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Britain suffers highest daily death toll from Coronavirus: Near's daily death rate to Italy & Spain


Nov 1, 2010
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Britain suffers highest daily death toll from Coronavirus: Near's daily death rate of Italy & Spain

With UK's Boris Johnson now admitted in hospital, a measure which signifies deteriorating health condition and further deaths, UK has suffered in past 100 years the worst daily death from a disease which is highly contagious and a severe invisible killer.

Not much is known about the Britons dying from the cornavirus, but the total number of deaths is fast reaching to above 6000.

UK's daily death from Cornavirus is nearing 700-800 per day with a British Royal Monarchy and the British Government having no answers to provide relief to the people. For years UK was engufed in Muslim phobia, loosing wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and then UK suffered for years in the post-Brexit political quagmire for years, leaving people, jobs, economy in doldrums.

Looking at projections, UK will suffer the most in damages to death toll, and its rapidly weaking Economy due to lock downs and highest joblessness ever.

Dude, you write this yourself?

Actually deaths were at around 440 for yesterday, which is the lowest for a week now.

Number of infections has been below trend for the last 10 days.

NHS has plenty of spare capacity.
In UK:

Today 439 deaths.
Yesterday 621 deaths.
Saturday 708 deaths.

That is correct.

Dude, you write this yourself?

Actually deaths were at around 440 for yesterday, which is the lowest for a week now.

Number of infections has been below trend for the last 10 days.

NHS has plenty of spare capacity.

Stop being puppet of UK sponsored media, and look closely, Britain is failing fast against battle from Coronavirus:

Today 439 deaths.
Yesterday 621 deaths.
Saturday 708 deaths.
Friday 680

And number of infections positive today were above 4000+.
That is correct.

Stop being puppet of UK sponsored media, and look closely, Britain is failing fast against battle from Coronavirus:

Today 439 deaths.
Yesterday 621 deaths.
Saturday 708 deaths.
Friday 680

And number of infections positive today were above 4000+.
Relax mate...Britain is not in free-fall and it does seem like some stabilization may be occurring. Too early to say either way.

Hopefully Britain will pull through. I don't think the media has been too bad overall.

What does bug me though are some UK reporters who are kitted in top grade PPE just to interview a doctor on some ward. I saw it several times on Sky News this week and frankly am disgusted at this waste of precious PPE. These journalists should telelink from some studio or home surely? @UKBengali
Coronavirus: Boris Johnson moved to intensive care as symptoms 'worsen'
  • 06 April 2020
  • UK
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Image copyrightREUTERS
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been moved to intensive care in hospital after his coronavirus symptoms "worsened", Downing Street has said.

A spokesman said he was moved on the advice of his medical team and is receiving "excellent care".

Mr Johnson has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to deputise "where necessary", the spokesman added.

The prime minister, 55, was admitted to hospital in London with "persistent symptoms" on Sunday.

A No 10 statement read: "Since Sunday evening, the prime minister has been under the care of doctors at St Thomas' Hospital, in London, after being admitted with persistent symptoms of coronavirus.

"Over the course of this afternoon, the condition of the prime minister has worsened and, on the advice of his medical team, he has been moved to the intensive care unit at the hospital."

It continued: "The PM is receiving excellent care, and thanks all NHS staff for their hard work and dedication."

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said his thoughts were with the prime minister and his pregnant partner, Carrie Symonds, and that Mr Johnson would "come out of this even stronger".

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer described it as "terribly sad news".

"All the country's thoughts are with the prime minister and his family during this incredibly difficult time," he added.

Mr Johnson was initially taken to hospital for routine tests after testing positive for coronavirus 10 days ago. His symptoms included a high temperature and a cough.

Earlier on Monday, he tweeted that he was in "good spirits".

Last month, the prime minister's spokesman said if Mr Johnson was unwell and unable to work, Mr Raab, as the first secretary of state, would stand in.

It comes as the number of coronavirus hospital deaths in the UK reached 5,373 - an increase of 439 in a day.

The Department of Health and Social Care said there were now 51,608 confirmed coronavirus cases.

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she was "sending [Mr Johnson] every good wish".

