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Bring it on, TTP!

Even when the Army was deployed after the 9/11 attacks, the GoP and military preference was to keep troops largely confined to their posts/barracks and engage in limited patrols while entering into 'peace deals' with the local tribes and/or warlords (there were various reasons for that).

Yes, most of the world knows those "various reasons" pretty well.

The result of those policies was the destruction of the local tribal elder system (at the hands of the Taliban/AQ) that the State engaged with and used to maintain peace in FATA, and ever increasing control of the terrorists over the local residents, the local economy and local resources.

Fact is the elders that were inconvenient to you were removed. Permanently.

The operations in Bajaur, Mohmand, South Waziristan and now North Waziristan all illustrated an extremely complex defensive infrastructure involving tunnels and bunkers integrated into the 'congested civilian areas', the utilized mosques, clinics and local civilian residences.

No different to what the IA fights every day in Kashmir. In dense urban pockets as well as the rural hamlets in the valley. You seem to have very little idea about counter insurgency operations in India. Which is fine. Not interested in fighting you on whose operations are tougher and better executed, seeing as these are our own people. Its something that needs to be done. And while we prefer the rapier, you obviously prefer a sledgehammer.

The Pakistani military operations were therefore not some isolated assaults on a complex or two as was the case with the assault on the Akal Takht or the Lal Masjid or the odd encounters the IA/BSF engage in with insurgents in IOK.

The Golden Temple complex is a mini city. Come and visit it someday to know what a complex it is. And it was fortified and escape routes and hidden entrances and bunkers and exits built in well in time, over the preceding years. You seem to think it was the same as Lal Masjid. It was nowhere close.

Pakistani military operations in FATA are essentially full fledged military campaigns to retake territory from terrorist groups

Your people.

only a fool would argue that the military not utilize EVERY military advantage it has to neutralize the enemy, while minimizing troop and civilian casualties.

There are very very few nations on earth which use fighter planes, helo gunships, missiles, and heavy artillery against their own people. Both historically and in recent times.

And those countries usually do not stop there. Chemical and Biological agents come next. Once you de-humanise the other side to the extent you can wield your full military weight against it, the gloves come off. From both sides. As was seen recently sadly.

Ordering all residents to evacuate the region was part of the plan, and it allowed the military to use artillery and airstrikes more liberally since there was little to no risk of innocent civilian casualties after the evacuation.

Can you order hostages to flee their captors? Get serious man.

Trying to compare the storming of the Akal Takht with a large scale military operation in FATA is ludicrous

What is ludicrous is you trying to defend a state using its military sledgehammer against its own people. Ludicrous and quite pathetic as well actually.
Yes, most of the world knows those "various reasons" pretty well.

Fact is the elders that were inconvenient to you were removed. Permanently.
Irrelevant to the point I was making.
No different to what the IA fights every day in Kashmir. In dense urban pockets as well as the rural hamlets in the valley. You seem to have very little idea about counter insurgency operations in India. Which is fine. Not interested in fighting you on whose operations are tougher and better executed, seeing as these are our own people. Its something that needs to be done. And while we prefer the rapier, you obviously prefer a sledgehammer.
It is very different from what the IA 'fights every day in Kashmir'. The IA's efforts in Kashmir (now and over the past few decades) are more along the lines of the PA & civilian law enforcement actions in Swat AFTER the military operation was over and the local residents were returned and rehabilitated. The military and local law enforcement actions in Swat since the military op was over are now overwhelmingly along the lines of what the IA has been doing in Kashmir - almost no airstrikes or artillery used (since civilians have returned), using the 'rapier' so to speak. The IA has never really engaged in the kind of overall counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism campaign that Pakistan is engaged in FATA given the unique status of FATA (and other reasons mentioned in my previous post), and therefore a direct comparison of Pakistan's North Waziristan Operation with India's COIN campaign in Kashmir cannot be made.
The Golden Temple complex is a mini city. Come and visit it someday to know what a complex it is. And it was fortified and escape routes and hidden entrances and bunkers and exits built in well in time, over the preceding years. You seem to think it was the same as Lal Masjid. It was nowhere close.
Even as a 'mini city' the GT is still a single complex, just on a larger scale than the Lal Masjid, which is why the approaches to the two were similar and why the comparison of the Indian raid on the GT is better made with Pakistani operations at the Lal Masjid. The GT is in no way comparable to the massive operation against terrorists and their facilitators across several actual cities in a vast region that has not had any State control since it became part of Pakistan.
Your people.
They are terrorists - whether you blow their head off with an assault rifle or blow them up with an artillery or airstrike, the end result is the same - they are dead. There is no 'humane' weapon - they all kill.
There are very very few nations on earth which use fighter planes, helo gunships, missiles, and heavy artillery against their own people. Both historically and in recent times.

