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Bring it on, TTP!

Gul Bahadur and the Haqqanis are being targeted in North Waziristan, OBL is dead (with the US report on torture finally making official the fact that the ISI provided critical intelligence on OBL's courier that the US developed and eventually used to track OBL down), additional AQ operatives continue to be tracked down and neutralized, and Hafiz Saeed denies any involvement in the Mumbai attacks (which is what you were probably getting at).
have you heard of these names by any chance Maulana Masood Azhar, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar,

you did get Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh but not for what he did in india? how are the other two doing btw?
I just realized your nothing more than a psuedeo-wannabe-troll dude...

So basically you've run out of arguments ...... dude.

You want to stoop down to their level to win a war?- fair to say you have already lost the war then-

Sir if someone kills my kids (if and when I have them) I will wipe out his entire bloodline. Old grandmothers and little chubby cute babies included. Lock stock and napalm smoking barrel. This is not rhetoric. You need to be a cold blooded mass murderer to kill mass murderers. This is not a shining armored knight type war you find yourselves in. I feel you are fighting a survival battle, and your backs are against the wall. At least that's what we see it as from outside. The final opinion and decision is yours.

Compare it with Kashmir, indian army has strict policy of not using air force, tanks etc against militants even though the terrain of kashmir is much difficult than relatively barren region like FATA. I have noticed that indian army rather than choosing the easy option of dropping bombs from jets on building, they tackle the militants through gun-battles with officers leading from the front. It reflects their bravery ,very different from our armed forces.

Even at the height of the Punjab insurgency, our army men stormed into the Akal Takht barefoot out of respect, straight into the line of withering machine gun fire from well entrenched gun nests. Instead of just blasting them to smithreens from a safe distance.
Created by Pakistan. Had your gOv had delivered them whatever was promised, they would have not considered this option of insurgency against Pak army in 2005

Same applies to all the insurgencies in India. If you weren't so pathetic they wouldn't be fighting against you.
Same applies to all the insurgencies in India. If you weren't so pathetic they wouldn't be fighting against you.
WHY Pakistani Fail to Understand that any Insurgency in India is not the product of India supporting terrorism through THEM in PAKISTAN? Bhai itna samajh nahi ata, PDF mein jhak marne aye ho?
WHY Pakistani Fail to Understand that any Insurgency in India is not the product of India supporting terrorism through THEM in PAKISTAN? Bhai itna samajh nahi ata, PDF mein jhak marne aye ho?

Bhai hamain to yeh pata hai tum log munafiq,jhootai aur 2 number log ho. Pakistan main insurgency. Well the guys speaks truth. India main insurgency. Fark that terrorist. Don't listen to him. For you Adnan Rasheed is truth on one thread and on another thread you would be whining about Lakhwi. Story of you double face bharatis.
Bhai hamain to yeh pata hai tum log munafiq,jhootai aur 2 number log ho. Pakistan main insurgency. Well the guys speaks truth. India main insurgency. Fark that terrorist. Don't listen to him. For you Adnan Rasheed is truth on one thread and on another thread you would be whining about Lakhwi. Story of you double face bharatis.

You need to understand the difference between domestic terrorism and cross border terrorism. And apparently use of domestic terror outfits for cross border terrorism.
You need to understand the difference between domestic terrorism and cross border terrorism. And apparently use of domestic terror outfits for cross border terrorism.

I hate both of kind of terrorism. You just hate only that which is against your state or else you share the same "truth" as the worst terrorists and criminals.
I hate both of kind of terrorism. You just hate only that which is against your state or else you share the same "truth" as the worst terrorists and criminals.
I have not asked about your personal likes and dislikes.
Adnan Rasheed and his "truth". Don't you two share the same "truth". Shows how low you have already go.

We know how low Pak huqumat has already gone by sheltering TTP south Waziristan and targeting TTP Fazlullah. Double standards!
We know how low Pak huqumat has already gone by sheltering TTP south Waziristan and targeting TTP Fazlullah. Double standards!