And Mayor of London Sadiq Khan tweeted that St Thomas' Hospital had "some of the finest medical staff in the world" and that the prime minister "couldn't be in safer hands".
The whole of last week had been difficult for the UK in connection with COVID-19.
It is correct most deaths happened on Saturday, but it was still 3rd in the world. USA beat UK even on Sat for number of deaths.


There are few really worrying aspect from the figures for the UK.

In comparison to Iran and China total confirmed cases to death ratio is quiet high. For example Iran has 6.1% and China has 4.0% compared to UK's 10.41%. That is quiet considerable gap between three countries.

The other really really scary figure is number of recovered cases. UK is showing only 135 patients recovering from COVID-19 compare that with China and Iran it is alarming.

But even if we consider that the outbreak happened late in the UK compared to other two countries, but it is still worrying when we compared it to the USA where outbreak is peaking almost at the same time as the UK.
There are 19,671 recoveries in the USA.

Second worrying stats is the active cases in the UK which stands at 46,100 out of which 1,559 were critical.
But good news for all of us from the UK is that when you count the weather, the elderly population ratios etc. The UK is doing far better than most European countries, including France, Switzerland, Belgium etc. Compared to all of them death to per million people, UK has the least died.
The whole of last week had been difficult for the UK in connection with COVID-19.
It is correct most deaths happened on Saturday, but it was still 3rd in the world. USA beat UK even on Sat for number of deaths.

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There are few really worrying aspect from the figures for the UK.

In comparison to Iran and China total confirmed cases to death ratio is quiet high. For example Iran has 6.1% and China has 4.0% compared to UK's 10.41%. That is quiet considerable gap between three countries.

The other really really scary figure is number of recovered cases. UK is showing only 135 patients recovering from COVID-19 compare that with China and Iran it is alarming.

But even if we consider that the outbreak happened late in the UK compared to other two countries, but it is still worrying when we compared it to the USA where outbreak is peaking almost at the same time as the UK.
There are 19,671 recoveries in the USA.

Second worrying stats is the active cases in the UK which stands at 46,100 out of which 1,559 were critical.
But good news for all of us from the UK is that when you count the weather, the elderly population ratios etc. The UK is doing far better than most European countries, including France, Switzerland, Belgium etc. Compared to all of them death to per million people, UK has the least died.

UK, Belgium, France rapidly catching up US, Italy, Iran, and Spain. Things look bleak.

Britain was the worst with their stupid strategy of "Herd Immunity", what a bullshit it was.
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UK reporting only hospital deaths . If you die in a old age facility or at home due to wuhanvirus , the figures dont reflect that.
UK reporting only hospital deaths . If you die in a old age facility or at home due to wuhanvirus , the figures dont reflect that.

Thats true, UK is not reporting correctly, not including home deaths, it is far more 700+ reported daily deaths, in the 1200+. Why hide in first place?

Yesterday— London, UK — Britain registers daily record of 786 coronavirus deaths

Britain has reported a record 786 new COVID-19 deaths in its daily update, following two days of falling figures.y
"As of 5pm on 6 April, of those hospitalised in the UK who tested positive for coronavirus, 6,159 have sadly died," the health ministry tweeted, up from 5,373 on Monday.
The UK's 'coronavirus dashboard' may be under-reporting deaths significantly
By Nick Paton Walsh and Mick Krever, CNN
Updated 1947 GMT (0347 HKT) April 7, 2020

The UK is not the only country with data discrepancies and fears of undercounting deaths.
London (CNN)The UK's daily death toll updates for Covid-19 could be underreporting the true number by a significant margin, according to government numbers published Tuesday.
In its daily tally of deaths, UK government counts only people who tested positive and then died of the virus in hospital. But that doesn't match the number of UK death certificates that list COVID-19 as a factor."
Second British Pakistani doctor loses life to coronavirus


Dr Syed Zeeshan Haider passed away at the Queen’s Hospital on Tuesday morning. — Photo provided by authors
LONDON: Another British Pakistani doctor has lost his life to the deadly coronavirus after remaining in the hospital for some time.

Dr Syed Zeeshan Haider passed away at the Queen’s Hospital on Monday morning.

