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BSF kills Bangladeshi on Lalmonirhat border

Do you now? :what:

Have you ever heard of the term uncle tom? Alot of countries have them.
Yes, he is one of them. Traitor to their own culture and kin. In Bangla we have a synonym and that is ghorer shotru bivishon.
haseena will keep licking bharat mata like a well trained labrador.
Haseena thanks us because we are washing the dirty linen for her country. These smugglers who double up as drug smugglers and criminals are responsible for much of the Yaba epidemic in her country.
True, but not necessarily always in secrecy, Meghalaya in the pic you shared in post #3 is just up the river and is the home to some of the best NE Indian beef recipes, there are a host of restaurants and small shacks just up the border that serves delectable ethnic Khasi/Garo beef recipes.

Btw, how popular is pork consumption amongst the BD Hindus and Christians? Is it available for sale in the BD markets or do you have to import it from NE too, considering that NE has the best tasting pork in India.

You dont need to eat pork secretly in BD. But consumption is rare as most pigs are raised in the swine by the dalit people and people regardless of faith don't like to consume them.
You dont need to eat pork secretly in BD. But consumption is rare as most pigs are raised in the swine by the dalit people and people regardless of faith don't like to consume them.
But if i am not wrong the CHT people(tribals) do consume pork in BD, what about the Garos and the Bishnupriya Manipuris up North?
IT scammers are killing cow smugglers and justifying it :what:
The smugglers are armed and commit violent acts on civilians in the border areas.

Thus they will be shot on sight by BSF when the opportunity calls for it.

This policy has been in effect for many years now....so smugglers and criminal elements fully know the penalty.

This is also why BD govt has stopped bringing up this issue with India and even let BSF to create monitoring stations on BD side of the border in specific trouble spots.

After all the lady we keep in power there has been told firmly that this is the policy and it helps her country too since we get rid of good-for-nothing kind of people that dont like her or her party anyway. It is win win.

Lmao, calm down. You look embarrassing with such mental masturbation of yours.

india has been CRYING for decades to curb Bangladeshi migration into Assam and West Bengal. Guess what? Bangladeshis don’t give two f*cks about weak indians.

Stop pretending you have any sort of influence in Bangladesh beyond superficial presence. Hasina uses indians to expand her own power....while hindus in Bangladesh declined from 22% to 9% and they CONTINUE to decline, Assam went 15% Muslim to 34% Muslim, and cow trade continues.

Bangladesh is bleeding india for its own interests and benefits while you can’t even stop Muslim Bengalis from taking over your border lands :lol:

I just saw Arnab Goswamy literally CRY by yelling because his homeland (he’s from Assam) is being taken over and dominated by Bangladesh backed infiltrators (his words).

Modi has been a complete failure for hindutvatards. Modi 2.0 is here but everything continues as usual. Whether its article 370, Unified Civil Code, Ram Mandir issue, Control of Hindu temples by the state, Muslim national holidays forced on entire Indian population, increasing Muslim population (1/6 of india under age 25 is already Muslim mA), or Muslim migration and exploitation of borderlands.

I genuinely feel bad for hindus sometimes. Lost everything, got conquered and dominated, lost massive chunks of their ancient homeland, got their ONLY homeland divided, and even in their last remaining homeland....their religion is mocked and has no power, their temples are run by govt officials while Muslims and Christians own their own institutions, and secular constitution keeps hinduism on leash while hindu population declines as a percentage of total population and is already below the psychological barrier of 80%

Hindus wish Hinduism/Hindus had even 1/10th of cultural and political stature that Islam enjoys in Pakistan and all over the world. Watch Hindutva and right wing Hindu content. They YEARN for something akin to a “Hindu Pakistan” but they can never get even 1/10th of it lol

No wonder you guys have such a deep sense of inferiority complex and inadequacy
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Lmao, calm down. You look embarrassing with such mental masturbation of yours.

india has been CRYING for decades to curb Bangladeshi migration into Assam and West Bengal. Guess what? Bangladeshis don’t give two f*cks about weak indians.

Stop pretending you have any sort of influence in Bangladesh beyond superficial presence. Hasina uses indians to expand her own power....while hindus in Bangladesh declined from 22% to 9% and they CONTINUE to decline, Assam went 15% Muslim to 34% Muslim, and cow trade continues.

Bangladesh is bleeding india for its own interests and benefits while you can’t even stop Muslim Bengalis from taking over your border lands :lol:

I just saw Arnab Goswamy literally CRY by yelling because his homeland (he’s from Assam) is being taken over and dominated by Bangladesh backed infiltrators (his words).

Modi has been a complete failure for hindutvatards. Modi 2.0 is here but everything continues as usual. Whether its article 370, Unified Civil Code, Ram Mandir issue, Control of Hindu temples by the state, Muslim national holidays forced on entire Indian population, increasing Muslim population (1/6 of india under age 25 is already Muslim mA), or Muslim migration and exploitation of borderlands.

