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BSF jawans gun down Pakistani woman.

Abi.. these people are illiterate and ignorant. What if she was a mental patient?
The fencing has there been for years and yet with that fencing there have STILL been violations from both sides and people were returned.. NOT SHOT.
The mental patient angle has crossed my mind- they do make up a disproportionate rate of those killed by cops in the US and there is a term in the US called "suicide by cop".

But as cold as it sounds, this is the world we live in and especially India. All security agencies and especially those on the ground on the borders are on constant edge about infiltrators, ISIS, AQ in the sub-continent or whatever. I guess they can't afford to take chances.
When someone comes that close to the Indian border, fails to listen to your warnings and continues on you have to treat them as a threat and deal with it.

You are fixating on the fact she was a woman, that is irrelevant, terror groups are not above using woman, children or even animals are weapons anymore. The BSF's orders are clear- keep the borders secure and they did that.

A question for you, where were your Rangers? Do they not have posts on your side? Why do they allow "innocent civilians" (not that she was one) to get anywhere near the "trigger happy, evil Hindus"??

sir jee dont forget we didnt kill your BSF jawan when he accidently cross LOC ... this happens a lot on LOC ... both armies are well know from this fact ... and yeah when it comes to women and children they should be more cautious ...
Abi.. these people are illiterate and ignorant. What if she was a mental patient?
The fencing has there been for years and yet with that fencing there have STILL been violations from both sides and people were returned.. NOT SHOT.
Sir I have a question what if she was a suicide bomber? what if she could have blown her up when BSF personal came near her?
BSF is on high alert nowdays due intelligence inputs of suicide bombings.
so wait, if there was a fence, then does that mean she climbed over it? if not then does it mean that you shot her dead inside Pakistani territory even before she got close to he fence?
The fence is not erected directly on the border but a few hundred meters back from the border so the chances are that she was shot on Indian territory. I don't know if she tried to climb the fence or what (I doubt ti though because in many stretches it is electrified and even if not razor tipped) but she was obviously too close to the fence and perceived as a risk.
The fence is not erected directly on the border but a few hundred meters back from the border so the chances are that she was shot on Indian territory. I don't know if she tried to climb the fence or what (I doubt ti though because in many stretches it is electrified and even if not razor tipped) but she was obviously too close to the fence and perceived as a risk.
i doubt it, the posts are still far from the fence, hence you could still be safe from a blast, if you didnt shoot her, if she was supposedly a suicide bomber
Sir I have a question what if she was a suicide bomber? what if she could have blown her up when BSF personal came near her?
BSF is on high alert nowdays due intelligence inputs of suicide bombings.

They could have figured that if she got a little closer. Terrorists do use women but the proportion has literally plummeted from a peak in 2008-10. Children perhaps make more sense... yet there is a way to ascertain this. With all the millions being spent.. a simple spotlight would have solved the problem.
Great work .BSF jawans not only shooting down the terrorist but also keeping tight vigil.
What if you are lost, scared and looking for help? Perhaps that is all that this woman wanted?

Sir, if you are looking for help, then why wouldnt you oblige to BSF? Come on if you are living by the borders, this is very basic that is expected of you. But thats related to this case only, but the broader picture has a bigger problem and you know what it is, BSF is a force and so are the rangers follow doctorines/orders based on threat perceptions, that changes from time to time. And if you say Rangers have less outposts, then cant they issue warnings in border areas? like BSF and IA do? so not to let the civilians suffer?
The mental patient angle has crossed my mind- they do make up a disproportionate rate of those killed by cops in the US and there is a term in the US called "suicide by cop".

But as cold as it sounds, this is the world we live in and especially India. All security agencies and especially those on the ground on the borders are on constant edge about infiltrators, ISIS, AQ in the sub-continent or whatever. I guess they can't afford to take chances.

And hence its innocent until proven guilty. If the US has the guile to find out and admit that there are "suicide by cops" then the BSF should have done more investigation.. or at the very least called up the other side to see and collect the body.. verify.
The power and teachings of a mad political ideology are also the same. It turns sane people into bloodthirsty animals with ruthless ideals. Its effect an be seen on the many Indians on this forum.
Difference is Indians are not the ones rocking the world!!
But I agree I see most religions as political ideologies only and as per my opinion Islam takes the numero uno position in that. It was created and used to further the political control of some of those times.
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They could have figured that if she got a little closer. Terrorists do use women but the proportion has literally plummeted from a peak in 2008-10. Children perhaps make more sense... yet there is a way to ascertain this. With all the millions being spent.. a simple spotlight would have solved the problem.

Oscar it is okay, since they've got Modi on the back. Remember not, the female suicide bomber who killed PM Rajiv Gandhi in south? Or the fact that trigger happy Indian forces kill randomly, just about today we read how they killed two of their own in Kashmir. I wouldn't expect much from them. Better chance at banging your head in the wall.
The fence is not erected directly on the border but a few hundred meters back from the border so the chances are that she was shot on Indian territory. I don't know if she tried to climb the fence or what (I doubt ti though because in many stretches it is electrified and even if not razor tipped) but she was obviously too close to the fence and perceived as a risk.
pic of incident published in punjabi newspaper

Sir, if you are looking for help, then why wouldnt you oblige to BSF? Come on if you are living by the borders, this is very basic that is expected of you. But thats related to this case only, but the broader picture has a bigger problem and you know what it is, BSF is a force and so are the rangers follow doctorines/orders based on threat perceptions, that changes from time to time. And if you say Rangers have less outposts, then cant they issue warnings in border areas? like BSF and IA do? so not to let the civilians suffer?

As I mentioned before, these people are ignorant and illiterate. Perhaps this woman was lost and scared and what she thought were Pakistani forces turned out to be BSF. A thousand warnings could not have staved off that.
The emphasis is on the innocent before proven guilty and not the other way around. This was how it used to be even during the height of infiltrations during the 90's.
Our brave and peaceful neighbor's showing their true colour as usual .
I hope the Indian government will award border guards with Maha Vir Chakra award for shooting a women :lol:
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