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BREAKING : U.S. Seeks to Seize Iranian Fuel Bound for Venezuela

What can Iran do the US military that the US military cannot do to Iran? Are you really crazy enough to suggest the Iranian navy can hold the 5th fleet hostage?

The empire is a house of cards without any resilience, that’s where it will fail. I believe this empire is done. And Iran shud hit the US hard with impunity

The empire is a house of cards without any resilience, that’s where it will fail. I believe this empire is done. And Iran shud hit the US hard with impunity

Bully talked a big game. America doesn’t know how many enemies it has made. The country is divided , just as it’s used to dividing and conquering Muslim countries on tribal or ethnic lines. It’s society is done. Covid 19 has broken its back. It’s only an accident away from a total civil war. States breaking apart from federal governance. I believe US will become just as the Movie V for Vendetta predicts it to be. It will divide itself to bits. The are just taking out the confederates legacy at the moment. Soon they will start ripping off the United States legacy itself and turn It into tens of small independent midget states. Iran, Russia, China are waiting like hungry beasts to rip it along with whole of EU and its weak *** military apart. Good luck but US have no future.
Amazing the USN gone in 15 minutes.:lol:
I’m guessing a barrage of BM’s,CM’s and rockets. Day turned into night by thousands of missiles streaming towards the hapless sailors on the doomed carrier. Is this your fantasy?

First, no you will not find the fleet in the Persian gulf - not during imminent hostilities.

The Chinese have the same idea and yet we roam free in the South China seas. Don’t get me wrong if anyone can pull it off then it is the Chinese. They have more Dong Fengs, with more payload and maneuvering warhead. They have OTH, space based assets and an array of sub surface sensors.

But tell me more, in you fantasy does Iran have long range ISR capabilities, you do realize that your missiles need targets - right? Tell me about Iranian Satellites or high altitude IMINT,SIGINT and MASINT?
Or is Iran counting on its massive fleet of speed boats to cover thousands of miles of open ocean in the hopes of finding the fleet?

Attacking a stationary target, sure all you need are the coordinates.
But highly mobile targets at sea - how is Iran going to find them and track them in real time? Drones? Unlikely the USN will tolerate the presence of Iranian drones around the fleet during times of hostilities.

And then there is the question of guidance? I assume Beidou and Glosnoss for navigation and optical, IR or radar guidance for the terminal phase? Do you really believe the USN have no means to disrupt, decoy, deny or destroy incoming threats? I’m fascinated by Iranian confidence and I wonder if it is warranted?

Also, It is unclear why you assume that the attack on Iran will come from the seas?

Please don’t cite Al Asad - a stationary target plus a free hit for a US wrong doing(illegal assassination).

I’ve said this before the last thing I want is a war with Iran. Please don’t start something because you and your compatriots underestimate the US. Your claim of 15 minute destruction of the fifth fleet sure has me worried about future missteps.

Like it or not, Alassad is a show of power of Iranian guidance versus US jamming and electronic defense from air and ground. US planes were roaming over Iraqi sky. Iran managed to eavesdrop the jammers and they were initially confident that they will jam every single missile.

Many cellular phones of the local people were burnt after the Alassad. Guess why? Electromagnetic pulses of the US jammers which were all in vain. Amazing how far they went to defend the base.

Although the ships can move, the basics of electronic counter defense and jamming from air and ground stays the same. It would be misery if they can only count on their relocation to save their life.

This is not likely a comment that makes you happy but one that makes you informed.

What happens in real life is no more a fantasy.


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That was exactly the point of my comment, that the US would not keep its assets in the Persian Gulf due to the vulnerabilities of their fleet.

Persian Gulf is relatively small thus no need for overly complicated sensor arrays.
Minus using its sea based assets, how else would the US attempt to wage any sorties against Iran?

The USN does not need to enter the Strait of Hormuz to support operations against Iran.
Also, the US has 29 bases around Iran to support offensive operation. Not counting bases in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan or potential staging areas in Israel, Turkey or Pakistan.


However, understand it is getting there quickly. 3000km ranged OTH radar is near/already completed and IRGC has started its spy satellite launches.

OTH radar is exclusively for long range detection useless for tracking and guiding missiles. Iran has a long way to go before she is able to launch a meaningful payload into space.
If that were to happen ...


As for this US ability to disrupt Iranian missiles, lets put the lack of evidence aside. Minus jamming satellite guidance, US cannot deal with these other forms of Iranian systems used to correct missile trajectory.

Says who? Just because you don't know about defensive measures it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Read about IAMD Integrated Air and Missile Defense, read about DEW ,HPM, HEL and a hundred other alphabet soup of acronyms. Not to mention AEGIS and the SPY-6 AESA radar so powerful that it can jam a transmitter on the moon. Read about NULKA, active decoys better still watch this video.

