ahead of time. It showed how China is desperately concerned about its project security.


https://archive.ph/juUut/983866b802cd5821abd9204baaf282dff4e577a2.webp ; https://archive.ph/juUut/dc4eef2931028d84f4f9a9d0e24698191a4cee8c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210311120104/https://www.irrawaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/C3-2.png

3. Milk Tea Alliance told China, “If you are still concerned that what’s currently happening in Myanmar is an internal affair, to blow up the natural gas pipeline that passes through Myanmar is also an internal affair.

The document also revealed that China hopes that the military regime will put pressure on the Myanmar media, to reduce its skepticism of China. Bai said the regime should rein in the media to only write about China in a positive way.

Additionally, the director-general said, “Criticism about the gas pipeline should not be allowed, as it is important for the socio-economic development of Myanmar. Relevant organizations should control fake news relating to project.”

China’s apparent pursuit of its own interests has strengthened Myanmar people’s opposition to Beijing’s interests in the country. In response to China’s failure to condemn the coup, more than 50,000 people on social media shared a status notice encouraging movements to boycott Chinese products in the country.

Moreover, nearly 1 million people shared on Facebook and Twitter in Burmese, Chinese and English a message saying that Beijing’s pursuit of its own interest showed that China officially consider the deaths and injuries of Myanmar people are a domestic matter, and that its own interests are paramount.


https://archive.ph/oIdxW/5127baccddec580a95a9c0af26c30176ec7b9eb2.webp ; https://archive.ph/oIdxW/890b67f1f72d622efa7eeeec0a53cf5d472815a2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210311120107/https://www.irrawaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/C4.png

4. Chinese businesses to be destroyed by Milk Tea Alliance.

Social media users told China, “If you are still concerned that what’s currently happening in Myanmar is an internal affair, to blow up the natural gas pipeline that passes through Myanmar is also an internal affair. Let’s see what you say.”

They added, “We, the Myanmar people, have nothing more to lose. If a veto is used again at the UN meeting, the people of Myanmar will do the same to CHINA!” they said.

Moreover, thousands of Twitter users also warned Beijing, mentioning @MFA_China that “if you care about the safety of your gas pipeline, don’t cover the Myanmar junta with a veto. We Myanmar people are very united.”


https://archive.ph/2cSaF/640f250f7495afd16d4cd864821247318635c931.webp ; https://archive.ph/2cSaF/8c45ba3dcbd9acd5540bdb81ce382778fd65162a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210311120109/https://www.irrawaddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/C5.png

5. Milk Tea Alliance has nothing to lose.

Many Twitter users also wrote that if China continues to support the unofficial illegitimate junta, Myanmar-based Chinese businesses must be brought down soon, including the pipelines project. They said they would target mining projects and every business across the country for destruction.

Social media users said that if China continues to block strong UNSC action, there will be more and more anti-China activities in Myanmar, which will have serious consequences for the gas pipeline, the BRI and other Chinese projects in Myanmar.

Since the military takeover, China has repeatedly insisted that the armed forces’ seizure of power from the democratically-elected government is Myanmar’s internal affair, including at UNSC and Human Rights Council meetings. The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar has faced daily protests, demanding Beijing stop its support for the Myanmar military. Moreover, anti-Chinese sentiment has emerged among the people of Myanmar in the form of boycotts of Chinese products.






Empty threats? Only those who downplay the Milk Tea Alliance nefariousness could ignore how desperate these stooges are!

