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Britain topples US as most powerful nation on Earth: Survey.

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Israel is a horrible colonial enterprise that will fall as soon as Pax Americana ceases to be.

Britain and its educated masses do not buy the propaganda BS spouted by the Zionist machine. The political parties keep quiet cause of the donations given by the Jews, that's all.

The chief rabbi was asked about the current situation, he initially spouted the same lame Zionist claptrap and when he thought the mike was off said actually its all to do with Iran!!! The Jews in Britain don't believe the israeli lies themselves.... Why would any of the rest of us....

But that is entirely irrelevant to the thread. UK remains very strong, rich, vibrant country with global economic political and diplomatic leverage. It is at the forefront of global science and culture. It is an amazing achievement for a small country.
The brits betrayed the Jews countless times and sold us out to the Arabs. They're getting what they deserve with Londonistan.

They even betrayed the Arabs many times, balfour declaration is one such example...
The brits betrayed the Jews countless times and sold us out to the Arabs. They're getting what they deserve with Londonistan.

Fresh and apparently incriminating documents have come to light under the Freedom of Information Act on the way Britain helped Israel obtain its nuclear bomb 40 years ago, by selling it 20 tonnes of heavy water.

The Whitehall files not only confirm that Britain was a knowing party to the deal, but also contain subsequent intelligence assessments confirming that the sale of heavy water, which is used to produce plutonium, was crucial to Israel's nuclear weapons programme.

Gordon Brown speaks at the Knesset, Israel

"And let me tell the people of Israel today: Britain is your true friend. A friend in difficult times as well as in good times; a friend who will stand beside you whenever your peace, your stability and your existence are under threat; a friend who shares an unbreakable partnership based on shared values of liberty, democracy and justice. And to those who mistakenly and outrageously call for the end of Israel let the message be: Britain will always stand firmly by Israel's side."
Fresh and apparently incriminating documents have come to light under the Freedom of Information Act on the way Britain helped Israel obtain its nuclear bomb 40 years ago, by selling it 20 tonnes of heavy water.

The Whitehall files not only confirm that Britain was a knowing party to the deal, but also contain subsequent intelligence assessments confirming that the sale of heavy water, which is used to produce plutonium, was crucial to Israel's nuclear weapons programme.

Gordon Brown speaks at the Knesset, Israel

"And let me tell the people of Israel today: Britain is your true friend. A friend in difficult times as well as in good times; a friend who will stand beside you whenever your peace, your stability and your existence are under threat; a friend who shares an unbreakable partnership based on shared values of liberty, democracy and justice. And to those who mistakenly and outrageously call for the end of Israel let the message be: Britain will always stand firmly by Israel's side."

I've heard an Islamist Arab tell me how he supports Israel and that HAMAS is against Islam. I believed him the way i believe a British PM when he says he is my country's true friend.

The Islamist Arab later said he was proud how Hezbollah kidnapped Israeli soldiers.
The UK is still around :lol: jk

Highly doubt this news
I think Japan has a lot more soft power, and now Korea as well. Even on this forum many members have avatars of characters from Japanese TV series.

Indeed. After the USA, it's actually the Japanese and Chinese who have the most 'soft power' in terms of our daily lives.
Indeed. After the USA, it's actually the Japanese and Chinese who have the most 'soft power' in terms of our daily lives.

China? - bleeding your economy with exorbitant pricing after they build an infrastructure project, eliminating any jobs from middle management and up to only those they bring from china, refusing to use your private companies existing raw materials , rather importing it all from China, then adding royalties on top of charging you really high interest for your projects- is not soft power.. It's taking you to the laundry...
British music is the best in the world, by far.
Personally, I don't care if Britain is no1 or no2 in soft power, As long the following still stands...

USA = Britain, jump!.

Britain = How high?.
The British are living in the shadow of their past glory. They are now nothing more than extension of the US. Just look at the development of F-35 and you will see how the US is and will dictate terms in the future.

But they definitely are the biggest cry babies around. Just look at how they were crying about the aid they give to India. My god for that quarter billion dollar the whole England was crying out loud. They did the same thing during commonwealth games.

And another thing they are very good at is drumming up their mediocre achievements to make it sound the best. Like the latest James Bond movie. The Bourne Series beats it any day.
Diffrence between the rest of the world and America is this everyone else says they are going horse riding but no Americans have to say horse back riding otherwise it will confuse them and they might start riding the horse's head or something :rofl:

The Americans didn't wanted to just copythe British. They didn't consider them their masters. Unlike the other colonies which blindly followed their master they wanted their own identity, their own systems, their own culture, their own version of language, their own versions of sports and so. Its not something to laugh at. Its called having a backbone and should be respected.
I lived in a Jewish neighborhood when I was in the UK.

They do well.

Not to mention the Americans suck at football (real football).

And have the nerves to come up with their own name - soccer.

I hate Glenn Beck.

As I said, it's hard to beat them.

When was the last time the English were in the finals of any major football tournament. Can you please tell me.
And who said which one is the real football. Was it the British masters who proclaimed it or did that word came from GOD himself.

Sorry to say but some here are behaving like true colonial subjects of former masters.
The Americans didn't wanted to just copythe British. They didn't consider them their masters. Unlike the other colonies which blindly followed their master they wanted their own identity, their own systems, their own culture, their own version of language, their own versions of sports and so. Its not something to laugh at. Its called having a backbone and should be respected.

Sorry mate we dont respect americans in Uk they not liked we consider them pretty stupid and we make fun of them
Sorry mate we dont respect americans in Uk they not liked we consider them pretty stupid and we make fun of them

Fair enough you don't have to like everyone. And its not something that bothers people here anyhow.
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