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BREAKING : U.S. Seeks to Seize Iranian Fuel Bound for Venezuela

Lets remember this discussion was about a conflict in the Persian Gulf and not outside of it. Anyway, those bases around Iran are nigh useless as they will be targeted and destroyed very quickly. As for your fleet, you need to realise that the further they are pushed due to Iran's A2/AD capability, the less able they will be to perform any meaningful sorties.

OTH radars are just one example. As for satellites, it's best for you to wait and see. Iran launched its first satellite in 2009. This current slow rate was not just to technical issues but political. Give it a couple of years and you'll see Iran launching much heavier satellites.

Those defensive measures are not for what I stated, i.e inertial systems. I am going by what you have openly. If we want to start talking about potential secrets weapons then this discussion will go down a path that will not be constructive.

Even if we were kind enough to assume your ships defences will have a 100% success rate against an incoming project (which is a fantasy) its defences will be saturated. In reality, I doubt those defences could properly defend against a single MaRV from a ballistic missile.

Such a thing will not really be effective against missile with terminal homing capability. There is only so much you can do to protect such large and vulnerable ships.

Ok Iran is going to destroy all US bases in the world, destroy the US fleet. You and your fellow country men can resume the circle jerk of Iran the almighty, omnipotent destroyer of Ameerka and joos.

I’m out:tup:
Ok Iran is going to destroy all US bases in the world, destroy the US fleet. You and your fellow country men can resume the circle jerk of Iran the almighty, omnipotent destroyer of Ameerka and joos.

I’m out:tup:

The only problem here is, that was not what I had stated. Are you familiar with a concept known as a "straw-man argument"? That is what you are proposing above. I'll invite you to re-read my statements again and carefully. Details matter here.
The only problem here is, that was not what I had stated. Are you familiar with a concept known as a "straw-man argument"? That is what you are proposing above. I'll invite you to re-read my statements again and carefully. Details matter here.
Good to see that you are controlling this troll @dbc beating him up with your Logic. Proud of having you in this forum brother. Keep quoting, im One of your proud followers.
The only problem here is, that was not what I had stated. Are you familiar with a concept known as a "straw-man argument"? That is what you are proposing above. I'll invite you to re-read my statements again and carefully. Details matter here.

You started your post with Iran is going to destroy all US bases in the region. It tells me you and your ilk are seriously out of touch with reality.
You started your post with Iran is going to destroy all US bases in the region. It tells me you and your ilk are seriously out of touch with reality.

This is what you said in your last post:

Ok Iran is going to destroy all US bases in the world

You go from the "world" to the "region". Those are not interchangeable. That is why I said focus on the details of our discussion.

Of course Iran can destroy all the US bases in the region. That is not exactly a leap of faith. What do you think the attack on your base in Iraq was about? It was a message to the level of accuracy Iran can target these facilities if it choses to. Now extrapolate that attack to a wider scale. If this is being "out of touch" with reality, then I suppose you have a distorted definition of reality.

Moreover, are your own defence officials and analysts out of touch with reality as well? Here is a watered down assessment by your own analysts (written before the attack on your airbase occurred):

Iranian coastal defenses would likely render the entire Persian Gulf off limits to U.S. Navy warships. Iran’s advanced surface-to-air missile defenses would be a significant threat to U.S. pilots. And Iran’s arsenal of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles put U.S military installations across the U.S. Central Command region at risk. The cost in U.S. casualties could be high.


Read between the lines.
Of course Iran can destroy all the US bases in the region. That is not exactly a leap of faith. What do you think the attack on your base in Iraq was about? It was a message to the level of accuracy Iran can target these facilities if it choses to. Now extrapolate that attack to a wider scale. If this is being "out of touch" with reality, then I suppose you have a distorted definition of reality.

No Iran can’t destroy US bases in the region.I told you Al-Asad was a free hit for a US wrongdoing.
The US was informed of the attack, the US tracked each projectile as it left its launcher. A formation of F-35s and space based assets provided enough data to compute impact points as the projectile reached its apogee.
We used this information to avoid fatalities. The last thing the US wants is the Iranian regime being overthrown by public rage over Soleimani‘s assassination so the US let Iran take ‘revenge’.

