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BSF kidnaps Bangladeshi cattle trader in Satkhira

Sami what you can do best now is to adopt your disappearing tactic.

A month later when everyone will forget the the spanking that Roy has given you, you can come back and claim your victory.

It kinda works like a theme!
There are no tangible (real) figures to compare and calculate percentages..

But come to the bottom line... most of those money is from west India... east India is still poor and backward...

Sami what you can do best now is to adopt your disappearing tactic.

A month later when everyone will forget the the spanking that Roy has given you, you can come back and claim your victory.

It kinda works like a theme!

Yes Yes go and read the comment and see who spanked whom.... At first raise your level ....`Khay asechen na jaye khaben`, buying sweet by numbers ... etc...types of manners needs to be developed of the west bengalis then there can be any comparison...
Here's list of state level HDI of India. As you can see All Indian states which border Bangladesh have HDI well above 6. Only Assam has HDI of 5.9 because of relentless migration of Bangladeshis, West Bengal and Tripura couldn't reach near 7 because of same reason.


Bangladesh HDI is 0.5

Eder kamra kamri dekhe 1ta word e mathay ashlo


Eder etto time!
Bangladesh is a country full $hit because 50% of its people don't have access to toilet
People commit suicide out of poverty in Bangladesh
Maoists are getting stronger day by day because there are too many poor people in Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh people of Border regions solely depend on smuggling because if they can't smuggle cows or drugs to the next country then they'll die out dry because of poverty.
Daily labours get 100 bucks per day in Bangladesh which is way low compared to its neighbors.
Bangladeshi parents kill their infant daughter because she is a she.
Oh btw,Bangladesh sends rockets to the Moon and has a plan to send all the poors to the Moon and make this country poverty free ultra rich country.:D

Even Bihar, the least developed state in India has better HDI than BD.

But come to the bottom line... most of those money is from west India... east India is still poor and backward...

Yes Yes go and read the comment and see who spanked whom.... At first raise your level ....`Khay asechen na jaye khaben`, buying sweet by numbers ... etc...types of manners needs to be developed of the west bengalis then there can be any comparison...

Learning manners from Bangladeshi is equivalent to learning manners from slum-dwellers of Kolkata, as majority of them are illega BDs(No offense to slum-dwellers).
I just wonder whether this Labong has some mrigi rog or something... who post same debunked 2006 data...

In most of the sub category of HDI Bangladesh topped India... only cause of per capita gdp bd gets the lower number as bd deliberately has put the figure low. It may not go higher then India for now if upgraded but certainly will go much higher then the backward and poor india's eastern states...

Even Bihar, the least developed state in India has better HDI than BD.

Learning manners from Bangladeshi is equivalent to learning manners from slum-dwellers of Kolkata, as majority of them are illega BDs(No offense to slum-dwellers).

Now go to sleep with such delusional dream...what is India in terms of slum dwelling, poverty and sanitation is well known ...
Yeah they shoot their officers at point blank, throw them into the gutters and gang rape their wives.

BDR mutiny anyone?



That apparently is the finest example of bravery in BD standard.
Bangladesh is a country full $hit because 50% of its people don't have access to toilet
People commit suicide out of poverty in Bangladesh
Maoists are getting stronger day by day because there are too many poor people in Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh people of Border regions solely depend on smuggling because if they can't smuggle cows or drugs to the next country then they'll die out dry because of poverty.
Daily labours get 100 bucks per day in Bangladesh which is way low compared to its neighbors.
Bangladeshi parents kill their infant daughter because she is a she.
Oh btw,Bangladesh sends rockets to the Moon and has a plan to send all the poors to the Moon and make this country poverty free ultra rich country.:D


well said... reaming and seeing dirt poverty this delusional Indians lost their mind...

can you imagine this super rich country's minister asked its people to eat rats instead of rice...:lmao:

Eat rats for snacks, says Indian official - Telegraph

An Indian welfare official has advised poor people to farm rats for snacks as a way to beat rising food prices.

n those who were talking about culture... bbc ran a report.... sanitation is a cultural problem of India as they prefer to remain dirty and stinky...no offense to anyone but it is a reality... as reported by bbc...

BBC News - Is India's lack of toilets a cultural problem?
well said... reaming and seeing dirt poverty this delusional Indians lost their mind...

can you imagine this super rich country's minister asked its people to eat rats instead of rice...:lmao:

Eat rats for snacks, says Indian official - Telegraph

An Indian welfare official has advised poor people to farm rats for snacks as a way to beat rising food prices.
In China, they eat rats, tiger balls etc......lets see if you will call them evil and still allow them to build your nations....you welcome them like a saviour......Hypocrite.:drag:

Toilet is a banned topic, but i know you won't be banned.:mod:
I wonder why so many people try to enter india illegally, does it stinks more there.:lol:
I just wonder whether this Labong has some mrigi rog or something... who post same debunked 2006 data...

In most of the sub category of HDI Bangladesh topped India... only cause of per capita gdp bd gets the lower number as bd deliberately has put the figure low. It may not go higher then India for now if upgraded but certainly will go much higher then the backward and poor india's eastern states...

Now go to sleep with such delusional dream...what is India in terms of slum dwelling, poverty and sanitation is well known ...

Actually only Indian HDI is as of 2006. Indian HDI has increased in last 6 years.

Where as BD HDI is 0.5 based on 2010 data.

Here's the source.

International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

Now go back to your usual autistic self and start blabbering - how BD police takes lots of bribe, how bd rickshaw wallas earn more than BD police commissioners, how your grandma told you that UN did mistake while calculating HDI etc etc.

Meanwhile some of your countrymen are trying best at pole vault attempt and getting shot at by BSF.
well said... reaming and seeing dirt poverty this delusional Indians lost their mind...

can you imagine this super rich country's minister asked its people to eat rats instead of rice...:lmao:

Eat rats for snacks, says Indian official - Telegraph

An Indian welfare official has advised poor people to farm rats for snacks as a way to beat rising food prices.

n those who were talking about culture... bbc ran a report.... sanitation is a cultural problem of India as they prefer to remain dirty and stinky...no offense to anyone but it is a reality... as reported by bbc...

BBC News - Is India's lack of toilets a cultural problem?
If you think Indian food habits are wierd, I wonder what you'll say about the food habits of an even richer China!!!:lol:
Dog meat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But come to the bottom line... most of those money is from west India... east India is still poor and backward...

Yes Yes go and read the comment and see who spanked whom.... At first raise your level ....`Khay asechen na jaye khaben`, buying sweet by numbers ... etc...types of manners needs to be developed of the west bengalis then there can be any comparison...
Please dude!!!Kolkata's GDP outstripes the whole of BD's!!!!
And despite being isolated due to physical factors, the HDI of NE is greater than BD!!:azn:

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