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BSF kills Bangladeshi on Lalmonirhat border

Is it? The Bishnupriyas being Vaishnavites would stay away from beef, the Tripuri and the Chakmas too avoid beef and like pork instead. Garos eat beef undoubtedly and i don't have a first hand knowledge of the dietary habits of the Marmas. Btw, @TopCat , are you a tribal too by any chance? Saw a post by Nilgiri that you consider yourself to be of Mongoloid descent. That explains your leniency towards them compared to other posters from BD.

Read full convo from here on lol:

BTW @Axomiya_lora pay attention that bangladeshis that thanked this guy's post. They do in the end admit always their illegal immigration....as long as they can get some emotional rush from it.
Yeah, i am taking a note of who's liking the post of that flame baiting Auz fellow, no surprises there. We shall continue to shoot these smuggler scums down, and their BD supporters can do zilch to stop us.
Lmao, calm down. You look embarrassing with such mental masturbation of yours.

india has been CRYING for decades to curb Bangladeshi migration into Assam and West Bengal. Guess what? Bangladeshis don’t give two f*cks about weak indians.

Stop pretending you have any sort of influence in Bangladesh beyond superficial presence. Hasina uses indians to expand her own power....while hindus in Bangladesh declined from 22% to 9% and they CONTINUE to decline, Assam went 15% Muslim to 34% Muslim, and cow trade continues.

Bangladesh is bleeding india for its own interests and benefits while you can’t even stop Muslim Bengalis from taking over your border lands :lol:

I just saw Arnab Goswamy literally CRY by yelling because his homeland (he’s from Assam) is being taken over and dominated by Bangladesh backed infiltrators (his words).

Modi has been a complete failure for hindutvatards. Modi 2.0 is here but everything continues as usual. Whether its article 370, Unified Civil Code, Ram Mandir issue, Control of Hindu temples by the state, Muslim national holidays forced on entire Indian population, increasing Muslim population (1/6 of india under age 25 is already Muslim mA), or Muslim migration and exploitation of borderlands.

I genuinely feel bad for hindus sometimes. Lost everything, got conquered and dominated, lost massive chunks of their ancient homeland, got their ONLY homeland divided, and even in their last remaining homeland....their religion is mocked and has no power, their temples are run by govt officials while Muslims and Christians own their own institutions, and secular constitution keeps hinduism on leash while hindu population declines as a percentage of total population and is already below the psychological barrier of 80%

Hindus wish Hinduism/Hindus had even 1/10th of cultural and political stature that Islam enjoys in Pakistan and all over the world. Watch Hindutva and right wing Hindu content. They YEARN for something akin to a “Hindu Pakistan” but they can never get even 1/10th of it lol

No wonder you guys have such a deep sense of inferiority complex and inadequacy
Do you know a "south indian" and an "assamese" taking "notes" about your post and people who liked this. Sir ji kal strike is coming...:rofl:

Take notes and check them twice.

Find out whose naughty or nice.
This forum is lovely isn't it bhai... :enjoy:
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Bangalion nay bhi na hinduo ki ma ki smuggling shru kerdi.. Hud hoti hai waisay..
The bottom line here is that some unscrupulous bd border agencies are actually profiteering while bd citizens are being shot by Indians for smuggling. You couldn't make this up. I cannot get my head around this. Bd state agencies are actually encouraging poor bd citizens to go out and risk getting shot. And the state agencies are completely ok with this??

It is one thing if bd army responded full force, then I could view it as some kind of baiting of Indian soldiers. But that is not what is happening. It seems to me that bd border agencies are taking a cut of a racket and thus indirectly encouraging it.

Say what you will about the rise of Hindutva fascism in brahministan... But surely, surely what bd are doing is beyond cowardice - happily taking a slice of racketeering profits for the blood of their own countrymen.

Someone tell me I have interpreted this wrong??
Nah we just prefer to look at the reality:

I wrote nothing about war or conflict. I just showed you reality about india having no real influence in Bangladesh that will protect and further india's critical interests. I gave you an example of illegal immigration and Bangladesh's refusal to do anything meaningful about it.

