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Breaking: UAE Oil Tanker attacked in Gulf of Oman

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Resilient?!!!! Strong?!!!!! You know I like you more and more day by day but you must change your diet I'm worried about you
Please provide proof/evidence Iran isnt strong or resilient. If you cant prove that(which i can bet money you cant logically), what you said after "Strong?!!!!!" is worthless....

Regarding middle east politics ,Some of you can decide to not like what i say(its your right), but its very hard for you to prove objectively that its incorrect.

Militarily Arabs have lost all wars against Israel, they are pathetic where Saudi couldn't take on Iraq and saddam even though Saudi had bigger and better military, uncle Sam was called in, look at the other Arab got torn apart by USA, army and guts collapsed.

Politically weak as they have no true support of their people, they were planted and are the seed of treachery and just puppets.

Now look at iranic people, brought USSR down, giving uncle Sam hell for 19 years, look at Iran always stood defiant against all odds never bowed to anyone, regime installed by the people, has support of the people.

Now you see the difference?.
Only harsh facts detected.
So when you have no argument left, then follows name calling, anti state, Afghan, Shia, and so on.

Oh by the way it was the iranic people the pukhtoons who got you that bit of kashmir, you never took an inch after that, those same people you call Afghans, ptm, ttp, terrorist, those same people whose blood was worth US dollars for drone attacks.

Wanna go down the ethnic route, a fact and truth filled route, why do you wanna wSh your laundry in public!.

I am not calling you names and don't have problem with you being Shia. I have problem with this codeword 'Iranic' you are using to insinuate Iranian led Shia axis players. It's very obvious you are referring to the Iranian led axis. So once again, I am telling, the Iran led axis did not play any major role in Afghanistan. You guys within the Iran led axis like to insinuate often that you are responsible for USSR/US troubles in Afghanistan and paint it off as some sort of military victory when you had nothing to do with it. It was Sunni Islamists and Pakistan responsible for that. Some countries like Qatar/Iran offered to host talks and that's it.

Iran does not have guts to challenge superpowers. It is exclusively targeting Sunni Arab nations and seeks to spread its tentacles in Arab nations without any confrontation with US or even Israel. I do not have any problem with Afghani people, on contrary they are my Muslims brothers and sisters and I do see 'Afghan' as a demeaning smear.
Iran isnt stupid, this is classic propaganda. Hit your own vessel and blame it on the enemy. Used countless times, from the Japanese to the Americans.
why should i waste my precious mind power giving you evidence(which is easily accesible via google searches and analysis) you will use your confirmation bias to refute or say are false?
Because you know your opinion is biased and false..simple

He says it is unacceptable but asserts Iran should settle this on diplomatic level. Pompeo is jeopardizing Gulf Arab security. Iran will be emboldened by these statements and continue targeting KSA/UAE.
Agreed. Iran is calling US' bluff, and so far, US hasnt done anything militaristic about it. An angry, frustrated Iran with little to lose is ready make enemies feel the pain while it feels it too. A shared problem is a lesser problem.

Iran and Houthis are playing with fire

USA & Arab coalition will have no problems crushing and removing this criminal Iranian regime
Evidence proves you are bluffing and talking theories while reality is different.

Iran is playing with fire and Iran wants US to burn her militarily...stop talking bs.
Lol your country is a begger country that accepted how many IMF bailouts? Also accepts Saudi Money. You should be grateful to that “evil” regime because they bankrolled your nuclear program and give you billions of dollars under the table.

Pakistan users here are even ungrateful to even their “allies” or “masters”. What a joke.
Nahhh..... We will soon abandon your Chabahar port .....wait only 10 years .....
I am not calling you names and don't have problem with you being Shia. I have problem with this codeword 'Iranic' you are using to insinuate Iranian led Shia axis players. It's very obvious you are referring to the Iranian led axis. So once again, I am telling, the Iran led axis did not play any major role in Afghanistan. You guys within the Iran led axis like to insinuate often that you are responsible for USSR/US troubles in Afghanistan and paint it off as some sort of military victory when you had nothing to do with it. It was Sunni Islamists and Pakistan responsible for that. Some countries like Qatar/Iran offered to host talks and that's it.

