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Breaking: Three Indian Soldiers killed on LOC

Indian bunkers destroyed, posts destroyed but Indian death figures never exceed two in a single incident.

we are man enough to accept 7 or 4 sacrifices in a single day.

So go head give us an official count of how many soldiers you have lost this year on LOC?
according to Indian government only 5 Indian soldiers died this year.


That is of Army in LC zone. Some BSF posts were hit hard, in one particular case, we had 4 KIAs and 9 injured (that I am aware of - occurred in Machchil Sector in October end in a cross LC raid). Those figures have to be collated.

Secondly, the number killed by sniper fire/BAT actions, will come under the head of Terrorist related deaths.So collate that and you will have some figure.
Is there some comprehension problem?
I thought, I asked you for your official casualty numbers.

I am sure ISPR must have told you, that , since they also happen to "know" Indian casualties.
not giving combine numbers is better than lying to whole nation like your government and army.

only 5 dead in 2017. funny Indians.

Is there some comprehension problem?
I thought, I asked you for your official casualty numbers.

I am sure ISPR must have told you, that , since they also happen to "know" Indian casualties.
our army have released all figures at the end of year until 2016.
all figures will be released again at the end of this year too.

That is of Army in LC zone. Some BSF posts were hit hard, in one particular case, we had 4 KIAs and 9 injured (that I am aware of - occurred in Machchil Sector in October end in a cross LC raid). Those figures have to be collated.

Secondly, the number killed by sniper fire/BAT actions, will come under the head of Terrorist related deaths.So collate that and you will have some figure.
nice excuse.
even after the figure 4675 you still believe your government and are trying to cover them.


9 soldiers killed in 10 days but total casualties in 2017 is 5.
What nonsense. We have never denied the death of jaydrath. Does it prove the death of 3 soldiers? Dumb people do not know what can be quoted as reference.

It proves whatever. just keep count of deaths that are being reported in your media and doesn't waste our time here with your bullsh!t.
What nonsense. We have never denied the death of jaydrath. Does it prove the death of 3 soldiers? Dumb people do not know what can be quoted as reference.

Still waiting for those 100 names you say you can give us , so we can confirm if they die or not .. what a shameless creature you are still hanging around here, despite been caught lying numerous times .. as Oscar describe you guys correctly , low life Cheap Call center bharties .. no shame no honor
Still waiting for those 100 names you say you can give us , so we can confirm if they die or not .. what a shameless creature you are still hanging around here, despite been caught lying numerous times .. as Oscar describe you guys correctly , low life Cheap Call center bharties .. no shame no honor
Whole world knows who are low life cheap unfit for even call center and shameless people.
I had told to give 100 names of Pakistani soldiers. You told them toilet less. You are a shame on your country..

Still waiting for 100 names if you don't have them , don't have to open your mouth speaking sh!t , before some Mod will show you your place ...

@WebMaster Please take care of that Lying bharti .. his claims are busted and still trolling on this thread
Still waiting for 100 names if you don't have them , don't have to open your mouth speaking sh!t , before some Mod will show you your place ...

@WebMaster Please take care of that Lying bharti .. his claims are busted and still trolling on this thread
You should be banned for insulting your own soldiers.
You should be banned for insulting your own soldiers.

Thing is an Indian should be the last person to say this, the amount of Sh!t your Indians spread on every Decent threads is unmatched, no wonder you have no Toilets in India and as you all Sh!t on Internet/forums ..
I am sorry I missed your quote (somehow did not get a notification of same) amongst the useless rants flying off here, so delayed response.

My indication is that there is a deliberate targeting using guided munition to limit collateral damages. However, due to the density of population on either side, the inadvertent civil casualties do occur.

And yes, broadly speaking, you are right.

As you are aware, there are alternate sites for any post/bunkers. With what I know of PA bunkers and IA bunkers, the probability of sure kills is lesser than injuries (both grievous/non-grievous), hence the figures of kills may usually be exaggerated.

But we have the Comptroller of Defence Accounts giving terminal benefits to the Next of Kin of KIAs and the respective State Governments doing the same too. Hence, on Indian side, any KIA is very difficult to hide, hence the Army will give out it's casualty figures, maybe in a gap, as either way, everything is in public domain and comes out sooner than later.

So, if you come to know that IA has admitted loss of four soldiers, you can take it to be true. Rest, read as the typical propaganda either side indulges in.

In the post Uri scenario, there have been significant casualties on either side, but the ratio of firepower being used to actual casualties, is surprisingly poor. Additionally, most of the casualties (almost 85-90%) in post-Uri LC duels, have been in the injured categories, due to better survivability due to better protection provided by alternate sites/defensive structures.

On either side, the concretised bunkers with Steel reinforced plates on top and over 18-24 inches sand/sandbags, can ensure 100% survivability of the troops inside in direct hit by 155 mm shell too. But, an ATGM which is able to enter through the fire slit, will achieve a kill rate.

Hence, when people here talk of casualties, one has to understand the volume of firepower that must have been poured over it, to achieve it.

Thanks for the the detailed reply.
I guess you are an exmil and perhaps have served in this region. Therefore, you have much better understanding of the ground realities than many here.

I have a question. Looking at the LOC and Kashmir crisis as a symptom, what do you think is the root cause of the disease afflicting the mindset of planners on both sides of the Radcliffe line.

What we are told here is that India has always been a hegemon and would not take a moment extra if presented with the opportunity to do fatal harm to Pakistan. Two predators can never cohabit the same hunting ground after all (or may be one is predator and other its prey). I guess the narrative on your side (or at least the one that has been build and sold recently) is that we have fundos in our higher ups and they can never think beyond preparing for a certain war of eschatological dimension that is yet to come. Meanwhile, they continue with their 1000 cuts policy. Hence, the need to be on the offensive to actively engage and get finished with the problem (us).

Also in your personal opinion what could be an amicable solution to this festering problem which has kept us back (definitely Pakistan) from realizing our true potential and developing as two modern nations that are respected globally.
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