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Bring it on, TTP!

:o: Have you had your glass of water yet? Where is that glass need to knock some senses into you!

A question we have been asking for too long...We need some alive to either lead us to the roots...why havent they managed to plant a mole? OR follow them and just shoot all except the senior who will love his life too much to wear a suicide vest! Basically the biggest chicken in the group!

Still thinking too small. That is why I want to burn all the leaves because most folks will continue to think that the roots are so shallow.
And that detective is the right question. My anger aside, its this idea that needs to be tackled.. where and what are the roots?
Look the problems are being addressed slowly. First the lawless areas are being retaken by the military. You must have followed the number of top level operatives of terrorist organisations have been arrested or killed. I think the roots are being exposed some things should not be put into words. But killing people crazy like is just going to create a new type of extremism.
I think your being too pessimistic countries have been in a much worse situation and have recovered, so why can’t Pakistan?

For one, Pakistan is in a much worse condition than many realize or are willing to admit, and besides, what you call recovery from such a stage involved the loss of millions upon millions. If you think today was bad, think about what I have said: millions upon millions. Optimism is not a word that applies here by any means.
Still thinking too small. That is why I want to burn all the leaves because most folks will continue to think that the roots are so shallow.

plucking the leaves wont kill the tree! You are talking to one doing a PhD in plant science! :angry:
A question we have been asking for too long...We need some alive to either lead us to the roots...why havent they managed to plant a mole? OR follow them and just shoot all except the senior who will love his life too much to wear a suicide vest! Basically the biggest chicken in the group!
the number of arrests in these past weeks you think there is no information or mole ?? This is a reactionary attack by the TTP because they can not do anything else those helpless cross dressing (insert curse words here)
What will happen is after a week everyone will forget this just like they forgot every other thing.
Do you remember when Terrorists attacked Quetta? 100+ Hazaras dead but nothing came of that ... Instead Pak leaders and politicians go out to do peace talks with these terrorists...
Who is plucking, Im talking about burning it down to the trunk.
We have taken an electric saw and chopped of a couple of big branches in the last few months. The current operation is setting fire to the trunk. After that the roots are exposed also. I urge you to link the dots on current terrorists killed and captured. The high level handing over by US forces of Latif Mehsud, the number 2 in TTP would be considered a root also i guess. DO not underestimate the army and anger causes problems it does not solve them

Rip out the roots and stop causing global warming :coffee:
what is worrying is the number of people craving blood in the so called moderates here.
What will happen is after a week everyone will forget this just like they forgot every other thing.
Do you remember when Terrorists attacked Quetta? 100+ Hazaras dead but nothing came of that ... Instead Pak leaders and politicians go out to do peace talks with these terrorists...
this is what we have to change we should take action against any kind of terrorist activity instead of condemning it
For one, Pakistan is in a much worse condition than many realize or are willing to admit, and besides, what you call recovery from such a stage involved the loss of millions upon millions. If you think today was bad, think about what I have said: millions upon millions. Optimism is not a word that applies here by any means.
Like I said I think your being too pessimistic (which by the way is totally understandable). I have seen a huge change on opinion on the Taliban. Before it was they are freedom fighters, fighting American invaders and should be helped, there should be dialogue with them, or the Pakistani army is a US puppet for fighting them etc. Now you would hardly find any Pakistani supporting them. It did take over 50,000 lives but opinion has definitely changed.
Like I said I think your being too pessimistic (which by the way is totally understandable). I have seen a huge change on opinion on the Taliban. Before it was they are freedom fighters, fighting American invaders and should be helped, there should be dialogue with them, or the Pakistani army is a US puppet for fighting them etc. Now you would hardly find any Pakistani supporting them. It did take over 50,000 lives but opinion has definitely changed.

You are deluding yourself. Support for the Taliban is present in a majority of Pakistanis, and that percentage is rising even further.
I sincerely don't think that’s the case anymore.

Present and future events will sadly prove that I am correct. But you can keep your opinion to which you have a right.
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