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Bulgaria refuses to join NATO Black Sea fleet against Russia

The Bulgarian press these days is hilarious....they want to be neutral! Somebody should make them aware that......

They joined a God damn military block !.....You know,where people with guns help other people with guns against a 3rd set of people with guns...

No NATO troops in Ukraine when the local tinpot fled because the mob stormed his residence and the police sided with the protestors.Try again.
I don't mean soldiers; agent provocateurs, snipers on the roof, funding. Proxy groups.

Russian imperialism and agression should be opposed by every sane country out there.
Aggression should be opposed; NATO countries and in particular the US have been the most aggressive since the end of the USSR.
Aggression against Yugoslavia; Iraq I and Iraq II; Afghanistan; Libya; Pakistan; Syria; Ukraine. The murders of millions! The succor and weapons given to kawarij and other proxy groups for "regime change" around the world.
Orthodox Christian Russia does not seek world rule; rather the Zionist masters of NATO do!
Romania has the potential to become a normal and developed country while Bulgaria doesn't. All that is just because Romanians are Pro- European and strongly anti- Russian/Communist... They have the mindset to follow the better examples from the West and this will bring more investments from big companies for their economy. Romania is doing much better job in fighting corruption and creating better conditions for developing of their country.
On the other hand Bulgarians are in love with licking Russian/Soviet asses and I don't even know how we managed to get into the EU and NATO while practically being a Russian vassal state. Our political elite is deeply connected with the Russian secret services/politicians/mafia and they will never do anything against their masters. Bulgarians on the other hand (mostly those with lower IQ which makes around 70% of the population) are all anti- western and pro- Russian yet they all migrate to Western Europe and the USA not to their beloved land of opportunities- Mother Russia where milk and honey rains on the ground from the sky. :D

Unfortunately the only politicians in our country who are pro- Westerns are the President and some members of smaller democratic parties with no potential to come to power. All other political parties + our Prime ministers, all our ministers etc are pro- Russian.

Bulgaria and Romania are two biggest shitholes of the EU with the same GDP per capita and one of the main reason for that are their anti-Russian policies. Their problem is that they have to much population in comparasion to Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania so subsidies they receive from EU and money they are getting from US for barking against Russia isnt enough to have the same level of life like in Baltic states. As long as you keep your anti-Russian policies you will always will be the poorest states in EU.
Bulgaria and Romania are two biggest shitholes of the EU with the same GDP per capita and one of the main reason for that are their anti-Russian policies. Their problem is that they have to much population in comparasion to Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania so subsidies they receive from EU and money they are getting from US for barking against Russia isnt enough to have the same level of life like in Baltic states. As long as you keep your anti-Russian policies you will always will be the poorest states in EU.

You see,that's why Russian propaganda is retarded,and why Russians are foolish bots fed with state propaganda.Romania is at over 9000$ per capita while Bulgaria is at under 7000$,Romania's economy is growing at over 4% a year while Bulgaria is struggling at 2% per year.You could compare Russia's GDP per capita with Bulgaria though....7k vs 7.5k.

Now,we could really call Russia shithole,a country rich in natural resources which has a GDP per capita lower than Romania and(1500 $ lower per capita ) whose economy continues to shrink for the 3rd year in a row while Romania is predicted a 4.2% growth this year but it willl be bigger.

As long as you keep your anti-Russian policies you will always will be the poorest states in EU.

Growing at 4.2% a year works for us and our anti imperialistic/agressive Russia policies.When the goverment was pro Russia in the 90's the economy was shrinking every year.We don't have,don't need or want economic relations or other kind of relations with Russia because the past taught us well about Russian intentions.

I don't mean soldiers; agent provocateurs, snipers on the roof, funding. Proxy groups.

Aggression should be opposed; NATO countries and in particular the US have been the most aggressive since the end of the USSR.
Aggression against Yugoslavia; Iraq I and Iraq II; Afghanistan; Libya; Pakistan; Syria; Ukraine. The murders of millions! The succor and weapons given to kawarij and other proxy groups for "regime change" around the world.
Orthodox Christian Russia does not seek world rule; rather the Zionist masters of NATO do!

Posting silly Russian propaganda videos doesn't proove anything.Only children and people intelectually challenged listen to RT,Sputnik and other such garbage.
You see,that's why Russian propaganda is retarded,and why Russians are foolish bots fed with state propaganda.Romania is at over 9000$ per capita while Bulgaria is at under 7000$,Romania's economy is growing at over 4% a year while Bulgaria is struggling at 2% per year.You could compare Russia's GDP per capita with Bulgaria though....7k vs 7.5k.

Now,we could really call Russia shithole,a country rich in natural resources which has a GDP per capita lower than Romania and(1500 $ lower per capita ) whose economy continues to shrink for the 3rd year in a row while Romania is predicted a 4.2% growth this year but it willl be bigger.