The US Navy has been preparing for SWARM attacks from the 80's starting with supersonic sea skimming Soviet missiles combined with a barrage of ballistic missiles. If all fails the speed and maneuverability of US Navy ships even lumbering aircraft carriers will shock you and in most cases a last resort evasive hail Mary is surprisingly effective and well proven in the battle of midway.


ah! yes the classic Iranian response :lol:
What is LRSAM?

I dont think f18s would be carrying Long Range Surface to Air Missiles,in fact thats generally what you`d use to take down an f18.o_O
I think you might`ve got your weapon acronyms mixed up there buddy.
Maybe you meant the JASSM-ER instead,eh?....:smart:

Its one of these.....

Long Range Surface to Air Missile
Not the sort of thing an f18 can carry for pretty obvious reasons tho...[LOL!]

To begin, lets clarify that F-18's do not carry SAMs; SAM stand for Surface to Air Missiles. Thinking about a conflict, one has to remember that in war, you do not have to fight like with like. In other words, you do not have to deal with the American navy using your own conventional navy. You devise your own tactics to get the job done. Think of it this way, if you have to engage in combat with someone who you knew was a professional boxer, would you fight them in a boxing manner? of course not. You do not fight in a manner they have the upper hand in.

Let me reveal something simple to you that you may find hard to understand. If the Americans would be foolish enough to leave their 5th fleet in the Persian Gulf in case of a conflict, their entire fleet would be disabled in 15 minutes. This is just focusing on Iran's anti-ship ballistic missiles. I do not even need to bring in the 1000s of cruise missiles, UAVs, mines, etc.

Real world conflicts do not mirror what you see in Hollywood.

Kid, why are you making a joke of we Pakistanis here and making theories like the Indians and Bollywood do

F18 with LRSAMs Looll...

Iranian bros, pls, we aren't born with such Indian IQ. We're your neighbors.
Its actually LRASM. Sorry
It amazes me how many Pakistanis worship the US....even after all the bombings of Pakistan...truely sad
Well US has superior technology of all the Countries
We have developed the required weapons and Technologies to counter them especially in Persian Gulf, they abide with Iran’s orders.

I invite you to have a look at Iranian missiles/drones/SpaceProgram threads and also follow @Philosopher threads in order to become familiar with Iranian military capabilities.
Typical American response!

Two of your giant cans (USS Harry S. Truman & French Charles de Gaulle) were present at the scene too when your marines were holding their hands up.

So let me correct your number, 260000 horsepower + zero guts.

Same typical American after realizing the correct number:
It amazes me how many Pakistanis worship the US....even after all the bombings of Pakistan...truely sad

Only some. NOT all or even many. Outside of this forum, overwhelmingly MOST in real life don't even mildly support US (you can google surveys on this).
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The USN does not need to enter the Strait of Hormuz to support operations against Iran.
Also, the US has 29 bases around Iran to support offensive operation. Not counting bases in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan or potential staging areas in Israel, Turkey or Pakistan.


Lets remember this discussion was about a conflict in the Persian Gulf and not outside of it. Anyway, those bases around Iran are nigh useless as they will be targeted and destroyed very quickly. As for your fleet, you need to realise that the further they are pushed due to Iran's A2/AD capability, the less able they will be to perform any meaningful sorties.

OTH radar is exclusively for long range detection useless for tracking and guiding missiles. Iran has a long way to go before she is able to launch a meaningful payload into space.
If that were to happen ...

OTH radars are just one example. As for satellites, it's best for you to wait and see. Iran launched its first satellite in 2009. This current slow rate was not just to technical issues but political. Give it a couple of years and you'll see Iran launching much heavier satellites.

Says who? Just because you don't know about defensive measures it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Read about IAMD Integrated Air and Missile Defense, read about DEW ,HPM, HEL and a hundred other alphabet soup of acronyms. Not to mention AEGIS and the SPY-6 AESA radar so powerful that it can jam a transmitter on the moon. Read about NULKA, active decoys better still watch this video.

Those defensive measures are not for what I stated, i.e inertial systems. I am going by what you have openly. If we want to start talking about potential secrets weapons then this discussion will go down a path that will not be constructive.

The US Navy has been preparing for SWARM attacks from the 80's starting with supersonic sea skimming Soviet missiles combined with a barrage of ballistic missiles.

Even if we were kind enough to assume your ships defences will have a 100% success rate against an incoming project (which is a fantasy) its defences will be saturated. In reality, I doubt those defences could properly defend against a single MaRV from a ballistic missile.

If all fails the speed and maneuverability of US Navy ships even lumbering aircraft carriers will shock you and in most cases a last resort evasive hail Mary is surprisingly effective and well proven in the battle of midway.

Such a thing will not really be effective against missile with terminal homing capability. There is only so much you can do to protect such large and vulnerable ships.
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