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Obviously there is... anyway remain stick to the height issue...

The height of west bengal's male in the city is 5'3" only and in rural area only 5'2" and females height in city is 5' and in rural areas 4'11"...

Just imagine then what is the pathetic condition of Bihar, Vanaras, orissa etc... All these bring down the average height of Indian male in cities 5'5". It is a fact.

I don't know why you have to keep bringing up Bihar, Varanasi, :blah: It doesn't affect me, unlike you lots I don't have a "collective ego". Am 185 cm tall fwiw, so your jibes won't work on me :undecided:. I know a whole lot of Bangladeshis and have been to Bangladesh, so please go fool someone else.

And even then, even then! Bihar and UP and Orissa, average height is more than that of Bangladesh(160 cm):rofl:

Lol are you an idiot or something. It's a compilation of male heights where age ranges from primary school to graduate. :lol:

No... every data is separate... it ranges from income level to education status...

But average adult male height is at the top for cities and rural areas... India's west bengalis and other east Indians are nuts... n thats why Indian army accept height upto 5'2" and for NE India it is 5'.
Ok Bangladeshis are tall and fair and martial race as well. Can we end this tomfoolery now. :lol:

In reality,



No... every data is separate... it ranges from income level to education status...

But average adult male height is at the top for cities and rural areas... India's west bengalis and other east Indians are nuts... n thats why Indian army accept height upto 5'2" and for NE India it is 5'.

West Bengal is good two inches taller than Bangladesh, stop comparing your grown As* men to West Bengal school kids:lol:
No... every data is separate... it ranges from income level to education status...

But average adult male height is at the top for cities and rural areas... India's west bengalis and other east Indians are nuts... n thats why Indian army accept height upto 5'2" and for NE India it is 5'.

Just see the GOI census report posted by Roy, idiot. West Bengal average height is 165 cm as opposed to 160 cm of Bangladesh. :lol:
In reality,



West Bengal is good two inches taller than Bangladesh, stop comparing your grown As* men to West Bengal school kids:lol:

Come on man... In data I have shown clearly... West Bengal's male's in city are only 5'3" which is equal to the size you provided for the male of rural area's of Bangladesh...

There is nothing shame for being short... dnt be ashamed... as Indian male cant fit hamlet (code word)... it is much smaller matter here...
Just see the GOI census report posted by Roy, idiot. West Bengal average height is 165 cm as opposed to 160 cm of Bangladesh. :lol:

Delusional people always like to remain in delusion... If I see idiots like you it becomes quite apparent... That was just some random census...

But what I have posted data is from WHO India which is more credible then some random census...


This data of who has taken from wide range of group of people's... not just random sample...

N from where you got Bangladeshi male's height 160 cm... ??? Even if we accept that data posted by roybot it was 163 cm and for rural male not for cities.

So in WB city males somehow manage to become equal to the rural male of Bangladesh... dnt be ashamed... you guys are famous world wide... after all you lot cant fit ****** :rofl:
Come on man... In data I have shown clearly... West Bengal's male's in city are only 5'3" which is equal to the size you provided for the male of rural area's of Bangladesh...

There is nothing shame for being short... dnt be ashamed... as Indian male cant fit hamlet (code word)... it is much smaller matter here...

:rofl: If you are going to be a smart arse atleast know the proper words. Hamlet= a small village.

I have shown you the average height for Indians states. Indians from every corner of India are taller than Bangladeshis, thats a fact, and according to you height is directly proportional to dick size, says a lot about the mcdonald chip eh?:lol:

And yes you have "busted my lie" once again!
:rofl: If you are going to be a smart arse atleast know the proper words. Hamlet= a small village.

I have shown you the average height for Indians states. Indians from every corner of India are taller than Bangladeshis, thats a fact, and according to you height is directly proportional to dick size, says a lot about the mcdonald chip eh?:lol:

And yes you have "busted my lie" once again!

Feeling pity about some fools and idiot like you... who are having wet dream with some random sample... when I have shown data of well research document of WHO ... ..

