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Burhan Wani: Posterboy of Kashmiri Jihad Hunted down


some Pakistanis posting this pic on twitter xD
And just like that another pig sent to hell.
Its funny how these "freedom fighters" were so many in number 30 years ago and even more 60 years ago and look at them now, Pakistanis are finding it difficult to find 1 such "hero".
I wonder what Pakistanis will say 20 years from now when there are even lesser if not at all.

Either way, happy days are upon us.
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and the white part around india top is all China ?? which will ban all religion and associated shit??
hahaha chill out mate. Anyway in our Punjabi there is an idiom which says "Putar panwain maray, Per nuhn tay bewa howay"
Dont support from behind a computer screen. Pick up a gun and come to Kashmir to show your real support. I have the same message for @Zarvan also

@Zarvan has calmed down a lot in a few years, he isn't the same extreme ideological person i saw when i first came to pdf

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