Why don't you just shut up instead of appearing as a fool?
have you heard of these names by any chance Maulana Masood Azhar, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar,

you did get Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh but not for what he did in india? how are the other two doing btw?
I am not familiar with Zargar and I have no idea what his or Azhar's status is.

Even at the height of the Punjab insurgency, our army men stormed into the Akal Takht barefoot out of respect, straight into the line of withering machine gun fire from well entrenched gun nests. Instead of just blasting them to smithreens from a safe distance.
As I pointed out to @Samandri - the PA's tactics make perfect sense given the specific circumstances of the war in FATA. FATA has been autonomous territory for decades, and the Army had little to no presence. Even when the Army was deployed after the 9/11 attacks, the GoP and military preference was to keep troops largely confined to their posts/barracks and engage in limited patrols while entering into 'peace deals' with the local tribes and/or warlords (there were various reasons for that). The result of those policies was the destruction of the local tribal elder system (at the hands of the Taliban/AQ) that the State engaged with and used to maintain peace in FATA, and ever increasing control of the terrorists over the local residents, the local economy and local resources. The operations in Bajaur, Mohmand, South Waziristan and now North Waziristan all illustrated an extremely complex defensive infrastructure involving tunnels and bunkers integrated into the 'congested civilian areas', the utilized mosques, clinics and local civilian residences.

The Pakistani military operations were therefore not some isolated assaults on a complex or two as was the case with the assault on the Akal Takht or the Lal Masjid or the odd encounters the IA/BSF engage in with insurgents in IOK. Pakistani military operations in FATA are essentially full fledged military campaigns to retake territory from terrorist groups, and only a fool would argue that the military not utilize EVERY military advantage it has to neutralize the enemy, while minimizing troop and civilian casualties. Ordering all residents to evacuate the region was part of the plan, and it allowed the military to use artillery and airstrikes more liberally since there was little to no risk of innocent civilian casualties after the evacuation.

Trying to compare the storming of the Akal Takht with a large scale military operation in FATA is ludicrous. A better comparison would be to compare the storming of the Akal Takht with the storming of the Lal Masjid in Islamabad.
The piece essentially regurgitated the poisonous propaganda of a terrorist leader (call them TTP/AQ or whatever you want) who is part of a terrorist group that has openly claimed responsibility for the massacres of thousands of innocent Pakistanis. There is no comparison to be made between the poisonous statements of people like TTP leaders, OBL etc (who have openly claimed responsibility for terrorist attacks in Pakistan or elsewhere) and the comments of certain posters (however distasteful you consider them to be against a particular religion) on this forum.

What exactly did the Pakistani government promise them that was not delivered and caused them to resort to suicide bombings and mass terrorist attacks against innocent civilians?

Residents of the targeted areas had been asked to evacuate North Waziristan (especially the main towns) weeks before the military started targeting the 'congested areas' with artillery and/or air strikes. Therefore the risk of collateral damage (in terms of innocent civilian lives lost) due to the use of artillery and airstrikes was and is minimal.

Since the civilians have been evacuated and/or told to leave the area, there is no point in risking the lives of soldiers by sending them into an urban death trap where underground tunnels and bunkers link various residential buildings to each other and offer plenty of opportunity for ambushing advancing troops. Far better to bomb any structure from where the terrorists offer any kind of sustained resistance. This is common sense.

Also, the GoC of the North Waziristan Operation responsible for approving these artillery barrages and coordinating airstrikes with the PAF is a Pakhtun himself, and he had quite a bit of 'not so nice' things to say about the locals in Miramshah and some other 'congested areas' in terms of the evidence of their complicity in supporting the terrorists in North Waziristan.

Are you sure military has never used air force or gunship helicopters on miranshah and mirali before start of zarb-e-azab in june 2014?......even when zarb-e-azab was announced , for a week residents were not allowed to to evacuate while at the same time intense aerial bombardments was taking place. Even today, population is not evacuated in khyber 1 operation.
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