Iran does not have guts to challenge superpowers. It is exclusively targeting Sunni Arab nations and seeks to spread its tentacles in Arab nations without any confrontation with US or even Israel. I do not have any problem with Afghani people, on contrary they are my Muslims brothers and sisters and I do see 'Afghan' as a demeaning smear.

Another of your assumptions, please either have the decency to apologise or point out where did I say that Iran helped Afghans to defeat USSR.

I said iranic people, you do know pukhtoons, Baloch, tajiks and so on are iranic people, do some research fella.

You didn't answer my question did you take an Inch more of kashmir after the those barbarians, ttp, ptm, terrorists got the slice of kashmir in 48?.
What other outcome did we honestly expect from 40 years of conflicts, sanctions, threats/rumors of war and the like? I believe I told someone here a little while ago that we're rapidly approaching the endgame so to speak.
I don't know to be honest. But I think it is still early for Iran to go down this path. We are not like Israel. They can violate anyone's airspace without being blamed or even pointed finger at. In our case, we are being blamed for things we haven't even done let alone if we really have done it.
India is also our neighbor ....
And as far as Iran
Whatever you do . . Chabahar is going to be abandoned ....
Chabahar cant be abandoned long term because it has 2 advantages:
1) More peaceful and stable than Pakistan
2) REgional countries like India and AFghanistan need it
3) great location.

stop being a hater. without CHina, you wouldnt even have a good Gwadar port...

Like in kabul?
He's talking theory...you understand reality. Leave him alone.
I have said many times on this forum before any Allied Intervention in Iran will follow a similar model to Libya and Kosovo and not the occupation model like that of Afghanistan and Iraq

US + Arab coalition will not send 300,000 + troops to drive straight up to Teheran and take over the place. No, a more smarter strategy from the pentagon will commence in which troops will be used to take over the Iranian persian gulf coast and special forces used to assist local ethnic Arab, Baloch, Azeri and Kurd freedom fighters to take strategic points. The rest of the regimes assets will then be destroyed with air power thus allowing the Iranian people to easily overthrow the despotic mullah regime they have been trying to rid themselves of for over 30 years now
LMAO. you couldnt be more wrong. i'm not ready to destroy your points though.i will in the next few days.
US + Arab coalition will not send 300,000 + troops to drive straight up to Teheran and take over the place. No, a more smarter strategy from the pentagon will commence in which troops will be used to take over the Iranian persian gulf coast and special forces used to assist local ethnic Arab, Baloch, Azeri and Kurd freedom fighters to take strategic points. The rest of the regimes assets will then be destroyed with air power thus allowing the Iranian people to easily overthrow the despotic mullah regime they have been trying to rid themselves of for over 30 years now
Chabahar cant be abandoned long term because it has 2 advantages:
1) More peaceful and stable than Pakistan
2) REgional countries like India and AFghanistan need it
3) great location.

stop being a hater. without CHina, you wouldnt even have a good Gwadar port...

He's talking theory...you understand reality. Leave him alone.
Hahahaha ....
India will has to connect with CEPEC automatically....
No one will use Chabahr when Gawadar will star mark my words ....:-)
The oil tankers which was attacked was japanese and the attack happened while Abe was visiting Iran. What am I missing here?

Is it Iran or US that actually rejected diplomacy? afterall, JCPOA WAS diplomatic and US cancelled it.

Hahahaha ....
India will has to connect with CEPEC automatically....
No one will use Chabahr when Gawadar will star mark my words ....:-)
You live in fantasy land, not the real world. go sleep.
Yemeni people needs to let these houthis go .. accept the legitimate govt and elect the leaders and than call for changes .
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