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British reduced India to one of the poorest countries: Shashi Tharoor

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Railways, telegraph, postal services were all introduced not for the betterment of the people but for the convenience of the Raj. Indian railways were build on Indian tax payer's money and it was a big economic scam. Whereas in Europe, it costed around £2000 per km, Indian railway costed £18000 per km. The freight charges unlike today were way more cheaper than the passenger charges, which made the railways practically unaffordable to the poor. Moreover the prime intention of Indian railway was to extract minerals, raw materials for British industries to send to Indian ports.

Not sure what made you think that British introduced better methods of agriculture in India, when Indians already knew how to cultivate much better than Britisher for thousands of years. The cotton industry was destroyed and Indian cloth export diminished over the years. Peasants were forced to cultivate indigo at an unprofitable rate just as opium making their lives further miserable.
And am really not sure, why the fact of Indian political integration is repeatedly being mentioned here when it is already known that British left the subcontinent they pieced together with a blood of partition in hand and over 600 princely states scattered all over.

your posts hints heavily of the typical indian victimization mentality.

Come on, why deny the fact that the infrastructure built by the British were somehow benefical to Indians themselves?

the fact that India continues using english as a national language with the same inherited parliamentary mode of democratic governance proves the British legacy had a longlasting positive effect on india
your posts hints heavily of the typical indian victimization mentality.

Come on, why deny the fact that the infrastructure built by the British were somehow benefical to Indians themselves?

the fact that India continues using english as a national language with the same inherited parliamentary mode of democratic governance proves the British legacy had a longlasting positive effect on india
There is no denying that Indians boarded the trains, but at a much higher cost than any other part of the world. Railways was built on Indian tax payers money with a much higher cost than any other part of the world. What I am merely trying to say is, it is ridiculous to assume that Indian railways was built for the benefit of the country. The British actually dismantled a large part of tracks during first world war.
I have nothing to say about English. It is least a contribution from British, rather more an adoption by Indian leaders after Independence to be used as a common mode of communication and administration in a linguistically diversified nation. India's 12% literacy rate at the time of Independence exhibits how pathetically education was ignored during colonial period.
@Syama Ayas you seemed to have a big chip over you shoulder in the way you distort facts. This is really low level trolling, excuse my words. China had been a single political entity for over 2200 years, most prominently marked by Han dynasty, which gave rise to the ethnic identity, Han Chinese. Other ethnic minority and vassals who later ascended the throne, continued the same Chinese Imperial system and culture. After the opium war, China was weak, ceded some port cities to European powers, but still remained sovereign. This is vastly different from India evolution to become a sovereign state.

P/S: You like to use ethnicity to define China. Do you realize the implication if the table is turned to India? "Indian" is not an ethnicity. India has 2000 over different ethnic groups, with Bengali ethnic the largest at 7%.

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So you construct a wall inside your home rt?:enjoy:
and where is tibet not in china rt?
Bengali is not ethnic group it is a language bozo.
This thread is about how Britain created India, not about China.
Read the title again "british-reduced-india-to-one-of-the-poorest-countries" instead of polluting the thread with your manufactured garbage.
India only existed as a geographical expression for centuries, until British created its Indian colony. This colony later split into India and Pakistan as we known today. Just because the country of India choose the same name as the subcontinent does not mean Indian nation existed for centuries. In reality, India was created in 1947.
you can call male as female, mountain as mole hill , cat as a dog......etc
you know what such ppl are called as .......:omghaha:
Name is based on what they are not on what you think.
So you construct a wall inside your home rt?:enjoy:
and where is tibet not in china rt?
Bengali is not ethnic group it is a language bozo.

Read the title again "british-reduced-india-to-one-of-the-poorest-countries" instead of polluting the thread with your manufactured garbage.

you can call male as female, mountain as mole hill , cat as a dog......etc
you know what such ppl are called as .......:omghaha:
Name is based on what they are not on what you think.

Agree. Just because a new country in Europe call itself Europe give it the right to absorb the history of Europe or declare all other countries as rebels. Read your history and you'll see that India was a geographical expression until British created it.
If Britain exploits India, it need to create India first.
oh I see you are really smart. to do break something you create it first? why really create it to break it. I thought china only manufactured fake goods now I see they even fake theories and then break it.
Its like saying japanese created china and then invaded it. ur logic is toast of logical retardness :toast_sign:

Agree. Just because a new country in Europe call itself Europe give it the right to absorb the history of Europe or declare all other countries as rebels. Read your history and you'll see that India was a geographical expression until British created it.
yeah like china conquering tibet , turkestan ,mongolia . go read your history before commenting about others.
“A country that was the world leader in at least three industries- textiles, steel and ship building. A country that had everything… And after 200 years of exploitation, expropriation and clean outright looting, this country was reduced to one of the poorest countries in the world by the time the British left in 1947,” he said.

I stop reading after the third paragraph, which I posted above. If India were a leader in ship building and steel, why is it Britain that sailed to India and colonize India, rather than other way around.

The truth is that India was a geographical expression. Britain created India. This guy and any Indian national should thank Britain for created India.
you ignorant r@t , you know nothing about history . Bharat was in existence even before yellow pigmies have started opening their eyes in so called country china ( land of occupied territories of different countries ) . you people have so much inferiority complex , that now you have little power and lot of money ( thanks to us and europe they made you rich ) so consequently dance naked all around the third world to show you have dignity and self respect and you are the superpower of the world , but in reality you are a puny power compared to usa and russia . but history speaks otherwise , chinese were raped and looted many times as being a drug addict was your favourite time pass , remember changez khan .
Did Japan ever conquer China? It's like saying Nazi Germany conquered Russia.
by one country but many
A lot of people are commenting without reading Indian(also Pakistani) History.

1)There were EAST India Companies Before British rule ever started in India.
such as Bristish East India, Dutch East India, Frech company Portugese company, etc. They competed with each other and since they were trading companies they were given ports at various parts in India.

2)India/Hindustan was there before the British (In terms of Geography). Read about
a) How Hyder Ali got permission from Mughals to rule over Mysore (South Indian Province).
b) Before it Marathas also legalized there rule by getting permission from Mughals, Shivaji appeared in the court of Aurangzeb
I can on and on... (How the Europeans came to India their agreements with the native rulers and so on). Have look in the History please especially reader from India and Pakistan.
You were not even a united nation then how did you come up with such b==sh=t?

You are such a clown! Do you ever been to a basic standard toilet?

1700's Mughals were ruling Most of India . Read History .

And it is the British which are forcing India to be third largest spender on defense and war? Right??

2% of GDP .
If Pakistan and China stop being Nossy . It will never go up .
Atleast you should not be the one to raise this question . History of India speaks enough . When you become pacifist , you leave yourself open to attacks . Since the time of Great Cyrus and Dyus , Pakistan and India have been under constant attack . Our defence is increasing to protect ourselves and not to go at war to covert other peoples wealth .
We are talking about the existence of an independent nation or not, as opposed to a geographic notion.

People disagreed with your assumptions, then you gave them negative as retaliation?

How native!

@waz @Horus @WAJsal
You should have probably stuck to racially abusing Pakistanis using Chinese racial slurs that way nobody would have noticed your pathological han chauvinistic posts :)
India will break up soon, the country is not coherent and consistent, more like a total joke to be honest````it is a country that more you visit more you despise, sad but its ture
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