Growing at 4.2% a year works for us and our anti imperialistic/agressive Russia policies.When the goverment was pro Russia in the 90's the economy was shrinking every year.We don't have,don't need or want economic relations or other kind of relations with Russia because the past taught us well about Russian intentions.

Posting silly Russian propaganda videos doesn't proove anything.Only children and people intelectually challenged listen to RT,Sputnik and other such garbage.
I suppose anything which challenges your view on this matter is garbage?
Romania has the potential to become a normal and developed country while Bulgaria doesn't. All that is just because Romanians are Pro- European and strongly anti- Russian/Communist... They have the mindset to follow the better examples from the West and this will bring more investments from big companies for their economy.

What a bunch of loaded BS, are you in kindergarten? Because your arguments are none existent. Many Romanians are down right bigots when it comes to Russians if that equates to bringing in more "investments" then Ukraine is a beacon of democracy.

Neutrality on Bulgaria's part now means they are pro Russian?

What you fail to mention is that many economies in Europe have suffered from Russian sanctions. Bulgaria isn't interested in being a puppet and as so makes decisions that benefit it's interests. So now this makes Bulgaria somehow a servant of Russia?

Bulgaria is not interested in playing games started by the west, and yes the west was responsible for the mess in Ukraine, hence all the Russian hysteria. Why? By pressuring Ukraine to take sides and sign a UE pact, whatsmore, western politicians arrived in Maiden and encouraging the violence (of course they called it pieceful) despite police being beaten, kidnaped and murdered; let's also not forget and EU protesters being brutally beaten. The west was quite about Ukraine thugs murdering around 50 anti EU protester by burning them alive and shooting them, similarly many police were light ablaze with Molotov cocktails. Of course we all know about MCCaine and Nuland having secret meetings with opposition and Russia wire tapped Victoria Nuland talking about installing a puppet government :lol:

Taking Crimea was punishment for meddling in the affairs of Ukraine, not to mention Russia would never let a puppet government kick their navy out of Crimea which has had a presence their for over a century.

In any case we all remember, Turkey annexing northern Cyprus. Yet how many times do we hear about Turkish aggression? The same can be said about Turkey violating and intruding into Greek, Cyprus and Syrian air space, Turkish tanks and infantry have even crossed into Syria yet NATO is hush hush.

What about the US and France illegally building military bases in Syria? Or intruding into Syrian airspace daily? Yet NATO is flipping out about Russia stationing soldiers on its own western border. :lol:

It literally can not get any more hypocritical or buffoonish.

@flamer84 i hope you read all of this because it's meant for you too.

Romania is doing much better job in fighting corruption and creating better conditions for developing of their country.
On the other hand Bulgarians are in love with licking Russian/Soviet asses

:lol: if anyone kisses "asses" it's most of Eastern Europe. During the US invasions these puppets tried to please it's masters by sending in troops to invade other countries such as Iraq. Yet these same countries condemn Russia. The freakin' irony.

Now how does Bulgaria get labeled as '*** lickers' for not blindly following the morons in NATO? Having a foreign policy that is independent makes Bulgaria a subservient of Russia? Russia is not the one foaming at the mouth barking orders at other countries, nor does Russia overthrow governments, nor does it try to hold war games I mile from the US.

If anyone is licking anyone's "asses" it's definitely most Eastern European states licking American ***. Amazing how Russia is the "aggressor" in many European people's eyes yet many Europeans kissed American *** when they helped invade Iraq. When Georgia launched an attack on South Ossetia it was Russians that were again the aggressors.

Especially after Ukraine,Eastern European states should band together against Russia's agressive imperialistic agenda.

Yes, yes. Those evil Russians and those poor Eastern Europeans, Funny how all those piece loving eastern European invaded Iraq. You don't see Europe complain when NATO countries invade or bomb Iraq, Yogoslavia, Libya, Syria, Cyprus, Granada, Argentina, Korea, Vietnam, ect, do you? In fact many applaud western military aggression while condemning Russia. Obviously these people are mentally ill.

Speaking of imperialism, you forget what the west did in Ukraine? As I mentioned before they spent 5 billion to "spread democracy" to Ukraine. Western politicians arrived in Maiden to encourage the violence, western politicians met with opposition and Russia even wire tapped Nuland openly talking about installing a puppet government.

And as I also started before, taking Crimea was retaliation for sticking your noses were it don't belong.

I think NATO, the piece loving clowns, need to continue "spreading democracy" because Iraq, Lybia, Afghanistan, and Syria have all turned out so well and all are a beacon of democracy :lol:

Russia is the imperialist aggressor in Ukraine for arming and training rebels and everyone in the US and Europe feels Russia needs to be punished for it yet what is the US and other countries doing in Syria? They arm terrorist with weapons and ammunition as well as train them and facilitate them pouring into Syria. Funny how the west cries about Syria and civilian casualties yet they are the cause of the problem. If the west and gulf states stopped supporting terrorism the fighting would have ended years ago, but they cry crocodile tears. Oh those poor civilians!

