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Breaking: UAE Oil Tanker attacked in Gulf of Oman

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Iran and Houthis are playing with fire

USA & Arab coalition will have no problems crushing and removing this criminal Iranian regime

And when is OUR Number?

Jab Paroos mein aag lagay gee, to Tapash yahan par bhi ayee gee!
Meray Bachaay! Aram say tum bhi nhi beetho gy!

It is time to get united. By Ruining the entire Muslim World, way is being paved for supremacy of IsraHELL!
India is also our neighbor ....
And as far as Iran
Whatever you do . . Chabahar is going to be abandoned ....
Anyone remember Gulf of Tonkin?

This is fake news by Gulf country’s to get coalition together against Iran after being defeated in Yemen

US is in on it

However Iran’s determination to fight can never be questioned

I am sorry but that's just a bs conspiracy theory

Iran and it's proxy arm the houthis have been launching rocket attacks, bombards and more against Saudi Arabia for years including attacks on both holy sites.

Iran and it's proxies are using the classic Russian fake news narrative that is used in places like Syria. They commit an atrocity and then use past false flags to present a fake narrative that their atrocities were "false flags" as well.
We should try our best to stop these skirmishes if it continues it will jack up oil prices which is bad for our economy and almost all third world economies
World economy is already going down steadily due to Trump's pointless trade ware with China crude per barrel above $150 will surely take it down .
I am sorry but that's just a bs conspiracy theory

Iran and it's proxy arm the houthis have been launching rocket attacks, bombards and more against Saudi Arabia for years including attacks on both holy sites.

Iran and it's proxies are using the classic Russian fake news narrative that is used in places like Syria. They commit an atrocity and then use past false flags to present a fake narrative that their atrocities were "false flags" as well.

Yeah because western countries never do that
I agree with this analysis...a part of me is like ‘come on, get started folks’... but then realisation dawns that this will spell danger for Pakistan too

I hope it does, love to cross taftan hopefully with every Baloch & Pukhtoon who has a pinch of pride and honour, Pakistan doesn't need to take sides, but people can.
Like in kabul?

I have said many times on this forum before any Allied Intervention in Iran will follow a similar model to Libya and Kosovo and not the occupation model like that of Afghanistan and Iraq

US + Arab coalition will not send 300,000 + troops to drive straight up to Teheran and take over the place. No, a more smarter strategy from the pentagon will commence in which troops will be used to take over the Iranian persian gulf coast and special forces used to assist local ethnic Arab, Baloch, Azeri and Kurd freedom fighters to take strategic points. The rest of the regimes assets will then be destroyed with air power thus allowing the Iranian people to easily overthrow the despotic mullah regime they have been trying to rid themselves of for over 30 years now
I have said many times on this forum before any Allied Intervention in Iran will follow a similar model to Libya and Kosovo and not the occupation model like that of Afghanistan and Iraq

US + Arab coalition will not send 300,000 + troops to drive straight up to Teheran and take over the place. No, a more smarter strategy from the pentagon will commence in which troops will be used to take over the Iranian persian gulf coast and special forces used to assist local ethnic Arab, Baloch, Azeri and Kurd freedom fighters to take strategic points. The rest of the regimes assets will then be destroyed with air power thus allowing the Iranian people to easily overthrow the despotic mullah regime they have been trying to rid themselves of for over 30 years now

You are right on some things but US will leave Saudi Arabia to be attacked. No way will US overthrow Iranian regime. It will result in Sunni takeover of region, including Syria and Iraq which is not in their interest or Israel's.


Look, basically US green light to Iran, this is not language used when you are interested in regime change:

Taliban is Sunni Islamist and Pakistan made their successes against USSR possible. Where is Iran coming into this?

Who mentioned Iran?, am a sunni myself, son of a sunni father and sunni mother, son of ghilzai father and ghilzai mother.

It was Afghans who killed and were killed, yes Pakistan helped but help doesn't achieve results, blood and guts do.

If Pakistans help achieved all that then why is that not the case in kashmir, please do enlighten me on that.
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We should try our best to stop these skirmishes if it continues it will jack up oil prices which is bad for our economy and almost all third world economies
World economy is already going down steadily due to Trump's pointless trade ware with China crude per barrel above $150 will surely take it down .
That's your problem not us ....

We have a saying in Persian which simply convey this message :" if there is no profit for me , then I don't let anyone profit from it "

If we can't sell our oil from Persian Gulf , then no one should profit from it
Who mentioned Iran?, am a sunni myself, son of a sunni father and sunni mother, son of ghilzai father and ghilzai mother.

It was Afghans who killed and were killed, yes Pakistan helped but help doesn't achieve results.

If Pakistans help achieved all that then why is that not the case in kashmir, please do enlighten me on that.

I think you are confused kid or Shia or something, Pakistan is responsible for Taliban successes in Afghanistan. Iran played little to no role in that, which you seem to be insinuating. Pakistan has been successful in fending off Indian takeover of parts of Kashmir. It does not need to go farther than that as it risks war with a nuclear armed neighbor.
Your comments about the Arabs being relatively weak and useless politically and militarily are baseless.. can you expend on that with facts and say why you think so.. because it is obviously your own opinion..so enlighten us please..
why should i waste my precious mind power giving you evidence(which is easily accesible via google searches and analysis) you will use your confirmation bias to refute or say are false?
I think you are confused kid or Shia or something, Pakistan is responsible for Taliban successes in Afghanistan. Iran played little to no role in that, which you seem to be insinuating. Pakistan has been successful in fending off Indian takeover of parts of Kashmir. It does not need to go farther than that as it risks war with a nuclear armed neighbor.

So when you have no argument left, then follows name calling, anti state, Afghan, Shia, and so on.

Oh by the way it was the iranic people the pukhtoons who got you that bit of kashmir, you never took an inch after that, those same people you call Afghans, ptm, ttp, terrorist, those same people whose blood was worth US dollars for drone attacks.

Wanna go down the ethnic route, a fact and truth filled route, why do you wanna wash your laundry in public?.
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