But what you reply? Oh, 71 war!! :lol: Inferiority-complex of hindus, even otherwise educated hindus, is astonishingly consistent. It is always there.

I don't get why indians even feel that E. Pakistan episode is a 'gotcha' moment for us Pakistanis? Pakistan and E.Pakistan were already separated by thousands of miles. Everyone knew there is no way to defend it. Even your own Generals have stated so. You have not broken any continuous Muslim land----like Muslims have broken and cut contiguous hindu lands into multiple pieces

Regarding 71 war, Oh what an achievement. You helped one group of Muslims (bengalis) to defeat another group of Muslims (us) in a CIVIL WAR----while the war happened thousands of miles away from our mainland?? and that's your achievement? Infact, Bangladesh creation only re-inforced the two-nation theory as Muslim Bengal saw itself as a 'separate' peoples from Hindu Bengalis and stayed independent instead of rejoining Bengal.

Meanwhile superior Islamic forces literally butchered, ruled, conquered, and erased your hindu backwardness for thousand years.

We totally ERASED hinduism from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Maldives Islands, Sindh (Holy land of Hinduism), Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia etc. What could you do in response to this civilisational conquest? NOTHING! Just bitched about not dividing the remaining india and that too, we forced the division and got our own Islamic countries.

While your remaining shit-hole hindu land is increasingly Muslim (would be 1/5th Muslim by 2050) and secular constitution humiliates hinduism on the daily basis. Your temples are run by govt appointed officials, and not your own community :rofl::rofl: Imagine the subjugation and humiliation your community faces in their only remaining homeland.

You can not undo the eternal humiliation inflicted upon your inferior hindu existence by the far superior, global civilization of Islam.

NRC is just getting started...so you can wait and see for yourself (not that you will accept any success there).

NRC has been there since 2013. Its 2019 and it's still "just getting started" :woot: Best of luck "deporting" 4 million Bengalis from Assam. You and me both know it will never happen. Even IF you deported every single of the 4 million D-voters/non-registered residents----guess what? Assam would still be 25%+ Muslim and becoming more Muslim by the day thanks to age-cohorts and birth rates differential.

So again, as Bangladesh went from 22% Hindu to 8.8% Hindu, Assam went from 15% Muslim to 25% Muslim in the same time (that is IF we exclude *ALL* 4 million of D-Voters/"Illegals" from Assam tomorrow).

Best of luck :lol::lol::lol:

Its not our fault if you are saddled with 3 million of their kind in Karachi.

Lol, there is literally no problem in Pakistan with 3 million or 5 million Bengali Muslim amongst us. They are our brothers and should be given equal citizenship and every right that is given to me and other Pakistanis. Pakistan is an Islamic state----we even have tens of thousands of Bosnians who we saved during Serbian war all the way from Europe. Thousands of Rohingyas have also settled in Pakistan and people want more help for them.