N what you have shown??? some random sample of rural male height of male of Bangladesh :rofl:

Now accept it even based on your data rural male height if Bangladesh is equal to the CITY male height of the WB... what a shame for Bengalis this west bengalis are...


hmmm any wise person will find it out which one is more credible data... :lol:

Now who busted...
:rofl: If you are going to be a smart arse atleast know the proper words. Hamlet= a small village.

I have shown you the average height for Indians states. Indians from every corner of India are taller than Bangladeshis, thats a fact, and according to you height is directly proportional to dick size, says a lot about the mcdonald chip eh?:lol:

And yes you have "busted my lie" once again!

Feeling pity about some fools and idiot like you... who are having wet dream with some random sample... when I have shown data of well research document of WHO ... ..

N what you have shown??? some random sample of rural male height of male of Bangladesh :rofl:

Now accept it even based on your data rural male height if Bangladesh is equal to the CITY male height of the WB... what a shame for Bengalis this west bengalis are...


hmmm any wise person will find it out which one is more credible data... :lol:

Now who busted...
Is this guys a retard(as in IQ way) or something? Roy has shown him Govt of India census report of average heights of different states in India and he says it's not credible but a Who report of a random sample of different age group(from school kids to adults) is more credible.

Here's the sampling for west bengal in the who report.

In West Bengal, the target sample size was 1840 households,
which is distributed accordingly based on the urban-rural
proportion. The total primary sampling units (PSU) covered
in West Bengal was 70 PSUs, 52 in rural and 18 in urban
areas. A sample of 25 households in each rural PSU and 30
households in each urban PSU were covered. However,
experiences from large-scale surveys prompted the need to
over sample by at least 10 percent to cover non-responses.
Besides, 10 percent of total sample were again selected and
these PSUs were revisited for a retest. Ultimately, the total
number of households covered in West Bengal stood at 1925
households and re-test done in 184 households.

There are kids, old people, and adult in each household.

Here's the fact for you - most Bangladeshis are short and dark and look Austro-Asiatic. That's what your really are, I'd not have said it so blatantly but you'll not let it go it seems even when presented with facts and figures.

Now chew on it and delude yourself that you busted 'our lies'.
Real picture of Indian female also busted in the research paper also ... average Indian female's height is only 4'11"... what a joke :rofl:
Indian Pediatrics - Editorial
THE average height of Indian women as documented in some studies is 150 cm which is 13.7 cm less than the average height of 163.7 cm of women in USA(1-4).

They just wish to remain in delusion of over height with some random sample data .. not with fact and reality...:rofl:
Is this guys a retard(as in IQ way) or something? Roy has shown him Govt of India census report of average heights of different states in India and he says it's not credible but a Who report of a random sample of different age group(from school kids to adults) is more credible.

Here's the fact for you - most Bangladeshis are short and dark and look Austro-Asiatic. That's what your really are, I'd not have said it so blatantly but you'll not let it go it seems even when presented with facts and figures.

Now chew on it and delude yourself that you busted 'our lies'.

Where is the data ... how many people they measured ... whether it is from all across west bengal.. both city and rural areas.. and what is the income distribution of the people...

N what WHO did they measured height of every group of people and posted it accordingly... it has nothing to do with primary school going student or post graduate student...or income distribution.

N it just shown what is the education status of the people who's height has been measured.

What a joke that some dalits... malnourished people which most of the east Indians are talking about height and color...
Where is the data ... how many people they measured ... whether it is from all across west bengal.. both city and rural areas.. and what is the income distribution of the people...

N what WHO did they measured height of every group of people and posted it accordingly... it has nothing to do with primary school going student or post graduate student...or income distribution.

What a joke that some dalits... malnourished people which most of the east Indians are talking about height and color...

Just read the the sampling from the report you retard.

There are 30% people in primary school group who are below 157 cm.
There are 12% people in secondary school group who are below 157 cm.

However all graduate and and high school completed are >= 165 cms which is average height of West Bengal according to GOI census.

What a joke that some dalits... malnourished people which most of the east Indians are talking about height and color...

Most dalits in Bengal converted and now stay in Bangladesh, there is no dalit or anything in West Bengal. Stop insulting dalits as your ancestors were the same. It's you who started talking about height and color.

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