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Brigadier Asad Munir is no more

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
The thing about religion is that there is no GREY area, it is either DO or DON'T......there is no MAYBE! Suicide is one of the greatest sins and is considered unpardonable not only in Islam but also in Christianity and Judaism.

As for empathy, I have loads of it for the poor soul and anger for NAB officials, but suicide was not the way to go, period.
here's another thing about religion, its all made up by humans of bygone eras - a fact thats reflected in its barbaric commandments; and this goes for every flavor of this religious nonsense. human nature and psychology doesn't operate in a binary state so the rigidly defined partition of right and wrong is just a wishful thinking and a desperate longing of the religious minds to tame humanity or whatever. with that being said, you hold no damn authority to say such vile things about a person specially when you dont know about the persons inner struggles and state of mind. and heres a parting tip: think of religion as a penis which is ok to have and to be proud of but utterly unacceptable to wave it around and force it down other peoples throats. have a nice day
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعون
here's another thing about religion, its all made up by humans of bygone eras - a fact thats reflected in its barbaric commandments; and this goes for every flavor of this religious nonsense. human nature and psychology doesn't operate in a binary state so the rigidly defined partition of right and wrong is just a wishful thinking and a desperate longing of the religious minds to tame humanity or whatever. with that being said, you hold no damn authority to say such vile things about a person specially when you dont know about the persons inner struggles and state of mind. and heres a parting tip: think of religion as a penis which is ok to have and to be proud of but utterly unacceptable to wave it around and force it down other peoples throats. have a nice day

Basically, it is ok for you to enforce your opinions upon me but not vice versa? Isn't that hypocritical of you that you do not believe in religion and want me to follow your opinion on the matter? When you do not believe in religion, what do you care what we say about the person or about him being judged on his deeds? To you it should be irrelevant, once the person is dead, nothing should hurt/benefit him, right?

P.S. the commandments that you consider barbaric are the ones which keeps the beast in me under control, without religion I myself would be a person who would be out of control and out only for myself and for my family. Without religion I would probably waste the likes of you, that's how rigid I would be.
Basically, it is ok for you to enforce your opinions upon me but not vice versa? Isn't that hypocritical of you that you do not believe in religion and want me to follow your opinion on the matter? When you do not believe in religion, what do you care what we say about the person or about him being judged on his deeds? To you it should be irrelevant, once the person is dead, nothing should hurt/benefit him, right?

P.S. the commandments that you consider barbaric are the ones which keeps the beast in me under control, without religion I myself would be a person who would be out of control and out only for myself and for my family. Without religion I would probably waste the likes of you, that's how rigid I would be.

im not forcing you to shun your ideology. i just took issue with your original statement of condemning people to a fantasy hell just because he didnt play by some ancient rules.
additionally, whats keeping your inner beast inside you isnt religion. its easy to perceive so after years of religious brainwashing we all go through but in reality, the social norms and values that have become laws in human societies are nothing but a product of societal and cultural evolution of mankind. and you would waste the likes of me because thats all your religion has taught you to do. kill in the name of a deity who cant even save his most devoted worshippers in his own so called house? dont you see the irony of that? you think you are an evolved human removed from animalistic tendencies because of a religion? thats preposterous. your conformation to law is by virtue of anthropomorphic and sociological evolution. oh and please read up on the authentic scriptures of whatever religion you are from. if you are capable of overriding brainwashing, you might find what religions truly are. dont just believe whatever some ancient arab, hindu, or chinese dude came up with to further his own goals.
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