Your point? :lol:
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Regarding 71 war, Oh what an achievement. You helped one group of Muslims (bengalis) to defeat another group of Muslims (us) in a CIVIL WAR----while the war happened thousands of miles away from our mainland?? and that's your achievement? Infact, Bangladesh creation only re-inforced the two-nation theory as Muslim Bengal saw itself as a 'separate' peoples from Hindu Bengalis and stayed independent instead of rejoining Bengal.
Are you downplaying the impact of losing half your country? Bangladesh is on a golden path to economic glory right now, you could have paid off your loans and not be bankrupt. Bengali muslims would have had a moderation effect on your extremists and would have done wonders for your foreign policy and would have given a much more credible voice in the world. You screwed it up, grapes are sour I am sure now.
Meanwhile superior Islamic forces literally butchered, ruled, conquered, and erased your hindu backwardness for thousand years.
That's an exaggeration, the Hindus are still here. Muslims invaders did more harm to India than the mughals ever did. Mughals were weakened by non-muslim kingdoms in their last 200 years before the Brits came (sikhs, Jats, Marathas, Ahoms, etc.)
I agree on the backwardness part, muslims did bring technological and some social advancement to the sub-continent. Lack of organic infusion of new ideas was a big reason the hindu kings failed.
We totally ERASED hinduism from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Maldives Islands, Sindh (Holy land of Hinduism), Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia etc. What could you do in response to this civilisational conquest? NOTHING! Just bitched about not dividing the remaining india and that too, we forced the division and got our own Islamic countries.
New ideas replace old ones, christianity did that to paganism in Europe, islam did the same in Egypt, Iran and anatolia. One day a new idea may do the same to Islam. You have done nothing, you were born in a poor country, with very little contribution to human advancement.
While your remaining shit-hole hindu land is increasingly Muslim (would be 1/5th Muslim by 2050) and secular constitution humiliates hinduism on the daily basis. Your temples are run by govt appointed officials, and not your own community :rofl::rofl: Imagine the subjugation and humiliation your community faces in their only remaining homeland.
There will always be an India, and a more homogenised India will be more difficult to deal with for you. Do you have great relations with your muslim neighbours?
You can not undo the eternal humiliation inflicted upon your inferior hindu existence by the far superior, global civilization of Islam.
lol, everytime we see your PM beg the world for money, every time your media hypes up a cricket match and lose terribly, our humiliation knows no bounds. We get embarrassed when we hear your suave celebrities talk on the tele, when we watch your movies and imagine how the good life would feel like or when we send our sick to your hospitals for the simplest of medical procedures that we ourselves cant perform.
Are you downplaying the impact of losing half your country? Bangladesh is on a golden path to economic glory right now, you could have paid off your loans and not be bankrupt. Bengali muslims would have had a moderation effect on your extremists and would have done wonders for your foreign policy and would have given a much more credible voice in the world. You screwed it up, grapes are sour I am sure now.

LOL, do you live under the rocks or what? Did you not read the unclassified papers of Pakistani authorities discussing the eventual separation of Bangladesh wayyyyyy before things got out of control and civil war erupted?

It was already decided that Bangladesh would no longer be a part of Pakistan. Bhutto even openly declared "Idhar hum, udhar tum" (as in SEPARATE nations with the SEPARATE electorate)----Pakistan just did not want Mujeeb ur Rehman to be at the helm of things when the inevitable separation happened. Pakistan did not "lose" half its territory. Bangladesh was already THOUSANDS of miles away from our mainland. No modern country has such geography, an survived. There is a reason for it.

We are happy for Bangladesh and hope for the best for them. We treated them very badly and unjustly. They rightfully separated from us. Today, Bangladesh is 90%+ consolidated Muslim nation with Islam at its state religion and neutral/secular government more or less. Good for them ;)

There is ZERO trauma in Pakistani society that oh Bangladesh is not with us etc etc. Whereas, indian hindus...especially the hindu right....is still bitter that Muslims divided broke contiguous indian homeland and Hindus lost many of their holy lands. I just saw a speech by Subramanian Swamy and he was drying "There is no Hind without Sindh and no Hinduism without Sindhu river" :lol:

That's an exaggeration, the Hindus are still here. Muslims invaders did more harm to India than the mughals ever did. Mughals were weakened by non-muslim kingdoms in their last 200 years before the Brits came (sikhs, Jats, Marathas, Ahoms, etc.)

There is no exaggeration. The words I used are true. Civilizational conquest is what happened to hindus at the hands of Islam (just like rising Islam did to Persians, Europeans, Christians, Jews, Egypt, and other Arabs).

Now, civilizational conquest and domination of grand scale does not always mean 100% erasure of a culture/peoples from the planet. Europeans imposed civilizational conquest in Africa and beyond. Africans are still there.