Dr Haider, who was in his 80s and lived in Dagenham, Essex is the second Pakistani origin doctor to lay down his life against the deadly COVID-19 virus. He worked at Dagenham's Valence Medical Centre. Previously, Dr Habib Zaidi, an elderly doctor from Southend, was the first doctor in all of UK to succumb to COVID-19.

After developing symptoms of the disease, Dr Haider was shifted to the hospital where he stayed for about a week but was unable to recover from the damage caused by the virus.

Dr Haider’s son, Dr Kumail, spoke to The News and confirmed the passing of his father. Dr Haider developed COVID-19 symptoms last week and began self-isolation as per government guidelines, he said. Unfortunately, his condition worsened and he passed away this morning.

Dr Kumail said: “Many described him as a selfless man driven by his passion for his profession. Even whilst in hospital breathing his last, he was urging doctors and nurses to pay attention to other patients rather than him. Many at his age would have retired yet his dedication to his profession was immeasurable.”

The News has learnt that after qualifying from Peshawar's Khyber Medical College, Dr Zeeshan Haider moved to England during the 1960’s and worked in various hospitals in London, including the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, as a General Practioner for 50 years.

His family paid tribute to all the National Health Service (NHS) staff who treated Dr Zeeshan Haider. He is survived by a wife — who is a retired dentist — three children and three grandchildren.

“He leaves a legacy of sacrifice, compassion and generosity in the name of God,” said his son.

Dr Haider’s son-in-law, Syed Kaleem Haider, said that the deceased doctor was so passionate about humanity and his profession that even while in the hospital breathing his last, he was asking doctors and nurses to pay more attention to other patients and not to him.

"He was more concerned about others and from his bed, he advised doctors and nurses on what to do to treat [coronavirus] victims. He was a selfless man. He didn’t want to retire. He kept treating patients until the last moment of his life. He was very driven.”

A patient who had been treated by Dr Haider for over 10 years said, "He was my GP (General Practioner) since the last 10 years and was a very polite and caring person. I spoke to him 10 days ago on the phone for a prescription of my medicine. May he rest in peace."

Previously, Dr Amged El-Hawrani and Dr Adil El Tayar, two British-Sudanese doctors laid down their lives fighting the virus. The staff of the National Health Service has been exposed to a greater risk of catching the coronavirus after concerns were raised that not every doctor had access to Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).

After Prime Minister Boris Johnson tested positive for the viral disease, it was announced that frontline NHS staff would be tested and the UK would undertake over 100,000 tests daily but this commitment has not been fulfiled as of the filing of this report.
in our community so many people have died. it's scary and the worst thing is you can't even attend the janaza. People who you used to call uncle and see on the streets - gone.
British-Pakistani TV host and Pakistani Labour councillor latest victims of COVID-19

Majid Khattak

APRIL 9, 2020


British-Pakistani TV host and a Labour councillor from London are among the latest victims who died of COVID-19.

Umar Afzal, television host and presenter, died of coronavirus in Birmingham on Wednesday. Afzal used to present television programs in Pashto, Urdu and English and was a leading figure of Pakistani community in Birmingham. Family sources said that he contracted the deadly virus around a week ago and was home quarantine. They further said his condition deteriorated on Wednesday early morning and within hours passed away.

Likewise, A British-Pakistani Labour Party councillor Shabum Sadiq also died after infected with the COVID-19 during her visit to Pakistan. Shabnum, 39 and mother of five children according to family source travelled to Pakistan to attend a wedding in March. They said that after contracting coronavirus she was admitted to a local hospital and sadly died on Tuesday after being on ventilator for 24 days in Pakistan.

She was elected as a councillor of Wexham Lea Slough, London in 2016 and was an active member of the council. Cllr Sadiq gave birth to quadruplets by caesarean section at Royal Berkshire Hospital on June 26, 2006 after she was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome before the pregnancy.

Shabnum’s close friend Cllr Madhuri Bedi revealed she had messaged her and urged her to keep fighting and not give up. She said: “There are no words to describe Shabnum’s passing and the immense heartbreak I am feeling for her, her children, her husband and loved ones.

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