Notice the "democracy" the US brought to Ukraine.

Nice neat stack of papers in the ballot box, totally not rigged:


Ukrainian parliament falsely implement laws daily by parliament members casting votes for other members that are absent. Again the west is A okay with it though. The west also didn't see anything when Ukrainian nationalist murdered about 50 anti EU protesters by setting them on fire, but they would not shut up about the Maiden killings.


And everyone knows the Ukrainian elections were a sham, all the candidates were pro EU, democracy at work.
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Bulgaria and Romania are two biggest shitholes of the EU with the same GDP per capita and one of the main reason for that are their anti-Russian policies. Their problem is that they have to much population in comparasion to Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania so subsidies they receive from EU and money they are getting from US for barking against Russia isnt enough to have the same level of life like in Baltic states. As long as you keep your anti-Russian policies you will always will be the poorest states in EU.

Lmao..........you are talking as if Russia is some super wealthy state superpower with a massive economy and ultra high living standards. :rofl:

For example RUSSIA has a smaller GDP/living standards than average(im not even talking of E.U big powers) european countries Italy and Spain for GOD'S sake, despite Italy and spain having just over HAlf Russia's population, no natural resources and 1/15th its landmass. Shows you just how productive and wealthy your Russian patron is.lol So for to say other eastern European countries have a smaller GDP per capital because of their Russian stance(never mind that most of them have a higher GDP per acapital than Mother Russia) is a huge joke.:lol: Russia itself will be among the poorest countries in Europe if it was part of the E.U and hundreds of thousands of its people will be migrating here if they could:agree::D
So your point is mute. :P
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You see,that's why Russian propaganda is retarded,and why Russians are foolish bots fed with state propaganda.Romania is at over 9000$ per capita while Bulgaria is at under 7000$,Romania's economy is growing at over 4% a year while Bulgaria is struggling at 2% per year.You could compare Russia's GDP per capita with Bulgaria though....7k vs 7.5k.

Now,we could really call Russia shithole,a country rich in natural resources which has a GDP per capita lower than Romania and(1500 $ lower per capita ) whose economy continues to shrink for the 3rd year in a row while Romania is predicted a 4.2% growth this year but it willl be bigger.

Romania GDP PPP per capita 20,787
Bulgaria 19,097

The difference is 8%. That means exactly what i said - you are the two most poorest EU shitholes with the same GDP per capita, same living standards and basically same economical conditions.

Russian GDP PPP per capita is $25K currently. In 1998 it was $9k, the same Romania had. Now you can see where you came since that time. So much for economical success and European dream :lol: And if you are talking about resources, then i suggest to compare how much Russia is getting export oil revenues per capita and how much Romania is getting EU financial aid per capita which is amounted to hundreds billions of euros.

Lmao..........you are talking as if Russia is some super wealthy state superpower with a massive economy and ultra high living standards. :rofl:

For example RUSSIA has a smaller GDP/living standards than average(im not even talking of E.U big powers) european countries Italy and Spain for GOD'S sake, despite Italy and spain having just over HAlf Russia's population, no natural resources and 1/15th its landmass. Shows you just how productive and wealthy your Russian patron is.lol So for to say other eastern European countries have a smaller GDP per capital because of their Russian stance(never mind that most of them have a higher GDP per acapital than Mother Russia) is a huge joke.:lol: Russia itself will be among the poorest countries in Europe if it was part of the E.U and hundreds of thousands of its people will be migrating here if they could:agree::D
So your point is mute. :P

:lol: you are such an economic genius :lol: of course if you are reducing your economic relations with the largest economy in Europe that should not harm your own economy in any way :lol: i understand how much butthart you are NATO-stronk smarass fanboy to hear this, but more and more people realize this. Licking NATO and US asses and pursuing anti-Russian policies means poverty. The neighborhooding to Russia Eastern Europe countries are prime example of that.
Romania GDP PPP per capita 20,787
Bulgaria 19,097

The difference is 8%. That means exactly what i said - you are the two most poorest EU shitholes with the same GDP per capita, same living standards and basically same economical conditions.

Russian GDP PPP per capita is $25K currently. In 1998 it was $9k, the same Romania had. Now you can see where you came since that time. So much for economical success and European dream :lol: And if you are talking about resources, then i suggest to compare how much Russia is getting export oil revenues per capita and how much Romania is getting EU financial aid per capita which is amounted to hundreds billions of euros.