Islamic invaders/Mughals never intended to destroy "hinduism"completely 100%...There are no credible historical sources of mass and sustained Muslim efforts of mass conversions of hindus at the point of sword. "Oh we didn't convert while Iran converted!"---This is something hindus say to feel good about themselves because even hindus know how utterly humiliated they have been for thousands of years and how superior Muslims and later Europeans ruled them. Turko-Mongols never sought to "convert" regions to Islam like early Arab conquests. Even Bulgaria is not "Muslim majority" even though it remained under Ottoman rule for centuries. Reason? Simple, Muslim conquerors after the great Arab conquests never sought mass conversions. Stop fooling yourself with your mental masturbation of your own misery. You seem reasonable and not the hindutva tard type who believe Taj Mahal was Hindu temple lol

I agree on the backwardness part, muslims did bring technological and some social advancement to the sub-continent. Lack of organic infusion of new ideas was a big reason the hindu kings failed.

Surprising there are indians who still have some proper reading of history. Otherwise, all I see on your media is bunch of cooked up, long-debunked myths being fed to gullible audience.

New ideas replace old ones, christianity did that to paganism in Europe, islam did the same in Egypt, Iran and anatolia. One day a new idea may do the same to Islam. You have done nothing, you were born in a poor country, with very little contribution to human advancement.

True. Same applies to you and pretty much 99% of us. Anyways...

There will always be an India, and a more homogenised India will be more difficult to deal with for you. Do you have great relations with your muslim neighbours?

Pakistan has great relationships with every Muslim neighbor of ours and beyond. We have excellent relations with GCC, Turkey, Malaysia, Iran, and what have you. Only a particular section (Northern Alliance) of Afghanistan is against us, and they are being dealt with easily. Pro-Pakistan factions are dominating Afghan landscape as we speak, we all the momentum with them ;)

And how will india be more 'homogenized'? Lol. india is increasingly less homogenized and ever more fractured....with increasing Muslim population, Sikh and Christian minorities and RSS at odds, and divisive social conflict between secular system (courts, NGOs, activists, population) and hindu brahmincal elitist nationalism (led by BJP). Sabarimala temple was just one example. Lynchings and mob thrashing is literally daily part of backward, socially tensed indian society.

The level of religious and social homogeneity in Pakistan is unmatched by anything india can ever hope for. Pakistan is 97% Muslim. Just let that sink in. Karachi is a city of 17-20 million people, and 97% of them Muslims. That's why Pakistan has FAR LESS social conflict than india (and also ranks far higher on world's happiness index)


Just look at the map above. india is rife with social distrust between different ethnicities and people while Pakistan is socially integrated and is a 'high-trust' society :) I can give you list upon list upon list of ethnic conflicts and pogroms that happened in india between different linguistic, ethnic, religious, and cultural groups....and it continues to this day. Such things are extremely, extremely rare in Pakistan. Violence in Pakistan for past decades has been more of an insurgency that rose in the aftermath of U.S invasion of our backyard but that's a different topic.

lol, everytime we see your PM beg the world for money, every time your media hypes up a cricket match and lose terribly, our humiliation knows no bounds.

"Beg"?? Using such terms won't hide the humiliating facts I wrote above about india and hindus. Nobody "begs" for anything. Taking on debt from world's financial institutes is something countries engage in on the regular basis. indians did it, Turks did, Pakistanis did, Argentines did, and so on. Companies take on debt on a regular basis----you think they "beg" from banks for money? :lol: Its 21st century. Debt is part of the game....and that's precisely why india's external debt to GDP ratio is not that far away from Pakistan's...Ask @Nilgiri if he thinks debts = 'begging' Lol...

Its almost sad to see you bringing "cricket matches" and "celebrities" (whatever that means) as any sort of argument even. I'll just stop now I guess lol
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"ancient" Indian religion values animals over human life.

Who said barbarism was dead?
"ancient" Indian religion values animals over human life.

Who said barbarism was dead?

They value cows more than "lower caste" human beings

Backwardness, thy second name is Hinduism
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