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BSP MP Insults Vande Mataram in Lok Sabha

I will repeat again. India is secular due to hindus and not due to its constitution. The constitution does not use the word secular but just as a preamble.

Now my question back to you - why are only muslims looked at differently in India, not christians,not sikhs, jains, buddhists or jews?

So Indian constitution does not mention secularism and the flawed and tempered version of secularism is being played by hindus?

Ghaznvi was NOT a Jew neither budhist nor jain.
oh by the way Christians are also domed by you
@Spring Onion
Humari baat ka Jab nahin diya aap ne.
This is just the begining let BJP come to power, we will start the process of trying to assimilate IM back into Dharmic fold. The conduct of 90% Muslims all around the world have clearly showed they are totally intolerant towards other faiths. Pakistan and BD our neighbour are excellent example and when Turkey which till now was considered a becaon of Muslim secularisim showed its true colors by siding with BD rapist Jamatis.
So i would have to sadly conclude that the moment IM feel that they have considerable number then they would either try to go for another partition of india or try to do what kashmiri muslims did to KP in areas iwhere they in majority.
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Ghaznvi was NOT a Jew neither budhist nor jain.
oh by the way Christians are also domed by you

Sorry. We don't clutch on to past histories. So do get over your imagination. We instead make movies using those character nameslike Ghajini. And christains are doomed is news for me. I will that question to the fellow Indians who are christians.
@Spring Onion
Humari baat ka Jab nahin diya aap ne.

This is just the begining let BJP come to power, we will start the process of trying to assimilate IM back into Dharmic fold. The conduct of 90% Muslims all around the world have clearly showed they are totally intolerant towards other faiths. Pakistan and BD our neighbour are excellent example and when Turkey which till now was considered a becaon of Muslim secularisim showed its true colors by siding with BD rapist Jamatis.
So i would have to sadly conclude that the moment IM feel that they have considerable number then they would either try to go for another partition of india or try to do what kashmiri muslims did to KP in areas iwhere they in majority.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...vande-mataram-lok-sabha-15.html#ixzz2Ssx2iR1e

:)))) i will support your move to force Indian Muslims to convert to Hinduism ;) just let me know when BJP comes to power and start the process.

Sorry. We don't clutch on to past histories. So do get over your imagination. We instead make movies using those character nameslike Ghajini. And christains are doomed is news for me. I will that question to the fellow Indians who are christians.

Please hurl that question to orrissa Christians.

as far as past well you are very much clutching to past thats why hating and forcing your own Indian Muslims to bow to hindu demands
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:)))) i will support your move to force Indian Muslims to convert to Hinduism ;) just let me know when BJP comes to power and start the process.

So you also are of the view that most of the muslims are intolreant to other faiths.
:cheesy: please bow to durga godess so that they take you as true Indians in sickular india.


so how does listening to this song made other ch #tyas ( as the word used by an Indian)good Indians?

and oh by the way funniest thing came to fore that when this praise for a hindu diety is being played all the parliamentarians in Indian secular parliament are supposed to stand????

The song has no mention of Durga. The stanza that had mention of Durga have been removed and only first two stanzas are adopted for the national song. So i don't see any bowing down to Durga being mentioned in the song.

I show gratitude to thee, Mother,
richly-watered, richly-fruited,
cool with the winds of the south,
dark with the crops of the harvests,
The Mother!
Her nights rejoicing in the glory of the moonlight,
her lands clothed beautifully with her trees in flowering bloom,
sweet of laughter, sweet of speech,
The Mother, giver of boons, giver of bliss.

Where's the mention of Durga in these lines ?

The song is not in praise of any hindu diety, your ranting constantly will not make it one. It is in praise of Mother India.

India is a heterogenous society where people of different religions live. I can hear azaan from the mosques in my house and similarly a muslim will hear bhajans from temples in his house. The same is the case when you go out on the streets, you hear prayers of different religions everytime. If this ch#tiya is so adverse to listening blasphemous songs then he should move to some mullah land where he won't be bothered by such haraam stuff. Why live in India itself where every time you'll come across kaafirs and have to tolerate haraam music ( which may or may not be religious but then anything non-islamic is automatically haraam).
Please hurl that question to orrissa Christians.

as far as past well you are very much clutching to past thats why hating and forcing your own Indian Muslims to bow to hindu demands

In a diversified country like India religious conflicts are common. One incident in some place and you want to cry holocaust? It is not just muslims who are in conflict with those beliefs. There are also other Indians including certain hindus. But it all depends on how one manage the conflict. For example, what was the reason for this guy to walk out in the midst of the song being played? This guy who got hindu votes as well to get into parliament has a choice not to sing the song or bow to it but do not blatantly disrespect something which is venerated by other Indians.
Please hurl that question to orrissa Christians.

as far as past well you are very much clutching to past thats why hating and forcing your own Indian Muslims to bow to hindu demands

Here is the reason why christian missionaries were attacked in orissa, even Christian congress leader admitted that christain missioanries were indulging in forced conversions and distributing inflammatory literature.