LOL comrade,drunk again I see.I am talking about the real GDP,the Nominal one,not your PPP fantasies.Russia is at 7500$ per capita,Bulgaria at 7000$,Romania at 9150$.You're poor as f%uck and not only you're poor but your economy is still shrinking while ours grows 4+% a year.Sry to break these bad news to you tovarisch.Now dispute these numbers or crawl back to the Kremlin's basement to pray to your Putina icons.

As for Romania getting hundreds of billions ...lol again....you bots are on mushrooms now.In the day of fast internet,when every cretin can google info,you come with this tripe....altough it's probably not your fault,you're treated like peasants in Russia and brainwashed every day.

The neighborhooding to Russia Eastern Europe countries are prime example of that.

All EU eastern European states,bar Bulgaria who is a Russkie bootlicker,are richer than Russia

#justagasstation #2moreyearsofsanctionsandRuskkieswillbeeatinggrasslikeinthe90's

Lmao..........you are talking as if Russia is some super wealthy state superpower with a massive economy and ultra high living standards. :rofl:

For example RUSSIA has a smaller GDP/living standards than average(im not even talking of E.U big powers) european countries Italy and Spain for GOD'S sake, despite Italy and spain having just over HAlf Russia's population, no natural resources and 1/15th its landmass. Shows you just how productive and wealthy your Russian patron is.lol So for to say other eastern European countries have a smaller GDP per capital because of their Russian stance(never mind that most of them have a higher GDP per acapital than Mother Russia) is a huge joke.:lol: Russia itself will be among the poorest countries in Europe if it was part of the E.U and hundreds of thousands of its people will be migrating here if they could:agree::D
So your point is mute. :P

No gratitude from the Russians,altough in the 90's they survived on Western food aid.....When their economy grew in the 2000's ,they hailed Putina as a hero ,when,in fact,it was the rising oil prices.No high oil prices and the wold's biggest gas station's economy is in the dumpster again.
When their economy grew in the 2000's ,they hailed Putina as a hero ,when,in fact,it was the rising oil prices.

Spot on!

The only reason behind Russia's economic revival was because of increasing oil prices at the begining of the 2000's.
Putin had hardly anything to do with it.
Even if a drunk grizzly was the president of Russia,the economy would have grown,Russia being a major hydrocarbons producer and exporter.

No high oil prices and the wold's biggest gas station's economy is in the dumpster again.

This is also the same for countries like Venezuela,Algeria and some countries in the gulf.... They were praising how their economy was growing,praising their healthy public finances,but they didn't really diversify their economies.... and now we are seeing them facing the consequences. ;)
LOL comrade,drunk again I see.I am talking about the real GDP,the Nominal one,not your PPP fantasies.Russia is at 7500$ per capita,Bulgaria at 7000$,Romania at 9150$.You're poor as f%uck and not only you're poor but your economy is still shrinking while ours grows 4+% a year.Sry to break these bad news to you tovarisch.Now dispute these numbers or crawl back to the Kremlin's basement to pray to your Putina icons.

Idiot, now lets compare the prices that are used to calculate nominal GDP.

Gasoline: Russia - $0,5 Romania - $1,1
Gas: Russia - $60 per 1000 m3, Romania - $300
Electricity: Russia: $50 per 1000 kwh, Romania - $150

I can go on with everything else. Water, transport, clothes, internet, medical care etc. This is your reality, not fantasy.

Idiot, do you really think the goal of economic development in a country is to increase the prices of everything so your nominal GDP would be as high as possible? :lol:

As for Romania getting hundreds of billions ...lol again....you bots are on mushrooms now.In the day of fast internet,when every cretin can google info,you come with this tripe....altough it's probably not your fault,you're treated like peasants in Russia and brainwashed every day.

Yep, it was hundreds of billions if count everything you got from EU since 1991.

All EU eastern European states,bar Bulgaria who is a Russkie bootlicker,are richer than Russia

Yeah your both shitholes are "richer" than Russia while your average citizen can buy or receive for free 2-3 times less goods and services than average Russian :lol:

Spot on!

The only reason behind Russia's economic revival was because of increasing oil prices at the begining of the 2000's.
Putin had hardly anything to do with it.
Even if a drunk grizzly was the president of Russia,the economy would have grown,Russia being a major hydrocarbons producer and exporter.

This is also the same for countries like Venezuela,Algeria and some countries in the gulf.... They were praising how their economy was growing,praising their healthy public finances,but they didn't really diversify their economies.... and now we are seeing them facing the consequences. ;)

Yep, thats why average Russian salary increased from $50 in 1999 to $500 in 2016, while the increase of oil prices from $15 in 1999 to $35 in 2016 contributed to additional income from exports of oil of about $25 per month for every Russian (6 millions barrels per day and $20 difference). You are such a genius :lol:
One has to look at the state of the Bulgarian Navy to understand their decision.....

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