I genuinely feel bad for hindus sometimes. Lost everything, got conquered and dominated, lost massive chunks of their ancient homeland, got their ONLY homeland divided, and even in their last remaining homeland....their religion is mocked and has no power, their temples are run by govt officials while Muslims and Christians own their own institutions, and secular constitution keeps hinduism on leash while hindu decline as a percentage of total population and are already below the psychological barrier of 80%

No wonder you guys have such a deep sense of inferiority complex and inadequacy
Chinese r now winning every major contracts in bangladesh..be it infrastructure or power or sea port o.. Heck,they r now even building our frst submarine base..major arms deals r now going towards china..but like this dalit most of those indians think they have some kind of control over our politics..lol..actually they r doing some kind of favour for our beef industry...thousnds of farms have grown to meet the demand....according to them thousnds of our citizens r in india alrdy,assam is in our firm grip,mamata is now using illegal(!!!) bangladeshies for her politics...plz,let this kala bandar cry... :D:D
But if i am not wrong the CHT people(tribals) do consume pork in BD, what about the Garos and the Bishnupriya Manipuris up North?
They are more into beef than Pig...
Its not easy to find farmed pig.
Haseena thanks us because we are washing the dirty linen for her country. These smugglers who double up as drug smugglers and criminals are responsible for much of the Yaba epidemic in her country.

I think all Bangladeshi people near your border aren't criminals.i think there must be mechanism.don't kill unarmed civilians.
Lmao, calm down. You look embarrassing with such mental masturbation of yours.

india has been CRYING for decades to curb Bangladeshi migration into Assam and West Bengal. Guess what? Bangladeshis don’t give two f*cks about weak indians.

Stop pretending you have any sort of influence in Bangladesh beyond superficial presence. Hasina uses indians to expand her own power....while hindus in Bangladesh declined from 22% to 9% and they CONTINUE to decline, Assam went 15% Muslim to 34% Muslim, and cow trade continues.

Bangladesh is bleeding india for its own interests and benefits while you can’t even stop Muslim Bengalis from taking over your border lands :lol:

I just saw Arnab Goswamy literally CRY by yelling because his homeland (he’s from Assam) is being taken over and dominated by Bangladesh backed infiltrators (his words).

Modi has been a complete failure for hindutvatards. Modi 2.0 is here but everything continues as usual. Whether its article 370, Unified Civil Code, Ram Mandir issue, Control of Hindu temples by the state, Muslim national holidays forced on entire Indian population, increasing Muslim population (1/6 of india under age 25 is already Muslim mA), or Muslim migration and exploitation of borderlands.

I genuinely feel bad for hindus sometimes. Lost everything, got conquered and dominated, lost massive chunks of their ancient homeland, got their ONLY homeland divided, and even in their last remaining homeland....their religion is mocked and has no power, their temples are run by govt officials while Muslims and Christians own their own institutions, and secular constitution keeps hinduism on leash while hindu population declines as a percentage of total population and is already below the psychological barrier of 80%

Hindus wish Hinduism/Hindus had even 1/10th of cultural and political stature that Islam enjoys in Pakistan and all over the world. Watch Hindutva and right wing Hindu content. They YEARN for something akin to a “Hindu Pakistan” but they can never get even 1/10th of it lol

No wonder you guys have such a deep sense of inferiority complex and inadequacy

Nah we just prefer to look at the reality:

Man those jeering Bangladeshis sure are a sight huh? They are good little pawns following orders. Just like their govt today. They sure wanted to hang your lot though, good thing IA was there and you surrendered early.

NRC is just getting started...so you can wait and see for yourself (not that you will accept any success there). Its not our fault if you are saddled with 3 million of their kind in Karachi.

BTW @Axomiya_lora pay attention that bangladeshis that thanked this guy's post. They do in the end admit always their illegal immigration....as long as they can get some emotional rush from it.
People are willing to risk their lives so that they can some money to put food on table, in a poor country. Shocking, isn't it.
By making a family go hungry over it? That cow must have been stolen from some poor family whose only source of income probably is the cow. They can't afford to buy a new one because it'll cost them a fortune. They could buy a calf and wait for it to grow up. That's shocking too.
They are more into beef than Pig...
Its not easy to find farmed pig.
Is it? The Bishnupriyas being Vaishnavites would stay away from beef, the Tripuri and the Chakmas too avoid beef and like pork instead. Garos eat beef undoubtedly and i don't have a first hand knowledge of the dietary habits of the Marmas. Btw, @TopCat , are you a tribal too by any chance? Saw a post by Nilgiri that you consider yourself to be of Mongoloid descent. That explains your leniency towards them compared to other posters from BD.
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