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Burhan Wani: Posterboy of Kashmiri Jihad Hunted down

Dont support from behind a computer screen. Pick up a gun and come to Kashmir to show your real support. I have the same message for @Zarvan also
Our hands are tight dear. If allowed we can raise our flag in Delhi.
But for Burhan i say, "revenge".
What a waste of precious life. The lack of political progress for the freedom struggle, combined with harsh heavy handed methods punishing civilians for militancy in Kashmir and idolization of previous freedom fighters who have the support of the Kashmiri masses and finally the unanimous voice seeking freedom for Kashmir which was denied may have led Burhan to seek a life of struggle against the Indian state. I do not support what he did but the desperation against Indian misrule is heavy with some. Even in Lucknow there is a feeling of despondency among muslim youth over the fact that muslims are framed on false charges of terrorism.

There are core reasons behind the militancy. For Pakistan, India, everyone. The dynamics are different as are the reasons but in the end there is always some mistreatment, poverty, desperation and oppression in the mix. I would like Kashmiris to find a political solution to gain freedom rather than militancy.
After the pampore attack on CRPF the security forces had launched the specific intelligence based operation and this successful encounter is the result of those crucial intelligence inputs from locals
What a waste of precious life. The lack of political progress for the freedom struggle, combined with harsh heavy handed methods punishing civilians for militancy in Kashmir and idolization of previous freedom fighters who have the support of the Kashmiri masses and finally the unanimous voice seeking freedom for Kashmir which was denied may have led Burhan to seek a life of struggle against the Indian state. I do not support what he did but the desperation against Indian misrule is heavy with some. Even in Lucknow there is a feeling of despondency among muslim youth over the fact that muslims are framed on false charges of terrorism.

There are core reasons behind the militancy. For Pakistan, India, everyone. The dynamics are different as are the reasons but in the end there is always some mistreatment, poverty, desperation and oppression in the mix. I would like Kashmiris to find a political solution to gain freedom rather than militancy.

There is ONLY One solution

LOC as the Border ; that is it
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There is ONLY One solution

LOC as the Border ; that is it
Its not that simple and if you try to make it this blunt there will be continued casualties in Kashmir. Both on militants and armies side.
Its a Eid gift from Indian Army..
but as expected there are posters who support terrorism openly here.. oh i forgot they categorise good terrororist and bad terrorist.. if they kill Indian citizen they are heroes.. shaheed blah blah pig shit.. but if they kill one of their own from children to innocent by standers. they are bad terrorist supported by India..blah blah.. another horse shit.
cant wait when to cheer and openly cheer for OUR Baluchistan brothers ..
After the pampore attack on CRPF the security forces had launched the specific intelligence based operation and this successful encounter is the result of those crucial intelligence inputs from locals

@Abingdonboy We need your famous post right now
Its not that simple and if you try to make it this blunt there will be continued casualties in Kashmir. Both on militants and armies side.

Bring it On

We are ready for anything and everything

Pakistan cannot get Kashmir without fighting an ALL out war

These terrorists do not affect India's RESOLVE to Hold Kashmir

We have NO Shortage of either Man power or Fire power

And even WITHOUT resolving Kashmir we are doing very well ECONOMICALLY

We can fight this war for EVER
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