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British schoolgirl 'murdered for her organs' in India,

Gurkiren Kaur Loyal's family said she was being treated for a simple case of dehydration when staff at a clinic gave her a mystery injection which took her life

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...-murdered-her-organs-india.html#ixzz2TGlfWoTa

i always fear such attempts in our desi hospitals in subcontinent.

trust me i am NOT afraid of major operations but always fear you never know the hospital staff remove kidneys.


Agreed 100 %

One can never be more careful with local hospitals & doctors.
Agreed 100 %

One can never be more careful with local hospitals & doctors.

many such incidents happened here in my country as well though the poor survived but sans one kidney.

our healthcare sector is the most affected one

Our daughter was killed for her organs: Parents claim Indian medic gave schoolgirl deadly injection after she fell ill on holiday

.Gurkiren Kaur Loyal, eight, died in Punjab on April 2 during family holiday

.Schoolgirl from Birmingham had sought treatment for mild dehydration

.Family say she was victim of failed attempt to harvest her organs

.Birmingham councillor and Ladywood MP calling for answers over tragedy

The parents of a schoolgirl who died after seeking treatment for dehydration during a family holiday to India have called for her organs to be returned to the UK so they can rule out foul play.
Eight-year-old Gurkiren Kaur Loyal, from Birmingham, died in hospital in Punjab on April 2 after being admitted to a nearby clinic suffering from mild dehydration and being given a mystery injection.
Aware of the risk of illegal organ harvesting, her relatives say they guarded her body so her organs could not be taken in time to be transplanted.


This is the last picture of Gurkiren Kaur Loyal, front, with her parents and brother before she died in India last month aged eight in what her parents believe was a failed attempt to illegally harvest her organs

But they claim that doctors in India later removed her organs to hide the cause of the schoolgirl's death.
Gurkiren's family believe their daughter was the victim of a failed attempt to illegally harvest her organs, and then a cover-up when medics realised they could not extract her organs in time.
Mother Amrit Kaur Loyal says they only discovered Gurkiren's organs were missing when her body was flown home to the UK and the Birmingham coroner told them it would be impossible to establish a cause of death because there were no organs to take samples from.

Now the schoolgirl's parents, who live in the Birmingham suburb of Hockley, are calling for their daughter's organs to be flown back to the UK so they can discover how she died.
And they have been joined in their campaign by Birmingham Ladywood MP Shabana Mahmood and Birmingham councillor Narinder Kooner.
They say subsequent to their daughter's death on the family holiday, the Indian police and medical authorities made little attempt to investigate.

Gurkiren was described as a 'bright and bubbly' pupil at her primary school in Handsworth, Birmingham

Gurkiren's father Santokh Singh Loyal and mother Amrit Kaur Loyal are demanding answers over her death
Shop assistant Mrs Kaur Loyal said: 'Gurkiren was fine, she was chatting to us and planned to buy some gifts for her cousins. While we were talking an assistant came up carrying a pre-filled syringe and reached for the tube in her hand.
'I asked what was the injection for, but he gave me a blank look and injected the liquid into her.
'Within a split-second Gurkiren's head flipped back, her eyes rolled in her head, and the colour completely drained from her. I knew they had killed her on the spot.
'I knew my innocent child had been murdered.'
Their local councillor in Birmingham, Mrs Kooner, said it was 'highly probable' that the child had been killed in a bid to harvest her organs.

Gurkiren had gone to a clinic in Punjab seeking treatment for simply dehydration when she died suddenly
She said: 'People with money pay for transplant organs to help their family members who are sick,' she said.
'We are trying to build a portfolio of other cases.
'This was an absolutely horrific ordeal for the family to go through and we are trying to work with the Foreign Office and the Indian High Commission to try to get her organs returned.'
Gurkiren, a bright and bubbly pupil at Nishkam School in Handsworth, was on her first foreign holiday visiting her frail grandmother, who later died, over the Easter break.
Her family said she was taken to a clinic in Punjab after being sick, but was placed on a drip after blood tests revealed she was free of infection.
Under pressure to help the schoolgirl after the injection was given, medics transferred her to a nearby hospital but she could not be saved.
Mrs Kaur Loyal, who was on the trip with her postal worker husband Santokh Singh Loyal and 17-year-old son Simran, claimed Gurkiren's medical records were disposed of and the family were not asked to pay for the blood tests, drip or the injection she received.
Police took a statement but the family said they obtained no evidence that Gurkiren's death was investigated.
Mrs Kaur Loyal said she was then told a post-mortem examination would be required in India before her daughter's body could be returned to the UK.

