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BSF jawans gun down Pakistani woman.

Dude, we can't blame the BSF either. The women had no business at International border and then people with her shot at the BSF company. Women didn't stop when asked to stop. What other options do you think BSF had? They could have aimed at the legs but that is easier said then done considering it happened in the darks of night and the target was not stationary.

lol nice story telling, most probably some lost soul wandered across the bordered and BSF animal first quinched their thirst then killed her making rappers look like hero
No one risks her life just like that, unless you have a mission. In this case what looks like she had a mission. ALthough it puts BSF into bad light, but they had to do their job.
I don't think it puts them in a bad light at all- any professional security officer from anywhere in the world would have done the exact same thing.

Pakistani members here are assuming this woman had no malicious intent- based on nothing. They don't seem to recognise the fact that this woman failed to respond to the warnings and instructions from the BSF resulting in the use of lethal force- the ROE and rules regarding the use of lethal force the world over are uniformly in line with that- you are challenged and told to comply, failure to do so will result in the use of lethal force.

I also find it both humorous and pathetic how these members are playing ignorant to the fact that India has been facing a very real infiltration problem emanating from their side of the border and the risks of this have gone up and up year by year as the threat to India becomes more multifaceted and complex.
Why are you wasting everyone's time by spouting garbage? yes, fellows like you would have welcomed a woman suicide bomber with a box of chocolates...and then found your backside blown to bits!!

That's bravery! You deserve a medal - the Medal for Stupidity!

WTF was she doing sneaking inside Indian territory? This woman was mixed up with terrorists or armed smugglers. She deserved what she got. Period! Case closed.

Hahahah you are much more dumber than i thought. You spent all this time replying me even knowing that i was 'wasting' everyone's time.

And how do we know that she was with the smugglers or with the terrorists did you supa dupa people interrogated her Oh shit I forgot she was shot dead.
Imaginary infiltrators will also accompany Children who will also be shot dead by the BSF I suppose.

Little too much to include children in the list! From humanitarian back ground it looks wrong, but then again borders, especially ours have the dead from both sides, so humanity is reprioritized.
I don't think it puts them in a bad light at all- any professional security officer from anywhere in the world would have done the exact same thing.

Pakistani members here are assuming this woman had no malicious intent- based on nothing. They don't seem to recognise the fact that this woman failed to respond to the warnings and instructions from the BSF resulting in the use of lethal force- the ROE and rules regarding the use of lethal force the world over are uniformly in line with that- you are challenged and told to comply, failure to do so will result in the use of lethal force.

I also find it both humorous and pathetic how these members are playing ignorant to the fact that India has been facing a very real infiltration problem emanating from their side of the border and the risks of this have gone up and up year by year as the threat to India becomes more multifaceted and complex.

While Indian members are assuming that she had malicious intent... the oddest since the BSF changed its statement regarding "infiltrators" with her.

There is an infiltration problem but there is also the geneva convention. In this case the BSF should have gotten proper identification before opening fire. To say that she was asked to turn back and then shot.. and then claiming that there were infiltrators firing that forced a shoot?.. Which was it?

It seems more and more that this poor woman was shot by a trigger happy BSF and is now being made a mockery of by claims of "infiltrators".

Little too much to include children in the list! From humanitarian back ground it looks wrong, but then again borders, especially ours have the dead from both sides, so humanity is reprioritized.

That is the big issue. There have been COUNTLESS incidents on the border where women and children have drifted across(they are ignorant and illiterate and no side blamed them for this). These "intruders" were caught and usually returned. Even during the worst of times they were arrested. Not shot on sight.
There was NO armed group mentioned before. Suddenly the realization that an innocent young woman is dead and "armed groups" appear out of thin air. Next thing you know there will be a claim of her being Hafiz Saeed's niece.

we dont call them Hindu for nothing
I don't think it puts them in a bad light at all- any professional security officer from anywhere in the world would have done the exact same thing.

Pakistani members here are assuming this woman had no malicious intent- based on nothing. They don't seem to recognise the fact that this woman failed to respond to the warnings and instructions from the BSF resulting in the use of lethal force- the ROE and rules regarding the use of lethal force the world over are uniformly in line with that- you are challenged and told to comply, failure to do so will result in the use of lethal force.

I also find it both humorous and pathetic how these members are playing ignorant to the fact that India has been facing a very real infiltration problem emanating from their side of the border and the risks of this have gone up and up year by year as the threat to India becomes more multifaceted and complex.

No, I agree, for whatever was the reason, we cant allow anyone crossing the border, especially at this moment. Although I wont say this, I see a possible angle to defame BAF and use it against us. The members crying here forgot what PA Had done to BSF in the past!
There was a time even without fences and networks when women and children would stroll across the border inadvertantly.. and BSF would hold them, question them, feed them.. and return them the next day. Not shoot them without trial and come up with "infiltrators" alongside the woman excuse the next day. All that adds up to nothing more than remorseless attitude being in the guise of "national security".
Well the fences have gone up due to the very real threat matrix that India faces. And what is this woman's excuse for not noticing 3-4 layers or barbed wire topped fencing that is clearly lit for much of its length? And what is her excuse for not complying with the BSF's orders to halt? Like I've said, any professional security organisation would have acted in a similar fashion especially when facing the heightened risks that India does from such infiltrators. The fencing has been there for years, you can't fail to notice it.

