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Buddhism v Islam in Asia Fears of a new religious strife

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They were Hindu and then Buddhists before they were converted. As were the vast majority of Pakistanis.

There is no mystery here. There was little choice and many were just cowards. ;)

Religion is not a thing that somebody changes because of fear. One incident happened in history in which force and violence were used to convert people. When Muslims lost Spain and Christian overcome them. Christian announced that all the other religion-followers must be converted to christianity in Spain and if some body denies it he was burnt/hanged. At that time the population of Spain consisted of muslims and jews other than christians So they hanged and tortured jews and muslims. What can be more frightful for someone than losing his life? But jews and muslims did not converted to christianity. Outside they behaved as christians but when they reached their homes they followed their own religions.
So when yous say that Hindues of sub content converted to Islam due to fear , you just say bullshit. what danger could have the people more than losing their lives(As indians assumed that muslims forced hindues to convert to islam but in reality it was not the case ). No religion can spread through force any where in the world. Islam also spread here and all over the world because of its superior ideology, and rights of human beings. And people who spread Islm were Saints. Like Data Gunj baksh, Baba Fareed and many more. There are more shrines of these saints in your country than in ours. And Hindues also go to to these Shrines for their wishes to come true. The preacher of Islam were these saints not any general.
So when people convert to islam they find some thing better in islam than in their own religion, not because they are coward.
If your assumption is right than why today most spreading religion in west is islam, today there is no muslim invasion on west than why they are converting?
Nope, I have nothing against the religion of my ancestors, I'm sure they were good people and I'm proud of them. But it was time to move on.
Don't you Dharmics go around saying there are many paths to God? I just choose a surer one.

No issue with that as repeatedly told already.

And it is what you think is a surer one. ;)
Burmese Buddhists csn destroy other buddists or hate each other I don't care


But when they attack Muslims they are asking for vengeance from 1.7 billion Muslims and growing

First: Muslims in Burma are in a NON-ISLAMIC country.

Two: You are living in a NON-ISLAMIC country.

Three: It is their countries, their cultural rules. If you break them, you suffer.

For example, Buddhists rioting and killing Muslims in Saudi will be not tolerated. Same way.

You are superior in your own mind but you have no right to tell others what to follow especially if you are in NON-ISLAMIC lands.

World doesn't revolve around Islam.

Its true other buddists may face punishment first but Burmese should not think we will forgive or forget

Then be prepared to face even worse.

We have a habit of remembering feuds and emnities

You have only seen the meditative, peaceful side of Buddhists and Hindus.

Trust me, you'd not want to see their other side.

Both these faiths have seen things worse than you lot; and they have simply passed away.

Move on and let's live peacefully together.
Religion is not a thing that somebody changes because of fear. One incident happened in history in which force and violence were used to convert people. When Muslims lost Spain and Christian overcome them. Christian announced that all the other religion-followers must be converted to christianity in Spain and if some body denies it he was burnt/hanged. At that time the population of Spain consisted of muslims and jews other than christians So they hanged and tortured jews and muslims. What can be more frightful for someone than losing his life? But jews and muslims did not converted to christianity. Outside they behaved as christians but when they reached their homes they followed their own religions.
So when yous say that Hindues of sub content converted to Islam due to fear , you just say bullshit. what danger could have the people more than losing their lives(As indians assumed that muslims forced hindues to convert to islam but in reality it was not the case ). No religion can spread through force any where in the world. Islam also spread here and all over the world because of its superior ideology, and rights of human beings. And people who spread Islm were Saints. Like Data Gunj baksh, Baba Fareed and many more. There are more shrines of these saints in your country than in ours. And Hindues also go to to these Shrines for their wishes to come true. The preacher of Islam were these saints not any general.
So when people convert to islam they find some thing better in islam than in their own religion, not because they are coward.

OK, let's take a case not involving Muslims.

What happened in South America with Spanish invasions.

Are they still Christians today?

If your assumption is right than why today most spreading religion in west is islam, today there is no muslim invasion on west than why they are converting?

How many of them are converting? How many revert back within a matter of months if not within 3 years?

Give some solid facts.
OK, let's take a case not involving Muslims.

What happened in South America with Spanish invasions.

Are they still Christians today?

How many of them are converting? How many revert back within a matter of months if not within 3 years?

Give some solid facts.

Hey vinod,do they revert back?? Any such links??
I think buddists are really intolerant in myanmar(and probably lanka) to minorities, muslims are not at fault there.

Then you're just another Secularist.

Open your damn eyes.

We cannot accept slavery from organized religions unlike you fence-sitting Secularists.
Actually, the Muslim birth rate in China is stable. Not significantly above the national fertility rate at all.

So they will most likely continue to stay around 1% of the population, concentrated in the far western regions.

Well I just checked the statistics online. It might be not so accurate, but it's at least based on national population bureau's statistics.


in 1982, China's muslim population is 1461 wan or 14,610,000.


In 2010, the sixth national population statistics shows that in Xingjiang alone, muslim population is 2181 wan or 21,810,000, which is about half of the country's muslim population. Roughly, in 2010, there are more than 40 million Muslim in China, increased 3 times in 20 years! 40 million is about 3% of China's population, not 1%.

Muslim population is rapidly increasing in China because they are allowed to have as many kids as they have and they will because of their religious beliefs. China used to be 97% Han majority nation, now down to 92%.
Nope, I have nothing against the religion of my ancestors, I'm sure they were good people and I'm proud of them. But it was time to move on.
Don't you Dharmics go around saying there are many paths to God? I just choose a surer one.
hehe,and that is exactly where u go wrong..

we believe that every religion leads to god..
but you are stuck on zakir naik's 2+2=4 formula
Then you're just another Secularist.

Open your damn eyes.

We cannot accept slavery from organized religions unlike you fence-sitting Secularists.

And you cannot go branding people secularists just because they are not against Muslims.

If the Muslims are threatening the community there, then it is understandable.
But the way you are reacting, that Muslims just have to be the 'evil ones' and anything other than that is not acceptable, then I am sorry I too disagree with you.
The Hindutvada aim is to purge India of all alien religions, and Zoroastrianism is an alien religion.

from where do u get this info. ?? stop spreading u r own dellusional propoganda.... for u r info. even ratan tata is a zorastrian and every indian loves him ... the parsis have contributed much to the indian society and we are proud of them.....
hehe,and that is exactly where u go wrong..

we believe that every religion leads to god..
but you are stuck on zakir naik's 2+2 formula

That completely kills the idea of a different religion doesnt it?-
One wonders if God is same why different paths to him-
That completely kills the idea of a different religion doesnt it?-
One wonders if God is same why different paths to him-

so,what do u mean,everyone should follow islam.. cant they choose and do it by their own choice and should have the freedom to practice it??
why can't there be different paths.cant u respect their choice??
Does the one child policy apply to Muslims in China too?

No, it does not. That's why Muslims in China are exploding! If it does, the world Muslims will probably bomb Chinese embassies and call us genocide.
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