The schoolgirl had been on holiday with her parents and her 17-year-old brother, Simran, when she died
'They said they would use a hammer and chisel to open her,' she said. 'I demanded a more dignified, discreet examination.'
Eventually, having kept watch over Gurkiren's body to prevent evidence being destroyed, they were given assurances that a respectful autopsy would be carried out.
But, returning to the mortuary, Amrit said they found her daughter's bloodstained and ripped clothes by an incinerator and that the post-mortem examination had been carried out by a non-qualified junior.
'It was medieval,' she said. After chasing up death certificates, they had Gurkiren's body flown home and a post-mortem in the UK examination was ordered.
But Mrs Kaur Loyal said their hopes of finding out what killed their daughter were shattered in a call from Birmingham coroner Aidan Cotter.
'He said it was impossible to come to a conclusion for the cause of death,' she said. 'They had nothing to work from, she had no organs in her body for them to take samples.
'I was mortified that all the pleading in India had no effect.
'There was no sensitivity, no humanity.'

Gurkiren's mother said after her daughter was given a mystery injection, 'her eyes rolled in her head'
The Foreign Office said: 'We can confirm the death of a British national in Punjab on April 2, 2013. We provided consular assistance to the family at this difficult time.'
A spokeswoman for the Birmingham coroner said an inquest had been opened and adjourned as staff awaited further information and, possibly, the return of organs from India.
She said: 'A post-mortem examination was carried out, but we were unable to ascertain a cause of death. We are doing everything we can to help the family.'

'I have raised this matter urgently with ministers at the Foreign Office seeking their support in ensuring Gurkiren's organs are returned to her family.
- Birmingham Ladywood MP Shabana Mahmood

There is a thriving and lucrative underground market for human organs in India, where in 2007 Ravindranath Seppan, of the Chennai Doctors' Association for Social Equality, admitted: 'India's rich are turning to India's poor to live longer.'
He said the commercial trade of human organs remained big business, despite having been banned in 1994.
Ladywood MP Shabana Mahmood said: 'This is a deeply shocking and devastating tragedy.
'Gurkiren's death, and the failure of the Indian authorities and the British High Commission to provide adequate support to the family, has added to their considerable distress - as has the appalling removal of all of her organs.
'I have raised this matter urgently with ministers at the Foreign Office seeking their support in ensuring Gurkiren's organs are returned to her family.
'It is imperative that we have the chance to independently establish the cause of death with the authorities in the UK.'

Our daughter was killed for her organs say parents of Gurkiren Kaur Loyal | Mail Online

The news is carried by every reputable English Newspaper.
@Bhai Zakir you are comparing an innocent child who went to see a doc for dehydration with a terrorist from a jail?

1. The charges in this thread's news is just accusations and Its not proved.

2. Be a kid or a criminal or a victim of false cases no one should be disrespected after death. No one have the right to take out organs from anyone without consent of the person and his/her family.
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Our daughter was killed for her organs: Parents claim Indian medic gave schoolgirl deadly injection after she fell ill on holiday

.Gurkiren Kaur Loyal, eight, died in Punjab on April 2 during family holiday

.Schoolgirl from Birmingham had sought treatment for mild dehydration

.Family say she was victim of failed attempt to harvest her organs

.Birmingham councillor and Ladywood MP calling for answers over tragedy

The parents of a schoolgirl who died after seeking treatment for dehydration during a family holiday to India have called for her organs to be returned to the UK so they can rule out foul play.
Eight-year-old Gurkiren Kaur Loyal, from Birmingham, died in hospital in Punjab on April 2 after being admitted to a nearby clinic suffering from mild dehydration and being given a mystery injection.
Aware of the risk of illegal organ harvesting, her relatives say they guarded her body so her organs could not be taken in time to be transplanted.


This is the last picture of Gurkiren Kaur Loyal, front, with her parents and brother before she died in India last month aged eight in what her parents believe was a failed attempt to illegally harvest her organs

But they claim that doctors in India later removed her organs to hide the cause of the schoolgirl's death.
Gurkiren's family believe their daughter was the victim of a failed attempt to illegally harvest her organs, and then a cover-up when medics realised they could not extract her organs in time.
Mother Amrit Kaur Loyal says they only discovered Gurkiren's organs were missing when her body was flown home to the UK and the Birmingham coroner told them it would be impossible to establish a cause of death because there were no organs to take samples from.

Now the schoolgirl's parents, who live in the Birmingham suburb of Hockley, are calling for their daughter's organs to be flown back to the UK so they can discover how she died.
And they have been joined in their campaign by Birmingham Ladywood MP Shabana Mahmood and Birmingham councillor Narinder Kooner.
They say subsequent to their daughter's death on the family holiday, the Indian police and medical authorities made little attempt to investigate.