There can't be "inadvertent" strolling over the border now can there? What was this woman playing at? There doesn't seem any innocent explanation for this. If she was simply lost, confused or trying to get into India for non-malicious reasons why did she not heed the BSF's warnings?

I'm sorry but the BSF can't afford to take any risks, they literally are ensuring India's national security.
Well the fences have gone up due to the very real threat matrix that India faces. And what is this woman's excuse for not noticing 3-4 layers or barbed wire topped fencing that is clearly lit for much of its length? And what is her excuse for not complying with the BSF's orders to halt? Like I've said, any professional security organisation would have acted in a similar fashion especially when facing the heightened risks that India does from such infiltrators. The fencing has been there for years, you can't fail to notice it.

There can't be "inadvertent" strolling over the border now can there? What was this woman playing at? There doesn't seem any innocent explanation for this. If she was simply lost, confused or trying to get into India for non-malicious reasons why did she not heed the BSF's warnings?

I'm sorry but the BSF can't afford to take any risks, they literally are ensuring India's national security.

Abi.. these people are illiterate and ignorant. What if she was a mental patient?
The fencing has there been for years and yet with that fencing there have STILL been violations from both sides and people were returned.. NOT SHOT.
and how you know she was a terrorist ?? i only see Israeli army shooting kids for possible terror threat ? or throwing stones at tanks ... there is a proper way to engage a women or unarmed civilian ... i dont think your BSF follow it ..
When someone comes that close to the Indian border, fails to listen to your warnings and continues on you have to treat them as a threat and deal with it.

You are fixating on the fact she was a woman, that is irrelevant, terror groups are not above using woman, children or even animals are weapons anymore. The BSF's orders are clear- keep the borders secure and they did that.

A question for you, where were your Rangers? Do they not have posts on your side? Why do they allow "innocent civilians" (not that she was one) to get anywhere near the "trigger happy, evil Hindus"??
we dont call them Hindu for nothing

Hinduism has nothing to do with it. Its a psyche that infects a large section of the nation... "Cant do no wrong"... Hindus, Muslims or whatever lives there. Their minds have been brainwashed with pointless hatred and a disposal of humane ideals when it comes to this side. I honestly hope there is a massive nuclear war and this filth born of this cursed land called the subcontinent gets wiped out on both sides.
That is the big issue. There have been COUNTLESS incidents on the border where women and children have drifted across(they are ignorant and illiterate and no side blamed them for this). These "intruders" were caught and usually returned. Even during the worst of times they were arrested. Not shot on sight.

So we are speaking in general and not referring to this perticular incident, which is fair. But let me ask you again, whose responsibility it is protect one's life? and if these things were not happening in the past then why it is happening now? I am 100% sure there must have been a reason behind it, and I would say its the woman's mistake.
When someone comes that close to the Indian border, fails to listen to your warnings and continues on you have to treat them as a threat and deal with it.

You are fixating on the fact she was a woman, that is irrelevant, terror groups are not above using woman, children or even animals are weapons anymore. The BSF's orders are clear- keep the borders secure and they did that.

A question for you, where were your Rangers? Do they not have posts on your side? Why do they allow "innocent civilians" (not that she was one) to get anywhere near the "trigger happy, evil Hindus"??

The ranger's do not have as many posts as the BSF do. That has been pretty clear for all those years. Budgetary constraints have left limited coverage.
Well the fences have gone up due to the very real threat matrix that India faces. And what is this woman's excuse for not noticing 3-4 layers or barbed wire topped fencing that is clearly lit for much of its length? And what is her excuse for not complying with the BSF's orders to halt? Like I've said, any professional security organisation would have acted in a similar fashion especially when facing the heightened risks that India does from such infiltrators. The fencing has been there for years, you can't fail to notice it.

There can't be "inadvertent" strolling over the border now can there? What was this woman playing at? There doesn't seem any innocent explanation for this. If she was simply lost, confused or trying to get into India for non-malicious reasons why did she not heed the BSF's warnings?

I'm sorry but the BSF can't afford to take any risks, they literally are ensuring India's national security.
so wait, if there was a fence, then does that mean she climbed over it? if not then does it mean that you shot her dead inside Pakistani territory even before she got close to he fence?
So we are speaking in general and not referring to this perticular incident, which is fair. But let me ask you again, whose responsibility it is protect one's life? and if these things were not happening in the past then why it is happening now? I am 100% sure there must have been a reason behind it, and I would say its the woman's mistake.

What if you are lost, scared and looking for help? Perhaps that is all that this woman wanted?
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