And those countries usually do not stop there. Chemical and Biological agents come next. Once you de-humanise the other side to the extent you can wield your full military weight against it, the gloves come off. From both sides. As was seen recently sadly.
The overwhelming majority of the local civilian population (and probably many terrorists who disguised themselves as civilians) has been evacuated. Tens of thousands even crossed into Afghanistan because the local terrorist war-lord Gul Bahadur demanded they not use Pakistani IDP camps. Despite Gul's threats to the locals, almost a million IDP's have been registered and several hundred thousand are using Pakistani government IDP shelters. The overwhelming majority of people now left are the terrorists and their facilitators, who are being targeted by ground troops, artillery and airstrikes, and I have yet to see a good reason from you or @Samandri why these terrorists should not be targeted by artillery and airstrikes given the minimal to zero chance of civilian casualties.
Can you order hostages to flee their captors? Get serious man.
Tens of thousands of residents from NW are in IDP camps in Afghanistan, while almost a million are residing in IDP camps in Pakistan, so yes, I am serious and the overwhelming majority of 'hostages' have indeed 'fled their captors' - the facts and numbers on the ground bear that out.
What is ludicrous is you trying to defend a state using its military sledgehammer against its own people. Ludicrous and quite pathetic as well actually.
Again, a terrorist shot in the head with a gun is just as dead as a terrorist killed in an artillery or airstrike. With the overwhelming majority of the population evacuated, the risk of civilian casualties in such strikes is essentially zero. You have offered no rational reason as to why the military should not use artillery and airstrikes to kill these TTP terrorists given that low to no risk of civilian casualties.
Again, a terrorist shot in the head with a gun is just as dead as a terrorist killed in an artillery or airstrike. With the overwhelming majority of the population evacuated, the risk of civilian casualties in such strikes is essentially zero. You have offered no rational reason as to why the military should not use artillery and airstrikes to kill these TTP terrorists given that low to no risk of civilian casualties.
he will repeat the same phrase again and again just like he did in the past. seems like the Taliban apologists don't just exist in Pakistani society but have slowly seeped into the Indians as well.
so once again for record I repeat for the benefit of the gullible who chose to deny by choice that,
Terrorists who executed the influential families of Sawat and tribal areas, kicked out the tribal chiefs and confiscated their properties to make bombs, train terrorists and house their trainees ARE NOT our own people, OUR OWN people are those who have suffered at the hands of these terrorists inside FATA and settled areas.
so airstrikes, artillery strikes and drone strikes are all valid options against them.
. .
he will repeat the same phrase again and again just like he did in the past. seems like the Taliban apologists don't just exist in Pakistani society but have slowly seeped into the Indians as well.

Why would any Indian be an apologist for the Taliban in particular, or any Pakistani in general? Are you serious and do you actually believe what you have written? We see both of you as two sides of the same coin. Where the edge of the (continually flipping) coin between legitimate and illegitimate is often blurred and highly temporal contextually.

so once again for record I repeat for the benefit of the gullible who chose to deny by choice that,
Terrorists who executed the influential families of Sawat and tribal areas, kicked out the tribal chiefs and confiscated their properties to make bombs, train terrorists and house their trainees ARE NOT our own people, OUR OWN people are those who have suffered at the hands of these terrorists inside FATA and settled areas.