Gurkiren was described as a 'bright and bubbly' pupil at her primary school in Handsworth, Birmingham

Gurkiren's father Santokh Singh Loyal and mother Amrit Kaur Loyal are demanding answers over her death
Shop assistant Mrs Kaur Loyal said: 'Gurkiren was fine, she was chatting to us and planned to buy some gifts for her cousins. While we were talking an assistant came up carrying a pre-filled syringe and reached for the tube in her hand.
'I asked what was the injection for, but he gave me a blank look and injected the liquid into her.
'Within a split-second Gurkiren's head flipped back, her eyes rolled in her head, and the colour completely drained from her. I knew they had killed her on the spot.
'I knew my innocent child had been murdered.'
Their local councillor in Birmingham, Mrs Kooner, said it was 'highly probable' that the child had been killed in a bid to harvest her organs.

Gurkiren had gone to a clinic in Punjab seeking treatment for simply dehydration when she died suddenly
She said: 'People with money pay for transplant organs to help their family members who are sick,' she said.
'We are trying to build a portfolio of other cases.
'This was an absolutely horrific ordeal for the family to go through and we are trying to work with the Foreign Office and the Indian High Commission to try to get her organs returned.'
Gurkiren, a bright and bubbly pupil at Nishkam School in Handsworth, was on her first foreign holiday visiting her frail grandmother, who later died, over the Easter break.
Her family said she was taken to a clinic in Punjab after being sick, but was placed on a drip after blood tests revealed she was free of infection.
Under pressure to help the schoolgirl after the injection was given, medics transferred her to a nearby hospital but she could not be saved.
Mrs Kaur Loyal, who was on the trip with her postal worker husband Santokh Singh Loyal and 17-year-old son Simran, claimed Gurkiren's medical records were disposed of and the family were not asked to pay for the blood tests, drip or the injection she received.
Police took a statement but the family said they obtained no evidence that Gurkiren's death was investigated.
Mrs Kaur Loyal said she was then told a post-mortem examination would be required in India before her daughter's body could be returned to the UK.

The schoolgirl had been on holiday with her parents and her 17-year-old brother, Simran, when she died
'They said they would use a hammer and chisel to open her,' she said. 'I demanded a more dignified, discreet examination.'
Eventually, having kept watch over Gurkiren's body to prevent evidence being destroyed, they were given assurances that a respectful autopsy would be carried out.
But, returning to the mortuary, Amrit said they found her daughter's bloodstained and ripped clothes by an incinerator and that the post-mortem examination had been carried out by a non-qualified junior.
'It was medieval,' she said. After chasing up death certificates, they had Gurkiren's body flown home and a post-mortem in the UK examination was ordered.
But Mrs Kaur Loyal said their hopes of finding out what killed their daughter were shattered in a call from Birmingham coroner Aidan Cotter.
'He said it was impossible to come to a conclusion for the cause of death,' she said. 'They had nothing to work from, she had no organs in her body for them to take samples.
'I was mortified that all the pleading in India had no effect.
'There was no sensitivity, no humanity.'

Gurkiren's mother said after her daughter was given a mystery injection, 'her eyes rolled in her head'
The Foreign Office said: 'We can confirm the death of a British national in Punjab on April 2, 2013. We provided consular assistance to the family at this difficult time.'
A spokeswoman for the Birmingham coroner said an inquest had been opened and adjourned as staff awaited further information and, possibly, the return of organs from India.
She said: 'A post-mortem examination was carried out, but we were unable to ascertain a cause of death. We are doing everything we can to help the family.'

'I have raised this matter urgently with ministers at the Foreign Office seeking their support in ensuring Gurkiren's organs are returned to her family.
- Birmingham Ladywood MP Shabana Mahmood

There is a thriving and lucrative underground market for human organs in India, where in 2007 Ravindranath Seppan, of the Chennai Doctors' Association for Social Equality, admitted: 'India's rich are turning to India's poor to live longer.'
He said the commercial trade of human organs remained big business, despite having been banned in 1994.
Ladywood MP Shabana Mahmood said: 'This is a deeply shocking and devastating tragedy.
'Gurkiren's death, and the failure of the Indian authorities and the British High Commission to provide adequate support to the family, has added to their considerable distress - as has the appalling removal of all of her organs.
'I have raised this matter urgently with ministers at the Foreign Office seeking their support in ensuring Gurkiren's organs are returned to her family.
'It is imperative that we have the chance to independently establish the cause of death with the authorities in the UK.'

Our daughter was killed for her organs say parents of Gurkiren Kaur Loyal | Mail Online

The news is carried by every reputable English Newspaper.

Well this is a tragedy...my condolences for the girl...Indian authorities must take strong actions to give her justice...

1. The charges in this thread's news is just accusations and Its not proved.

2. Be a kid or a criminal or a victim of false cases no one should be disrespected after death. No one have the right to take out organs from anyone without consent of the person and his/her family.

