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BREAKING : U.S. Seeks to Seize Iranian Fuel Bound for Venezuela

Dariush the Great

Jan 28, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

U.S. federal prosecutors filed suit late Wednesday to seize four tankers-worth of gasoline Iran is sailing to Venezuela, the latest salvo in the administration’s effort to stifle flows of goods and money helping to keep two of its top foes in power.

By filing a civil-forfeiture complaint, U.S. prosecutors aim to not only prevent delivery of the Iranian fuel to Venezuela, which began the journey last month, but also deprive Tehran of the revenues from the cargo and deter future shipments.
Last time those ships were escorted by Iranian Navy frigates so unless they are ready for military confrontation they should go forth half cocked.
Last time those ships were escorted by Iranian Navy frigates so unless they are ready for military confrontation they should go forth half cocked.
If they are escorted by Iranian naval ships I don't think the seizure would occur ... the last thing the US needs to do is to go to war with Iran right now.
Their 5th fleet is our hostage here. So they can't do anything wrong. Americans in Persian Gulf will be toasts. This is not 80s when USA shot down a passanger plane and then got away with it with lame excuses.
Their 5th fleet is our hostage here. So they can't do anything wrong. Americans in Persian Gulf will be toasts. This is not 70s when USA shot down a passanger plane and then got away with it with lame excuses.
What can Iran do the US military that the US military cannot do to Iran? Are you really crazy enough to suggest the Iranian navy can hold the 5th fleet hostage?
They can seek but can't seize as ships are sailing in the international waters and Iran can do the same. Last thing Trump needs hostage situation before elections like the Carter failed presidency.
What can Iran do the US military that the US military cannot do to Iran? Are you really crazy enough to suggest the Iranian navy can hold the 5th fleet hostage?
Why bringing Iranian navy into your theory?

IRGC missile Force is completely capable of shaking earth beneath their feet. Iranian navy can help them to collect dead bodies of American swines in Persian Gulf.
Why bringing Iranian navy into your theory?

IRGC missile Force is completely capable of shaking earth beneath their feet. Iranian navy can help them to collect dead bodies of American swines in Persian Gulf.

There is a subtle point here.

A few guys have filed a lawsuit for that. This means nothing. There will be a schedule to meet the judge and then a decision will be made in a few months. The decision will not be abiding by US navy anyway.

I can also file a lawsuits to seize Iranian ships tomorrow. All I need is to fill the papers. It may make it to the news too.
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There is a subtle point here.

A few guys have filed a lawsuits for that. This means nothing. There will be a schedule to meet the judge and then a decision will be made in a few months. The decision will not be abiding by US navy anyway.

I can also file a lawsuits to seize Iranian ships tomorrow. All I need is to fill the papers. It may make it to the news too.
Thanks for clarifying it.

Iranian navy can do the same without needing to shoot a Single Bullet. They know that They are backed by IRGC in case of worst scenario.
This is literally insane,did nobody think to tell the chump-in-chief that far,far more us shipping travels through the persian gulf and iranian controlled waters than iranian shipping travels through us controlled waters.
Playing at high seas piracy didnt work out to well for the west the last time the brits tried it on us orders.
This is what happens when you allow a literal chump with the mentality of a not very intelligent young child who cannot stand to lose at childrens board games ie snakes and ladders,to become president of the usa.
as i can remember every single tanker has it's own naval commando units, even if they try to seize the ships there will be confrontation and possibly causalities. that means declaration of war.
however it's just a rhetoric nothing will happen, just like the last time.
Modern day piracy by America....

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