Some of them are obviously not your people. But most of them are. In the scenario of non existent borders and constant to and fro of people across it, when you bomb from aeroplanes with missiles and HE shells from field artillery, how do you know which are "your" people and which are "not"?

When Indians go after terrorists, we have long drawn out operations, on foot. Leading to the deaths of many of our own forces. Just so that when the bullet is let loose, it hits a bad guy, and no one else.

I would not call the PA out on lacking courage compared to our guys, or any less ready to die. So this then brings me back to the dehumanization angle, and the question - would you (Pakistan and PA) have done the same in the fields of the Punjab?

One of your countrymen thinks not. And I tend to agree with him.

so airstrikes, artillery strikes and drone strikes are all valid options against them.

Why? What stops you from conducting ground operations? If its a war you are fighting, recognize that they are your own people, and fight it man to man. LIKE WE DO (and have ALWAYS done, and are still doing against the Naxals in spite of many calling for aerial bombardment of their camps in the dense forests they hide in). Not by remote control. Its not like you do not have the forces or they are spread thin as they are actively deployed and/or in combat elsewhere? Or are you saying that the lives of PA soldiers are more precious than the Pakistani men, women and children who are dying in the bombardment?

Neither you @Irfan Baloch or @AgNoStiC MuSliM has been able to give us a plausible reason why ground operations have not been carried out, were not carried out. Why bombings were started and going on even as civilians were desperately fleeing. A quick Google shows multiple reports of "scores" of civilians being killed.

Was it not just some time ago that all of Pakistan was crying itself hoarse against the American drones from doing the same thing?

What changed now sirs?
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. .
I posted pictures of tribesmen leaving north waziristan ahead of our operation
thats what changed

There are many reports on the net of tribesmen, women and children fleeing the bombardment ON FOOT sir. I could dig them up if you insist.
Not valid options if civilian population is not evacuated from the region
Did you miss pictures of camps and caravans
I posted pictures of idps being served food and drinks by army too

why some of us pakistanis take a malet and hit our heads to forget all that is done to accomodate millions of IDPs that relocated due to SWA swat and NWA operations and eat garbage from likes of hamid mir as if its free wedding food?

There are many reports on the net of tribesmen, women and children fleeing the bombardment ON FOOT sir. I could dig them up if you insist.
It wont serve any purpose other than anal bleaching
Re pictures of army action affectees i have seen falugah iraq footage used and even roadside shia massacres at the hands of TTP
tribal victims of saudi bombardment in yemen to name the few being used as "vicitims of Pakistan army bombing / operation".

but do dig up if you will and i will show you our soldiers carrying kids in blood in sawat after TTP ambushes

not claiming that no civilian casualties happened but not how you are told and not at the scale claimed by pro Taliban outlets
e.g drone attack on a traing camp was claimed to be on 100 innocent children reciting quran but in reality the place had firing range assault course and innocent chilren were in the zge group of 20 and above performing drills when they were hit

on red mosque operation talinan supporters claimed PAF jets dropped white phosphorus znd to prove it used iraqi burnt out corpeses
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You became an elite member without figuring out how to quote different sections of the same post with separate relevant replies without doing the red blue green bit?

Like this ......


And this ......

Try breaking up relevant sections with a prefixed "open square bracket QUOTE close square bracket" and a postfixed "open square bracket forward slash QUOTE close square bracket" instead ......

And this .......

Sigh. Hope you got the idea?

Please stop shouting now.

Also I notice you had now reply to the "two faced Indian" and "dragging in Islam" crap that you were throwing around in your previous post?

Thought so. Called out, so deflect.
sigh I cant be bothered to even read what you wrote....Maybe you are boring deep to the roots but not everyone needs to think like you! Grow up already!

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