If these accusations you claim are true then??I strongly recommend for tough investigation as it deals with reputation of Indian doctors throughout the Britain...I think that British policy for doctors was made strict by British authorities in past....this will be a massive blow...I don't know that they are changed letely or not...this my sincere advice not trolling as our indian members complain!!!:coffee:
1. The charges in this thread's news is just accusations and Its not proved.

2. Be a kid or a criminal or a victim of false cases no one should be disrespected after death. No one have the right to take out organs from anyone without consent of the person and his/her family.
@Bhai Zakir to me it seemed like you wanted to derail the thread....Here we are talking about a kid and there in you bring in a terrorist! :blink: open a thread to mourn/ sympathize for his organs with proof that they were missing ...but on this thread at least acknowledge the death of a young girl and the ILLEGAL taking of her organs...

Do not deny it as it is well known IT HAPPENS ALL OVER SUB CONTINENT!!

Well this is a tragedy...my condolences for the girl...Indian authorities must take strong actions to give her justice...

My condolences for the poor child and to her family!
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Morons .The standard Procedure of Post mortem is to Remove Organs from body By Forensic and Toxicology department .

The Viscera is Often Examined by Pathologist looking for Possible cause of death .The organs are sometimes not placed back in the body after it is done.

Same thing happened in Sarabjeet case and In this case also.

Stupid BA fail Journalists pass hot air after eating excess somasas .Family is creating a Issue out of no where..:cuckoo:
@Bhai Zakir to me it seemed like you wanted to derail the thread....Here we are talking about a kid and there in you bring in a terrorist! :blink: open a thread to mourn/ sympathize for his organs with proof that they were missing ...but on this thread at least acknowledge the death of a young girl and the ILLEGAL taking of her organs...

Do not deny it as it is well known IT HAPPENS ALL OVER SUB CONTINENT!!

My condolences for the poor child and to her family!
@Talon besides all that we already know British mentality especially about doctors of south asia..We need to work a lot hard to deal with these cases or else we imagine what happened when credibility is lost!!

Morons ..The standard Procedure of Post mortem is to Remove Organs from body By Forensic and Toxicology department .The Viscera is Often Examined by Pathologist looking for Possible cause of death .The organs are not placed back in the body after it is done. Same thing happened in Sarabjeet case and In this case also .Family is creating a Issue out of no where..:cuckoo:

so what do you suggest..what should be done to resolve this issue and how to clear their misunderstandings??:undecided:
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1. The charges in this thread's news is just accusations and Its not proved.

2. Be a kid or a criminal or a victim of false cases no one should be disrespected after death. No one have the right to take out organs from anyone without consent of the person and his/her family.

the charges are leveled by the family NOT by us. Media is quoting her family.

Its up to the Indian govt to probe the matter.
Morons .The standard Procedure of Post mortem is to Remove Organs from body By Forensic and Toxicology department .

The Viscera is Often Examined by Pathologist looking for Possible cause of death .The organs are sometimes not placed back in the body after it is done.

Same thing happened in Sarabjeet case and In this case also.

@Desi Guy
A full post mortem examination involves examination of each
of the main body systems including the brain and all the
contents of the chest and abdomen. It will normally include
the removal and retention of small tissue samples for
examination under a microscope. Sometimes whole organs
may be retained for closer examination.

Small blocks of tissue and corresponding microscope slides will
be kept permanently in the hospital pathology laboratory and
will form part of a person’s medical records. In some cases,
organs and tissues may need to be temporarily retained for
the preparation of blocks and slides – you will be told if this
is the case.

You may be asked to give written agreement for a specified
organ or organs to be retained
for diagnostic purposes by the

A simple guide to the post -mortem examination procedure (2003). Produced by the Department of Health

retrieved from https://www.google.it/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDEQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nnuh.nhs.uk%2Fviewdoc.asp%3FID%3D144%26t%3DTrustDoc&ei=8TOSUdOvD4fhOr_bgYAL&usg=AFQjCNGkGibIj37-F4Z34G02NolpDcb6nw&bvm=bv.46471029,d.ZWU

So before calling something moron....read it up!

Besides it wouldnt reach BRITISH newspapers were it rubbish!
Stupid BA fail Journalists pass hot air after eating excess somasas .Family is creating a Issue out of no where..:cuckoo:

And what degree do you have which makes you appear as a Moron on a public forum? :pop:
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I am no doctor but it sounds like the girl had a massive reaction to the medicine that was injected in her. The loss and anger from the parents is understandable but the missing organs in my view are either to cover up their tracks, including whatever steps they took to revive her or normal practice of a post mortem, like in the case of Singh. I hope stringent rules are made in India educate both patients and doctors handling them, to check for allergies before administering any medicine. Which hospital was it?

It's a sad story but people trying score points from this are pathetic.
So before calling someone moron, please do A LITTLE research otherwise the only moron we see is you!

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