In a war with the US, Iran cannot render these bases inoperable. Iran does not have enough rockets or pay load to do meaningful damage. These bases are defended by an Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System, there is plenty of information about the IBCS online go educate yourself.
No Iran can’t destroy US bases in the region.

Not only can it destroy those bases, there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

I told you Al-Asad was a free hit for a US wrongdoing.

These excuses are getting rather tiresome.

The US was informed of the attack, the US tracked each projectile as it left its launcher. A formation of F-35s and space based assets provided enough data to compute impact points as the projectile reached its apogee.We used this information to avoid fatalities. The last thing the US wants is the Iranian regime being overthrown by public rage over Soleimani‘s assassination so the US let Iran take ‘revenge’.

Now this is what sounds like a fantasy. What really happened is Iran warned Iraq which warned your base, your people attempted to take precaution, however 100's were still injured. This sci-fi claims of F-35s providing data and information is something you should leave for your movies.

In a war with the US, Iran cannot render these bases inoperable. Iran does not have enough rockets or pay load to do meaningful damage.

Now you are just inventing strange ad hoc theories to fit your narrative. Iran has 1000's of missile ready to fire alone. As for them not being the payload to do meaningful damage, what would you describe happened to your air base?:

These bases are defended by an Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System, there is plenty of information about the IBCS online go educate yourself.

Sorry but we judge your claims in practise. We can see how useful your systems were in protecting Abqaiq for example. There is a large gulf of difference between how your missile defences perform in real life vs their claims on paper.
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That article is full of hubris

'Yeah, were just gonna do this and that, and were going to insert SOF here and there, no problems'

That's is why you read between the lines. They very rarely break out of the fantasy and Hollywood-esque way of thinking to comment fully rationally.
Not only can it destroy those bases, there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

Give me a break please, these excuses are getting tiresome.

Now this is what sounds like a fantasy. What really happened is Iran warned Iraq which earned your base, your people attempted to taken precaution however 100's were still injured. This sci-fi claims of F-35s providing data and information is something you should leave for your movies.

Now you are just inventing strange ad hoc theories to fit your narrative. Iran has 1000's of missile ready to fire alone. As for them not being the payload to do meaningful damage, what would you describe what happened to your air base:

Sorry but we judge your claims in practise. We can see how useful your systems were in protecting Abqaiaq for example. You missile defence capabilities are mostly hot air from the real evidence so far.

I leave you to your delusions. Good day.
That's is why you read between the lines. They very rarely break out of the fantasy and Hollywood-esque way of thinking to comment fully rationally.

Yeah I know, but still, it's like they have a very hard time to admit that a victory is impossible. If i were one of those commanders I would decline such an interview
I leave you to your delusions. Good day.

Ok Iran is going to destroy all US bases in the world, destroy the US fleet. You and your fellow country men can resume the circle jerk of Iran the almighty, omnipotent destroyer of Ameerka and joos.

I’m out:tup:
pathetic given that your a supposed "think tank". your conduct was borderline trolling here.

first you come and make big claims that Iran has no chance against the US... just because "omgz its the US!!"

then you are given step by step details on Iranian weapons and systems that could very logically devastate american forces in Irans region...

and instead of disputing any facts, you act like a 10 year old child. either defend your position like man. or dont comment at all and make yourself look like fool.
pathetic given that your a supposed "think tank". your conduct was borderline trolling here.

first you come and make big claims that Iran has no chance against the US... just because "omgz its the US!!"

then you are given step by step details on Iranian weapons and systems that could very logically devastate american forces in Irans region...

and instead of disputing any facts, you act like a 10 year old child. either defend your position like man. or dont comment at all and make yourself look like fool.
funny that a senior member like philosopher washed that guy and hung him to dry with pure facts.
who the hell made that guy ''think tank analyst'' ? LMAO
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