WikiLeaks in its revelations said Congress leader KV Thomas told US embassy that Sonia Gandhi wants to ban Bajrang Dal but MK Narayan opposed it saying that religious activities of Pentecostal churches are also a problem. Thomas also refused to blame BJP Government in Karnataka. He said: “Thomas resisted blaming the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for the recent violence in Karnataka. Echoing what we heard from Mangalore Catholics. Thomas said that “forced” conversions and distribution of inflammatory literature by the new Pentecostal churches in India has harmed the Christian community’s previously harmonious relations with the Hindu majority.”
WikiLeaks: Sonia wanted to ban Bajrang Dal | Niti Central
funny. if NATION always come first then why Hindu choices be imposed ?

why not to discart this Hindu song in favour of NATIONAL anthem?

you know very well you cant get away from Muslim hate

99% on this thread are Indians :)))

well you cant compare a flag that is representation of all communities or in some cases representation of Majority Community/ies with a song that is said to be representation of one faith or god.

Indeed cultural things are respected no issue with that BUT Parliament is NOT a place to impose culture of one community over all UNLESS its written in the constitution.

Your speaker of the national assembly is at fault and acted against constitution and secularism

Interesting argument - but that is based on the thinking that she and other parliamentarians think of it as a religious song - they don't. I have no issues with the MP walking out either - better form of peaceful protest than flinging a chair or resorting to fisticuffs in the Parliament. And yes, we are in agreement - if a state is secular than no song with religious overtones should be imposed.

Ok I got two more name .. anything else?

Nope clearly even 20 more names won't suffice.
Interesting argument - but that is based on the thinking that she and other parliamentarians think of it as a religious song - they don't. I have no issues with the MP walking out either - better form of peaceful protest than flinging a chair or resorting to fisticuffs in the Parliament. And yes, we are in agreement - if a state is secular than no song with religious overtones should be imposed.

Thats the main point. Why NOT for National unity the song be replaced with Saray Jahan say acha?
Jan Gan Man has Sindh in it, Still we sing it.. Question is not whether its right or wrong, question is its our symbol. We must not respect it...

Religion are temprory , culture is permanent.. Today they are Muslim tomorrow they can revert to Hinduism...

Our tricolor has Saffron in it, what if some fanatic Muslim come up and say we can't use it as symbol of nation as it has Saffron in it... :)

Vande Mataram was Mantra of "Freedom struggle"... Wait a minute Muslim hardly participated in National freedom movement, how can they respect it....

but it is opposite you know ?

Jan Gan Man has Sindh in it, Still we sing it.. Question is not whether its right or wrong, question is its our symbol. We must not respect it...

Religion are temprory , culture is permanent.. Today they are Muslim tomorrow they can revert to Hinduism...

Our tricolor has Saffron in it, what if some fanatic Muslim come up and say we can't use it as symbol of nation as it has Saffron in it... :)

Vande Mataram was Mantra of "Freedom struggle"... Wait a minute Muslim hardly participated in National freedom movement, how can they respect it....

but it is opposite you know ?
lame facepalm by you Indian to hide your religious bias.

here is something for you from your own media quoting exactly what the Indian Speaker said .

An angry Speaker Meira Kumar ticked off Barq for walking out during the national song when Parliament was being adjourned sine die on Wednesday. "One honourable member walked out when Vande Mataram was being played. I take very serious view of this. I would want to know why this was done. This should never be done again," Kumar said

Can’t be part of Vande Mataram: BSP MP Barq - The Times of India

dahhh so if you can act smarter please do but with solid backup points

still , the walking out is not allowed, without speakers permission
Never heard about christians opposing, where did you get that info?

to be honest, it was a site i stumbled upon - one which may have had a religious bias.....reported something about something that happened in Orissa

i'll find the link, but admittedly not the most "agenda-devoid" source
Hahaha nice Flux erected in front of his house...

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