Handmade mines confiscated in North Okkalapa and Insein townships

Thu, 03/11/2021 - 13:57

WHILE clearing roadblocks in North Okkalapa and Insein townships, handmade mines were confiscated, according to the statement of Myanmar Police Force. The statement said security forces have accelerated activities for the rule of law and peace in the country by patrolling day and night, maintaining riots and clearing roadblocks set by rioters. While the security forces were removing roadblocks put by rioters at the intersection of Thudamar road and Nweni road in North Okkalapa road in the afternoon of 9 March, two handmade mines made of plastic pipes were confiscated. Similarly, during the riot control in Insein Township, 4 men including Aeik Pan, 35, were arrested and confiscated 13 Redbull containers filled with gunpowder and investigation are underway to take action against those, who devised handmade mines, in accordance with the law. As rioters have transformed the peaceful protests into violent ones by using explosive devices in various places, people should avoid protests to prevent unwanted injury and report to the relevant departments when suspected items were found in the neighbourhood, according to the state of Myanmar Police Force. MNA #The_ Global_ New_ Light_ Of_ Myanmar


https://archive.ph/ACHxy/44d72bceee5bebe3ed5479b3233761030c6b373e/scr.png ; https://archive.ph/mkasc/ca31d5400379cdf75a95f7986ed0e91b6943b3d4.jpg ; https://archive.ph/mkasc/51fdf85d7022c3d432c8f547bdbcea12108e6e21/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210312170031/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwLyKemUUAQA1-f?format=jpg&name=small ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210312170335/https://twitter.com/myanmar_moi/status/1369923600350781440 ; https://archive.ph/ACHxy

6. Handmade mines confiscated in North Okkalapa and Insein townships. 11 Mar 2021.


Rioters arrested with handmade mine in Mayangon

Thu, 03/11/2021 - 14:45

SECURITY forces in Mayangon Township arrested obstructers with a handmade mine while conducting law enforcement and community peacekeeping operations, according to a statement from the Myanmar Police Force. The statement said Khine Zaw Oo, 31, Aung Ko Oo, 41 and Hein Zaw Aung, 19, residents of the ward (Ga) in Mayangon Township attacked the security forces around 10:55 pm on 9 March with slingshots and rocks. Despite the warning from the security forces, Khine Zaw Oo threw a handmade mine to them and hurt his right hand. They were arrested with slingshots, rocks, handmade mines, a bag with NLD party flag and a hand phone and will be prosecuted in accordance with the law. MNA #The_ Global_ New_ Light_ Of_ Myanmar


https://archive.ph/3n0YZ ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210312170546/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwL4t_ZUUAQkhFV?format=jpg&name=small ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210312170426/https://twitter.com/myanmar_moi/status/1369930763802611714

7. Rioters arrested with handmade mine in Mayangon. 11 March 2021.


What is at stake is more than oil, gas or an economic market. It is nothing less than the control of the 3rd exporter of rare earth elements mineral, the Holy Grail at the core of the 21th century high tech industry, from laser, particle accelerators, satellites, radars, stealth and supercomputers!

Myanmar coup gives Chinese rare earth stocks an uneasy bounce as state of emergency raises supply squeeze concerns

• Stocks in the rare earth industry get an unexpected boost as Myanmar coup creates supply risks in world’s third-biggest producer

• China Rare Earth Holdings, MMG soar in Hong Kong even as analysts questioning the strength of price rally

Published: 1:37pm, 3 Feb, 2021

Rare earth related stocks in Hong Kong and mainland China are enjoying a mini rally after a military coup in Myanmar this week stoked concerns about a supply squeeze. The bounce may be fleeting, according to Guosen Securities.

The military seized power in the Southeast Asian nation on February 1 and immediately imposed a state of emergency for one year, citing fraud in last year’s elections.

Myanmar mined 30,000 metric tons of rare earth oxides equivalent, or 12.5 per cent of global production in 2020, according to estimates compiled by the US Geological Survey, up from 10.5 per cent in 2019. China produced the most at 140,000 tons, or a 66.7 per cent share, while the US accounted for 38,000 tons or 15.8 per cent.


China can never let the U.S. QUAD take advantage of the Myanmar current (engineered) turmoil!



yet they don't mention that Russia, Vietnam, and India was also against taking action against Myanmar's military at the U.N. What a bunch of retards angering the only country with enough leverage in Myanmar to actually do something.
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