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Breaking.... US cuts off aid to Syrian rebels

Arzamas 16

Mar 30, 2012
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Russian Federation
Russian Federation
I have been hearing for a few weeks, and the Turkish Newspaper Hurriyet is reporting, that the Obama Administration has stopped providing aid to the 'moderate' Syrian rebels.

This is reportedly in response to radical rebel groups expanding their control over areas in northern Syria, especially the border crossing and routes which had been being used to supply the 'moderate' rebels in Syria.

This year the Syrian armed opposition has essentially fallen apart.

- Public support for them among the people of Syria has evaporated.

- Their numbers have decreased due to casualties, desertions, and a lack of people joining their ranks.

- That the Syrian armed opposition essentially consists of fragmented radical groups supported by other countries has become more and more well known in the West.

- These groups now devote most of their efforts to fighting each other and the Kurdish groups in northern Syria, and Syrian government forces have retaken control of most of western and southern Syria.

The Turkish military has also begun to prevent groups of rebels from crossing into Turkey, and to arrest, disarm, and immediately deport back to Syria rebels who are able to cross the border into Turkey, and to respond with tank and cannon fire on rebel positions in Syria when mortars or shells from rebel controlled areas land in Turkey.

The Western-recognized Syrian political opposition is also disintegrating. There are plans for a Geneva II conference to be held in about a month but there is now no opposition group available to attend it. :omghaha:

The SOC made some noises about attending it but the SNC, the largest group in the SOC, has stated that they will leave the SOC if a decision to attend the conference is made.

Most of the rebel groups in Syria have also stated that they no longer recognize the SOC or SNC.

Today the leader of the Western-recognized Syrian opposition stated that they will not attend talks in Geneva next month unless their preconditions are met, the primary one being the removal of President al-Assad.

Daily Kos: Obama Administration Reportedly Halts Aid to Syrian Rebels

They arrogantly thought they could pull the same sh*t in Syria, as they did in Libya. US/NATO and its rampage. Now facing a major strategic defeat, thank God.
Their malicious plot failed, and now they are brought down to earth with some humility.

Wonderful job by Russia, Iran and Syria to stand up to bullies and tell them to go f*ck themselves!
They arrogantly thought they could pull the same sh*t in Syria, as they did in Libya. US/NATO and its rampage. Now facing a major strategic defeat, thank God.
Their malicious plot failed, and now they are brought down to earth with some humility.

Wonderful job by Russia, Iran and Syria to stand up to bullies and tell them to go f*ck themselves!

It's the other way around actually, it's the regime who had been refusing to attend any conferences or even recognize the opposition, but now they were brought on their feet and are becoming more eager than the opposition to attend such conferences. And what kind of "victory" are you talking about? :lol:

On topic, if the news was true, it wouldn't change anything. US aid was non-lethal anyway. The major suppliers of arms have always been the KSA, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan. The FSA is now self-sufficient in some arms. The ones who believe that Shiite pact has any chance of winning in Syria are really idiots.
It's the other way around actually, it's the regime who had been refusing to attend any conferences or even recognize the opposition, but now they were brought on their feet and are becoming more eager than the opposition to attend such conferences. And what kind of "victory" are you talking about? :lol:

On topic, if the news was true, it wouldn't change anything. US aid was non-lethal anyway. The major suppliers of arms have always been the KSA, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan. The FSA is now self-sufficient in some arms. The ones who believe that Shiite pact has any chance of winning in Syria are really idiots.

There you go with the Shiite-Sunni sectarian thing again. There is no "Shiite pact"
You always revert back to this backward sectarian mindset. I guess that is the consequence of being ruled by a prehistoric feudal and tribal regime.
Habibi, vast majority of the Syrian military are Sunni. Just ponder on that for few seconds.
Even Western studies show Assad enjoys majority of support in Syria, especially after these terrorists destroyed the country.

And Assad has always accepted to be at the negotiating table, what are you on about?
It is the Syrian opposition that have always had this precondition and demand that Assad must be overthrown first.
Which renders negotiations pointless in the first place.
yanks'll drop em like they dropped the Afghan mujahideen

quite frankly -- the American tax payer must be wondering why Obama the buffoon can send arms to Syrian rebels but denies the rights of his own naval personnel to carry arms on their naval bases....especially after the number that former navy "contractor" pulled in the Sea Based Warfare Systems building last month.

Assad should go though.....i just hope he isn't replaced by some psycho-pathic cannibals who scream Allahu Akbar every time they fire an RPG at sand dunes
It's the other way around actually, it's the regime who had been refusing to attend any conferences or even recognize the opposition, but now they were brought on their feet and are becoming more eager than the opposition to attend such conferences. And what kind of "victory" are you talking about? :lol:

On topic, if the news was true, it wouldn't change anything. US aid was non-lethal anyway. The major suppliers of arms have always been the KSA, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan. The FSA is now self-sufficient in some arms. The ones who believe that Shiite pact has any chance of winning in Syria are really idiots.

Brother, many have just a short memory. ^^


It's the other way around actually, it's the regime who had been refusing to attend any conferences or even recognize the opposition, but now they were brought on their feet and are becoming more eager than the opposition to attend such conferences. And what kind of "victory" are you talking about? :lol:

On topic, if the news was true, it wouldn't change anything. US aid was non-lethal anyway. The major suppliers of arms have always been the KSA, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan. The FSA is now self-sufficient in some arms. The ones who believe that Shiite pact has any chance of winning in Syria are really idiots.

If bashar can't win he will destroy Syria he have nothing to lose there are no winers in this war
I think that enough 'aid' has been given...and if Bashar al-Assad goes, there is still much risk of destabilization.
USA/NATO/Israel and Turkey to a certain extent , have achieved their objective - Syria is no longer a threat to Israel
FSA need to be butured by Syrian forces. Not a single one of them should be allowed to escape the punishment.

Good work Russia . You are upholder of Justice.
If bashar can't win he will destroy Syria he have nothing to lose there are no winers in this war

Just like everyone else involved, bit!charse dont own Syria. So its not his to destroy. And like he is doing now, and any furhter destruction just goes on to show how much he actually cares for Syria at the first place.

FSA need to be butured by Syrian forces. Not a single one of them should be allowed to escape the punishment.

Good work Russia . You are upholder of Justice.

Georgia called they said u are just full of it. LOL
Without the US, I can't see how Arab states like KSA and Qatar could achieve a military victory in Syria. In Afghanistan, it were American-supplied MANPADs that changed the balance on the battlefield; in Libya it was Western aerial support that brought Qaddafi to its knees, and in Syria, it was the prospect of Western military intervention that would stop Assad's army.

And if Turkey would back down too, IMO Assad would probably regain much of the land he lost.
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